Arcadian Crusader : Future Projection

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August launch his attack and sharpen his eyes. He tried to read The Kings movement and adapt from it. Even though The King has a future projection magic on him, August won't give up so easily because of a small threat. He's making through his way by his own strategy. He dance with his blade, clashing with The King's swordplay, August make a well played show. But he never aim to hurt The King, all his attack intended to deplete The King's stamina and make him weaken for a little. It's no matter how long it'll take as long he sure that The King is still a human he sure about his chance of winning. "You struggle so much aren't you ? Forgetting such noble determination." August decided to ignore every word he said, he concentrate his stamina usage and use it properly in order to not to run out when he wasn't done with him. With that determination, his Arcadia suddenly show its support and give August free power in exchange his determination. August fighting spirit getting hotter and he always ready to fight eternally. The King take his distance, he put his sword and cast the magic to shoot fire balls from his hands. In a split second, The King able to launch his fire balls and aim at August. But then August jump, he dodge every fire balls The King launched. His body spinning in the air, those fire balls grazing through his cloth and passing August without damaging him. But then, as August land from his epic dodge, The King immediately strike him with his fist and launch August backwards as he tried to guard The King's attack. The King use the opportunity effectively. He burn his sword again and started to strike August rapidly. The flames swing as The King swung his sword and burn the air with its hot flame. Luckily, August has a great reflex which saving himself from burning damage. He dodge every attack The King's launched by dancing through the metal and swinging flames. With his Arcadia, the wave of fire is nothing. The King's knew, August has already adapted to his swordplay. He immediately stab the ground and burn it entirely. With The King's fire power, he could burn the area completely by his elemental fire magic. But not just that, the ground is also sprouting fire geyser from beneath and makes August couldn't hold any longer in the ground and forced him to fly higher with his magic wind. But as he remembered that The Arcadian Crusader arena has height limitation, he make his way back and strike The King as creative as possible. With his great determination, overwhelming bravery, he decided to challenge The King's fire by coming through from the sky. The King's expectation exceeded, West August coming back in a high speed. It's the perfect time for The King use his specialty, the specialty to stop the time and peek at the future. As the time stopped, the giant projection immediately displayed and he saw what will August do in the future. Not a great strategy but a worth one. August intended to blind him with his explosive bullet and executing his surprise attack. "That pathetic strategy won't work against me !" The void shattered and the time has resume. The King already know his plan, The King has saw his next move, The King's already know what he must do against August surprise attack. With his Tenungan Nasib magic skill, he never lose against his opponents. Here he come August and his g*n. He fly in a high speed crossing the fire and get ready to s***h The King's head open with his rapier. As the future tell him, The King moves his sword and ready to s***h August. Precisely, August dodge his attack then draw his g*n. With his wind covering all over his body, August capable to getting through the flames and ready to c***k open The King's head. But as his eyes met The King's, The King slashing his sword through August and blow the fire from it. With his incredible speed, August dodge his attack perfectly while spinning through it. When his posture stabilized, August draw his g*n and started to shoot him down. The King saw the bullet he release, he immediately increase the air temperature and melt the bullet before it touch him. But it seems his heat didn't hot enough, the bullet didn't even melted and still coming for him. He immediately dodge the bullet and before the bullet touch the ground he took his distance very far away from it. The bullet really exploded according to his vision but then second explosion occur beneath his right leg. But it doesn't break The King's leg, the explosion just causing the scratch on his right leg. The King's leg is immune to explosion since he has the hardest body than average human. Then not long after, August appeared in front of The King. He walks closer to The King slowly while clenching tight on his rapier. The wind blows hard covering August from the heat harm. The scorching ground immediately cool off as the wind blows it. "Seems like you have a weakness too, do you ?" August grin. "Yes I am. So the world are. But it's not a simple task if you do ask me." "As long I have your future projection then it's alright. None ever escape from your future projection aren't it ?" The King smiling badly. He's now convinced that August is different from the other Chariot he fought earlier. He feels something extraordinary inside August body and an aura that could absorb the light then emit it like a firefly. He laughed so hard. Knowing that his nightmare soon will be over. But still, he doesn't want to end the show pathetically like this. The fight should keep on going until one of them admit defeat and it must be him. "I'll allow it ! I'll allow you to end this battle as quick as you can." The King spread his arms. "My pleasure...." August bowing. Then, August charge towards The King without using his Arcadia magic. But it's still too slow for The King attack. The King raise his sword then swing it to August in a high speed. Before the sword impact him, August dodge it using his Arcadia magic power. Without wasting a single