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Mr. Benito sit in front of me. He bring one big teapot of carbonated tea and two glass cup for us to drink. It seems he made it by his own hand. It's look so different from Ruhmbrau I always drink earlier so I am sure of it. He pour the carbonated tea to my glass first then him. We cheer as he done pour it and sit in front of me then we are laughing together. I know it's not the proper time to drink carbonated tea but the feeling you get when you drink it still got me. "Phew that was the nice toast isn't it ? The bread will come soon so don't let your cup empty yet." "Speak of the bread. I could smell it from this range." The young cashier girl opened the door to the rooftop bringing the nice fresh home made bread. The aroma of hot newly baked bread from the oven still exist. The girl looks more beauty as she bring the bread with her. The bread she bring is a baked bread with hot melted cheese in it and smeared with garlic butter which make the bread looks so juicy when it served in front of my eyes. I can't hold it any longer so I start to cut the bread with the bread knife he bring for me. The crunchy sound suddenly filling my ear as I cut the freshly baked bread. It baked nicely so the bread could be this crunch. And as I try to eat it the taste is indescribable growing evenly in my mouth and filling me with food pleasure. The savor of melted cheese is blow up in my mouth. Not too salty and not too sweet either. It's perfectly balanced as the cheese should be. "Oh my you are a magician ! How could a young girl like you make this perfect baked bread like this ? It's superb man." I said it while unconscious falling for this magic bread. "I am sorry but we are witch... hehe." That laugh pulled me to reality again. I remember how creepy she was earlier and it shiver me down my spine again. Though I can't lie about her taste of making bread. It's so unmatched considering that her true appearance in front of me. "Oh yes I am sorry then. Your bread is beautiful and I am truly appreciated that." "Thank you Young Master....." she's immediately blush. "Okay my dear daughter you may leave now. We are going to have a story a bit." She bow to me then take her leave. As she leave the rooftop I can still feel her creepy feeling about me. She is the powerful witch I think. The proof is in this magnificent bread and her creepy aura when thinking about me, I think ? "So Mr. Benito. I have several question since we met." "Named it. I bet it'll be the same as my story that I want to tell you." "Well then let me hear yours first." Mr. Benito chugs all the remaining carbonated tea in his glass. Then he pour it some more and chug it all the way down in one go. He burp as he never burp in a long very time. A pure burp that everyone could hear and it's gross. Like back in my village. "Long time ago he was young. We serve him as a tradition. He always come here since he first come to this place until he told me that he already have a bravely cute little nephew. That guy leave his awesome adventure just for his little nephew. He said that he want to raise him so he could be his great descendant. Pitiful isn't it ?" "And he was--" "Evans Juliet. Your beloved mentor I'd like to say." So that is why he know me in the first place. This witch seems have a better experience in addressing people so he know that I was his nephew. A passive which probably every witch have to see people aura. I think I have the similar aura as my mentor in the first place. "Umm.... do you know where's the kid ?" now I started to remember. "Oh you worry about him. It's okay. He said that he want to met his siblings. So he take his leave while bringing my treat into their hideout." "You don't do anything stupid to him right ?" I stare him fiercely. "Ahahaha so you care about him that much. It's okay Young Master. This city is protected by the power of The Emperor. None evil deed could be done in this place. But still, a small piece of human ego still lurking and that's the smallest evil deed in this capital." He explain a lot. It seems the reason why the kid stealing is an honorable deed which because of he doesn't have any better choice than stealing. But what if the power of The Emperor as he mention earlier know his miserable life then send me here to make his life better, isn't that too powerful ? If my prediction is true then it's the best thing I discover in my life. "Next time if we met again then I will give him a hand to take care of his siblings. I won't let your family down." Mr. Benito smile while bow his head to me for a short time. "That's the good of you. Thank you very much then. And sorry, I was distrust you earlier." "Ahahaha.... you are all just the same. Your noble attitude is the reason why we put a respect and make a tradition of it." If I could summarize it then this old man have serve my uncle and the other of my ancestor due his long lifespan. Witch in average has 630 years old lifespan. But due their dangerous act in this world, almost none of them could reach that number. Most of them died because of disease, ambition, and failed experimentation. "Ah Mr. Benito, could you please tell me about the stories of you and my uncle was ?" "Yes of course. I'll gladly tell you about him. So be sure you have time left before you met The King and sit tight." It still eleven after midnight after all. There is plenty time for a little bed time story. "I don't mind. I do curious about how great my uncle is." "Then, your uncle is never always the same you met yesterday. The truth is your uncle found and eat at the same place after he met The King. His face is very frustrated like the other of your ancestor that I serve. I thought you will be the same. But then you came to meet me first before you meet The King. Even if it's just an accident but the truth is you meet me first. It's so different than your ancestor before." "Is that even matter ? None shall know where the red string led to. Even if the length of string show us the way, we still call it a clue." "Still it's bugging me since. Maybe there's still a hope that could make your ancestor proud of you, and of course your uncle. Or this is an omen that you will accomplish their mission once and for all. The next generation should not face this troublesome thing you all called tradition." Thing from his mouth seems complicated than I anticipated. I told him to tell the story of my uncle but the ancestor thing appear and make it worse. Still it make me curious and want to hear more about it. What am I gonna face here ? "Then what it is ? What am I gonna face next ?" "I couldn't tell you about it. Since all of your ancestor doesn't get any help at start then you mustn't be the one either. I know it'll irritated you but you must strong or your ancestor will shame on you." This old man is funny one. He sure didn't know what kind of lesson my uncle give to me before I came here or even before the championship start. It's the power of knowledge so I could predict the future and make a plan for it. For example. Mr. Benito has talk too much that soon I could realize what he's hiding. I just need to connect the puzzle piece in jigsaw puzzle that Mr. Benito gave me. After the jigsaw is complete then it's my win knowing what will happen to me next. But there is one problem. I miss one more puzzle piece. Maybe I am just gonna ask him, "Mr. Benito, have you seen The King recently ?" "The King ? Yeah now you mention it. He's always showed up once per day at least. But in this one week, I couldn't find him in usual place. Maybe he's train his right hand warrior." As I thought. He will give me the puzzle piece easily. And when I connect all of the puzzle pieces then it show me the picture. The mission that troublesome the ancestors after he met The King is that The King always beat them by his right hand warriors. Or even the better possibilities is they are beaten by The King himself. Summarize. The ancestor and I have the same fate to fight The King's right hand warrior or so and himself if I succeed to proceed. That is how my prediction see the tradition I'll face today. But my question is why do The King even want to fight us ? Is it related to the power of The Emperor ? I drink the rest of my carbonated tea in the glass. The clock has showing 11:30 after midnight and it's really close to our meeting time. "Well I got to go Mr. Benito. It was fun having breakfast with you." "So it was the time. I don't really know what will happen to you there so be careful." as I left my chair, Mr. Benito hand grab my shoulder and he said, "Be strong. Don't push yourself. Please make the better end. I called every single of you 'Young Master' so I hope they could be better after." Listening his last word for me is so emotional. I think I am the one who take responsibility to make this good old man smile again. His face feels really put a faith in me to overcome the trial. I wonder how was his face when he met my uncle in the past. "Don't you worry Mr. Benito. I am the one who inherited The Card of Chariot. I'll pass everything who block my path." with the wind who blows in this rooftop. I disappear and left Mr. Benito going to the castle. "Adios Mr. Benito !" To be continued...
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