Episode 5: No justice

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I couldn't reply vamp at that moment because I am still stunned that his mother would turn out to be the evil vampire queen. I stood transfixed for what seem like eternity until finally vamp placed his palm over mine soothingly and I shivers. I turn slowly to see him smiling at me. His eyes held all the care and love I have always yearn for. " Don't worry. I won't let anything bad happens to you. You won't be make a slave on my watch. Never " Goosebumps welcome my skin at this solemn promise. I look deep into his blue eyes and I see he meant every state he just said. " I would rely on you then vamp. Thank you so much " I whispers back with a small smile of my own. Vamp nodded at my words. His eyes varies around and finally stop on my lips. I shivers slightly when this occurs. The lust I do not wish to feel now settled in me but I am so quick to break the bond before I lost control like earlier. I withdraw my hand from Vamp's and step backward with a sigh. " I guess everyone is arriving because of the wedding after all. I wish I could see mother before anything " " Let's go greet my mum then we go to yours. I know where she is. I can perceive her scent " The innocent offer from vamp makes me grin immediately. I nodded hastily at his words and he grinned mischievously at me. " Now see that eyes sparkling in delight " He joked as we make our way outside the clear night sky to attend to the vampire queen. Vamp and I are busy chuckling heartily when we arrived before his mother. The Vampire queen's glare to me firstly put me in my place. Swiftly I withdraw away from vamp and stood aside with my head slightly bow. As an omega we dare not stare right into anyone's eyes except being asked. " Come here Azure. What are you doing? " Vamp was saying to me but I didn't listen. With the corner of my eyes, I saw him trying to reach out to me but then his mother speak out. " I never know my lovely innocent son will stoop so low to indulge himself romantically with an omega. There is many ladies for you son. Why would you choose a condemned species? " At the said of this, a soft gasp escaped my lips but I held on. My heart tearing deep. A condemned species she had call us omegas. She is right anyway. We are worse than anyone. " That's my step sister mother. Your step daughter. That's so cruel for you to say. Azure isn't a condemned species " " Oh really? " The beautiful woman asked dully. She turn to me and smile. All this I could see with my corner eyes. " Look up to me Azure. My son says you are his step sister. How much of his words are Truth? " It took so much effort because I could look up to vamp mother's face. It just took all my will power. I have heard a lot about her and how cruel she actually is. " Yes my queen. He is telling the Truth. Earlier today my mother and I were brought to this castle. My mum set to marry king Alaric tonight " " Oh really? " The woman asked again dully but she didn't wait for me to reply. She turn to her son and smile. " Vamp will you be Kind enough to get your sister from the way? " " Way? " The man asked confusedly. " Yes son. On our way here your sister's lotion to survive under the sun ran out so she had to hide away in a tunnel. Now that the sun isn't here, your sister won't be able to journey alone " Vamp's face give way to a frown at this but there is nothing he could do. He nodded to his mother and turn to me. " Get back to your room Azure. I will be back before you know it " I smile gently at vamp and bow before his mother slightly before walking away. I couldn't help but feel lonely now and paranoid as though I could feel hostility in the air. I get back into my room and from the window I could see the retreating back of vamp as he walks to his car and drove away. I tried to keep clear mind after his departure. He is the only one who gives me peace now and console me. I sat on my bed later on to wait for him. My heart uneasy and my thoughts taking a dark path. At long last I am able to pushed Vamp's thought away but my mother's replaced my mind. I turn slowly to the window where the pleasant stars had began to reveal itself beautifully. Mother will get married soon. I should locate her before then. She is my mother before she becomes King Alaric's bride. Of course I will be allowed to see her. I sat still, awakening my weak wolf. Thanks to the energy and determination swirling around me I managed to get my mother's scent after a long time. Earnestly I stood up from the bed and walk out, heading to where I could perceive my mother's scent. After walking for many minutes, I passed by maids and rooms. Some would whispers when they see me and some will just look over and walks away. Finally I arrived at the entrance of a room. My heart gladdening that my mother is just in there, a few steps away. I look around to notice the unusual. No maids is around. The hall now do silent and tensed. I shrugged my shoulder and reached to the doorknob. My fingers shivering slightly as I pushed open the door. I walk