9. The next step

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Janette was busy in the kitchen, cooking food for her and her cousin. She didn't show it but she was scared. She hid things from her Ailey that she never did before.  She has to do that as she was scared to lose Aileen, her only family. She wished Cosette was there.  She was regretting giving her word to that old goblin to perform in the upcoming ceremony in their Kingdom. Only if she knew what was waiting for them later.  In college, when her lab was over, she went to the library directly. The time she was passing the locker room, a cold hand grabbed her hand and she was pulled inside that place.  She was extremely shocked to see one of the Vampire Prince there standing, staring at her coldly.  Before she could escape from that place, he blocked her way and began asking things about their motives for coming to their Northland.  No matter how much she told him that they had no ulterior motive in coming there, he didn't believe in her, instead, he began blaming her, accusing her of the things she has never done before in her life.  He threatened her in a maniac tone, "If you do anything to this land to hurt my people, trust me, I will give a painful death to you and that human. Oh, I don't have to do anything to her. Do you know why?"  Her eyes widened to hear the next thing from Knox who said smirking to her, "We have a group of vampires behind her. In our one signal, she will be dead in an instant. If you don't believe in me, you can see that yourself, don't you? After all, you are a witch. If you don't want to use your power, then I have no problem in showing that to you."  She didn't check on it as she could sense seriousness in his tone.  She couldn't help beg him. "No, please don't do this to her. There have many humans and wolves who stay here in this land. Why are you treating us in this way? We didn't even do anything to anyone here," We don't hurt anyone for no reason. She wanted to tell him that, but he was not ready to listen to her. He spat at her, "Because we don't trust anyone of you. You may go anywhere for continuing your studies. Why did you come here at the time of the ceremony in our Kingdom? Well, we will know that soon,"  Remembering their college incident, made her shudder as chills ran down her spine.  The threats she got from the youngest Prince, Knox, made her cut her finger accidentally in her kitchen.  She hissed in pain, was about to keep her finger under the water tap in the sink, she gasped in shock when she was turned around harshly and her finger disappeared in the creature's mouth to whom she was remembering and trembling in fear of the threats he gave to her about her cousin, her only family, Aileen.  She felt disgusted and snatched her hand away from his grasp. She felt dizzy a little, but held herself back and leaned her back against the kitchen slab. She was frightened by him for tasting her blood like that.  "W-what are you doing here?" She was looking here and there to see if Aileen was there.  The way his eyes color was changing from green to pitch black, she knew his beast was on the surface.  She lifted her hand and uttered something in her mind. Seeing her doing that, Knox knew Janette was casting a spell protecting herself before he could attack her. Only he wished he could do that to her. "I come here to give you a chance to confess the truth to me." He stated to her calmly. "Tell me the name of the person who sent you two here. If you tell that to me now, I will assure your safety here forever," He looked truthful when he told that to her, but she knew better by them Knox was the most cunning and manipulative prince among the three vampires. "How many times do I have to tell you this to make you believe in me?" She became frustrated with him. "We come to star over and live in peace. But I think peace doesn't exist in this freaking land." Why, Ailey? Why did you have to accept that challenge with them?  "You are not going to admit it then," He seethed to her. "Then prepare yourself to face the consequences- " Enough is enough. Janette, the sweet girl has had enough of his threats. "Go ahead and do whatever you want. I'm done with you," It's time to take her girls' advice and fight back. You think I am the weakest one, right? Let's show you what power I am holding in my hand to destroy your kind, Prince Knox.  "Do you know what power I got the time I was born?" Knox looked at her in confusion.  He had to take a few steps in his back when Jane brought her two hands in the front and flames of fire put out in her hands. She smirked at him coldly, saying, "This is what I have been hiding within me since my childhood. Even Aileen doesn't know it. If I want it, I might have done a lot in these few days, right?"  Knox looked frightened by the sight of her. He didn't expect of seeing that side of her in that way.  Her eyes were glinting in mischief as she said, "I hope you will not bother me- " He flinched when she gestured of throwing flame of fire toward him, saying with an evil laughter, " -again."  Knox thought she was innocent and naive. Who knew she was a wolf in a sheep's skin.  The most ridiculous fact was that she was actually a wolf. Everything about that little girl makes him scared and aroused beyond his belief. He wished he didn't taste her blood to stop her from bleeding. He never tasted that delicious blood ever in his life. He wasn't sure who's in trouble between them the more.  ~ ~ ~  Meanwhile, Aileen was disgusted by him and herself. She hated the sight of him.  No one ever disrespected her this way, but he did. It was not his fault, but her too. She let him use her.  Her body betrayed her.  