5. Bloodied Creature

2100 Words
"Where did you disappear?" Janette asked with a frown on her face. The three were lying on their own bed with their eyes fixed on the ceiling. The time Janette came to know she was lured by Lust, she couldn't help scolding herself mentally. She stared at the real Cameron for a while, trying to see if she was attracted to the same person who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, flirting with her knowingly.  When Cosette told her she was going to look for Aileen, she didn't stop a second to run behind the demoness, pleading to take her with her. She was anxious and worried about her cousin and that's why she didn't wait any longer before joining them only to stop by when she saw Aileen was entering the canteen.  They didn't waste a second before leaving for their dorm room to take some rest for a few hours.  Janette was waiting for the answer but got none. She looked at Aileen and saw her staring at Cosette, looking back and forth from Janette to Aileen and continue... They both were in the confusion about to whom Janette asked that question as they both went missing before and after their dinner.  Janette groaned in frustration and snapped, "I am asking both of you. May I know the reason now?"  Cosette said dryly, "I went to meet a relative who stays here,"  "And I went for a walk," Aileen told with a shrug that she usually does.  Both of them were hiding things from Janette not wanting to give me more stress. Janette believed them and fell asleep. "Night," The demoness said with a yawn and fell asleep except for Aileen who was still awake. In her mind, that pair of light green eyes flicker golden to red. His eyes hold mystery and she can't get why she always drown in his eyes and about the pull she feels whenever she locks her eyes with his.  She saw him the time she returned to the canteen with the three vampires. She again fell it the second of their encounter, the same pull, but she ignored it as soon as she remembered the way he behaved with her. No, she will never accept that kind of behavior of his no matter how powerful a prince or an upcoming king he is in the Northland. She wasn't scared of him. He was nothing to her. Let's ignore him.  The next day after their college, they all left. Aileen was preparing potions with Janette to the place where Cosette took them for their practice. Aileen was born in a family where she was raised with her witch aunt who taught her witchcraft with Janette and her werewolf uncle who taught them fighting techniques. She was glad that she got to learn that from them. She will use them whenever it would be needed.  "Hey, Jane. Wanna go to buy food with me? I am hungry now,"  The demoness said before popping on a stool away from their experimental objects and potions. She was bored to see the sisters were doing the same thing over hours and didn't mean to stop anytime soon.  Jane said frowning, "Why? Don't you have a freezer here? I believe you may see something there- " Cosette spat, "I did check that, but found none. Let's bring something here from the best restaurant nearby. Come with me, Janey," The demoness purred to swoon the witch, but she was reluctant.  "Why don't you take Ailey? She will - " Cutting her off, Cosette sneered, "If you give her leaves for food, she will eat that. No matter how many dishes you keep near her, she will not touch them except for the water. Why is she so weird, Janey?" Aileen pressed her lips in a thin line. She began stirring inside a cattle on the oven.  She didn't react to the demoness's accusation of her food. It is the way she grew up with Jane. The four used to struggle before and that's why the sisters can deal with anything or stay in fast for days.  Whirling around, Jane said stubbornly, "But I don't want to leave Ailey here alone. What if - " Aileen interrupted her, saying, "They can't hurt me, Jane. You - " This time Janette yelled out in anger, "For the last time, I am tolerating this, Cosey and Ailey. Don't cut me off again. If you do, I will cut a spell on you two that will make you do something which you hate the most. Am I clear?" Jane glared at both who always interrupted her whenever she tried to say something.  Aileen and Cosette grinned mischief and said in unison, "Okay, Jenny. We will never do this again," A few moments later, before leaving that cottage, Jane told Aileen cautiously, "Don't leave this place, Ailey. If someone knocks on the door, asks for help, don't open it. Wait until we return. And don't go near my potions or to the stove. I want to see you alive and breathing. We will be back as early as we can..."  Aileen wanted to interrupt by saying she can fight against them and she didn't need to worry about it, but after recalling Jane's threatening to them, she kept her mouth shut and calmly heard her cousin. The demoness was laughing to see Aileen's sour face. She ushered Jane and then they left for the market.  As soon as they left, Aileen walked toward the leaving room and watched everything keenly.  It was a small, cozy cottage with three rooms, one kitchen, and a sitting area. One of the rooms was a room for witchcraft and demon's prayer placed where they summon the devil by casting a spell and all.  Once Aileen and Janette sat around a barrier surrounded by a red ribbon, candles in a circling motion, where Cosette was summoning a demon from hell for some reason. She didn't know why they were doing that, but later she came to know Janette forced Cosette to tell her how their parents doing in hell.  The demon who arrived told them their parents were in the safe part of hell where sinners don't face any hardships after their death. They were happy to know that but were sad that they didn't get the chance to get a glimpse of their parents. Cosette once asked Aileen if she wanted to know about her birth parents. Aileen said no which made Cosette curious about her family which is unknown to all of them.  