
Arcadian Crusader

female lead
male lead
magical world

Long time ago, twenty two person has been elected to hold and bring peace to the world. The chosen person held an enormous power which nobody could possess. The power that could bring the peace to the world or the end to the world.

Sadly, one among twenty two person of them must have retired very fast. The one has bequeathed his soul more than the other member do since the one is from human race. The race who had the shortest lifespan of them all.

But they never pessimistic about that. They are always stand up and show their worth to the world, again and again. The true figure of heroes we all know. Riding the horse as their true partner as long the journey goes on.

Now the descendant of heroes born once more. Fighting the red string of fate to save the world like his ancestors. With the cowboy hat on his head and the horse as his best partner, he put on a journey into the wilderness.

The other twenty one person wait for his action. They are waiting patiently on their own chamber. Locked and persevered until the string of fate poke them around.

Let’s start the adventure !

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Golden Blood
Where do you think magic was born ? Originated from human ? Learned from the f*******n books or scrolls ? Then it's not fully wrong. A tale from the past mention the crossbreeding human with the holy creatures called Celestial who's able to wield magics as their weapon. Their blood flowing in our body through our veins and keep us survive in this fictional world. With their blood power, a crossbreeding human could posses such a fictional power called magic. And those human were categorized by their unique magics skill. The Animalia who wield beast strength and even could transform their part of bodies into an animal like, such as cat ears by Feline Animalia or wings by Aves Animalia on their back. They even have their beast abilities as their unique magic skill. The Magician who is the strongest magic wielder and user of elemental magic skill. Their skill using magic spell is undoubtedly powerful than average magic users. And the most important, some of them even could write a f*******n spell and books or even turned them into f*******n one. The Witches who has a big brain of alchemist combined by their unique magic. Some of them could heal even the very deadly wound. Some of them could spawning the army of golems and use them as a loyal soldier. Some of them could use high level magic like The Magician. And the last is human itself. They might not as powerful as the other races who wield magic as their weapon but human has a mighty weapon called determination. The wise action that could even destroy their pride as magic wielder. One could master the power of determination, could even grasp the world between one grasp. But in the midst of all races, one who has a might beyond their imagination born carrying the golden blood of Celestials. From the Animalia, one could posses the power of legendary and myth creatures like phoenix and dragon. From the Magician, one could posses the power of all elements and create them from a random particle in this world. From the Witches, one could posses the magician like golden blood and beyond. And from the Human, one could posses an abstract thing called high hopes. The hopes born with human, the leader of the world itself. A man with a high hopes will born. The Celestial knows that. They giving their trust to human by give them some magic power. And the foulest thing is their blood. So what do you think about that ? Isn't that cool ? The true magic power lies between your bodies and heart. The soul of magic user is quite weird though. But I am sure you are gonna having fun with them. Or else something in your veins might having an abnormality like evil. None love evil things in this fictional world, right ? Well but that's unlucky for you. When there is a light then there is darkness. Nothing shall last forever in this fictional world. The light become faint and the darkness will spread their wings such as those sinister races called Celestial. Ahahahaha.... What are we waiting for ? Let me tell you the story of a mortal journey saving the fictional world. And I will be your story teller, read closely cause it's gonna be epic journey with a massive plot twist. Story... begin !

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