Episode 4: The vampire Queen's arrival

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I couldn't lift any limb for many minutes as I watch the powerful retreating back of Canis. He is so beautifully built,not heavy. He didn't bother to turn around to look at me and this sank my heart the more. I look away when Canis disappeared from my sight and I gulped down hard. My first day in the castle had started badly. I wonder how the night will be. " Would you know the way to your room Azure? " Vamp's voice brought me back to reality and I slowly nodded in positive. " Well then. I should answer my father's call before he gets mad " Vamp turn away at once without waiting for my reply and he disappear from my sight as well, leaving me alone in the long hall. A sigh escape my lips and I look around with my heart heavy. I headed at once to my room. I do not know anywhere else to go. My mother has been taken away and things has turn out sadly. I never know a huge change like this would occurs so suddenly. I get to my room but then I overheard a loud chuckles coming from a nearby room. By the pleasant scent coming from that part I know those who commanded that lovely laughter are not omegas. They are different. The happiness I heard in their voices and the freedom I could feel from it. Lump finally rose up in my throat and I look away to sniff back tears. It's too early to start shedding unnecessary tears. " Well I am planning on making out with Canis tonight you know " A voice said and that succeeded in sending a chill into my veins. I stop abruptly and turn to where the voices are coming from. " Hmm though I'm not sure if he will succumb to my desire. We all know Canis is too hard to be please " My legs makes to this area without consulting my brain. I am out of reasoning. What dominant my heart after overhearing this words from the unknown lady couldn't be explained. Obviously I can't say I love Canis. It's definitely impossible. One can't fall in love so quickly, I said to myself. Finally I found myself standing before a door which was slightly opens. Thanks to the little entry I could see two ladies. Dressed perfectly. Clad in these ever expensive dresses that worth more than a fortune. The airs around them breath of wealth and prosperity. I know at once that I am out of league, just so out. Disturbingly beautiful and fairs are this two ladies. I look ahead to see their maids taking their orders. What I realized makes me so disturbed. The maids are all omegas. I am not too surprised. We have always been a maids. I turn away from the door, ready to leave when I heard another words from the other lady. " I don't know what to say about vamp. He wouldn't give me the attention I needed " Now I understand the two ladies. They each Desires the princes but none of the man answered or accept their offers. " I hope Canis would be merciful today. I heard he's in his favorite place. I should visit him once I'm done here " I turn away from the door slowly after hearing this. Canis in his favorite place. Should I visit him before the beautiful lady does? He deserves my apology if not anything. Luckily for me I saw a maid coming forward. I nodded carefully at the kind lady. " Please say, where is Prince Canis favorite place ? " I asked the maid who look at me over. Obviously I know she's deciding whether to tell me or not when I am not familiar. Finally without saying any words she turn towards the place only her knows. I followed her quietly for some minutes and soon we emerges into another dimension entirely. It looks like a patio but it wasn't entirely. There, I saw the Werewolf prince sitting on a big rock staring out to the sea which lays before him and beyond. A powerful sight I couldn't help but get mesmerized by it. " Thank you " I whispers to the maid who didn't reply. She left me standing stupidly for some minutes. I do not know what to do with my legs or anything. Finally I summon courage and persist myself to walk to him. " He..ll..o " I stuttered innocently when I get to him. For some minutes Canis didn't answers. He seem to have known about my presence already but choose not to acknowledge it. I began to feel frustrated by this. The thought of him being cold towards me makes me so miserable. " Alright I'm sorry " I said with my voice raised but shaking. Frustration has finally settled in me and I couldn't help myself anymore. " Canis I'm sorry if kissing your brother had caused it. I swear to you I know not what has happened " " Vamp Lamia isn't my brother and you did nothing to me " He said smoothly without looking at me. Instinctively I shivers after hearing his words. Did he just condemn me like that? Just like that? Now my lips are quivering and I know I should leave this gorgeous man to avoid any further heartbreak or pain but my weak self couldn't just do this things. Anger replaced my sorrow and that gives me the courage I needed. " Do you just kiss anyone you meet in the street canis? Did you console just any lady in the street, makes her feel something extraordinary then you deny her hours after? " Canis after hearing my words decided to turn to me at last. His shoulder rigid and his jaw tensed. His Hazel eyes darting around but when he turn fully to me those Icy cold gaze were on me. He stood up from where he sat and walks slowly to me and I step backward. I couldn't help it. The courage I have summon now wither away into the thin air when I saw the coldness in canis's eyes. He step forward and I take mine backward. This continues for two seconds and suddenly canis grab my arm compelling me to stop at once. Air left my lung and I feel almost like dying. " I make you feel something extraordinary? " He asked softly then scoffed crazily at the words. " You must have gone nut entirely. What do you expect from me? That I would accept a 'sorry' after you have behave so disgustingly? " " Canis " " Why are you here? Hmm? To seduce Vamp or work here? Either way do not approach me ever again. What do I expected from an Omega anyway. Loose and undeserving " Canis dropped his hold on my arm and walk away. His dark hair gleaming under the beautiful sunlight of late afternoon. Tears couldn't be shed anymore. I just lost that man to my stupidity. 