West August

1608 Words
In the middle of desert, the sun shine fiercely above the hot killing sands. The smell of gunpowder very thick in this area. Battle between the punk g*n wielder and local g*n wielder has been over not long ago. Their bullet waste still warm from its barrel. And the blood pouring from the local g*n wielder left arms. Disable him to use his g*n. "This town is full of child play. None will fulfil my thirst for battle in this town." "Watch your stupid mouth.... you punk !" say the local g*n wielder while in pain. "I am a punk and always have been ! One who talk s**t about me must suffer !" The punk g*n wielder shoot him again with no fear. But then, his grinning faces faded as he miss the shoot. The short range shoot that he never misses in his entire life because of a single vibration in his hand. Sudden shock he felt in his hand was not a mistakes. Something makes his hand shaking at that time. Saving the poor local g*n wielder. His face suddenly sweating. Not because of the heat but something supranatural aura that makes his hand shaking unconsciously. Something that he never felt before. Something related to the odd things happening in this world. The calming breeze suddenly appears. A cold but gentle wind come across the streets of battle arena. Youth with wavy blonde hair covered by his cowboy hats comes as soon as the wind spread to cooldown the arena. Some people are scared and closes their windows. Some people put their respect and opening his way. West August is coming from his tiring hard training. "Huh ?! Is this the punk of the town ? How lame !" insult the punk. However, West August just ignore him. He walks away in a tired way after a long hard looked training. He even ignore the injured local g*n wielder. His step unstoppable yet no one block his path either. And then, he yawning along the way. Suddenly, the punk gets angrier after he ignore his insultation. "You immoral punk ! How dare you ignore me like this." the g*n wielder punk start the challenge him as he raise up his g*n toward August. His step stopped. He turn his head and stares the punk with his killer eyes. Suddenly, the locals start to shiver as he stares everyone in sight. Then he turn his body and facing the punk g*n wielder who raise his g*n toward him. No word to give, he just stares everyone including the punk g*n wielder. But suddenly, he's shocked after seeing one of his friend has an injury in his left arm. He run as fast as he can and check the injury part closely. "Why do you bleed ?" ask August. "As always, you never change, do you ?" the local injured g*n wielder starts smiling, "I was lost against this outer punk. I am sorry August." With his fast hand, August make a proper first aid using only his friend cloth to stop the bleeding which getting worse. After he finish, August stood up and stares the punk g*n wielder who hurt his friend once again. "Now you are notice me ! Your poor friend is just degenerate as you, punk !" "I don't know what you want and I don't know why are you two fighting for. I will ask you to leave or order some..." suddenly, August shocked seeing his front door house broken and his house seems has been a mess. "My house ! Now I know why are you two fighting." "You are just a kid, punk ! Just go and cry out to your mama." "Now you've done it ! I accept your challenge, folks." he's staring at the punk dead serious while fix his hat. Before everyone realized it, August has taken a proper distance to start the challenge. The wind's howling, swiping everyone skin in a gentle ways. His movement is fast as fast as the wind. None in this circle realized because of their poor magic skill. "Let's start the battle with a nice fair and steady game, will you ?" The punk g*n wielder started to sweat very bad. Now he realize that he choose the wrong opponent to deal with. But it's not the time to surrender. The punk has his own pride as the mighty g*n wielded punk. "Whatever you say, you are just a little kid who tried to fight an adult. Magic won't help you because I have more experience than you." "Then I won't use magic. But I will use my brain !" Both of them staring menacingly. As the sun getting higher, their battle getting hotter like a sand burned under the heat. The west g*n battle soon will started after the both side ready to fight and agreed to each other conditions. Gun in their hips, both hands must have the same gap between palm and g*n. Their faces must face toward opponents so they could draw g*n blindly. One who faster to draw g*n is the winner like it should be. And one who late is a loser with fatal injury. But they seems like know it very well. No words to give and these guys already starting the battle before anyone realize it. The sharp gaze through their eyes indicate the focus and seriousness their battle will be. Their steady stance seems unbreakable at this state. Suddenly, the punk g*n wielder draw his g*n first. He shoot at incredible speed before August raise his g*n. August maybe late but he made in time to shoot the bullet before it piercing his right arm. The punk's bullet then deflected by his bullet precisely. The punk g*n wielder knows that. He immediately shoot August again while August recovering from that shock. But unfortunately, his right arm and left hips suddenly pierced and he drop his g*n. There is two bullet that piercing the bleeding area subconsciously. And then he fell down and kneel before August "Impossible ! You are cheating aren't you. You are using magic to beat me !" said the punk g*n wielder peevishly. "No he is not !" said some random foreigner in the town. "I saw him draw and shoot rapidly before he raise his g*n. Undoubtedly, he has a good wrist." "Sorry about that ! My friend is from Aves Animalia races Eagle type and yet he is very talkative. Sorry for the trouble !" said the foreigner friend and suddenly leave the battle circle dragging his friend out of there. The punk g*n wielder bow his head. He can't even say a word after that aves foreigner telling the truth. The one who faces him is not an ordinary human. Yet he didn't realize it until he saw the truth of the mighty skill August have. "I.... have lost....." The crowd suddenly loud. They are celebrating August win once again. But August didn't take it serious. He is too tired to celebrate it. After that then he walk away passing the punk g*n wielder while adjusting his cowboy hat. "Farewell...." "Before you leave....." once again, the punk g*n wielder stand up. "Let me know who you are, kiddo." The gentle breeze passing by. Surrounding both of them in a gentle storm. August and the punk g*n wielder turn their back and staring each other. "My name is West August ! The new Chariot Card Holder in this world. Winner of The Chariot Championship two years ago. Nice to meet you." said August while holding his hat. "So the new Chariot has born. The new adventure will starts. I look up for your brand new action next time." West August continue his walk. Entering the small bar in town he called home. Even with a mess, their family greeting him warmly. He greet them too but by rushing to enter his own room. After he enter his room, August lock the door and greet his precious thing. One that he love the most. His second Arcadia Greatsword, Ouranios. "I am home, Ouranios." The Arcadia stand beside the opening window. The sun light reflected by it's shiny large and board blade. One who saw this for the first time might know this is a legendary weapon. But after August received it for the first time and use it properly, no one know that this is a legendary weapon. Even August him self. But August still believe it. He believe that this Arcadia has something in it. Not just the power buff effecting his body but something more magnificent. Something that will exceed The Calamity Ones who jailed until nowadays. After all, August receive it from a woman inside the abyss. A strange woman who suddenly activate August unique magic. A strange woman who cover all of her body in a black robe and sitting alone in the abyss. A black void abyss. "In order to return her favor, I must find a way to save her and find a light that will fix her faint light." August lie in his bed. While looking at his room ceiling, he close his eyes and rest for a while. He always wear his hat because he always forgot about that. Even in his sleep, he's able to have a good rest while using his hat. Slowly, West August lost his consciousness and fell asleep. He is very tired after a long hard training with her uncle back then. So for now, he's able to rest in his comfortable bed. Cause a brand new adventure awaits him tomorrow. "Ouranios....." To be continue.....
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