The Witch and Candy

2020 Words
Hmmm.....? What's this feeling just now ? The King has been beaten ? Seems like he's not an ordinary man after all. Like average prisoner in the jail, I repose in my precious comfy bed. Accompanied by plenty of jawbreakers candy all over my sheet, I eat them like a snack. For the first time I eat the candy, my saliva stained my clothes so much. I damped by my own saliva and it's quite disgusting I'd say since I forced myself to ate it whole. Seems crazy things really suit on me. But then I realize, those jawbreakers candy easily broke by my arms. I clench it very hard until it crushed like a dust and eat it like a sand. It's so sweet and even sweetest candy I ever eat in my entire life. My mind feels good after I ate it like a madman. I wonder what if I break the candy with my jaws ? Is it gonna be hurt if I break my jaws with this ? Or is it gonna be fun if the blood sprouting from my mouth ? I can't wait... *c***k* *crush* Unexpected, the jawbreakers candy immediately crushed by my incisors. It's quite disappointing when I break it on my first try. Did my teeth is grown stronger or this candy just sucks ? There's only one way to proof the hardness of this candy. I stand up from my sheet, then go to the door, and bang it with all my might. The sound of the door banged is echoing through all over the hall and alarming the guards around the jail. They are all coming at once immediately to my cell. And here they comes, my experimental monkey just for my amusement. "Don't let the witch escape !" shout the first guard leader. "Hold on your guards !" shout the second guard leader. "Everyone on their position !" shout the third guard leader. The corridor outside filled with their noisy leg stepping sound. They are all lines up, holding their weapons while threatening me at once. But then I am just yawning after seeing their performance for amuse me once in a while. "Yo ! Welcome, who want to be the first ?" I greet them lazily. Even when they looks very strong, their heart is still wimpy like a child in front of me. I could feel their fear when I look at their eyes. Everyone is holding their shiver when I start to smiling. My giggling seems effective to drop their morale. "What's wrong ? Didn't you all fired up when you come to this place ? Then where's that mighty spirit of yours now ?" I asked them lightly with a slight smile carved on my face. "Silence witch ! We don't have a time to play with you." replied the third guard leader. "Your escape attempt won't be success this time." said one of the guard peevishly. "Oh come on you guys, don't be so humble. You got nice place right here y'know ?" I started to leaning on the door. One of the three guards leader immediately brace himself to inspect through my cell by the small windows on the door which I blocked it. I gave him the way but then his face turned white so sudden after seeing what's inside of my room. I smiled wider as his reaction fulfilled my expectation. There is no window nor lamp yet my room is so bright. The door is tightly shut yet there's so many outside world item all over my cell. It seems the mess I've been made is the one who troubled him so much since I've yet to tidying them up. Or I smell ? "What's wrong ? You look so pale." I surprise him by suddenly appeared in front of his face. He immediately take the distance and raise his weapon once again. One of the guard leader drop his pride, he's shaking uncontrollable. "Just die ! You monster !" he then stab me through the door using his spear. The spear is pierce me straight to my belly without hesitation. This prison is a total mad place, they allow the guards to t*****e me in such ways but never take a responsibility to heal me afterwards. I immediately losing my footing and lying down in my cells. "Sir !" shout one of his subordinates. "It's the superior order. One must take responsibility for doing so." the first guard leader warn him. "Are you crazy ! Don't you have any ideas what was inside. She is a monster and we don't need her to be left alive anymore ! This b***h life must be ended to release our suffer !" "Then why don't you go first ? And be my experimental monkey." I said it calmly while leaning on the door again. The thing is I make myself look suffer from the pain he gave just to make him a little bit happy but it seems that he didn't enjoy it so much in the end. He looks more pale than the one who peek at my cell earlier. So we have the winner here, I decide that he would be my experimental monkey for now. "It's okay, it just hurt a little." I said it while penetrating the door and pull him over to visit the warmth of my cold cell. I took off my clothes and letting him see how's the injury he made for me in the belly. My stomach perfectly pierced but soon it healed by itself and return to normal. He finally scream after seeing how dangerous I am with his own eyes. Everybody started to panic after hearing such peculiar scream. None of them able to help the leader guard which I kidnap in a split second. I also took the key for opening my cell so they couldn't interfere my personal matter. "Shut up, you are one of their leader right ? Better you suck on my socks so I could prepare something