Arcadian Crusader : Sunlight Arrow

2131 Words
"Still.... I am just a child. I unable to overcome whatever in front of me. This is my first failure in my entire life. My ignorance defeat me in a variant ways this time." "Here.... cool yourself with hot pan bread." "Thank you..... you are still by my side, my dear friend." "Don't mind it, brother. I feel your uneasiness from the past. Having an apprentice from your blood seems troublesome eh ?" "..." "Well, if you are feel that bad for him, so why don't you invite him later ? I'll make the greatest bread in this entire capital." "Thanks, I am in your debt. Then I have a request for you." "Name it !" "You invite him. I'll wait here and surprise him...." +---+---+---+---+ The Queen has start the battle yet no one makes a single noise even in the arena itself. The audience and I are too overwhelmed by The Kings aura. I don't have any idea what was he have done before which causing his aura more menacing. After he clenching his palm to the sun, everything goes like this. The audience clouded in silence, my body feels heavy, and shiver crawling throughout my body. The Queen start the battle anyway and even the audience reaction is very odd. What should I do ? I can't control my body freely yet I am in the middle of fight. What must I do is to get my nerve back in a single second before he launch his fist blow since this magic aura is almost controlling everyone hearts. Somehow, I must be able to control my body against it and break this shackling fear. "What's wrong ? Everything is in silence and even you too..... Chariot." Now I realized, I couldn't use my mouth to speak. My body is too nervous even just to speak. If it goes like this then I couldn't waste my time. I have to be brave and get out from this painful situation. I must remember what was my uncle taught me. "Seems like even you too are weak against this simple magic. Then prepare to feel despair." I could see it. The King revealing his great menacing aura but in different form which makes the lower leveled magic user could only just feel it. There's a fire like cloud surround him and burn his body. The black fire join and burn the red fire. His hand covered in it and a wings from fire created on his back. An incarnation of a legendary black phoenix showed up in front of me. Burning everything in its sight and creating the true chaos who covered all over the ground. This vision is burning my body slowly as long as I see his aura. I must think fast ! "Your ancestor always failed in the first attempt against me. So try to handle it WILL YA !!!" The King strike with his palm incredibly fast. He moves from 20 meter away and get very close to me in 10 second. His black burned palm is already launched to punch me. I can't even dodge in this pinched situation. But you know. I have been told by the others that I am a genius. So probably I won't let that pride left from my side that easy. As his punch getting closer to me. I don't have any better choice than survive. I just do my natural reflex which my uncle always warn about. I always used it as my trump card when I am in a pinched situation like this while protecting my soul. My body flowing like wind following the highest pressure. That high pressure on his hand give is makes the wind blowing so hard beside of me. I fell of my posture and make it as relax as possible. My magic sword help me out to control the wind and make it my best companion. And as the result, I could warped my back as flexible as possible just to dodge his dangerous punch. His missed punch then blow the wind so hard like a cloud that moving fast. Being closer with his hand makes me very tired and drop myself. His menacing aura feels so great but for now I could take over all of my body like usual. I used this chance to get away as far as possible. But as soon I got away from him, his movement is getting faster and in no time he's already laid down his blade to my right shoulder. "Congratulation for accomplishing the first obstacle. But don't get too cocky first." The King then swing his blade and aim for my neck. "And so do I...." but then with all my strength, I deflect the blade by only my shoulder and a little bit tilting my head, the sword then flow over my head. His swing missed me then creating the great blowing winds like before. "Oh.....! You are impressive. Then I will use that spell right now." The King step back. He took further step from my last distance. Then he raise his sword and pierce it to the ground. " ! ! ! The Emperor : Vantablack ! ! ! " The flows of black fire spurting from the hole that sword create. It's visible from my sight and the audiences too, I think. I am not sure about it since they are still clouded in fear. Then King pull out the sword slowly. The sword has been infused with black fire magic. He put his black burned greatsword in front of his face. The black fire than raging on its blade and he ready to use it. With his magnificent movement speed, he's come over then strike like there's no other day. I immediately dodge his attack but then the black fire extend his attack range and creates an explosion in a single line. He's just warmed up also flexing in the same way. "This only the beginning of my Card power. What do you think ?" "As expected from my senior. I hope I'll get used to it soon like you." "Keep dreaming, August." The follow up attack then launched. I don't have any courage to deflect it cause the black fire is way too menacing. So in the speed of light I dodge the