Arcadian Crusader : Rex Tribus

1907 Words
"Forget your pain..... I am always be with you." August punched directly by The King. The pressure of his palm is not even considered as human strength anymore. A powerful being seems has possess The Kings body. He launch August to the other side of arena as the result of his punch. August body set afloat and smashed the arena wall. The wall is pretty far from where he was standing and get cracked as August body ram into it. A blow from the wall c***k is covering August body completely. The King was satisfied by his strength. The King pull his arm back. A back c***k could be hear from his left shoulder. "Duh... seems like I am getting older. How long have I not moving my body like this." he twist his right arm as it's getting stiff. Slowly, the dust covering August body disappear. Revealing himself after getting punch by The Kings palm. But then The King shocked seeing August head. There's no scar carved on his face nor his body. August stand up while holding the wall and straighten his body gallantly. A green aura could be seen flowing to all over his body. His right hand holding his hat tightly like he didn't want to lose it at all. His eyes open and stare back The King's eyes sharply. August already know how much pressure The King could give and he's ready for everything what will he receive. When normally people getting shock after their powerful attack didn't effective, The King seems doesn't even care about it. His eyes didn't react like he was seeing more people like August but stronger in the past. And then, he return his hand and let it hang out. "As expected from the descendant of The Chariot !" The King shout, since their distance are far away. August replied but The King couldn't hear his voice. Still, The King's know what was he trying to say through his lip movement and it wasn't a pleased one to heard. Moreover to The Kings like him who respected by 25 major country around the world. "They are never changed..... aren't they ?" The King then take his stance. His eyes sharpened and his mind is in a full state of focus. A black fire burns both of his hand and both of his legs. Dry air spreading around the arena more stronger than before. The orange fire seems leaking from the black fire who burn his right arm, enhancing his power even further. "Then let's dance in this cage of blood and steel !" The King's enraged. Suddenly, The Kings body exploded. He suddenly moving very fast chasing August who run away after seeing the explosion. The ground exploded in a way that August and The King passed. It occur amazingly fast and insistently. In the other hand, August just dodge all of his attack while maintaining his hat. The explosion is created by The King himself who tried to blast August with his fist. Luckily, he's able to match his movement speed with The King. The fist he always launched is never got him again since August could match his speed. But then, the blue fire glow. Increasing The Kings movement speed in a brief second and make him almost like teleporting behind August. He immediately draw his sword with his burning hand and swing it twice diagonally in opposite way. Making a cross attack that s***h the ground very hard and crush it. August barely touch it. One miscalculation and his life is over. His eyes very shocked after seeing The King's unpredictable attack. After a minute of flying to dodge the attack, August finally touch the ground once again. His breath is heavy, the shock is really ringing in his mind. "You do almost make my soul jumped off..... old man." August take notice The King once again. "That reflex of yours is a proof that you are capable overcome a random upcoming trial. But if it just that, then it won't enough. You must completely ripped every trial here until there were no more. Because that's the purpose of you were being tested here." August looked down to what was he said. His face is telling everything and doesn't feel any satisfaction. Then, August took off his hat, wipe it, toss it into the air, grab it back, then use it again perfectly. He's smiling after using the hat once again while hiding his eyes. "Let's see..... the power of the true Chariot." The King whispering. In a blink of eyes, August already appeared in front of The King. The King swing his sword immediately but August is already gone. And then he realize that August is moving to behind his back while holding tight his hat. The King swing his sword again but still didn't catch August. A wind rushing around The King. An odd thing happen in front of The King sight. He saw August everywhere his eyes pointing at. Every time his eyes moving then there was August. Make him a little bit confused by the illusionary August made. The King then close his eyes, his magic aura detector work very well to locate the true August position. But he didn't find any. August simply just moving very fast circling him in an unpredicted movement. Making him look like using illusion magic. "What a well polished technique. Tell me, which one did you want to tell me." The King then open his eyes. Looking at August who's already place his pointy part of his sword at The Kings neck. And August stare him in