second, August get to The Kings back immediately. The time stop once again. The King intend to see his future projection again. But now he's getting shocked after he see his magic. His future projection looks broken cause of the infinite possibilities of August action in the future. And then, the time resume without he realize it. "I can't believe it....." The last thing he saw precisely in his projection is a sunlight silhouette of a man wearing a cowboy hat while holding The Kings crown. The King turn his body then guard August upcoming attack. August immediately get away from his as soon as possible. Without taking any longer, August shoot his bullet three times aiming for The King's face. Then the time stop once again before the bullet able to reach The King. Still, his future projection is jammed. The possibilities of August action is way too many that even The Kings magic unable to keep it whole. And the man in sunlight silhouette is still appeared in his projection and getting frequent. Now The Kings think in his mind, "Maybe it's the right time for admit my defeat." The time resume, he dodge all of the bullet coming from him. As expected from one possibilities in his future projection, the bullets will explode and releasing the smoke after. August catch him up as his plan. He moves in a high speed towards The King. A close combat fight occur. The King and August compete his strength and skill in sword master art style. Both of them draw in strength and skill. But once The King unleash his fire to buff his sword, August getting a knock back from it. August grinning while he's flying backward. A plan that he arrange in this short time finally comes to c****x precisely. After The King saw August smile in a flash, he suddenly realize that there is something wrong with his Arcadia. His Arcadia carved by a strange magic line creating a shape that he never saw before. Moreover, when he tried to reach his future projection, the display is only displaying one picture in it. It's the man in sunlight silhouette holding his crown. Then time then resume, his Arcadia is exploding a thick black smoke and covering all over his eye sight perfectly. The King flinched, he couldn't get away since his leg is stepping the upraised ground caused by his own attack before. August moving in a high speed then open the thick black smoke in front of The Kings face. He smiled then snatch The King's crown. The King's fall to the ground and paralyzed for a bit. The sword he always hold is stabbing the ground beside of him. The thick black smoke slowly disappear. The sunlight slowly piercing the smoke and revealing the outside world. August stand up while holding The Kings crown. His body is covering a half of the sunlight makes him looks like a silhouette from The King's view. His clothes blows by the wind up to his hat. An appearance of a knight who bears people hope is showed off in front of The King. An appearance he always waited the most. "The knight who opens the path for the light is finally reborn...." +---+---+---+---+ Is this..... finally over ? The sun is look like shows me it's three pm. A transition light from the brightest into the dim light. The warmth of the sun is what I feel in my skin. Dried air caused by The King's magic is no more. Is this..... finally over ? The audiences remain silent. Their faces looks very shocked at me. Did I do the wrong thing that makes them very shocked. It seems I do. I've losing my determination back then because I want to end this fight as quick as possible. Maybe..... I'll be the enemy of this capital after this. *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* That thought I think earlier suddenly disappear. I could raise my head lighter now. The sound of people clapping their hands is cheering me up. No one speak in this huge battle arena. Only the sound of hands clapping could be heard right now. And the sound is getting louder and louder until it filling the whole arena. "Am I winning ?" Then when I turn down my face to see The King, he's still lying in the ground while raising his hand waiting for me to reach him. His face is smiling brightly and gently to me like he wasn't The King I know earlier. The King I remember wouldn't have such a beautiful smile like this. I grab his hand then pull him up. His height is overwhelm me in many ways. "Congratulations my Chariot. I admit my defeat since you got my crown." as he said while grab both of my shoulder. "Your adventure still on a progress." "Thanks....." I speechless after seeing his kindness. The King turn back his body. He's facing his people and spread his arms. Then he announce his defeat to his people, "I do announce you, this is The Chariot's wins ! And please give a welcome to our new mighty adventurer West August !!!" Everyone cheers vigorously. They are stand up, clapping their hands, and shouts my name while giving me a glory cheers. My effort have paid off for this moments. Uncle's teaching is not worthless at all. In fact, the idea to arrange this plan to defeat The King is inspired by all my uncle's teaching. I glad I have the best uncle like him. "Hey Chariot ! Do you have anything to say ?" said The King while showing his respect for me. "Nah I am good. I just want to relax by hearing this beautiful melody." I pull down my hat to cover my face. "DO YOU HEAR IT MY PEOPLE !!! Makes a good cheer for him." And then, the audiences getting louder than I anticipated. The calming breeze in the sky wipe me gently, fluttering my whole clothing set. I glad to come into this capital and overcome the trial. For now, my descendant won't suffer the same trial as I am in the future. This cruel tradition has come to an end forever. The sunlight shines gently. Warmth the frozen soul in this afternoon. My adventure would still continue. The beauty of this world soon will displayed in front of my eyes and I could lying freely over there. I can't wait to discover them. Here I comes... green wide grass !!! To be continued.....
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