Episode 8

1750 Words
The next few hours dragged by like years. We were all confined to our quarters, waiting for news about the Queen. The air felt thick with tension and whispered rumors. I sat on my bed, trying to look calm while my mind raced. Every now and then, I'd catch Jake or Maria glancing at me, worry clear in their eyes. I appreciated their concern, but it also made me feel guilty. I was keeping so much from them - about my past, about my real reasons for being here. A knock at the door made us all jump. A guard stepped in, his face serious. "The Queen has recovered," he announced. "The Luna Trials will resume tomorrow morning. All contestants are to report to the training grounds at dawn." With that, he left, leaving us to process the news. "Well," Jake said after a moment, "I guess that's that." Maria nodded. "At least the trials aren't cancelled." I stayed quiet, lost in thought. The Queen had recovered... but what had caused her collapse in the first place? And why had she looked at me like that? "Mary?" Maria's voice broke into my thoughts. "You okay?" I forced a smile. "Yeah, just... nervous about tomorrow, I guess." She nodded, but I could tell she didn't quite believe me. I hated lying to them, but what choice did I have? I couldn't tell them the truth - not all of it, anyway. As night fell, I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the Queen's face, the shock in her eyes when she saw me. It had to mean something. But what? I thought about my parents, about the night they died. There was so much I still didn't know. Had the Queen been involved somehow? Did she know the truth about what happened? And then there was Harry. I couldn't get our kiss out of my mind, or his words about me being his mate. It complicated everything. I wasn't here for romance or to be anyone's Luna. I was here for justice, for revenge. But even as I told myself that, I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards Harry. It was more than just attraction. When we were together, it felt... right, somehow. Like pieces falling into place. I shook my head, angry at myself. I couldn't think like that. Harry was the son of the man who killed my parents. Whatever I felt for him, it didn't change that. Dawn came too soon. I felt like I'd barely slept when Maria shook me awake. "Time to go," she said softly. "You ready for this?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. As we made our way to the training grounds, I tried to push all my doubts and questions aside. Whatever happened yesterday, whatever secrets were still hidden - right now, I had to focus on the trials. The training grounds were huge, stretching out farther than I could see. Obstacles and equipment were set up everywhere. It looked challenging, even dangerous. As we lined up with the other contestants, I saw Selly across the field. She caught my eye and smirked, mouthing something I couldn't quite make out. But the message was clear: she saw me as a threat. Good, I thought. Let her underestimate me. A horn sounded, and everyone fell silent. The Queen appeared on a raised platform, looking pale but determined. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her, remembering yesterday's events. But her eyes passed over me without a flicker of recognition. "Warriors," she called out, her voice strong despite her recent illness. "Today, your true trials begin. You will be tested in ways you cannot imagine. Many of you will fail. But those who succeed will move one step closer to becoming Luna." She paused, her gaze sweeping over all of us. "Remember why you are here. Remember what you fight for. And may the strongest among you prevail." With that, she raised her hand. Another horn blasted, and chaos erupted. Girls started running in all directions, heading for different obstacles. I hesitated for a split second, then sprinted towards the nearest challenge - a towering wall that seemed impossible to climb. As I ran, I caught sight of Jake and Maria heading in different directions. We'd agreed it was best to split up, to cover more ground. But I felt a pang of loneliness as I watched them disappear into the crowd. I reached the wall and started climbing. It was even harder than it looked. The handholds were tiny, barely there at all. My muscles screamed as I pulled myself up, inch by agonizing inch. Halfway up, I heard a scream. A girl to my left had lost her grip. She fell, landing hard on the ground below. Guards rushed to help her, but I knew she was out of the running. The trials were brutal, unforgiving. I gritted my teeth and kept climbing. This was what I'd trained for all those years with the rogues. Every bruise, every scar, every moment of pain - it had all led to this. Finally, I reached the top. I allowed myself one moment to catch my breath, to look out over the training grounds. It was chaos down there. Girls fighting, running, struggling through various obstacles. I saw Selly in the distance, moving with surprising grace through a field of swinging blades. She was good, I had to admit. But I was better. As I started to climb down the other side of the wall, a memory flashed through my mind. My father, teaching me to climb trees when I was little. "Always look for the next handhold," he'd say. "And never, ever look down." I blinked away tears, focusing on the task at hand. Now wasn't the time for memories. I made it to the bottom of the wall and immediately sprinted towards the next challenge. It was some kind of maze, with walls that seemed to shift and change. I took a deep breath and plunged in. Inside the maze, it was eerily quiet. I could hear my own breathing, the pounding of my heart. Every turn seemed to lead to a dead end. I tried to stay calm, to think logically, but it was hard when the walls kept moving. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see another contestant, a tall girl with fierce eyes. She charged at me without warning. I dodged her attack, using a move Miss Nelly had taught me. The girl stumbled, off-balance, and I used the moment to push past her. I hated leaving her behind, but this was a competition. Only one of us could win. As I ran, I heard her angry shouts fade away. The maze twisted and turned, and I lost all sense of direction. Just when I thought I'd never find my way out, I turned a corner and saw daylight. I burst out of the maze, gasping for air. Looking around, I saw I was one of the first to complete that challenge. A small surge of pride went through me, but I pushed it aside. This was just the beginning. Hours past, but I kept going. Every time I wanted to give up, I thought of my parents. Of the rogues who had taken me in and trained me. Of the justice I sought. It gave me the strength to push through the pain, to keep fighting when every muscle screamed for rest. As the sun began to set, a final horn sounded. Those of us still standing gathered in the center of the training grounds. I was relieved to see Jake and Maria among the survivors, though they looked as battered as I felt. The Queen appeared again, her face unreadable as she surveyed the remaining contestants. There were far fewer of us now than there had been this morning. "You have survived the first day of trials," she announced. "Rest well tonight. Tomorrow will be even more challenging." As we trudged back to our quarters, I caught sight of Selly. She looked annoyingly fresh, barely a hair out of place. Our eyes met, and she gave me a smug smile. I looked away, too tired to care about her games. Back in our room, Jake, Maria, and I collapsed onto our beds. For a long moment, none of us spoke. We were all too exhausted. Finally, Maria broke the silence. "Well, that was... intense." Jake let out a weak laugh. "You can say that again." I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak. My mind was still racing, replaying every moment of the day's trials. What could I have done better? What challenges might come tomorrow? "Hey," Jake said softly, noticing my silence. "You okay, Mary?" I forced a smile. "Yeah, just tired." But as I lay there, staring at the ceiling, I knew it was more than that. Today had brought back so many memories - of my parents, of my life before everything changed. And it had raised even more questions. Why had the Queen looked at me like that yesterday? What did she know about my past? And how was I going to keep my true identity a secret while still winning these trials? I thought about Harry, wondering if he'd been watching today's events. What did he think of my performance? Did he still believe I was his mate? As exhausted as I was, sleep didn't come easily that night. My dreams were a jumble of memories and fears. My parents' faces, the Queen's shocked expression, Harry's kiss, Selly's threats. They all swirled together, leaving me restless and uneasy. When dawn broke, I was already awake. Today would be even harder, the Queen had said. But I was ready. Whatever challenges came, whatever secrets were revealed, I would face them head-on. As I got ready for the day ahead, I caught my reflection in the mirror. The girl looking back at me was different from the one who had arrived here just days ago. Stronger, fiercer, more determined. I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "You can do this," I whispered to myself. "For mom and dad. For the rogues. For justice." With one last look in the mirror, I turned away. It was time to face another day of the Luna Trials. And no matter what happened, I was going to come out on top.
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