Adventure Begins !

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The sunlight at dawn waking me up. Cold breeze of dawn stabbing me in every inch of my skins, crawling as it told me to wake up. The new adventure awaiting me out there. I could see the sun rise as the time expand. I jumped out from my bed and get ready as fast as possible. My rapier, my Arcadia, and my g*n must on my possession because they are vital to this adventure. Magical beast, red eyed bandit, unknown insects, and much more must be waiting for their next victim. It's the best idea to always prepared and aware in wilderness. But seems like I don't even need to concern about it any longer. For now I've become a Card Holder who feared by average people who know me. This Chariot Card could be my weapon in a such dangerous situation later. I would like to test it out but it's immoral for me to use such strength just for fun. Gun in my right hips, rapier on my left hips, and Arcadia in my back, I am ready to roll. My parents, my acquaintance, are waiting for me outside. My dear horse is waiting for me too with them. I feel so nervous knowing that they are looking up for me in my next action. Seems like this adventure gonna be my very exciting adventure. I search for my uncle who mentor me till these days but he couldn't be found anywhere as far as my eyes seeing. Probably he is late by preparing something for my departure. I am sure he will show up for me later. "Mother, father, I am leaving. Please take care while I am gone." I said to them. "You are always be our pride and power, my dear son. Don't worry about us and continue what you have to do." said my mother. "Just remember what uncle Juliet teach you. Don't ever forget your learning till these days." my father nod. I hopped to my magical horse and pat his head like I always do. My other acquaintance said farewell word to me either. They do really gonna miss me so much while I am gone. I do answer them very gently yet vigorous to not let them down. At least, I must make my farewell very promising. Everything in pack. I am ready to start this journey and search for the excitement in this new adventure. But I still couldn't see my uncle until this depart time. Yet, I couldn't hold any longer cause the sun is getting higher and much higher. "Farewell everyone !" I whip my horse then it start running. People in this small town cheer me up as I depart for the last time and for a long time. I do really miss them even I am not far enough. They are really give me this precious memory to hold. Suddenly, a sound of a running horse getting closer to me. A brown gold fur horse could be seen running fast towards me as I turn my body around. A man with a white beard and black hair coming close to me as he called my name. "West August ! Take this with you." That man is my dearest uncle. A great mentor who gave this unbeatable experience and a former Chariot Card Holder. He threw a bag of ammo that he always carried since we first met. I catch it and gladly accept his gift for me. A perfect ammunitions for my beloved six barrel revolver. After I accept it, he suddenly stop his horse and stand there staring at me. He is smiling as I getting farther and farther. I couldn't say a single word cause he so far away from me. So I raise my hand and clenching my palm to proof that I am always ready. He nods to me. He turn back with his horse to the town with a grinning face. My adventure is started. A big great world await for me. Giant blue sky, a big great capital, and much more already waiting for me. Who knows what kind of challenge available for me as I stepping my first step at the capital. To be honest, this is my first time seeing the capital and I look forward into it until this day. I won't make all of my acquaintance disappointed. They will see how great I am and they will proud of me as their acquaintance too. "Great wide world.... here I come !" +---+---+---+---+ The wind howling great. The sound of day great desert ringing in my ears. A thick wind of sand passing me through blinding my eyes for a moment. I cover my eyes as the sand begin to thicken and thicker. So this is how it feels when I cross the border. The border which prohibit an insider to go outside without powerful strength or vice versa. The punk yesterday also probably has a great strength to overcome this thick border of sand. Or else, that was the day when the border has weakened for a day and night. And today, is the opposite of that day. I just hope he could safely go outside without any trouble. Cause yes, the thick sand here burning my skin right now. Soon I saw the light inside this thick wind of sand. The light is very bright which almost blinding my eyes. But it is my only hope to exit this worst border ever. I assume that is the light of the sun who will guide the adventurers reaching the capital. And yes, I pass the thick wind of sand. The sunlight greet me as I succeed passing the border of the thick sand. Both of us safe and no damage taken, that burning sensation is no other than just side effect. I could smell the aroma of wilderness outside of the town and capital. It's like freedom instead wilderness. The green cactus grows everywhere outside the border. My horse running stably in this new sand terrain. He seems so much happier than inside the border. Either I who craving this sensation since I was a kid. I do really love this new environment of adventure. Yet I still couldn't see the capital from here. Oh yes ! I am yet to introduce myself properly. My name is West August. Born from a lovely couple named West Adam as my father and Sylvia August as my mother. My father was a gentleman partner of The Chariot former and my mother is a beauty from that small town. My uncle named Evans Juliet is a former of Tarot Card Holder The Chariot and my best mentor. I have conquer The Chariot Championship held by my uncle two years ago. And now I am his descendant as the new Chariot Card Holder. Thousand people I've defeated gave me the strength to handle this Card and my earlier companion who deceive gave me the experience of how cruel a society outside. I start the adventure with my best companion who never left my side. Draft President, the name of the horse I am riding. He is a magical horse who's able to running fast in the desert and even the softest sand. And he does have a magical horse stable in my pocket. That thing is a small ball which has a magic power within. The small ball who could contain this big brown horse of mine and even feed him if needed. Next I have a g*n revolver named Thunder Blaster. I named it to fit it with my unique magic as it will blast the thunder inside the bullet. Nah I am just kidding. The thunder is just an exaggeration of my unique power. But still, the bullet could blow up and could match the thunder itself. Before I could handle the Ouranios, my next best partner is my rapier named Mourning Gale. That is a magic weapon founded while I am in training with my uncle back then. A magic weapon who could control the wind magic freely. It's slightly different from Arcadia but the power almost matching with any Arcadia could be found. And finally the Arcadia Ouranios. A greatsword with magic power within who's able to buff my power, speed, and wound recoveries very fast. There is still unknown magic which I yet to discover as this Arcadia is the most mysterious one. No record about this greatsword like the others. But I am sure this Arcadia is the most powerful Arcadia who match with Ieros Prosopiko that Ultimate Witch handle. I am kinda scared of this Arcadia because it was given to me as a gift from that strange woman in the dark world. I lost a little of my memory which I want to embrace more. I do want to know how and why she gave me this Arcadia earlier. What am I doing back then until I had her faith with Arcadia Ouranios ? The answer lies somewhere in this great wide world. Speaking of weaponry. There is one prey which still visible in my sight. A desert deer who stray searching the leaves of desert watermelon. My uncle said that its meat does really helpful in the desert wilderness. A juicy meat that no one could resist once it's cooked. Inside my bag there is a bunch of a small rocks. The rocks I usually use to release my unique magic as it very cheap to found. I took one of them while my horse still running. I aim it to its head without any hesitation. My wind magic will cover it up if I messed up. That small rock began marked simply. The explosive rate of my simple mark could even blast that deer head. I put up of my faith into this moment. I am pretty sure my aim was right because I could control the air freely with my Mourning Gale. My left hand resonate with Mourning Gale while my right hand aim it directly at its head. I flick the small rock in my finger. The rock launched really fast as the bullet would do. As the rock hit its head, it immediately blow up and kill the deer in one go. The blood spurting as the head blow up. I succeed to hunt for the first time in this new adventure. "Lucky..." Food supply has been in my hand. This stray desert deer will be enough for three days until I got into capital. The meat that uncle told me seems very good. It has good tenderness as I skinning this desert deer. I must thrifty as possible in this wilderness. And now let's continue our journey again. Before the night comes and the moon shine brightly as the dark existence lurk. To be continued.....
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