Arcadia Apple

1810 Words
The sun has rise before I notice it. I awake too late which the clock has showing 10 o'clock after midnight. And because of that, my belly start screaming cause I have no food to eat. While waiting the banquet time in the castle, I will find breakfast as fast as possible. I may not be able to survive there if I hold any longer. I open the window in this cheap inn, breezing suddenly blows in and swipe my face gently. The capital scenery looks beautiful in this highest floor of the inn. Yes, I order the highest floor in the cheapest inn for just to see this beautiful scenery. As I am The Card Holder now, I can found the place like this easily. The big capital with green scenery is the best thing in my life. I thought it would be full of smoke and air waste since the manufactory is widely spread here but I don't see any of them. This capital is cleaner and brighter than I thought. The birds are singing, the crowd speaking dynamically, the skies bright blue while the sun shine his warm and vigorous light from above. This harmony of life makes me excited to hurry up and found breakfast as fast as possible. My stomach seems couldn't hold any longer. Also, I want to feel this harmonious capital by my own hands down there. I am very grateful that I could come and see this outstanding scenery of capital. +---+---+---+---+ "Somebody stop that kid !" A kid running out from the bakery holding some pieces bread in his hand. The bread in his hand is out of his capacity so he run in overwhelmed. The kid looks very punk with so many scar in his body. But still, he's just a kid who steal from a bakery. The old man who chase him is a fat man who can't even run with the fat in his belly. He looks so overwhelmed too while chasing the kid who steal his breads. The old man is seems tired as he working at that place, then now he should chase the kid. I pity for him. I saw that incident from the highest place around the market district. The small problem like that is a good starter task for this new Card Holder. With my rapier who could increase my speed to a wind like speed, this unexpected task could be easy. I have a trick beneath my sleeves to blend my existence with surrounding air. My form became invisible and I could freely move in the air. The running kid suddenly bumps into an adult in front of him. He fell and his stolen bread is falling around. The kid suddenly panicking as the old man is getting closer. But then that adult grab his hand and pull him then whisper through his ears, "Don't worry I got this." Suddenly the kid stares me in a suspicious way. He is confused either way he must trust me or not. It's kinda awkward though if he reject me in this state. But with my sharp eyes, I could convince him to fully trust me. "Stop that kid ! I beg of you." the old man shout. I stood up for the kid. After that kid hide behind my legs then I said, "I AM REALLY SORRY !!!" with all of my heart and loud. The kid and the old man suddenly shocked seeing my action. I didn't tell the kid either to what I will be doing in the future. They are genuinely shocked but it seems the old man is way too exaggerated for his ages. I understand the kid but this old man.... "It's my bad for teach him improperly. Once again I do apologize." "Young Master what are--" The kid slowly stay away from me. I pulled him as he trying to escape roughly. "Now you apologize too !" I hold his head. The face of this old man suddenly blushing. There is something that probably he hide from me or he couldn't tell because I cut his word earlier. The kids seems will remain shut until the time that I cannot tell so I think I will let him speak now. "If that is what you desire then it's fine for me young man." he turn his face down. "I don't know that you had an apprentice like him. My deepest apology, Young Master." It's kinda odd. He just calling me "young master" since. I think there is a better explanation from him later. But for now..... I didn't know what to say. My brain suddenly blank as he address me as this kid mentor and some kind of superior appellation. "Um... It's not.... didn't...." my mouth halting as I want to say the truth of my deception. "Oh ! Ahahahaha..... so you are all guys is the same ! Don't worry Young Master I've experienced situation like this earlier. You got my back." "What !?" I shocked. I didn't know how to react about this but as my prediction he knows about me earlier. But how did he know ? Am I just getting popular recently ? "How ?!" "Ah ! The district crowded suddenly. Come over Young Master and lucky kid. I am gonna treat you all since I've found Young Master before The King does. Yo let's go." This old man grab my hand. He pulled me roughly to his bakery so I pulled the kid and follow us to his bakery. To think that he will get the treat too is a good thing from this old man. The kid seems like did not believe this old man but don't worry kid I will protect you if something bad going to happen. I didn't feel hideous aura from this old man so I think it's safe. The bakery is not far from where we are standing before. It releasing the nice smell of fresh baked bread aroma from the oven as he opened the door for us. My hunger belly crave it so much that it scream as I smell the aroma. What a really nice place to eat. After he opened the door for us he immediately meet the young girl who seat in cashier. He introduce us warmly to her. The cashier girl suddenly get excited as the old man introduce me and the kid. She come out from cashier table and greet us. "Young Master please come and eat in our bakery. We will serve you and this kid either so..." The kid slowly running away from me again. Then I realize it and immediately catch him and hold his hand so he would never running away again. "Tell me, what is your name kid ?" " *sigh* Fine. My name is Garlan." "Then Garlan you are under my protection. I am West August The Holder of Chariot Card will protect you from any harm in advance." I am once again trying to convince him and with smile, "So what's your answer ?" I hold out my hand. The kid shake his head. He reject my offer to protect him. "I can't. I know I am just a kid but inside I am a man who fight for his little brother and sister. So I can't accept your offer and I will become a man by myself. So if you want to protect me then protect my family too !" This kid..... is a big mouthed kid. He's just a kid who could only big talk. Like I do in the past. "Well I can't offer you that." the kid turn his face down as I say that. "But you still can get the treat plus I will pay more for your sibling too. Well that is for if you could trust me more." I smiled at him. The kid hold his anger, his teeth start to tremble. "Fine ! Then I am so sorry for the trouble Mr.Benito." Three of us looking at the kid confused. Suddenly we are laughing knowing that his true intention. This kid is more mature than what we think. He apologize before I order him while accepting my offer. I am really proud of him. "Ah kid you don't have to. But if you insist then I'll accept your apologize. Now The Young Master is here so I can treat you with him." "You are more mature than I think kiddo. I am really proud of you." I pat his head. "Now now Young Master and Garlan please head up stair. I'll accompany you." said the young girl. "I'll catch up later. The breads in the road earlier must have been a mess for the other merchant. I'll clean it up first." said Mr.Benito. "Ah let me help you. I am the one who make a mess so I will take the responsibility." "Good kid ! Now that was the spirit. I'll cook the best one for you two." Mr.Benito and the kid Garlan seems like will having fun. Now it's only the two of us. This young girl seems excited by just walking with me together. Did she have another intention or maybe it just my imagination that she seems excited with me. "Ahhh.... young master is here." she's mumbling. What am I just hear by now. Her breathe is so hard and warm as I feel the air with my magic rapier. Did she just fantasize about me ? Oh no it's gross. Soon after that, this girl open the door to the rooftop. The wind blows as she open it and the sunlight brighten my eyes. Incredible scenery could be seen in front of my eyes. The blue sky and white clean clouds decorate this bakery rooftop. I feel so much pleasure while I see this beautiful scenery. "What a beauty." "Young Master. Please take a seat wherever you desire. I'll bake some bread for you." I nod to her. She immediately leave with blushing face. I hear her mumble again and it shiver down my spine. She's kinda creepy for me. Many question I'd like to ask to Mr.Benito. Why he know me in the first place ? Am I that popular even the random baker give me a treat ? Seems like not. If I am that popular then every time I pass people then they will greet me. This capital is so much beauty in it. The King must be very wise which everyone could put a faith on him to rule this kingdom and develop the capital. I sit at the table near the fence so I could see the scenery freely. It's so much pleasure to just seeing this capital in here. I'd like to talk to him once more and hear out his story. To be continued...
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