12. Her secrets!

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Keiran couldn't believe it. He wanted to know how she got those. Only if she was awake, he would have forced her to tell him why she did that on her. Shaking his head, he slowly took off the bandage from her stomach and cleaned that while thinking whether she did that for what they did the other day or not.  He could clearly remember every inch of her body. He even memorized mole on her skin but he didn't see any scar or bruises like that before. The wounds looked fresh, and it was like a sharp object that hit her flesh. Luckily wounds were not that deep. Even so, it would require a few days to heal her wounds. His eyes fell on the amulet worn around her neck. Its color was reddish-black, holding mystery within it.  It was unique as he never saw that kind of amulet before. It was flawless gem apparel enchanting on her creamy skin tone. It was like it was made for her only. It was glowing, attracting him strangely.  When he was done with changing her dressing and throwing the waste material on the dustbin, he looked at her, saw her eyes were still half-closed and lips were parted. He gazed at her naked body, and she still looked attractive to him even with bruises on her skin. How could that even possible? He was shocked.  He was with many women before. He was picky about choosing them for one night of pleasure. He never preferred women with bruises to be on his bed. It was intolerable if those were given by other men, not him. Later he stopped sleeping around. It was after ages when a certain girl walked into their campus and took his breath away. That was what irked him to the end, and he ended up making her his enemy. Doubting on her of being a traitor or a threat to their kingdom, was just an excuse for him approaching her only. He did hate the way she looked at him with hatred, offense, disgust, wrath, and many more negative emotions in her eyes, but also felt relieved that he at least got to know a way of making her look at him. That day he was jealous of the thought of her having someone in her life. He has a deep attraction to her, and that made him dive into lust. She too couldn't deny the temptation, the body heat, and give in.  It was after ages he felt that deep attraction, and he wanted to venture that little human more. Her denial triggered something in him, and his worse side appeared instantly. Out of anger, he humiliated her, and he instantly regretted saying that. She was deeply hurt, and all she wanted him to disappear from her sight.  He did apologize, and maybe that wasn't enough.  He didn't know of other ways to earn forgiveness from her.  Wait- why am I thinking so much? She also pointed her finger at my capability in ruling my country.  I should have given the death sentence, but I didn't give that to her. So, we both are at fault, aren't we?  Keiran was in denial. His heart was aching to see Aileen in pain.  His heart was blaming him she hurt herself because of his misbehavior and disrespect of her.  But his mind was insisting he leave her to herself and go back to his castle. She was nothing to him.  Then why was he showing care for her, and why the hell was he feeling her pain in his heart. This is so absurd and very confusing.  Keiran gritted his teeth, was about to tie the knot of her robe and leave, his hand stopped when a small hand pressed his hand and stopped him from moving. He raised his head to look at her, saw her eyes closed completely. His eyes enlarged as she took his hand up and rested that on her naked chest.  His adam apple rolled in his throat. Cold sweat broke on his forehead, nervous about the position she kept his hand on. He had no clue why suddenly he was feeling ashamed of that situation when it was not even thirty-six hours of that steamy shower session in her bathroom. Maybe it was because she was asleep. He didn't want to take advantage of her, but his hormone was not in his control. He did a fail attempt at him taking his hand away from her grasp, but her grip was so firm that that didn't let his hand break free.  The human attraction was very dangerous, and that day he got to learn that in a worse way. He knew she would ruin him someday, and there would not be a way out of this strong attraction he feels toward her.  He leaned closer and closed his lips with her. He didn't think about what was right and what was wrong.  All he knew that he wanted to taste her sweet lips. Those were thin and pink. He was careful and didn't bite them not wanting her to feel pain as she was already hurt. He didn't need to force her to part her lips as that was already opened. Rolling his tongue in, he tasted her mouth wholeheartedly taking his time.  He left her lips and looked up, saw her face flushed and her breathing was a little bit unstable. He trailed his kisses from the corner of her mouth to her jaw, and then her throat to slow down to her neck. He nibbled her skin and sucked on it lightly. Her soft moans were encouraging him to go on, and he did it.  He didn't stop his kisses on her shoulder and then her chest. He licked and sucked her hardening picks, rolling his tongue over it. He left her chest and went down to her stomach, her belly button. He should stop by then, but he couldn't. He couldn't stop after seeing her juice was dripping down her private part.  He sniffed her, licked her. Her soft moans made him enter his tongue in it and he gave her an orgasm and licked her clean. When he was done, he raised his head, saw sweat forming on her forehead. Wiping his mouth with his tongue, he moved closer to her and gave her a deep kiss before leaving her mouth.  Resting his forehead against her, he sighed deeply. "Stop hurting yourself, little dove. I will not let you die. Not now, not ever." He pinched her button nose lightly and pulled the duvet on her before leaving her room with a smile, playing in the corner of his lips. He never did that to any woman before, but he did that to her. It was not in his control anymore. A strong force was possessing his body whenever he goes near her.  ~ ~ ~  The next morning, Aileen woke up wincing. Her whole body was sore it was like she was beaten to a pulp.  Bloody demoness! You did it deliberately, didn't you? She snarled to Cosette in her head.  She opened her eyes and didn't see anyone in her room. Taking a deep breath, she was about to sit on the bed, a voice said sternly, "Don't move," She huffed and again laid on the bed. "How are you feeling now?"  "Not good," She pouted to Jane sadly who kept a glass of warm milk and medicine on the bedside table and then sat on the bed beside her. "Where is it hurting the most?" Jane looked at her calmly.  "All over my body," Aileen winced in pain.  "Let me see your wounds now," Jane was about to loosen the knot, at the time, Aileen slapped her hand away from her, exclaiming in horror, "What are you doing? You can't see me naked. Get away from me."  "What?" Jane looked at her incredulously. "I was the one who showered you, made you wear a robe, and treated your wounds. I have seen everything already."  "No, still you can't," Aileen protested.  All of her pain left her system and she felt ashamed to show her naked body to her cousin.  Jane threatened her, "If you don't listen to me, I will go and bring Cosey here. And you know very well how prominent she is in her work," Aileen's face paled in which Jane grinned manically.  "Fine," Aileen agreed. Jane loosened the knot and gasped in shock to see her body.  "W-what?" Aileen looked at her fearfully. She didn't dare to look at her own body. She was scared. Looking at her with wide eyes, Jane said out, "You are so HOT, Ailey. When did you become so sexy, huh?"  Aileen's face turned red. She hid her body with a quilt, hissed, "You! You scared me, i***t,"  Jane laughed loudly to see her discomfort. "What are you laughing at?" Hearing that voice, they stopped smiling and Aileen looked away from her angrily. Cosette smirked to see the human was angry with her.  Aileen felt the bed dipped. A presence beside her made her eyes twitched in anger.  She was the reason behind her pain. She took a good class in hell to make her leave that training ground.  Cosette poked her. "Ailey," She didn't respond. "Are you angry with me?"  "No," Aileen grumbled out. "But I am not going to fight with you again,"  Jane stifled a chuckle to see how angry Aileen was.  Pinching her nose, Cosette purred Aileen, "AWW, don't be sad." She held her quilt tightly around her when Cosette pulled her a bear hug, telling her calmly, "You just became tired and it didn't take time for me to overpower you. Don't worry, babe. We will practice more and a perfect diet chart will help us, okay?"  "Hey, wait! I want a hug too," Cosette chuckled when Jane whined and pounced on them, keeping a good distance from Aileen, not wanting to touch her wound. Aileen rolled her eyes at them and bit back a smile, seemingly forgave Cosette, and decided to take a rest before joining them in the rehearsal in the evening.  ~ ~ ~  "Did you get their information, Karter?" Prince Keiran asked his brother who nodded to him before placing a file on his desk. They were all sitting inside their library in the castle, discussing some things together.  Knox leaned toward his elder brother and began reading the file together. Karter has already read that.  So, he didn't join them and sat on the opposite side of them before taking the book in his hand that was on the table. He was ruffling the pages, at the time, he heard Knox said in astonishment, "She did what?"  "A mere human did that. Can you imagine it?" Karter chuckled, recalling what he read in those files of the sisters. Both looked innocent and a little fiercer, but who knew they would turn out to be so merciless? "You know what is the most interesting thing is here!" Karter pointed out to the files, "The Black couple lied about her being the daughter of one of their distant relatives. But the truth is something else,"  Keiran stayed quiet, his eyes glued on the file, storing all information in his brain.  Knox stated, "From this information, it is clear that the human had agreed to come here with that demoness to escape from all threats lurking around them- "  "Not them, only on the witch," Karter told him pointedly. "Do you know what is the most surprising thing is? The Black was an Alpha before. He became a Rogue the time he lost his mate. To the witch, he married later, was his second chance mate. Their daughter has already crossed 18, yet no one saw her shift."  "That's why she didn't lose her sanity when her mate rejected her in that club," Knox concluded the part of Janette.  He couldn't guess why she never shifts in her wolf even when she was a rogue dominant by birth.  By recalling her power of playing with fire on her hands as a witch in that cottage, he was very certain that her wolf would be more dangerously powerful than her wizardry power if she shifts in the future.  He can't tell whether to feel threatened by her or take it as a blessing that they may help them to defeat their enemies in the future. But why would Jane listen to him?  He has already created a bad impression on her.  Keiran was in a deep through. It was clear they have no intention of coming to their land except for starting over with their life. The information was based on the place where everything has started which means he and his brothers came to know about the Black family, which means Janette and her parents.  The information of Aileen was not much except her having no blood link with the black, growing up as the second daughter of them, mutual friendship with the demoness in which they didn't get any info of how they met and where actually, and last but not least of her hunting down the murderers of the Black and kill them one by one. Some of them were alpha, betas of small packs. Jane wasn't aware of it.  Keiran wondered why the demoness chose to bring them to Northland. From the way she was talking, defending the girls, he could sense there has more of a story than Cosette was expressing to them.  Could it be for her? He thought to himself.  Maybe she wanted to know the truth of Aileen's birth and that's why she brought her here to her aunt Elora who has access to both hell and heaven. Keiran didn't hear the discussion between his brothers of that witch and her parents. He could only think about Aileen at that moment. What is she? Is she a human?  He has touched her skin, her blood, her everything and no one more than him knows she was truly a human. She could be a part human or something more, but she was human. He's sure about it.  He was surprised to read about her boyfriend. It was maybe a few years prior, near about the time the Black died, that boy disappeared from her life like he never existed. She was still waiting for his arrival and was what caused his blood to boil in anger. She was done with her waiting. That guy has already left.  Keiran would make sure for her to forget that guy.  His touches, his words, and his everything she was going to endure.  Her mind, her heart, and all of her would fill with his thought only and no one else's.  Keiran closed the files, told his brothers firmly, "We will talk about this later. They are not going to leave our Kingdom any time soon. Besides, as they do not seem to one of our enemies, we should stop our investigation here. Now, let's go back to check on the arrangements for tomorrow's ceremony."  The younger brothers didn't protest. They listened to him and left to check on the works in their castle.  Keiran did have told them that they no longer needed to investigate the girls, but he was not going to let Aileen's matter slide like that. He would find the truth on his own.  "Little dove, you are going to see me every day from now on," Keiran smirked at his thought. 
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