The Emperor's Castle

1605 Words
"So it was the time. The time to repeat the same fate over and over again. I don't have much time left. This time is must be the time. But I couldn't let my anxiety makes me underestimating the fate of the future. The great calamity called 'Bencana Besar' must end." The King stand from his throne. Walking closer to his two royal right hand warriors who bows before The King's throne. The red aura glowing brightly in both of his hand. Dampen the warriors souls and strengthening their mind and body. The power of The Emperor tarot card flowing through their veins. As their eyes became red, the power itself has burn their shackling hesitation. The King's order become absolute. None can break their loyalties to The King. "I trust this mighty power of mine to the both of you. Make my dream come true in this attempt. Don't failed me. Show me your true strength combined with this power. Then the true warrior will born and save us all." "Felicia Cellotte accept your command." "Vorcus Astarea accept your command." The two right hand warriors left as they're accept his order. The King stand alone in his throne room. Staring at the blank space in front of him. The black mist of void could only be seen by his eyes. Talking with none could hear. "Yes I am trying...." +---+---+---+---+ The wind moves very fast. This great wide area of capital could be easily explored by my wind. I stepped and stay on the roof near the central castle, the highest building in entire kingdom before the central library. Suddenly, the wind howls loudly. A flying ship blocking the sunlight above me and passing me by. So this is the environment of the capital sky. The flying ship could be seen anywhere above this capital and fly freely. I wonder how people leave here react to this. Did they have the great feeling every day ? Are their face ever went down ? Is there really a dark side in this place ? The great place who couldn't have any dark side is a myth, right ? But I am to scared to find out because the light here is too bright for even hiding from it. I love how they are interact each other here. The man in suit talk freely with the man in shirt. The wandering merchant tell his wonderful journey to his customer peacefully. And the other colors of happiness spread throughout this big wide city. I am jealous of this city because the city of mine is always find a way to make my day more chaotic. But in the end, they are smiling in a b****y ways. " *sigh* What a troublesome people..." The wind blows my hair. Messing with the hat I use. But then, I feel someone existence behind me. He or she stares me deeply. It's like he or she plotting to do something to me. But I don't have any courage to turn back and stare him or her back. This man or woman stare me deeply through my souls. Suddenly I realize, I have dozed off for a moment. Someone who stares me back then is just an imaginary because of this sudden sleep. The wind is way too calming that makes my mind rest for a little bit. Yes that was my imaginary. Nothing else to be afraid of. I am The Chariot now so I should have overcome those kind of things easily. Nothing shall interfere my positive mind and break it out like a glass of jar. But if it was real. Then the one who stares me earlier is not a human but a monster who held the immense magic power. I'll always be prepared if one of those will appear in front of me so there is nothing to be afraid of. "I hope The Chariot will show up today. So our duty could be fulfilled." "Don't speak like that. We must loyal to The King and fully trust him." There is two guard speaking in front of the castle front door. Their hand is holding the tall banner like it's the heaviest banner their ever hold. The banner has five meters height and with the wide cloth on top of the banner. They slowly put it down and open the knot that hold the cloth. And after they succeed opening the knot then they are raise it with pride. The sound of steel slam ringing in high frequency. Making people around them shocked and watch them instantly. Speaking of that banner. The word in the banner cloth is readed "The Chariot". I think they are trying to pick me up since I am new in this capital. But still, it's embarrassing for me to show up in the middle of attention like that. I think I will wait for a bit. "West August The Chariot ! West August The Chariot ! The King has set the meet up ! Show us yourself !" they repeat it again and again loudly. After ten minutes later, people are start to ignore them. Both of them is no longer public attention and I could show myself. But before that I want to make sure that no one is watching me so I couldn't be their attention. I swing my rapier rapidly and spread the wind as far as the wind blows. My wind didn't detect a single soul looking at me. I am still cautious about the dream I saw in my fast nap. The stares is feel so real. After I scanning the area with my weapon's magic then I put it away in its scabbard rapidly. The clicking sound it produce is so satisfying which ringing in my ears. I stand up in proud after I put my rapier away. The howls of the wind whisper to me and blowing my hairs. My feet move one step. I started to fall down because it's the fastest way to get down from here. The building has seven floor height and I fall down from there at once. I rolled up in the sky and land in a beautiful ways. No sound could be heard as I land. That is the most perfect land I got in my entire life. But then suddenly, there's a kid ruining my perfect landing. He stand in front of my face and look at me frightened. His whole body is trembling while holding his fear with his curiosity and a candy on his hand. I couldn't stand if someone mess up my moments. Even it was a kid with a candy on his hand. I stare him menacingly. My hand moving slowly approach his neck. And after that we are having a nice high five in a century. The kid smiling brightly and leave as soon as he get the high five. He probably want to tell his parent about this. The kid really makes my moments sparkling sometimes. And then I continue my walk and meet those two guy who wants to pick me up. I wave my hand and approach them nicely. The people in capital is very nice that even the guard who pick me up is a nice friendly couple. They warmly welcome me into the castle. I am very enjoyed this kind of adventure. +---+---+---+---+ "So this is your first time in the capital Mr. August ?" ask the male guard. "Well yes. And it's my first time wandering around outside my home town." "Whoa.... does your home town lovely ?" ask the female guard. "It's filled with gunpowder smell everyday." The female guard suddenly shocked and the male guard laughing badly. They are such a friendly guard to be true. I thought the guard in the capital won't be this friendlier and more firmer as I anticipated. As I observe this two guard, it seems that they are not an ordinary guard. Beside their friendly personality, their fighting skill must be awesome. The scar from their faces is a proof that they has train to death to just become the castle guard. I do really respect their hard works. These two guards accompanying me to meet The King. We are sharing experience, laughing together, having a small talk, and much more. They do really explain this castle a lot to the detail like why the castle wall have the paint like this. We are walking together to reach the top of the castle where the throne room is. The King wants to meet me there but I am more feeling like visit to the dentist. But then I feel interested as I realize I'll meet the other Card Holder like me. Maybe we could share our experience as The Card Holder and I'll get more advice from him. Not long after, we are already at the front of the throne room door. The door is a big great door colored by red paint and carved resembling The Card of Emperor. Menacing aura could be feel in front of the big red door. These two guard remain silent as they feel the unsettling aura. A cold sweat drop from her face. She couldn't endure the tense. Someone behind this door waiting patiently my attendance. He's probably sitting there while leaning his head in his palm. Spreading fear and terror to anyone who couldn't resist it. This big great door is resembling his mighty power that sealed inside the room resembled by the branch binding the emperor who sat in his throne. Staring at the weakest soul. To be continued.....
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