13. The Ceremony begins

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While playing the notes, her thought shifted back to the morning's incident. The time she woke up, she felt very weird. She thought it was for those wounds she got during the fight and that's why her whole body was soaring. Even if that was true, why she was soaring between her legs? It was not much, but still.  She ignored that before walking to the bathroom to take a bath. She was very careful in drying her body.  At that time, her eyes snapped to her reflection in the mirror, and a frown appeared on her face to see marks on her neck, shoulder, throat, and chest! She clearly remembered she didn't blow on her neck, then! After leaving the bathroom, she needed to leave her room to join Jane as they needed to practice a couple of times to make things perfect. That's why she didn't get the time to think about that matter for the last few hours. Sitting on her bed, playing her cello, she couldn't help thinking about those marks again.  She barely could remember about the last night. The only thing she knew Cosette overpowered her on the ground, didn't let her move, strangled her, not intending to let her leave unless she submitted to her.  Then she remembered Jane and the goblin were wailing, believing that she was dead in her practice fight! How embarrassing! Aileen's cheeks turned red in anger for having a naive cousin live Jane in her life. She again went back to her thought of those marks. She was wondering if those were there from the beginning, which can be possible as Keiran did make some damages with his mouth and teeth on her body in the shower. Upon remembering him, her expression changed instantly. She's enraged. She's sure the two days prior bite marks still didn't leave from her skin after rubbing her skin with a body scrubber.  Morbid! I will kill you with holy water. She gritted out mentally and focused back on her play again.  Little did she knew nothing actually work on him. Holy water, cross, or whatever she would try to use on him, nothing will cause some serious damage to his skin. He was not an ordinary vampire, but a rare pureblood vampire. Nothing stopped him from sneaking into her room the last night. So, her attempt in defeating him with those small things may not work. She needed to think of another way to defeat him.  "Ms. Aileen," She stopped playing when she heard a knock on her door. She shifted her gaze to the door and saw the goblin was peeking from it. "May I come in?" He stared at her with his big brown eyes.  "Sure, please," She nodded to him. Pushing the door open, he walked in with a glass of milk and fruits in a bowl. "Oldman! For how many times do I have to repeat to you not to step inside the kitchen?"  Aileen got a headache instantly. No matter how many times they told him previously to stop doing maid stuff in their home, but he never listened to them. He smiled at her, saying, "It's nothing, Ms. Aileen. Please don't think about it. I can't sit in one place. Besides you need to eat this now. Your wounds are still fresh." Aileen sighed heavily and kept her cello aside. The only thing she did was treat his wound and feed him food that day. And looking at the creature standing in front of her with a food plate in her hand, she couldn't help thinking if there was any way to let him free from s.lavery. He looked old and torn to her.  "Where do you work, old man?" She asked him after taking the plate from his hand.  He sat on a stool near the bed, and grinned at her, saying, "I don't work for anyone anymore, ma'am,"  She looked at him dumbstruck. "Then where do you live? And what about the ceremony in the castle? You were crying, telling me that day that you may die if you don't get to arrange a group to perform there," "I live in a room with five more goblins like me nearby. All of them work either as a server or labor. I used to work permanently as a servant in a governor's villa who is close to the King in our country."  She gulped down milk from her glass, asked him, "Okay, how did you lose your job all of a sudden?"  "I didn't lose it, but I leave it," He said smiling at her in mischief.  "I have been waiting for the day of the ceremony for over years. This one is special. The King will declare the day of him handing over his throne to the next King."  Aileen stopped crewing the piece of apple that was in her mouth. Her nostrils flared with the thought of that vampire would take the torment over her on another level if they come face to face again.  Controlling her anger, she ushered the goblin to continue. He said, "I wanted to be free. The ceremony was the only option I see at that moment. And that's why I wanted to talk to Elora about it."  The goblin didn't say the entire thing to her. The day he collapsed on their doorway, he was badly beaten by his master when they came to know his intention. He wanted to leave that high-end official's home. But they were not allowing him to go. They locked him in the cell and at that time he decided to escape.  To stop him from getting the group of pixies for the performance in the ceremony, they made them leave.  The goblin was devastated and the only option he saw was Elora. He wasted no time in running to her home only to find a human calling him old man. He lied a few things to the girls, but he had no other option left other than that. He even sensed the presence of a creature of that villa, around that cottage. After that day, he didn't see anyone there. He was sure that creature came to kill him, but what made him leave, he was not sure about it. So, from that day, he started being around the girls with or without any reason. "So, what's your plan after this ceremony? Are you going to leave for a world tour?"  