pride while threatening The King with his pointy rapier. Overconfidence is overwhelming August mind. "The who has a meaning that I could kill you whenever I desire. But it such a waste to kill a lame king like you in very beginning. Cause I had the most powerful Arcadia in the world." August grinning. "Such a shame on you. But it's impossible for now kid. And I don't even recognize what kind of Arcadia is that." "Because of that I am sure ! This Arcadia is too powerful to be recognized by other." August pull his sword and wipe it gently in front of his face. "What kind of spirit is that ?" The King confused. "Well whatever. Then match with this." The King raise his hand then pointing at August with his Arcadia rings. The rings has a dog head shaped on three of them. The dog put a fear to its opponent three times stronger due the number of the triplet dogs. This is the power of Arcadia Rex Tribus. August then feel it directly. His body is getting heavier till his hand fell off. He bowed to The King as the effect of The Kings Arcadia power. The rapier is the only thing that he could hold and defend his body while paralyzed by The Kings power. "What's wrong ? Where's your big talk go ? Didn't you even realize where you belong ?" The King bend his body and moving closer to August head. "This is what fear feels....." The King then flick August head with his right hand finger. August blasted to the wall which too far away from them in a high speed after being flicked by The King's finger. A blood splattered while August blasted by The King finger and his hat is leave behind while flying in the air. "Finally, I got him again. This hat seems cool so--" When The King want to touch Augusts hat, the hat suddenly disappear instantly. He feel the incredible speed passing by and snatch the hat. As he thought, it was August who moving very fast and take his hat back. But the gap between August and The King was very far yet August still could defend his hat. August wear his hat then turn his face around to The King, "Don't ever mess with my hat, you despicable king." The King surprised after seeing August could moving very fast like that. He was unsure before but now he convinced. A grin in his face carved perfectly, make him eager in a split second. The black fire who burn his bodies turn fully orange. The true form of The King's power has been released. "That could be one thing..... Your approval soon will be permitted." "Then permit it already." reply August. Without hesitation, The King moving closer in a same way as August snatch his hat back. August surprised seeing The King suddenly appeared in front of his face. He immediately get away pretty far away from The King but then The King catch him up immediately. August immediately get away again with his unmatched speed. But then The King catch him up again as soon as August get away. The Kings movement speed increasing very much overwhelming August speed. He makes August flinched just by getting closer. "What are you....?" August overwhelmed. "I am your King." said The King as he face August real close. The King clench his palm then fist August with it. August could completely dodge it but then his fist releasing the fire surge. He still could anticipate it but with his natural human instinct. The reflex is very good yet he surprised by it. While August getting away again, The King raise his arm to the sky again. A concentrated fire ball gathered in his palm. Releasing the dry air to the entire arena and make it very hot. August cover his body with his magic wind to cooldown his body. After the concentrated fire ball is fully charged. The King blows it to the sky in a high speed. The ball is getting bigger as it get to its maximum height. It then consume the air around the arena and getting large and larger. Until The King snap his finger, the giant fire ball shrinking into a marble size like immediately. The fire ball then sit in The Kings palm calmly as it was his little pet. " ! ! Rex Tribus : Flower of Flame ! ! " The King flick his finger with the fire marble in it. The fire marble then launched and aim for August head. August dodge it easily but as the marble hit the wall behind, the marble exploded and releasing the amazingly concentrated fire with a flower shape in the beginning. The fire then swallow the entire arena with a single explode. Like a water makes a flood, this fire does the same. " ! ! Rex Tribus : Storm Terror ! ! " The fires then make a giant swirl like tornado. The Kings walk to the center of the fire tornado. His burned body forced the swirl to open and make a way through to the center. Inside, he found August with wind magic covering all over his body. He do survived after that massive explode. "The arena is way too big, don't you think ?" The King spread his arm. "So this was the end..... eh ?" "Yes and I do really want to rest in my dear's lap." "You know, I don't really think you are a bad president. But still, I do hate everything you said earlier." "I'll do an apologize party later, after or before your grave." The King's smile ominously. "Interesting, I'll look up for it." August grinning. To be continued...
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