4. New Friends

2100 Words
Her eyebrow furrowed seeing that person closely before exclaiming, "Oh my God! Cameron! You are here!" The guy was giving his crook smile and asked, "Did I disappoint you, Janey?"  Wolf within her purred of him calling her with endearment.  She held his hands into her plans, saying with happy tears in her eyes. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you here, Camey. I feel safe with you more than your sister. Look where she brought us! She - "  Her eyes widened when Cameron pressed his palm over her mouth.  She blushed to see him looking at her in amusement. Her face turned like a tomato when Cameron said huskily, "You don't have to be scared when I am here for you. Only for you."  Aileen cringed to see them, but she was happy to see her cousin was being herself at least. She excused herself and left them alone. Surprisingly no one bothered her seeing her all alone.  She stepped out from the backside of the canteen and smiled to herself as the cold air hit on her face. It was not showing anymore outside. She began strolling around the back of the campus in the dark. She knew she was not alone there, but she just didn't care about her life threats.  She had no idea for how long she was strolling. After checking the time when she decided to leave, at the time, her eyes fell on her right side where she saw flame coming out from the wood.  Curiosity got the best of her and she began walking toward that part of that campus's property.  The more she walked forward, the more the sound of murmuring began louder in that part. As she approached, she saw a group of five vampires was dancing and singing around the bonfire.  Leaning against a tree, she began watching them in amusement. They looked carefree and were enjoying their time without fearing anything. Turning around to leave, but stopped by two vampires circling her with anger in their eyes. She didn't cower away in fear. She doesn't fear them or any creature of the world.  One of them hissed, "What are you doing here?" They didn't look pleased to see her there in their place. "Strolling around," Aileen said with a careless shrug. "Just wanted to have fresh air." She became alert when a guy leaned near her neck, sniffing her, saying huskily, "Her blood is rich and sweet, just like fine wine. It's very rare. Where are you coming from, sweet?" She eyed his face carefully and saw him fighting with his vampire which wanted to come out to sunk his fangs on her neck and drink her blood. If he wants it, why is he stopping himself from doing this anyway? Aileen said blankly, "Canteen,"  It was true though.  But she knew well they were not interested to know her place rather take a sniff from her. That was fine by her as long as they don't pounce on her and sink their canine on her neck to taste her blood.  "We can smell it. You are right, Leon." Aileen got startled when a vampire jumped at her on either side with her face near her face. In the bonfire's flame, she could see the vampire's eyes were turning dark black which was enough for her to know she was one step away from pouncing on her. Before she could do that, another one pulled her away from Aileen and began saying something which Aileen couldn't hear.  The guy said with a slight smile, "Why don't you join us at the bonfire, sweet?"  Aileen was surprised. "You want me to join you all?" Her eyebrow raised to hear him.  "Don't you hate me for not being your kind?" She asked bluntly which made the two of them laughed and the other one who was drooling over her blood stared at her with dark eyes.  The guy said smirking, "We don't hate you, sweet. We are craving your blood. But unfortunately, we can't have it," He looked sad which made her feel bad for some reason that she didn't know.  "Why? Is it because this is my first day in your college?" She asked with nervous laughter.  Before he could say anything, the girl who was preventing another one to come near her, said with a humorless chuckle, "It is because of the challenge you made with our Prince." Frowning at her, she asked, "Prince?"  "Yes, and before you start asking more questions to us, why don't we go over there and talk it with a tea?"  Aileen nodded to her in agreement and went to sit near the bonfire. She eyed the other two who were sitting there from the beginning and instantly recognized they were demons. Seems like they are friends.   "Well, we are," The guy said with a charming smile, "Oh, by the way, I'm Markov, and she is - " Tilting his head to the girl whose eyes were fixed on her neck, saying, " - Zena, the newborn, untamed vampire. That's the reason she can't control bloodlust just like the other two of us- eh- that one- "  Showing the girl that was sitting beside Zena, he said, " - is my sister, Kate. She acts like a b.itch, but she's not a mean girl," Markov was about to introduce the demons to her, they stood up, saying, "We are leaving," She stared at their back unblinking until they disappear from that place.  "They hate you," Aileen looked at Kate, and asked in curiosity, "Why?" As of what she knew, she didn't offend any demon/demoness there except that vampire who the other vampires were calling their prince.  Zena snapped, "Because of your demoness friend." Aileen didn't react to Zena's behavior.  She smiled at her and nodded.   "Here," She looked at Kate who passed her a cookie, saying, "Have it. I baked them two days ago,"  While having tea, they made small talk. Markov asked, "Don't you feel cold, sweet? It's snowing and you are only wearing a thin sweater." Listening to him, the vampire girls looked at Aileen questioning.  That question did occur in their mind, but that kind of slipped from their mind to ask that to her.  "I'm a rare kind of human," Aileen's curt remark made the vampires confused. Avoiding that matter, she said smiling, "So, tell me something about Northland. I know nothing about this place actually." Keeping the empty cup on the bench beside, Markov began excitedly, "Well, as I am the senior one here from the rest two, I know more than them," Aileen chuckled and ushered him to continue.  "The place we are currently in, called, Phthartic. It's the kingdom of King Jerrick Donovan. He has three sons, and the eldest one is, Prince Keiran Donovan. The other Princes' names are Knox and Karter. They are - " He began telling about the King's family and how ruthless and merciless they are among the twenty other Vampire Land. This land was the one where the King treats every creature equally.  That's why Vampire, Demon, goblin, Fae, and other creature studies and works in the same place. The Kingdom was a few hours away from their college. He also told that she was the first human who came with the first rogue in the Northland. They would not kill her, but they are not going to let her live peacefully on their campus. Everyone was looking forward to seeing what happened the next day.  "This is going to be fun, isn't it?" Aileen joked in which Markov laughed, saying, "You're a badass, sweet," Kate said, "I can't get how you still stay so calm. You have an option to go back, but you just refused it," Zena seethed, "If she didn't refuse the offer, I would get a taste of her blood,"  Aileen laughed only. The newborn vampire did nothing, except sulking not to get a taste of Aileen's blood.  Where Aileen was having a friendly talk with the vampier's, Janette was still flirting with Cameron, or that was what she thought he was. She forgot where she was and what she was doing there.  She didn't even notice she was being watched by three vampire princes of Northland.  Prince Knox, with brown hair and grey eyes, was watching Janette with pure rage. Prince Karter, with black hair, green eyes, staring at her in amusement. And Prince Keiran, with dark hair and green eyes, doing something on his handset, clearly has no interest to know what that half-witch was doing.  Karter commented, "She is naive,"  Knox was throwing glares in Janette's direction, and said in hatred, "This kind of girl comes to college to waste their time only. Look how shamelessly she was giggling at that demon's remark,"  "Are you jealous, Knox?" Karter said in mockery.  Knox scrunched his nose in disgust, saying, "Me and Jealous? On whom exactly? That werewolf? I hate their kind," Karter said nothing except chuckling at his brother's remark.  "Every girl is the same." They all looked at their elder brother, Keiran, who said blankly, "They always use their pathetic self to get their job done. The reason behind them coming to this campus is to meet powerful people like us and try to do everything to get a royal surname beside their name. No wonder these girls also came for the same reason, and we need to be careful. That human can be a vampire hunter and that werewolf can be one of our enemy packs' members. We need to keep an eye on them,"  It was not new that happened with them. That's why the vampires don't trust humans and werewolves as for them they had to face lots of hardship in the past. The vampires would have killed them if Keiran didn't stop them from doing so. If they catch the sisters doing anything suspicious, Prince Keiran will not think twice before throwing them to the bloodthirsty beasts. To him, his people matter, and no one else's. No matter how much he hates girls, he still keeps faith in those who have been staying in their land for years. Then they saw the demoness returned with the same-looking guy with whom Janette has been talking for hours. Cosette frowned and looked at the person beside her, saying, "It seems like she really likes you, bro," Cameron said helplessly, "She is the girl I want, but unfortunate for me that I can't have her," Cosette said scoffing, "I am already mad at that little witch, and please don't make me angrier now."  The vampire princes watched Cosette slammed her fist on the table harshly.  Startling the couple, she hissed to Cameron's duplicate, "Go back to hell now!"   Janette said in shock, "Cose- " Her breath caught on her throat to see another Cameron was standing beside the demoness.  She looked at the guy when he said smirking, "I am not bound to listen to you, my lady," "Alright, then let's summon my father here." Cosette was about to chant his name, when the guy left his seat, saying, "Easy there lady. We were having a fun time anyway. But love- " Looking at Janette, he said, "I'll back to you soon. Don't miss me too much, okay?" With that, he disappeared from their view. Janette stuttered, "W...who w...was t...that?"  She was scared, kind of got hypnotized in the way he was talking to her.  Cosette rolled her eyes, saying with a scoff, "He is a demon. He is one of the seven deadly sinners, Lust."  "Oh, my god!" Janette gasped and pressed her palm on her chest. Her heart was beating faster than normal. She couldn't believe that her brain was clouded with desire and love, just like that.  "He will not bother you anymore, but hey, where is Aileen?" Her question made Janette looked at her with a dumbstruck expression on her face. Even the vampire princes didn't know where she went after her dinner. Janette said fearfully, "I...I totally forgot about her, Cosette. Where did she go?"  The demoness was enraged. Cameron said calmly, "Don't panic, okay. I am going to search the whole place," Cosette said stiffly, "I am coming with you,"  There was no way she could stay still after knowing Aileen might be in danger. "Brother, where are you going?" Seeing Keiran's leaving hurriedly, his brothers caught up.  His steps halted when his eyes fell on Aileen who was talking with vampires like they were long-lost friends. They are friends now! 
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