Episode 7

1404 Words
The great hall took my breath away for a second. Huge columns stretched up to the ceiling, and fancy fabrics covered the walls. A massive chandelier hung in the center, casting light over all of us gathered there. The air crackled with excitement and nerves. We lined up, all of us contestants, waiting for the Queen to arrive. I could feel the other girls fidgeting, hear their whispered conversations. I kept my face calm, but inside, my heart was racing. Suddenly, the big doors at the end of the hall swung open. The Queen walked in, surrounded by guards. She looked exactly like I'd imagined a queen would - tall, proud, dressed in clothes fancier than anything I'd ever seen. Everyone went quiet as she walked to the front of the room. The Queen stood on a raised platform, looking down at us. Her eyes moved over each face, like she was judging us already. When she started to speak, her voice carried easily through the big room. "A century ago, I stood where you stand now, a Luna Trials competitor," she said. "I fought, I spilled blood, and I emerged victorious to claim the title of Queen and your King's consort." As she spoke, her eyes landed on me. For a split second, our gazes locked. Something flashed across her face - shock? Recognition? She looked away quickly, but I saw her shake in her seat. Her face went pale, like she'd seen a ghost. The other girls noticed too. I heard whispers start up around me, saw people glancing between me and the Queen. My stomach twisted. What was going on? Before I could think about it too much, something went wrong. The Queen's face changed. She grabbed at her chest, stumbling. Then, to everyone's horror, she collapsed. Her crown clattered to the floor as she fell. The hall erupted in chaos. Guards rushed to the Queen's side. Girls were screaming, pushing to get a better look. I stood frozen, my mind racing. What had just happened? That's when I noticed the looks. More and more girls were turning to stare at me, their eyes suspicious and angry. The whispers got louder. "You know the Queen? Why did she look at you like that?" one girl demanded. Another pushed forward. "What's your relationship with the prince?" My heart pounded in my chest. The walls felt like they were closing in. I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of there. I pushed through the crowd, ignoring the voices calling after me. I ran down the hallway, looking for somewhere, anywhere to hide. I spotted a bathroom and ducked inside, locking the door behind me. My legs gave out and I sank to the floor, gasping for air. It was too much. The Queen's face when she saw me, the way she collapsed, everyone's accusing looks... I felt trapped, cornered. I lay my head on the cold tile floor, trying to slow my breathing. But I couldn't shake the image of the Queen's face from my mind. The shock in her eyes when she saw me... it was like she knew me. But how could she? As I lay there, memories flashed through my mind. My parents, their deaths. Growing up with the rogues. All my training, preparing for this moment. And now everything was falling apart. I thought about Harry, about Selly's threats. About the other contestants and their suspicions. I'd come here with a clear purpose - revenge, justice for my parents. But now everything was so complicated. I took a deep breath, then another. I couldn't stay hiding in this bathroom forever. I had to face what was out there. Whatever was going on with the Queen, whatever people thought about me and Harry - I couldn't let it distract me from my goal. Slowly, I sat up. My head was spinning, but I forced myself to stand. I splashed some water on my face, trying to pull myself together. In the mirror, I saw a girl I barely recognized. She looked scared, overwhelmed. I shook my head. That wasn't me. I was a warrior, trained by the toughest rogues. I'd survived years on my own, fought my way to this place. I straightened my shoulders, meeting my own eyes in the mirror. "You can do this," I whispered to myself. "You have to." With one last deep breath, I unlocked the bathroom door. Whatever was waiting for me out there, I'd face it. I had to. For my parents, for the rogues, for myself. The Luna Trials had barely begun, and I wasn't about to give up now. I stepped back into the hallway, ready to face whatever came next. The chaos from the great hall seemed to have died down. I could hear voices in the distance, but the immediate area was quiet. As I walked, I tried to make sense of what had happened. The Queen's reaction to seeing me... it was like she recognized me. But how could she? I'd been just a little kid when I left the pack. Unless... unless she knew my parents? The thought hit me like a punch to the gut. Could the Queen have known about what happened to my parents? Did she have something to do with it? I shook my head, trying to clear it. I was jumping to conclusions. There could be a hundred reasons why the Queen reacted that way. Maybe I just reminded her of someone. But deep down, I knew it was more than that. The shock in her eyes, the way she'd collapsed right after... it wasn't a coincidence. I realized I'd stopped walking, lost in thought. I looked around, trying to get my bearings. The hall was empty, everyone probably still dealing with what happened to the Queen. That's when I heard footsteps. I tensed, ready for more accusations or questions. But when I turned, it was Jake and Maria hurrying towards me. "Mary!" Maria called, relief clear in her voice. "We've been looking everywhere for you!" Jake's face was serious. "What happened back there? Everyone's talking about how the Queen looked at you." I shook my head. "I don't know. I've never met her before, I swear." They exchanged a look, and I felt a flash of anger. "You don't believe me?" "It's not that," Maria said quickly. "It's just... there's a lot of talk. People are saying you must have some connection to the royal family." "Well, they're wrong," I snapped. Then, seeing their faces, I sighed. "I'm sorry. This is all just... a lot." Jake put a hand on my shoulder. "We're on your side, Mary. No matter what." I felt a lump in my throat. These two had become more than just allies. They were my friends. Maybe the first real friends I'd had since I was a little kid playing with Harry. "Thanks," I managed. "So what's happening now? With the Queen, I mean." Maria shrugged. "No one knows. They took her away, and we're all just waiting for news." "And the trials?" I asked. "On hold, for now," Jake said. "But I overheard some of the guards talking. They're not going to cancel them, no matter what." I nodded. Of course not. The Luna Trials were too important, too traditional. They wouldn't let anything stop them. "So what do we do now?" Maria asked. I took a deep breath. "We prepare. Whatever happened with the Queen... it doesn't change why we're here. We need to be ready for whatever comes next." They nodded, and I felt a surge of gratitude. Whatever else happened, at least I wasn't alone. As we walked back towards our quarters, I couldn't shake the feeling that everything had changed. The Queen's reaction to me, everyone's suspicions... it was all connected somehow to the secrets of my past. I thought about my parents, about the night they died. There was so much I still didn't know, so much that had been kept from me. But one thing I knew for sure: I was going to find out the truth. No matter what it took, no matter who tried to stop me. I was here for a reason, and I wasn't going to let anything get in my way. The Luna Trials were just beginning, and so was my real quest for answers. Whatever came next, I was ready to face it head-on.
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