
The Luna Trials

kickass heroine

I have a grudge with Prince Harry Layward. I hate him. He doesn't hate me.

Every Lunar trial has led to 143 deaths every 100 years. Only one warrior survives. Only one, get's to be the Prince's mate, and the new Luna. I enrolled on the Lunar trials with one mission, Make Them Pay!

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Episode 1
I was only seven, living a terrible ugly life. I knew I had to run faster, harder. I was scared, close to the point of peeing myself. I was a kid forced to understand the unkindness this world has to offer. Like most of us, I was dealt a deal of trauma I didn’t deserve. I was a child, surviving was not an option. "Where do you think you're going, little orphan?" Hannah's mocking voice rang out behind me. "Trying to find your dead parents?" I stumbled, my heart racing like a frightened rabbit's. Panic clawed at my throat. "Aw, look! The baby's going to cry!" Billy's laughter cut through the air like a knife. Suddenly, my foot caught on a gnarled root. I went flying, crashing face-first into the muddy ground. The taste of dirt filled my mouth as I spat and coughed. I was crying so much that my head hurt. All I wanted was my mom and dad. I was tired of fighting for myself. Everyone hated me. "Got you!" Jennifer's hand tangled in my hair, yanking my head back painfully. "You thought you could outrun us? You're nothing but a pathetic little orphan." Tears streamed down my face, mixing with the mud. "Please," I whimpered, "stop it." Hannah's face appeared in front of mine, her eyes glittering with cruelty. "Your parents are worm food now, all because the Alpha decided they weren't worth keeping around. Just like you!" Billy's foot connected with my ribs, forcing the air from my lungs. "Maybe if you cry harder, they'll come back from the dead to save you!" he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Jennifer shoved my face back into the mud, grinding it in. "Eat dirt, orphan girl. It's all you deserve." I felt something sticky being pressed into my hair. Gum. They were putting gum in my hair. "Stop!" I screamed, my voice raw and desperate. "Please, just leave me alone!" Their laughter echoed and they were cruel. At that moment, something inside me snapped.I broke, tired of hearing the laughter of my bullies and seeing the look of approval on their parents face. I had no one to look out for me. Tormented in the only place I called home. A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. With a strength I didn't know I possessed, I wrenched myself free and ran. I ran like I'd never run before, my heart pounding, my entire body shaking. Tears blurred my vision, but I didn't stop. I left my tormentors behind. I left my pack behind. At seven years old, I became a rogue. For four years, the people of my rogue pack had treated me like garbage. I was just a child when my parents died - only three years old. We had been on top of the world then. My father was the Beta, my mother the pack's physician. We lived in a big house and had access to the pack palace. I used to be the prince's best friend. The Alpha's son and I played together every day. But he never came to see me after his father killed my parents. My father was murdered in secret, my mother publicly executed. Life as a rogue wasn't easier. I had to fight for everything - food, shelter, respect. The other rogues hated me at first, seeing me as a once-privileged brat. But I fought and clawed my way up, earning my place among them. Now, years later, I learnt how to fight, how to survive. I have people I trust, they’re not my friends. I’ve been taught that no one here is, given my status. “You serve a purpose, if you become useless, you're no longer one of us.’’ Miss Nelly shouted in my face, gripping my hair, she sunk my head back into the pond of water. I shook and fought, she pulled me back out. I gasped for air, water clouding my vision. “Do you hear me, little princess? You serve a purpose here. The world cares not who your father was. Do you understand me?’’ She slammed me face first into the water again. I struggled, felt myself cry and drown. Water entered my lungs no matter how long I kept my mouth shut. My eyes began to sting, my nose was filled with cold water. It began to fill my lungs, my fight gave out. She pulled me out again, i coughed, shook, cried. I stumbled down on the floor, coughing the water out. I heard the rest of the warriors laughing. “The Luna Trials will not be an easy game, MaryJane. Are you sure you want to do this?’’ Miss Nelly came to kneel before me. Her eyes looked somewhat worried. I scrubbed my face off the water, hoping to see better. “They killed my parents. Made me live like a rat.’’ “This is not revenge for you, little princess. This is for us.’’ She touched my chest, looking at me. “For us. For the rogues.’’ I said it with her. Touching her hand. “We’ve come too far to loose it like this.’’ She smiled, I coughed. I understood her. Miss Nelly got up, turning to the rest of the warriors. “Then it’s settled. Mary Jane takes lead on represented us at the Luna Trials, with her will be Jake Sullivan and Maria Storm Bourne. Do not disappoint us!’’ Miss Nelly announced, corking her face slightly. “What are you waiting for warrior. Mommy and daddy can’t help you out of this. Man up!’’ She stomped her foot on the ground, I got up quickly, running to stand in line with the rest of the group. I heard grown into a fierce warrior. Life at the rogue camp has never been easy. I fought for all that I had. Learnt to use a sword, a bow and arrow, a machette, and eventually, my fist. As the rest of the briefing continued, I felt like I was holding my heart in my hands. I made it. The rogues had allowed me to represent them in the Luna trials. Finally, after fourteen years here, I was going back home.

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