Aileen didn't enter that room as Janette clearly said not to enter alone in her absence. She was very protective of Aileen which annoyed her sometimes. Exhaling sharply, Aileen walked toward the last room, leaving the second room which was a bedroom for two actually. She unlocked the door and pushed it open which happened to be a storeroom of that cottage. She sneezed as dust directly entered her nose.  Looking around, her eyes fell on a broom beside the door. She wasted no time in grabbing that and then dusted over the window after opening that with so much difficulty. She has nothing to do and that's why she decided to clean the storeroom before the girls arrive with food.  There were wooden cases, flower vases, musical instruments that looked old and expensive to her.  She was careful about dusting on them before moving toward the cupboards. While dusting and wiping them with a dusting cloth, he accidentally kicked on a cupboard and then fell on the floor.  She sighed in relief to see there wasn't anything expensive there except for a coloring palette, drawing pencils, and brushes with ancient paint tubes. She was wondering if Cosette's aunt was into painting before. Aileen kept her broom and dusting cloth aside, wiping her hands on her jeans, she touched brushes and color, and suddenly she wanted to draw something at that moment.  She stood up and she began looking for drawing paper impatiently all around that room. She never felt like this before, the urge of drawing something was making her insane. She found a drawing stand which she took near the window and left that room to look for paper, small or large, anything would work for then.  Aileen's eyes lit up to see rolled papers under the sofa set. She pulled out one and was shocked to see that was actually some yellow old drawing paper. "It'll work," Telling herself, she grabbed three rolled papers and ran toward the storeroom. She set one drawing paper on the stand and kept color tubes on the pallete, brushes beside, prepared herself to draw what her heart wanted to color on it on that blank paper.  She tied her hair firmly, grabbing the pain pallete with her left that, she stared at the paper blankly.  Her heart overpowered her mind and she had no idea what she was drawing on that paper.  Her eyes were fixed on that paper only, and her brash was working on its way on that yellow paper.  She didn't know for how long she stood there and drew like a possessed artist, oblivious of someone's presence near the window who kept staring at her and her work with a hint of surprise in its eyes.  At the time Aileen's hands stopped working, she found herself breathing heavily and she fell on the floor losing balance on her feet. She didn't care that water, colors, and brushes fell on her, ruined her dress in that process, except for her sprinted ankle which was hurting like hell.  What is wrong with me? Why did I lose control like this all of a sudden? She was stunned to herself remembering the way she became impatient to draw something there. It rarely happened to her, but this time, it was shocking and she felt weird in the way she acted as soon as her eyes landed on the brushes.  Gritting her teeth, she somehow managed to stand up with the help of the wall beside her.  She wanted to see what she drew on that paper. Years ago she drew something like that when she got an uncomfortable urge within her. She sneaked out of her classroom and directly went to their drawing-room where she borrowed colors, brushes, and paper from their art teacher and drew what her heart wanted at that moment. She wasn't in her senses when she drew a scenario of a fairy giving birth to her daughter.  It was very strange of her drawing that where she never saw any scene like that before. The drawing teacher was stunned to see her art and decided to send that for an art exhibition. She asked her from where did she take that concept which Aileen couldn't tell or explain to her knowing they will not understand her. Janette's mother told her it was Aileen's imagination which she colored on that paper.  Someone from a rich family bought that artwork of Aileen at a high price and her school gave her a 53% share of it, claiming if they have the right to keep the rest as it was them who took that for exhibition.  Aileen's aunt was innocent and to avoid chaos, they accepted it without any protest. The greedy teachers asked Aileen to draw more pictures, but she couldn't draw anything good which would help them earn money on her art. In the end, they became annoyed and left Aileen alone in which Jane's parents sighed in relief. They never wanted Aileen to do anything forcefully, but her teachers were reluctant about it.  Coming back to the present, Aileen raised her head to see what she drew on that paper and became completely stunned to see that figure sitting on the throne with a golden crown on his head.  Her expression changed from surprise to confusion, and then from gloomy to anger. She sneered, "What made me draw his picture on the king's throne?" Aileen couldn't believe it. Recalling the way he behaved with her, she said in rage, "I will burn this paper now," She marched toward the kitchen to grab the matchbox, stopped by the sound of the doorbell. Gritting her teeth, she marched toward the door. As the door opened, she was shocked to her core to see the thing lying bloodied outside.  In her absence, the person who was standing outside the window took that paper from the stand and left in vexing after writing a note, "Bow Down To Your King,"
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