Arcadian Crusader : Tenungan Nasib

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"What did you see, honey ?" said August father while walking closer to his wife whose standing in front of August room. "Nah..... I just concern about him." West Adam standing in front of the abandoned room. He stare at the room blankly while thinking at his son right now. Because the room is August's before and he couldn't stop thinking about him whenever he pass this room. But he know that he mustn't be like that forever. His son has grown into a strong man who soon will set foot on every terrain in this world. A perfect adventurer carved by his brother who train him very hard everyday. "He will be okay, honey." Sylvia August reach her husband arm. "What will he encounter in the future, it'll only make him stronger like always." "You right, my honey. He raised him not for nothing and August also enjoy it. There's nothing to worry about, right ?" Without she realize it, August mother is letting her tears fell down. She does hurt but didn't realize the pain. Her body and her feeling couldn't endure it at all and make her paralyzed for a bit. The pure love from her feeling is true for her only son. West Adam hold his wife's hand tightly. His wife faint and does he know it'll be going like this. It's still hard for them to release August to the wilderness early. Twenty years old is the minimum requirement for a human to become an adventurer, still it's too early for them. But they know that West August wasn't an ordinary human. They put a faith for him in this small house. "Just rest well my honey, don't worry about him too much. Cause we know, right ?" +---+---+---+---+ The wall of storm fire limit the arena. There is no sign the tornado will stop unless August beat The King. They are staring each other, planning a strategy to win this never ending battle. But August have a one condition that makes him unable defeat The King. He mustn't hurt The King a single time for his people. That condition is makes August overwhelmed. He's having a hard time for thinking about it from the start. That's why August refuse to launch his attack and dodge him instead. The King must be ended by the other way that no one could ever think about it. Meanwhile, The King have a hard time because of August strength and magic. August is still unknown since he live in a far away village that no one dare to enter except for the locals. But when he think about it, August is the same since he doesn't know The Kings skill either. This is a dead end for both of them. The King could still force August to reveal his all over his skill but he lacks strategy for it. But for August, there is nothing he could do because of his determined condition. His kindness is far greater than his ambition to beat up this king. "Seems like you are in the dead end right now." said The King while lowering his tone. "Well, the same like you isn't it ?" "I still have much time and power. But what about you ?" "These sleeves is longer and wider than you thought." The King immediately charging to August after August finish his sentence. Same with August, he abandon his determination then attack The King fiercely. The fire around The King's sword exploded as his sword met August's. The King's eyes stare August's because now he's dare to fight back. "So now you accept my challenge. Very well, I'll give you my best." "I bet so." Both of them launch their attack as strong as their can. Their blade met over and over again as long they are launch their attack. A battle to release their power and deflect the attack is getting immense inside this wall of fire. August launch his sword upward then passing through The King's claw. He immediately turn back and defend himself from The King's blade who's still aim for August life. Their blade met over and over again as August defend himself while The King is still attacking August with his swordplay. August's rapier swordsmanship speed matched with The King's brute strength. Even though The King's speed is a little bit slower than Augusts but he still could match with his swing. Moreover, The King could use his fist like a blade to match August. After a long duel, August getting away for a second from The King. He couldn't do the same thing forever since it'll only makes The King to adapt faster. Then he increase his movement speed to overwhelm The King's speed. He runs and jumps in a high speed to every corner inside the wall of fire arena. The King succeed to be confused by August's skill. His eyes couldn't catch up with August movement speed. In a single attack, August completely overwhelm The King and make him flinched down. Though, he didn't fully attack him since he remember his egoist determination. August missed him a little so The King could still guard his attack. After The King flinched, August disappear once again to launch the same attack. August run and jump to every corner of the arena again. He knew that The King will be aware for his next attack. August then makes his movement more randomized and unpredictable. So he couldn't make The King more adapted by his skill. Once August launch his next attack, the arena suddenly covered in dark. The flames who whirl around them become darker and prevent the sunlight to enter. The arena is completely dark and makes August movement limited. August totally forgot that The King could adjust the fire freely. And due to Augusts weak magic sensor, he couldn't locate The King properly. He tried to use his wind but has no effect either. August completely blinded by The Kings magic. Suddenly, August head smash a hard pole like and he fall immediately. August rolling in the ground and soon hold his posture back before he touch the wall of fire. It really a close gap between him and the wall of fire. He's so lucky that he could stand up before the doom take his life. The fire then come back to its normal state and letting the sunlight to enter. It revealing what was Augusts head smash earlier. The King stand in front of him, spreading his right arms and hold it very tight. There's a little blood splattering in his right spreading arm. Soon August realized, a pole like he smashed before is The King's hand and he pretty sure that is his blood since he start to bleed on his forehead. But soon, the wound is healed and the pain is purely disappear. "You may