Episode 6

629 Words
MaryJane's POV I sat alone in the dimly lit room, lost in thought. The fancy old furniture and dark wood walls felt suffocating. Heavy curtains blocked out most of the light, matching my mood. My mind raced, thinking about everything that had happened and what was coming next. The door burst open, making me jump. Selly stormed in, her face twisted with anger. She walked like she owned the place, her whole body stiff and her eyes full of hate. She didn't even bother to say hello, just came right at me. "You dare to come here and steal what is rightfully mine?" Selly spat. "Harry is going to be my husband and together, we will govern this place for eternity. You will never interfere with my plans." I felt anger bubbling up inside me, but I pushed it down. My eyes probably gave me away though. I stood up slowly, moving closer to her. I kept my voice calm and formal. "You're leaving me no choice. Selly, I have no concern with your prince. I'm here to witness the trials. I don't care what you're dreaming of him and your future." We stood nose to nose, neither of us backing down. Selly glared at me, like she was trying to see if I was lying. I didn't blink, just stared right back at her. The air felt thick with tension, like it could snap any second. Just as I thought we might start fighting, the door creaked open again. A bunch of other girls who'd been listening outside came in, talking about some meeting. Selly backed off, not wanting to make a scene. But she gave me one last nasty look before moving away. One of the new girls said, "Everybody has been called to the great hall for briefing." The room got louder as everyone started heading out. Selly and I stood there for a moment, just glaring at each other. I could feel the hate coming off her in waves. I kept my cool, walking past her without a word. As I reached the door, I heard her mutter, "This isn't over." I didn't look back, but I could feel her eyes burning into me as I left. My heart was pounding, but I kept my face blank. I had bigger things to worry about than Selly and her jealousy. As I walked down the hallway, my mind raced. I hadn't come here for Harry or to be anyone's mate. I was here for justice, for revenge. But things were getting complicated fast. I thought back to overhearing Harry and Selly's conversation. Harry thinking I might be his true mate, Selly's anger, her talk of poison... It was all a mess. And now this confrontation with Selly. I needed to stay focused on my real goal. The other girls were whispering as we walked, stealing glances at me. I ignored them, keeping my eyes forward. Let them gossip. I wasn't here to make friends. I thought about my training with the rogues, all the years of preparation. Miss Nelly's voice echoed in my head: "You serve a purpose here. The world cares not who your father was." I straightened my shoulders. I was here to win, to make the rogues proud. To get justice for my parents. As we neared the great hall, I pushed all thoughts of Harry and Selly aside. I needed to concentrate on the trials ahead. Whatever came next, I had to be ready. The grand doors loomed before us. I took a deep breath, steeling myself. Whatever happened in that hall, whatever challenges lay ahead, I would face them head-on. I was MaryJane, daughter of the former Beta, raised by rogues. I was a warrior, and I was here to win.
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