in with a smile but was forced to stop abruptly when I saw the horrible sight of my mother. She laid down, alright but her stomach has been pierce by claws. I could see the mark. Horrified and greatly stunned, I screamed out so loud that everyone came in the scene including the king of werewolves himself. Even though it is my first time in seeing the king physically I didn't bow or fall at his feet. I am so much stunned by my mother's death. She is dead. She isn't breathing and her face has turn pale. I look her Over and I see she wasn't even prepared for her marriage. I turn slowly to the king to see he isn't move at all. My heart fell and I lost all my senses. Being blinded by rage I launched at the king, aiming for his heart. I am so much ready to pluck his heart and feed on it but his gammas are so ready to grab me before I near the king at all. " Throw her into the silver chamber " The king order and I gasp in shock. Does he even know who I am? I am his step daughter to be for goodness sake. Did he lure mother and I here so he can kill her? What the hell is going on? I do not know. Before I could wriggle free or decipher what is happening, I was dragged into the silver chamber. Upon being pushed into this room, my skin burns in an agonizing way. I am weak, I am an Omega. I have no real special abilities. I can't free myself. I can't save my father and nor mother. My eyes burns with tears and I weep. For my mother's sudden departure and for my current situation. How I wish I could take back all the hurtful words I have said to her earlier this morning. How I wish I have disagree till the end for her not to marry king Alaric. Now after staying in the silver chamber for more than Twenty minutes, I began to feel my soul withering away. My heart began to feel heavy and I decided to let it go. I just gave up and I welcome death. I do not know what else to do and how to do it. The only man who could save me isn't here. Vamp Lamia. Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, I heard a loud footsteps coming towards the silver chamber. I heard the fighting before the loud voices and argument. A wane smile curled up at the corner of my lips as I get who it is. Who has come to save me. Vamp. The heavy door of the silver chamber's room fall out all of a sudden and I suck on my breath when my savior appears at the entrance. Now I know we have a connection but I never expected to see Canis Lupus coming to my rescue. Not at all. He had said he never wants to see me again. Obviously he never meant his words. Under my watchful hazy gaze I saw Canis comes up to me and extend his Palm for me to take. I am weak but when this offer came, adrenaline pumped life into my veins. I reached out to take his hand and he pulled me up with it effortlessly. With Canis by my side, I was pulled out of this silver chamber successfully but when I step outside under the dark sky, I met everyone including the king and vampire queen awaiting us. A displeased frown evident on the faces of both King Alaric and vampire Queen. " How could you disobey my order and freed that worthless omega Lupus? " The king roar and I shuddered violently. I made to wriggle free from Canis embrace but he instead tightened his hold on me. " The lady here is my maid Father. I heard what has happened and I have come to scold her myself. I promise you nothing as that would happens again " Lump rose up my throat and I have hard time to gulp it down. I look up at Canis but he wasn't looking at me. His Hazel eyes is so focused on his father who continues to glare. " Fine Lupus. You should take your maid in and scold her just like you have promised. If she dares did wrong before the king again, I won't spare her " King Alaric said and I gulped down hard. " Thank you father. Thank you so much " At once Canis set out while holding unto my wrist. He was heading to a place I do not know. The people make way for us and we passed through them. When we are alone in the wide lawn I stop walking and Canis stop with me. He turn to me in surprised. " Let's keep going " He said but I shook my head in the negative. " what? " " My.. mum is dead canis. Her dead body is laying...in a room..too far away. I must laid her...to rest and.." " For love of hell! " Canis interrupted angrily and I Shivers under his cold stare. " Do you know what would have happens to you in that chamber If you are still there till now? Do you want to die? Does your life means nothing to you? " " It doesn't Canis! " I yelled back when my misery has reached it's limit. Now tears which I have stopped start trailing out " My life means nothing to me anymore canis. My parents died horribly and...and no justice will be done for them. What use is the life of an omega if we means nothing ? " " Azure..." He whispers softly when he saw my pitiful State. He gritted his teeth angrily for a very long time before he pulled me into his arms and whispers into my hair. " There won't be justice. My mother died that way too and there isn't any justice. Not at all "
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