'Wait a second' I urged myself. Canis do not know I am here as the new princess. He had thought I'm only here to work as maids. That's how omegas are already. For the second time I watched him disappear from my sight. I know I would be seeing him more often in the castle but I wish to see less of him. Just as how king Alaric has been said to be so cold and unforgiving, Canis isn't an exception in that category. He would be my step brother when the sun set. I should stop any wild imagination and prepare on how to cope with my new life. I turn to walk away but then I saw the elegant lady from earlier who had spoken about Canis. She is standing at the entrance staring at me coldly. By this I know she had saw how Canis had grabbed my arm. Swiftly she began to match towards me and I would be telling a white lies if I said my mind didn't skip any beat. This lady dashed to me and so her palm flashed, aiming for a slap but unexpectedly her hand was caught in mid air. My world just seem to end at that moment. I look up to see Canis and my heart shuddered slightly at this reality. He just saves me from being humiliated. " What do you think you are doing Erica? " Canis asked the lady harshly before freeing her wrist roughly. " I'm trying to teach a maid some lesson Canis. You shouldn't stop me from doing the needful " " Needful indeed " He replied tightly before turning to me with no expression. " And you would let her trample on you just so easily? " I shuddered slightly at his question. I never expected it. Is he scolding me right now? " I asked you a question. Won't you reply? " He repeated more firmly and I look down. " I... I'm sorry. I never expected her to be so violent " " Someone coming at you with so much force doesn't indicate anything as violence? " I look up to see her glaring. He seem so upset. I realized he is venting his anger on me and I decided to accept it. " I'm sorry Canis. I will be on the alert next time " All this while Erica couldn't speak. She was only sharing glances between Canis and I. " Better. Go ahead " He said slowly and I obeyed him at once without any complain. I left him with Erica but before I disappear into the hall I saw Canis taking another route, leaving Erica alone to deal with her brain. This time I turn deaf ears to the voices that comes from the rooms I walks by and finally I located my domain. I pushed the door opens and sat on the comfy bed that was at the corner. A sigh escaping my lips. What should I expect from Canis? His smile or what? I asked myself but no one replies me. My gaze caught the sun going down and so I decided to take my bath and prepare for the wedding. I goes into the other room that contains everything I needed In cleaning myself. In no time I am done. I opens the door and emerges into the room where I walk towards my dresser to pick out a find amazing dress. The room comes with everything. I decided to be excited by all the luxurious things I would have as a princess. I succeeded in daydreaming for a while before I get bored and flopped on the bed. Tears trailing down my cheek later on. It's so hard to be happy. Just so hard. I swallow hard and sniffed gently. I wonder how mother is doing. I hope she is well. As an omega I know she will be trample on but she's the bride, the king's wife so I'm sure she will be treated differently this time. Yes, differently. " Why would she get married? How did she even knows the king? " I did not know I have asked this question loudly until a voice replied me. " It's obviously when you are not aware. The king rarely goes out of the castle " I turn to see Vamp walking in. At once my sad heart took another turn. I grin happily and stood up from the bed to welcome my friendly guest. " Vamp you are here " I beamed and he chuckles at me. " Of course I am here " He look over to me and smile. " You stop Midway in dressing up. Why? " I sigh softly and look away. " I don't know. I feel nervous " " Because you will be a princess? " " No. Because... " I chewed on my lips gently and then sigh again. " I think I'm falling for someone I shouldn't, just like my mum " To my words Vamp stare at me for many minutes without speaking. I saw him tilted his head. " You are falling for someone , yes. I could see your heart thudding for love " His words were like a riddle to me and my jaw drop at it. He smiles at my face then walk to me. " Thank goodness you have a man like me at your corner. If anyone breaks your heart you can come over to me " He is gentle, he is considerate, he is beautiful and he is generous. His light blue eyes were staring deep into my own, holding them captivate again. I began to act on something else. Impulse, maybe. My legs shivering but vamp was quick to notice it so he wrap his hands around my waist to steady me. I am compelled by how soft I seem to be in his arms. How comfortable I feel before him. " Your eyes... It speaks of so much confusion. You don't... know what you want exactly and how you want it " Vamp pulled back from me after saying this words. He turn to the window and a smile appears on his face second later. " My mother is here. You should come to pay your respect to her, what do you think? " I slowly goes to the window to see the Lucky woman who had given birth to someone as Vamp Lamia. Upon gazing out I saw the lady, elegant and powerful. My legs weaken at her ominous sight and I get her identity at once. " The vampire queen " " Of course " Vamp replied proudly. " My mother is the vampire queen " I shuddered at once. So many dark thought running through my mind. I know that lady. She is the most vicious lady ever. The bad omen we omegas have got. " She trades omegas as s*x slaves. Why would she be your mother? " I asked Vamp to stare at me in confusion. " Of course you are kidding "
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