He looked shy to hear that question. He nodded meekly, saying, "Yes, I have saved enough now. It was that I wanted to go for a visit to my family. Years have passed, and I didn't get the chance to go and see them,"  "You do have plans to come back here, don't you? Or are you going to stay there forever?"  She looked at him thoroughly. She would miss that old goblin. It was not even four days since they met, and he surprisingly became very close to them. He was like a little grandpa with magic beans.  He looked at her with wide eyes, saying, "Why wouldn't I? I can't stay there for long. I will return before you know it," He has no intention of leaving the girls. He would be around, and he also needed to meet Elora. "Ailey," Aileen became alerted to hear Jane calling to her. "Can you come here with your Cello? I want us to end the rehearsal practicing it for one last time." "Hurry up, girls. Don't mess it up tomorrow, okay?"  "Comin'," She yelled back and shook her head in disbelief.  "Jane, catch your breath first," Cosette's warning tone echoed inside the cottage.  Looking up, she told the goblin helplessly, "My cousin is a perfectionist. Whatever work she takes in her hand, she doesn't ever put that down unless she gets satisfied with it. So, you can expect the event will be successful, and you are going to get rewarded after the ceremony is over," She smirked and finished the food in a hurry. She didn't want to get scolded by the witch in the hall full of nymphs and pixies.  Goblin knew that very well. With the effort Jane was putting, he was sure the King, his family, the royal families, and the guests would enjoy it undoubtedly. He wasn't expecting rewards, but he was very certain he would earn well from their performance. Taking the glass and bowl on the tray, he also followed Aileen out of the room. The whole cottage was chaos with melodious music, the sweet voice of Jane, and the sound of the feet of nymphs who were moving their bodies rhythmically with the music.  After leaving the kitchen, he walked toward the rehearsal room and saw nymphs and pixies dancing, Jane singing, Aileen playing her Cello, and Cosette playing the piano that she brought the last night. The time day was done, Aileen and Cosette played a happy melody that made the pixies jumping in the air, giggling and dancing together. Some of the nymphs shied away and they went to the corner.  The nymphs and two pixies dragged Jane with them and she couldn't help dancing with them.  Aileen and Cosette shared a smile and winked at the pixies for pulling Jane with them. She needed to cool down, right? One of the pixies came and sat on Aileen's shoulder, asking, "Can I tell you something?"  "Sure," Aileen grinned when the pixie asked, "Would you like to go to fairy court one day? My princess and her friends would like to meet you. They can't believe that a human is surviving with us, the creatures," "You are from the Court of Leaves," From her get-up, Aileen was sure the pixie was from that fae court.  The pixie nodded, telling her, "I am. You will love them. The Lunar court and Solar court princess are the friends with my princess of Leaves. I heard you went to the Court of Gales many times,"  The training ground was basically in the middle of the demon's hell and the court of Gales. So, Aileen went there many times with Cosette and it was about time she realized the faes of that court aren't friendly. They belong to the Unseelie court, associated with autumn. They are merciless and evil from nature.  "Yes, but I don't have any talking terms with them. It's all about training." Aileen exhaled a long shaky breath. The fight between the fae couple of Gales was still clear in her mind. "I will go to meet the fairies someday. I would love to meet them." She smiled at the pixie, and told her, "Now go and enjoy yourself," The pixie smiled at her. Her princess will be happy to hear that the human agreed to come to their court. ~ ~ ~  The following day, the whole kingdom became chaotic. All the creatures of the Northland were standing on either side of the road, watching the band party playing music and soldiers were walking in the front of the carriages where beautiful and elegant princesses and women were sitting, waving their hands toward them. They were throwing petals of flowers toward them, welcoming the guests wholeheartedly.  Inside the castle, the three vampire princes were waiting for their father, King Jerrick Donovan, to come out from his study room. They wore a black suit, a wine-red cape, and a prince's crown. They looked tall, handsome. Their masculinity could attract any woman in the ballroom. All of their expression was neutral and cold, and their eyes were reddish, can make anyone scare to death in the very sight of them.  The door of their father's room opened and the King walked out with his two advisers and chief minister of Northland. As soon as the King's eyes fell on the princes, his cold eyes lit up, a gentle and warmth were visible in his eyes. They regarded and the King toward the ball in the castle where all guests were waiting for their arrival. The soldiers came forward and circled them to protect them, leading them to the stage.  