
Who will be her Mate?

friends to lovers
blue collar
another world

Azure, a poor omega and the daughter of a dead slave briefly had the thought of becoming a princess when her mother decided to wed the powerful king of all werewolves, Alpha Alaric. She relocated to the Castle against her will only to find out she had two capable step brothers. Vamp Lamia, the vampire prince and Canis Lupus, the Werewolf prince. no one could be more beautiful and elegant than this two princes.

Fate decided to be cruel when azure unknowingly stole the two hearts of these two men. After the deed was done, she was left in a puzzle on who to choose. Will it be Vamp who has always been there to wipe her tears or Canis who only inflict pain on her? who will be her mate?...

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Episode 1: Under the rain
The coffee cup nearly slip through my shivering fingers but I quickly held unto it. My jaw dropping however in great astonishment. I am in the kitchen and my mother is before me , announcing her incoming marriage. " You... You are joking, right? This is a joke mother and it's expensive. Please mother " I was saying, trying hard not to believe her. Of course there is no way she would be getting married again just when my father died three weeks ago. " I'm serious Azure. The wedding day has been fixed and it's tonight " " why am I hearing it just now? " I yelled out crazily, my heartbeat already thudding. My eyes brimmed with tears of pity for my dead Father. " Father just died mom. Aren't you supposed to wait a little longer? " My mother sigh softly at my words. She tried to patted my shoulder but I step back, evading her advances as i choked back tears of agony. " I thought you would understand " She whispers but I c****d up an eyebrow in confusion. 'What is she even saying?' " You thought I would understand the reason why you are willing to jump right into another man's bed just three weeks after my dad died? Can't you even wait till his grave got dried up before you open your laps for..." I was yelling already, speaking out swiftly that I didn't know when my mother comes closer to me. Her hands flashing in a jiffy as she slapped me hard right on my cheek. The impact daze me so completely and I staggered backward in shock. My vision becomes blurry for some seconds. My heart tearing at this event and reality. " I tried my possible best to stay with your miserable father for the rest of his poverty stricken life! I was humiliated, called many unpleasant names and cursed! I was there for him till he breath his life without enjoying nothing from this marriage but now that he is out of way, you tried to be an obstacle? " I gulped down hard at my mother's hateful words as tears burns my eyes. ' Now that he is out of way ' my thought repeated. " This is so wrong and you know it " I mutters weakly, loosing the fight. I know I won't be able to stop her anymore for according to her the wedding date has been set tonight. " It isn't wrong. I love him , your father. I have always love him " " Not enough " I argued coldly. I turn to glare at her with my jaw setting. " you didn't love him well enough. Not even death should do you both apart but... But ..." I couldn't help it but break down in tears. My dead Father was a good man. A pure, kind hearted man. Can someone be without flaw? My father's only flaw was that he was born as an omega. The weakest kind of all werewolves. We are treated more worst than a w***e. Our women were used as concubine while our men would toil around in the soil as slaves. Under the rule of king Alaric, we omegas has no choice but to be trample on. No one wants or respect us. " I'm sorry Azure. Maybe you are right... Maybe I don't really love your dad after all but trust me... I would never have think about wedding another man assuming he hasn't kicked the bucket " Her soft words failed to Sooth me or keep me from glaring at her. I lowered my eyelids as tears trailed out then I nodded carefully. " Who is he, This new man ? " For what seem like eternity, my mother refused to reply. She seem to be taking her forever to answer my question. I look up at her just in time to see her biting her lower lips. " Azure... " " Who's he mum? Tell me " I'm begining to feel insecure and restless. Her silent and reluctancy is already killing me. My heartbeat was thudding crazily and instinctively I know her answer won't sit well with me. " King Alaric " For some minutes, I couldn't breath. My eyelids popped wide open at once and my jaw dropped entirely at her confession. I quickly shook my head in the negative, trying hard to wade off the dark thoughts. " That's a lie. Mother please, tell me it's just a joke. Please... " " Azure " " Do not... " I suddenly yelled out when she tried coming towards me. " Do not try to come forward. I hate you , so much " With those harsh words, I ran pass her after placing the cup of coffee on the counter. My heart thudding crazily against my chest. I opened the door at once and ran out of the house. Feeling Miserable and frustrated. I haven't healed completely from my father's death and now my mother had proposed another step father. King Alaric of all men. The Alpha of all werewolves who is known all worldwide as the most sadistic man. The first alpha in history who has both a vampire and a Werewolf as sons. I took to the lonely rainy street at once. Oblivion that it is even pouring down heavily. I was crying, trying hard to breathe. I just need a place for privacy, a place where I could cried out my agony. My father's grave. I headed there in no time but I couldn't make it. I feel down in the street, crying so hard. One couldn't have cried harder, ever before or wail. " You shouldn't have died father...you should have keep on living, for me " For more than many minutes, I shed tears until finally I lost all energy. I sat still doing the hiccups when Suddenly I felt a movement from behind me. I turn around swiftly, under the rain pour to see a silhouette. I frown slightly at this and I get on my feet to see the face properly. The man walk closer to me and Under the cloudy Sky I could make out his face and features. It took my willpower not to gasp in awe. This man right before me seem like a mystical creature for he was too handsome to be normal, to even be real. His shoulders were as wide as the length of an ax handle, his back was a broad wedge tapering to narrow hips, and his legs were long, well muscled and covered in black hair that was repeated in the small of his back. There was a regularity of feature in his face that was pleasing. His forehead was broad, his eyes were set well apart and thickly lashed, his cheekbones were high and well defined and his jaw fully reflected the determination of survival. His hair which was thick, slightly curved and flowing was the color of a Raven's wing , stopping just by his neckline. He was without expression and I wonder why he was standing still staring at me with two Hazel eyes. " I ... Your crying lure me here " He whispers abruptly and my breath caught up in my throat at his melodious voice. He walks up to me, taking his steps carefully and I couldn't help but staggered backward in stupidity. He drew nearer and i would have swore this is my First time in witnessing such beauty and elegancy. I realized he possessed a latent, leonine power and that he was walking with purpose and authority. " Come here " He demanded very tenderly, compelling me to stop in my track. I haven't expected him to pull me into his arms but I welcome this contact when it occurs. This strange beautiful man wrapped his arms around me, comforting me in a way that no one would ever been able to. Tears roll down my eyes this time and slowly I wrapped my own hands too around his neck. our body joining and entwined under the rain pour. " Don't hold it in. Let it out... I'm here " He advised softly and I obeyed him. He held unto me throughout as I cried hard against his solid chest. Never for once have I felt so safe and peaceful. His hug keeps me from worrying but it also makes me realize an important thing. That I'm a woman and I can feel lust too. Now I do not know who he is but one thing is certain. He isn't an omega like me and the airs around him commanded authority and wealth. 'Who is he? ' I asked myself inwardly but no one replies me. I only linger onto him and my heart gladden, feeling at ease. An only task that my true mate could be able to do.

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Vampire King's Human Mate


Just Got Lucky


My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


The Lone Alpha


Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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