She has learned a lesson and to remind herself that she made a mistake in giving in, she knew what she needed to do after that incident in her room. Lust is a dangerous sin. Like everyone else, she gave in to it.  "Now you want me to leave!" He spat on her. "Do you want me to remind you what we did before? The way you melted in my single touch, and then your scream in ecstasy, telling me to do that again and again..." "Stop it," She yelled at him. She didn't want to remember that scene anymore. She would hate herself for acting like that. She gazed at him angrily, told him coldly, "Leave now. Don't ever come to this place again," Keiran's enraged. He pinched her waist, asking through his teeth, "Why do you want me to stop now? Does he know of you being with several men behind his back? I have never seen a shameless girl like you." Her heart pierced in his blunt remark. She still didn't let a tear escape her eyes. Whatever she is, she doesn't need to know that from a person she just met two days ago.  She held her ground, shot him back, "Even after knowing this fact about me so well, why were you so impatient to go inside me? Are you lacking in w.hores in your castle, prince? They at least know what they are doing. What about you? Do you think you are suitable to be the next ruler of this kingdom?"  Her words hurt his ego. No one ever dared to lift a finger at him and this girl! How dare she?  Before he could say anything, Aileen pushed him away from her, saying after giving a cold smirk to him, "I don't care who you are. If you hurt me once, I will return the same favor to you twice hard." "Go ahead and do whatever you want, prince Keiran. The time I find you crossing your limit, that day will be the end of your good days. Now get out of here. And don't expect me to come to you for the sake of my cousin because - " Tilting her head, she spat on his face, " - I'm not scared of you or anyone of your kind,"  They both were standing under the shower, staring at each other in pure rage. Aileen didn't care about her nakedness. He has already seen everything of her and there has nothing different than those women he was being with before. She was not shameless, but he was. If anyone of them who needed to learn manners was him, not her. She hated him to her core for having no value for a woman in his heart.  Keiran was mad at her. But mostly he regretted calling her names. He knew she was a virgin.  He was with many women before... and by seeing the reaction she gave him after her first o.rgasm, it didn't take much time for him to know that was her first o.rgasm and he didn't know why, but he was glad to know she was untouched and he was the only one who touched her like that under the shower.  Everything was going well.  Her melting in his arms, and how responsive she was under his touch...  Him lusting over her alluring beauty and pulling her in a passionate kiss...  He wouldn't have told those things to her if she didn't stop him by hurting his ego. It irked him to his core to see her feeling disgusted for giving in to him and letting him touch her in the way she didn't let her boyfriend touch her before. That same look appeared in her eyes again that irritates him the most.  Her staring at her with a frown on her face, making him feel like trash. How dare she look at me like that? Doesn't she know me, my identity? Is she blaming me for her giving in to me now? His jaw clenched in anger. No one. No one has the right to look at him in that way. She better learn that for her own good.  Aileen thought he would leave her, but she was wrong. Her eyes enlarged when he pulled her toward him and crashed his lips against her. She was trying to get away from him, but before she could, she gasped when she felt like about to slip on the floor, and to stop herself from falling she had to hold his jacket for her dear life. He took that as an opportunity and shoved his tongue inside her, gave her a rough kiss.  The time he left her, she was completely breathless. Gritting her teeth, she lifted her head, was about to give a slap on his face, he was fast to stop her and turned her around and her back bumped into his hard chest. "Don't you dare to move," He warned her, in which she stopped struggling? Her face paled to feel his erection poking her butt. Gazing his lips on her exposed neck, he murmured, "I am sorry."  She froze and frowned deeply to hear that coming from his mouth. "I told that in anger. You will never get to hear that from me again," She was confused. His word did affect her well, but she was not the one who forget things so easily. To make herself remind this day, she knew what she was going to do with herself.  ~ ~ ~ "Are you sure?" Cosette looked worried. She's feeling that the sisters hiding something from her.  Aileen nodded and fixed her fighting outfit, saying stiffly, "I need to be in practice. It is about time anyway. This will be better for me to go back to my old self," The demoness looked at her thoroughly and nodded.  She led Aileen inside a chamber near the entrance of hell, to the part where Aileen used to take training from demons in a field near a river, or on the island, or the desert. That was a magical place built by witches and fairy court queens ages ago. That was a place where all creatures take their fighting training.  Aileen needed that. It will take a lot to bear with those deadly creatures.  She took that decision to let her body know who was in control. The more pain she will bear, her mind will remind her about this training and her body will automatically lose its heat and come into her control.  "You ready, Aileen?"  In the demoness's question, she nodded and they stepped into the world of mysteriously deadly demons. 
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