sweet for you." he does enjoy my sock while struggling in the corner of my cell and shedding tears. "What's wrong with you, I just wanted you to try the candy." His tears fell off. The mighty leader is now crying silently in the wall. What a poor ball of muscles I threaten. I sit on his laps to makes him feel better but it seems he's getting worse by crying like a girl. Does my face that scary ? Oh I forgot about my creepy smile still on. Hehe... "Choo choo open up ! Big plane of jawbreaker candy coming up." Oh no I can't stop laughing. His face are so cute when his let out his crying voices as I pulled off my socks from her mouth. But I hate those crying sound so I force him to eat the candy whole. Everyone must be in panic out there. Hearing their leader whimper inside the cell. I keep forcing him to eat the candy even he doesn't want to. His hand is shackled by my magic so he can't get away from me. I wonder if this jawbreakers is fake so I made him my guinea pig. If his teeth is strong enough to eat this then I am convinced this jawbreakers are fakes or sucks. But he is so fun to play, I can't get enough of his screams behind this candy. And the fun must be over after we heard a sound of the door opened. The man I was t*****e immediately run off and get away from me as far as possible. It because of his appearance disturbing my fun. "This prisoner is in my care. None should disturb nor eavesdropping at us." said the man who plays a hero for them. "Yes, my king !" shout every guards at once before they take their leaves. "Can't you see, I am having fun right now." I turn down my smile then turn back at him to look his eyes. It's not the same eyes I always met earlier but the same eyes when I first met him in the past. "Hey hey what was that smirk on your face ? Did you get younger, Rei Thermamu ?" "Ahahaha..... you got me, Mrs. Jeanne Abigail. As a reward, let me be your guinea pig." "Then eat this jawbreakers candy. I wonder if my servants make it wrong." Rei sit in front of me then accept my jawbreakers candy. He eat the candy thoroughly and doesn't seem bothered like me. His teeth crush the candy easily like I did before and he enjoy it so much. After that, he nods while closing his eyes. "How ?" I asked curiously. "Nah there's nothing wrong in this candy. The hardness of the candy is standard for a normal human being. You and I doesn't belong there anymore, remember ?" Now I am relieved by his word. So it was not their fault that the jawbreakers is not as hard as think earlier. I am just too strong to be compared by normal humans. Some of those servant who could makes sweets like this is a normal human in the past after all. I put on my clothes again and face him properly. Also when I think about him, I was sure back then that he was a human. But why humans like him could beat this powerful king ? Is he is an subhuman like a man in front of me too ? Many question flying all over my head right now. And I disturbed from it. "Did you submit yourself ? Nah it wasn't like you after all right ?" "Yes I did, Mrs. Jeanne." "Don't lie to me you i***t !" I surprisingly shocked after plenty years. "I know you hate to tell lies. So tell me, what did he do to you until you give up yourselves ?" "He's broke my future projection. Tenungan Nasib. And he do have an extraordinary fighting spirit that none of The Chariot descendant possess earlier." Rei turn down his head and smiling peacefully, "He's a man with a brilliant shine of hopes around. A man who will bear the torch from the older generation through the darkness and lit it up." "Unbelievable. Stubborn kid like you got caught easily by a desert cowboy." I s***k his cheeks over and over again. "Yes I am, Mrs. Jeanne." "Then shall we test him once again ? I have a brilliant plan to play." "Test him all you might. He's a beast one down there." +---+---+---+---+ " Achooo !" seems like someone talk about me in a far way. The battle is finally over and we had scheduled the meeting time. The King gave his name, Rei, to me and wanted talked about something serious about his nightmare. It's around six o'clock before dark on the meeting hall of the palace. I wonder what kind of topic the nightmare is ? Since I don't want to be bothered by people, I must walking on the rooftop and find some delicious food stop here. The battle really tiring me out to the bone. Some fresh bread and carbonated tea might be great for now. Then suddenly I realize, someone calling out of my name in the rooftop of a bakery and he is Mr. Benito. Such a great coincidence while walking on the top the rooftops found the bread maker over here. "Hey, Young Master !" call Mr. Benito while waving his hand at me. "Why don't you grab a snack here first ? I could make a fine toast if you'd like." My four leaf clover seems doesn't withered yet. I just randomly walked around the rooftops then meeting Mr. Benito in his place. No time to waste, I jumped to the rooftop in his shop and accept his kindness right away. "One carbonated tea and some of your specialty please !" I smiled in the end of my phrase. "One order right away. And congratulation, Young Master." "Yes." To be continued.....
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