The Departure

1879 Words
August open his eyes. He's once again surrounded by darkness as he open his eyes. A dim light illuminates under a strange woman in black cloth. That light is the only light that brighten this dark void world. None in this world produce the light. The woman sit and waiting very patient. Blank eyes in her eyes indicate that she has endure the waiting time for a long time in this empty world. Without anything to amuse her she's await until the time that August will come. Now the time has come. August approach her as soon as he found her. By bringing something at his pocket, August smile happily at her. But unfortunately, that strange woman has lost her ability to smile due to the eternal waiting that she suffer. She can't sleep either because this world refuse her to sleep. In order to help her against her boredom, August bring her something that may she could do something about it. "Here, a block of wood from a magical tree south west from my home." "What a fine wood you give me, August. I wonder how could you bring such a thing to this world." said the strange woman in a flat tone. "What a pity creature." "Well, I know you would say that so I've thinking how to make you smile again against that never ending boredom of yours." August smiling. "You are such a good man, August. I appreciate your kindness but how do you know I hid the knives behind my robe ?" the strange woman stares. "It's easy. You always hide your left hand behind your backs while your right hand hold your body leaning at that chair. Something must be in it right ? And it's not a good one to carry." Suddenly, after August tell his reason, the strange woman feel hurt. She close her eyes and hold her pain. The blood start dripping from her left side and damp her left robe with her blood. August panicking seen a blood dripping from her left side. "Oy ! Are you alright ?" And in a short time, sound of a breaking flesh could be heard. Her pain holding has come to over and it's time to see her result. She take out her left hand from her black robe while carrying the b****y knives. The knives is so full of blood that even the blade turned into red. "What are you even doing ?! You hurt yourself !" "It's a remnant of my suffering before you came to save me back then." the strange woman hide the knives again after August saw it. "But more importantly, I have something to tell you about." "But.... Aarrgghh well ! You are the one who invite me here after all. I'll hear you." "Everytime the time expand, you slowly forget me. Soon you will totally forget about me and the existence of this world. Nothing will remain here only I and this everlasting darkness." said the strange woman. "You are joking right ? I still remember you as the proof." "You didn't remember why the knives still in my back, right ? You should have explain it before if you still remember." August bite his lips. He heard what he didn't want to heard. A little bit of frustrated, August has lost his small amount of memory he did want to remember. It seems her word is true and August couldn't deny her. This is too bitter for August accept her. "I..... am sorry." "It's okay. It wasn't your fault neither your action in advance. All I want to tell you is that I have a request for you only. A selfish request which only I can put faith on." "Tell me. For that I can atone my mistakes." "Please August, bring a light to illuminate this dark world. When the light has brighten this world, my memory would back and your memory of this world won't faded anymore. Though, I didn't sure your lost memory will back or not." "I'll gladly accept it. But how do I brighten this world ?" "The answer lies after you open your eyes. Your next action decide whether you get that answer or not. An adventure shall find the answer to brighten this world. That is the only hints I could tell you." "I don't really get it but it seems I should have gone for an adventure, right ?" "That is an optional. You could do whatever you want to do. I don't want to force you just because you are the only one who could accompany me in this dark void world." August clenched his palm. He solidify his determination to save this strange woman. His heart never been this fast accepting a woman request. "I do want to save you. I don't want to see any of my acquaintance or relative suffer. Human nor everyone must live freely. They should have find love or happiness in this world on their own. Not this stupid system caging you and me." The strange woman lips didn't even flinch a little. She's sure unable to smile anymore even someone said something good to her. "I see. You are a good man after all. Then I always put a faith on you even how long it will take." August smile as she said that to him. His determination growing stronger and stronger looking that happy face of the strange woman. Even though the strange woman never reveal her happy face to August. "Then, you should have not stay here any longer. There is an adventure out there waiting for you who will gave you the answer." Suddenly, the strange forces pulling August into a warped hole. August open up his hats then use it again as a farewell. He leap into it and back to the world he belongs. The world full of orange sunlight as he wakes from his sleep. An odd things then happened. A little girl with a prison clothes stare him blankly. August stare her back with a shocked eyes. But soon as someone knock the door and he turn his eyes back to the little girl, the little girl vanished. August filled with curiosity as the little girl disappear. It's the first time seeing her for his entire life. +---+---+---+---+ *knock* *knock* "August wake up ! I have something to tell you." I rush unlocking the door and meet my father with a shocked face. That ghost or spiritual thing really shock me up because I've never seen one in my entire life. Why does she stares me blankly like that ? Did she know I was talking in my dream ? But it seems impossible cause itss f*******n for everyone telling their discussion with their Arcadia. So what is she plotting ? My father walk passing me and stand close to the window. He feel the dry air of evening desert close to the window while patting my Arcadia. Slowly he turn his back and staring at me with serious eyes. I swallow my saliva through my throat. He never been this serious as I know him from when I was little. The thing he wants to tell must be very serious and he is very concern about me whether I was ready or not. My father crossing his arm and exhale his breathe. "Son, my dear son. You've grown up lately. It's not like you three years ago when I was encouraging you to be more brave with your uncle. The Card does really change you very well as an appointed knight who opens up the way." "What are you talking about, father ? I hardly understand it." "Our family tree belong to the Chariot Card Holder. Since we are just a human everyone could snatch that card and claim it very easily. But our family was different. It's still a mystery that the card still persist to choose our family as a rightful Tarot Card Holder." Suddenly, I feel my mother presence behind my back. As I turn around, no one was there and no footsteps could be heard. I just think it was my other imagination like that spirit girl. So I continue to listen father explanation. "A tradition that our family always had since a long time ago. It yours now." "Is that an adventure invitation from The King ? Like uncle does when he was younger as me to go into capital ?" I am very excited about this. "So you've heard about it. Then it will easy for me to explain it further to you." my father grab my Arcadia then give it to me lightly. "The King decree has invite you to the capital. You must depart at dawn for not make The King waiting. So.... what is your decision ?" This is it ! This is my time to choose my destiny. The decision that mentioned by Ouranios finally come in front of me. Now, my adventure will expand and I hope I will find that light who could illuminate the dark world. But soon while I want to accept it, my mother hugs my hand from behind. She cried silently knowing that I am going to adventure. It's quite sad knowing my mother's true feeling but I must force my determination for the better ending. "It's okay son, my dear dear son. You can decline it whenever you want. We still accepting you cause you are the one for us." said my mother while her tears pouring from her eyes. "Your mother right. There is no need for us holding this stupid tradition anymore. I just want to see our only son happy. That's all." said my father while avoiding my eyes. So this is the challenge for my decision. I do want to see them happy with my own eyes. But the world might need me such like Ouranios today. It's a hard choices but very easy one if I don't have a single sympathy about them. But still, my determination is far more larger than my sympathy. I should do what I must do for the better end of my life. Maybe I would live happily here but there is an adventure waiting for me. The fresh air of green meadows I craving waiting me out there. Yes.... I will be fine ! Cause it is my dream since. "It's okay father, mother. I will be fine. Let the tradition be a tradition as it should be. Either way, I have enough power to overcome any challenges for the future there. The Greatsword of Ouranios will always help me in a joy or sorrow. Because of that, I am ready !" My father nod his head while my mother pour the tears evenly. I know it's very hard to release their lovely child out there. But someday they will still release me as I grow up to adulthood. So it's useless to not let them stray earlier. I gave them my last little hug. Their lovely child finally able to grow and decide his decision alone. I always grateful for having you all this time, father, mother. I wont let you disappointed by my decision this day. Thank you... To be continued....
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