The Arrival

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A male youth and female youth found beneath their black mask. These red eyed bandit hide them under these black cloth and cover their eyes with red evil color. Twelve youth we found has a similarities on their neck. There is a mysterious unknown black symbol. I thought it's a kind of illusion magic but not. Ray and I keep their bodies as warm as possible using this bonfire. And also we cover their body with last cloth we have. These youth must not die yet because they still have a chance to live. I want to keep them with me as their awake but it's impossible for now. I have a task I must do and Ray have his reason too. I wonder who did this to them. I must find the culprit as soon as my task complete. This cruel thing must not happen ever again. Making them as a decoy of evilness is the thing I would never forgive. I do really want to blew their head who make this youth suffer. "So do you found any clues ?" Ray ask me. "No. But they are still breathing. There is still a hope to these youth continuing their life." "I see." Both of us confused by what happen here and now. Ray Burns seems like he has the same feeling as me after seeing this youth. An aura of hatred overflowing from his body. I could feel it as The Tarot Card Holder. My sense of magic is growing a little by little. ----------------------------------- Suddenly Ray stares me. This feeling of his gaze I've felt before. He must be suspect me that I know something about this tragedy. I couldn't say even a single word while he staring me like that. Ray must be really concern about them. "You..... you know something right ? You must be hiding something from me." "Why do you think like that ? Am I that suspicious ?" "A tradition you mention earlier never heard by me. I live there longer than you think. Who do you think you could fooled at." "They called it like that. I don't have any clue why they are called it a tradition. Except almost of my family tree have been in this position." Ray gaze became lighter. He turn down his suspicion level at me. I think he's start to understand and leave me be. He start to sit and cross his arm. "Then you are still hiding something from me." I was wrong. He's still suspect me. "Why ?" "I know your name. Are you that West August who earn that Chariot Card ?" It seems I've misjudge him. He is not suspect me as the culprit but the secret I've been hold from him since. Ah I should have take it more easier. Now I am feeling awkward and I want to laugh really bad. "Ahahaha...." I couldn't help myself. "....So that's why you curios about me ? Ahahaha.... sorry." "What do you laughing at cowboy ? Speak." "Ah yes I am sorry. I am The Chariot as you think. So what ?" "Then my calculation didn't go wrong." Ray stares me. "This is message. A letter given to you as an introduction from your new enemy. I've seen it so many time as I start my journey." "What ?! Why did they even do this to them ?" "It's a threat. Given to you as a gift. You must be want to find the culprit as I did right ? Then you have fallen into their trap. They want you to come and do mean things to you. I think ?" Ray avoiding my eyes. "Then if that what they want. They'll get it for sure. But I am sure that they'll bow to me after." Ray smiling slightly. "You are all the only Tarot Card Holder I love. The pure one to banish the evilness in this world. If that what you desire then I won't stop you and I put a faith on you." Suddenly Ray toss his one bottle to me. I catch it and read the label on the bottle. It's spelled "Ruhmbrau" which mean Glory Brew. A popular brand for carbonated tea in every corners in the world. I love them too since they're taste so good and could warmth my bodies. Ray open his bottle and so do I. I think he wants to cheer as our win tonight. "To our journey for this world. Lighting the world so the darkness could never exist. Long may our journey !" "Long may our journey !" "Ahahahaha...." we laugh at the same time. We raise our bottle then chug it as much as we could. This carbonated tea is so powerful. My body feels so warm after drink it in one go. Yet it's not finished. I still left it for my next journey in the next day. "Well that was a nice toast. And I think I am going to sleep as the moon grow higher." "I am fine. I want still want to watch the moon for a little." "Well don't forget to wake up in the dawn will ya ?" "Of course." Ray start to sleep. I am alone in this wilderness night. The moon light shine so bright while I am alone. I am taking a deep breath inhaling the cold wind of night. How could my uncle goes that far in his young age. I keep admiring my uncle and thinking back what lesson he gave me. Those day I still remember as a part of my memory that I won't lose. But some of them became blurry as I lost some of the memory I have to remember. I don't even remember who's I fought in the final stage of The Chariot Championship. What I just remember is that guy who fight me wearing the same hat as the other cowboy. Well I think I am thinking to much again. I should've rest my big brain for another day. +---+---+---+---+ We depart as soon as we awake. I turn of the campfire by buried it using the sands then filling my empty water bottle with this fresh oasis water. After I finish preparing my stuff, I hopped to my dear horse and ready to leave. Unfortunately those youth are still unconscious. I left them some of my deer meat and Ray left them some of his fishes too. We are hoping that they are soon awake and eat our cooked meat and fish to restore their stamina. I feel that they are still have some of energy to eat and I hope I could accompany them eating their food. But unfortunately I have an urgent task to do. I feel bad for leaving them alone in this desert but I have no other choice. "Hey Chariot !" Ray call me. "I think I will accompanying them for a little longer. My journey is not that important either." This guy is a true hero. I think I could trust them to him. No one else here either so we can't ask for a help. "Are you sure Ray ? Pausing your journey for them." "This is a part of my journey too, August. Wherever I go, whatever I decide, is a part of my life that I couldn't separate. And yes I want to ask something to them when they are wake up." He is a true hero. I feel bad for him but his eyes indicating that his decision could not be interrupted by anything. His determination is so strong. I do admire him and it gives me enough motivation to continue my adventure. "Now go ! Don't worry about me. The capital is waiting for you." "Alright. See you then Ray Burns !" My horse pulled me until I flown to the air. I successfully hopped to my horse saddle and ride it perfectly. My right hand wave at him to tell him goodbye. He replied by waving his right hand at me. I hope he is okay back there. I continue my adventure to the capital with my horse. Long short story there's nothing happen until two days later. The bad guys in the wilderness or the desert beast didn't show up either. It seems that I've close to the capital. Well it's a good news since my food supply has run out. This is probably the last night I sleep in the wilderness with my horse. I've found the other adventurer crossing my path earlier so I think the capital must be close. I didn't want to waste anymore time for sleeping. I will use all of my strength to travel further even it will takes until dawn. I have drink the half of Ruhmbrau Ray gives me two days ago. And even in the night those liquid of Ruhmbrau could warmth my body. This last night would be my very best moment. I put a faith on my belief that the capital is nearer than it should be. The wind starting to blow harder and harder as my horse speeding up. I cover my eyes with my arm so the wind couldn't penetrate my eyes. I couldn't even see the road I need to pay attention with. This night wind is so hard hitting my body with their lingering cold. But I am not gonna lose. This wind could not even match to my rapier Mourning Gale. I draw my rapier and take the control of these wind rapidly. The light suddenly blinding my eyes after a long time hiding my eyes in the dark. That shining light is coming from the capital itself. The busy town called capital is full of light in the night that even could blinding my eyes. It's so pretty as I look them in the night. Different from my small town who shut their light in the middle of night. And then I took my pocket clock. It's indicating 11:57 p.m. My uncle sure does know the exact time to travel into capital. I will arrive soon before the clock pointed to twelve. Then it settled that when you are going to the capital with horse it'll just take three days long. As expected from my uncle. My adventure in the desert wilderness come to an end. And now the adventure in the capital will start. None will know what will happen next. But my uncle experience will tell me what should I do next in the future. "Let's begin the new adventure !" To be continued...
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