heal but you're not immortal. A little girl who bathed in blood told me so." The King explain. "I can't wait for meeting her in wilderness. Then get out of the way !" August charging and unleash his war cry. Without hesitation, August attack The King using his rapier powerfully. The orb in his Arcadia Sword slowly turning red. The King tried to deflect his attack but getting knock back instead. August power suddenly overwhelm The King in that split second. Yet, The King was never meant to give up so easily. He hold his stance then parrying the same August's attack successfully. August power is only last for a very short period. The King's still in the top of strength rank power against August. Knowing The King is already getting hold of his attack, August use his speed once more. He run and jumps to all over the arena in random. After the timing is right, August strike The King in his blind spot. He try to backstab him in silence. But then, The King knew where was August after. He's then swing is sword toward August in a high speed. As expected, The King will knew and strike him as soon as possible. August then move in the air and get to his back. A perfect strategy to distract The Kings attention. Suddenly, when he's so close to The Kings back, The King strike with his left arm and punch him in unexpected way. August getting a knock back and launched near to the wall of fire. The King strike him once again with his sword while August still recovering. Luckily, August could got away from his deadly strike. "I am just letting you go. Don't think it's always your lucky time." Without August realize it, his left arm sleeve is ripped so sudden. "What are you, really ?" "Didn't I told you already. I am your king. That's all." Once again, August using his high speed technique. But then, not a single second passed, The King punch him right away using his left hand before August disappear. Like a lucky person who guessed the right answer, The King absolutely winning from August super speed. Augusts left arm broke, punched by The King's fist. He's launched in a high speed and piercing the wall of fire throughout the arena then smash the true wall in the arena. An explosive sound could be heard as August smash the wall. His body isn't burned but his back hurt so much that makes August vomit his inner blood. An average people couldn't be survived from that attack. The fire whirl stops. It totally gone from the arena and revealing The King inside. "Seems like the fire in your body hasn't faded. Well it is my job to turn it down like this whirl of fire." "Give me a break. It's not that hurt, you despicable king." August stand up with his might. "And I am gonna win this battle." then, he point his sword to The King's head. The King slowly getting close to August. He walks with no fear in his eyes while looking at August high recovery speed. The audiences has got their sense back but their fear changed after looking at the fight between them both. The King and August has creepy looking face carved in their face. August run towards The King then launch his attack. But suddenly, the time stops. Every movement from the audience, The King, and August himself stopped. August saw something what he mustn't saw. A void surround him in a sudden. " Tenungan Nasib. That's what I called it." The King's lips moved. Then suddenly, a duplicate of The King leave his frozen body and walking closer. One could move freely and the other one is still frozen in that time. The one who could move freely looking at August after he get near. August's fear overwhelm his body but he couldn't move a single inch. He's still staying in that position while The King mock him with his eyes. "Welcome, to the world where the time is doesn't exist. Only future could be seen right here." The King turn his body. A giant projection showed in front of him, showing a future projection displayed in it. August could see the projection clearly but he's still cannot moving on his own. He could just see it without doing anything. "This giant projection is my vision to see the future event. In this world, I could stop the time for ten minutes and see the vision. Normally, no one could saw this world but for now I'll make an exception for you to see what I see. Because of this magic, or I would like to say a curse, I do always have a frightening nightmare in my sleep. I saw the world where there is no light in it. I saw fire just swallow everything in it sight." August confused by what The King said. He saw the mismatch between what The King said and the projection displayed in front of him. But he can't tell it to The King nor moving his facial as a sign that he doesn't understand. But then, The King realize it by himself. "This projection you see is a close future event that will happen in a few second later. I could see your next movement and revealing your plan against me." The projection clearly revealing August plan. His plan and his determination to mock The King in front of his people. Everything is revealed by this projection. August then cancel it as soon as his plan discovered. The projection shut as he stopped to thinking. "Now you know it's impossible to defeat me in this state. One who know the future could avoid his miss and fix it in present time. It's now either you submit your life or refuse until I took yours." the projection the show the display back. It's showing a silhouette of a man wearing a cowboy hat holding The Kings crown. "This is the champion what I seek. Unfortunately I couldn't see his face cause of the sunlight in his back. He wins while his body bathed in a sunlight." Fortunately, August wasn't losing his hope. His eyes getting brighter again and filled with hope. An inspiration come in a right place. Now he has a new and brilliant plan that nobody could ever think about. He's ready for a battle after the time resume. Not long after, the time is up. August launch his attack continuing his previous attack. The King immediately dodge it and throw August far away. Still, it's fine for August. His hope will not faded that easily so he could hold his stance for the last time. This plan is the last strategy he had to winning the battle. Other than that, August couldn't be sure about that. "Now West August..... what will you do ?" To be continued.....
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