All of the guests bowed their heads as the King stepped into the ballroom. The soldiers walked in the front, directly toward the throne on the stage. Everyone left their seat, stared at the king and the princes with respect. After the time the King and the princes took their seats, all of them sit on their chairs as well. The whole ball was decorated with flowers, scented candles and lights, and many more things. A huge chandelier was hanging on the ceiling. The high-end officials, powerful creatures, Alpha, Beta's of their acquaintance werewolves packs in and outside the Kingdom, and high ranked demons, humans, all princes and princesses, elegant women and their family were sitting either side of the ballroom on their chair to the first floor, second and third floor. The middle part of the ballroom was empty.  It was for the performances and ball dance that would happen at the end of the celebration.  The ceremony began and the groups began appearing to perform for the entertainment. The guests started coming to him one after another, handing over the gifts they brought for the King. Some even introduced their daughter, telling him all the good qualities they have, hoping the King may consider their daughter as a suitor for one of the three princes. The King nodded and they left with a smile on their face. None of the three princes were interested to know them, let alone consider the high-class women as their suitors. Their eyes were looking for certain someone who still didn't arrive at the ball in their castle. "Your highness," A woman stood in front of the King and bowed her head to him. The King smiled at the woman whose husband used to be a good friend of his, who died in a war years ago.  "Lady Tiffany," He greeted back. "How have you been?"  The woman smiled. "I am fine, my Lord. This is my beautiful daughter, Mariel," She introduced her daughter who was glancing at the men in front of her shyly. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, and a tiara on her head. She was the only princess of the smallest country situated beside the Northland. "Your highness," She bowed her head to him, and meekly said, "I bought a gift for you," The King gladly accepted that. The Grace Tiffany, said, "My Lord, my daughter has also brought something for Prince Keiran. She drew a portrait for him. She is too shy to hand that to our future King," The King encouraged her, "Princess Mariel, please give your gift to my son. You don't have to be so shy about it," He has a soft corner for Lady Grace and the Princess of the neighbor country. The King of that land died in a war and King Jerrik couldn't save him on the battlefield. He wished to choose the princess as his daughter-in-law, but he feared to bring that matter to them as they have grudges against him. "My Lord, this is not perfect, but I have tried to make it better," Her mother smirked internally to hear her.  Hearing her and seeing her innocent expression, the King's heart swelled. He looked at Keiran and told him, "My son, please take the gift from her," Keiran glanced at him blankly and took the gift from her.  Keiran has to open the gift even when he wasn't a little bit interested to see that.  He couldn't ignore his father's order in front of the whole world. As soon as he opened that, he was stunned to see the portrait where he was sitting on the throne in King's attire and the crown on his head.  It was drawn by five colors only, yet that didn't fail to catch the attention of everyone present in that ballroom. Keiran couldn't take his eyes off that portrait neither his younger brother and the King.  The King couldn't help praised the Princess, "It was beautiful. Did you draw it on your own?"  The princess nodded her head meekly. Her mother told him, "My Lord, my daughter admires Prince Keiran a lot. She dreams of him ruling the Northland after you. This is one of her dreams that she drew on that paper. She was not confident to bring this here, but I told her that the King appreciate her effort on it,"  Keiran didn't give a damn of that woman's rant, but he couldn't conceal the surprise in his eyes of seeing his portrait in front of him. It was like the one who drew that, truly admire him from the core of her heart. The King looked at them warmness in his eyes. He wished Princess Mariel beside his eldest son, and together they would be ruling their kingdom. Upon remembering Keiran agreeing to marry someone soon, he decided to talk about that to Keiran the next morning in his study. The Princess was also a human.  So, to King Jerrick, there has no problem in considering her as a perfect suitor for prince Keiran.  "I heartily - " Before he could finish, a voice interrupted them, saying, "She didn't draw it, My Lord,"  The King's head snapped toward the voice and his expression became gloomy to see the woman standing there. The three princes' eyes sparkled to see her and left their seat, greeting her, "Aunt Arabella,"  The woman shifted her gaze to the princes and smiled at them warmly. They were the apple in her eyes. No one could love them more than her. Prince Keiran told her, "Aunt, please come and sit with us," "I will, my child. But before that,- " She shifted her gaze to the King and smirked, saying, " - I need to prove something to the King of Phthartic of the Northland right now."  The woman was none other than the sister of Arianna, the mother of the three Vampire Prince's.  Where Arianna was a human, Arabella was a witch since her birth. She has a special power to see the future and past to anyone by touching anyone or any object with her bare hands.  Everyone was aware of her power, but no one expected her to come to that ceremony.  Seeing her there, the mother-daughter duo, got scared. Tifanny only wanted to impress the King and have Keiran as her son-in-law. But who knew all of her plans would go in vain for that rebel witch!
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