following attack thanks to my Arcadia. The orb become white then enhance my movement speed to almost the speed of light like. This is the true power of White Album. Next, The King launch his stab attack. He thrust the sword and aim to my belly. I dodge it perfectly then flow my body to kick his chest to knock him back. But my strike is not powerful enough to make him knocked. Otherwise, my body thrown out and I suddenly fly in the air. "Wait, what happened ?" I feel menacing aura beneath. The King stares me and his left hand looks like has been raised before I realize it. It seems he's the one who threw to the sky. But that wasn't the important thing here. The important thing is the thing will he do next. This makes my nerve freezing again. The King used three ring on his left hand. And now, the ring is illuminating the strange light from it. He clench his palm and the illumination from the rings is getting brighter. As the rings light getting bright, there is a light that illuminating above me either. I turn my head and look at the light. It seems I'll be f****d right now. " ! ! Rex Tribus : Sunlight Arrow ! ! " The sunlight getting brighter. It blind my eyes as soon as I saw the light. I cover my eyes with my arm but it seems it was a bad idea since I couldn't see anything behind this arm. Still, I could feel any presence and it position with my wind magic. The King is still staying in the same position but I feel something odd with the air here. It feels so hot as I feel it with my wind. Something's coming from above, something long, hot, and sharp seems coming from the sky above. Dangerous ! I must landed before the crazy catch will happen. My body is falling slowly. I turn back my body from the light. I soon realize that crazy catch will occur very soon and I couldn't avoid it. With my wind magic, I travel the sky and turn myself into an invisible being by reflecting the light using my wind magic and merge with the wind. Suddenly, the air become very dry. I feel the sunlight is getting closer and closer. The area filled with dry air wherever I go. Until then, an arrow created from a light passing in front of my face radiating the searing air. The arrow of sunlight is well created with complex carving in it as I see it flashing before my eyes. I turn my body again and saw the frightening sight. Hundred of arrow light is falling from the sun, ready to burn the ground so badly. The arrows range is safe from the audience seat yet very dangerous for me in the arena. Then it was good, I could freely dodge it without any hesitation to save the audiences. "Burn in the sky, WEST AUGUST !!!" The volley is become faster. The one that passing in front of my face before is just a demonstration for the true challenge. And now is the true challenge begin. I glide in the air very fast yet matching the arrow of sunlight's speed. It drop very fast, yet almost clash with me. I dodge every single of them in the air, it's kinda hard but I done it perfectly. And when I said it perfectly then it has the same meaning as nearly getting hit from it. The hot air the arrows created make me even harder to focus. Luckily, I could control the air freely and make the fresh air flowing in my skins. Seems like The King is getting easy on me. I just feel that he could have done more than hundred of arrows like this. A throw from him earlier is just enough to make me confused for a little bit, but what if he could more ? I stepped my feet into the ground. After a long time in the air, I could step my leg again in this ground. It's feel a little bit hot but I could overcome it with my wind magic. Now I do look like a guy with a storm surrounding me. The wind is covered my body and I do protected from the heat this arrows of light radiation. But then, The Kings follow up attack come. He attack me insanely with his black burned blade. The fire splattered all over the arena. His power is very great that even the ground is cracked without even being touched. I draw my sword then I tried to block his attack before this arena become a land of fire. With all of my strength I fearlessly stop his berserk attack. The sound of clanking metal and fire combust is ringing to my ear. But only in a short time I struck my sword with him, I lost so many stamina from it. I feel like I am losing about strength from this old man. "You are strong, my King." "You have done well passing the second obstacle from me. But can you handle this !" The Kings eye are sharpening. He tried to call over his strength even more. Suddenly The King's getting heavier. I do lost from this strength battle with him. His strength is crazy yet he is just an old man with a sword. My posture is finally break and he will got me very soon. But I still could use my wind magic freely. The King swing his greatsword horizontally, I immediately flow like an air and dodge his attack. The attack blows the wind and so the dust. The Kings attack just now could kill me if I didn't dodge the attack perfectly. I do wanna know how much is the strength of this old man has. He could even make these dust blowing like an average wind. "Checkmate..." I do let my guard down. It's a small mistake for me yet it's very dangerous one. The King's palm is already beside of my head. I couldn't even react to his speed. Is it my first blow in my first adventure ? Or is it my last blow on my last adventure ? I don't want to think like that. I just didn't want to think anymore... To be continued...
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