Episode 6: Under the shower

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Under the dark sky for the second time in a day our fate got entwined. The lust between us be our witness. The unseen bond between us be our second witness. Canis console me earlier in the morning and save my life in the night. I closed my eyes to savour the moment we got together. The time we spent in each other's arms without speaking, in silence. Finally when I was just starting to lost all myself and senses in canis, he pulled back to stare into my eyes. His Hazel eyes directly on my lips. I saw him gulped then said. " I will go in to check on your mother. You should leave for my domain. I will meet you there later " He pulled away and made to go but I was quick to stop him with my words. " I don't know your abode Canis. I came here today and.. and I do not know your home " He stop abruptly and turn to me. His face shows no expression so I couldn't read anything. " Come along. I will take you " He reached out to my wrist and we began the journey. After some minutes we both arrived before a tall glass building. I have heard so many about the two princes of Werewolves world. I heard many bad reviews and good reviews about them as well. I stop in the entrance. I just have to. No one is around the vicinity. Canis Lupus's domain was built a little far from the others. A sigh escaped my lips with this. He is different. I know he is. He stop when he walks in and didn't notice me by his side. He turn around, his short black hair glittering under the artificial lights in his living room where he stood at. " Come in. Don't just stand there " He said and I was jerked back to reality by the urgency I heard in his voice. I obeyed canis and I step into his room. Now I feel clumsy and very out of place. Everywhere in his domains glitters. I look up to stare at him. A powerful man surrounded by powerful and beautiful objects. He is glorious in his stance. He is beautiful in every way and going back at what he has done, I believe he has the purest heart. ' Why is he helping me? ' I asked myself inwardly. ' what did a lowly omega has that the werewolf prince desires? ' To my inner thoughts canis didn't react. I am sure Vamp would have replied to it for only him could read thoughts. Canis now step forward towards me, his lips unmoving and his eyes not darting around like It often does. He focus just on me. Just only on my face, pinning me with that hazel eyes of his that I couldn't help but obey him. " Do you have anywhere in mind for your mother to be laid on ? " He asked softly and at once I shivers. He saw what his words has caused me so he reached out to place a soothing hand in my arm. " It's okay. Just tell me. Where you want your mother to be laid on " For many minutes I couldn't speak. Emotions getting the better of me. I lowered my eyelids later on so I won't get mesmerized completely by his beauty. The feeling of love and passion clouding my senses. If only I have had his support from the beginning. If only I have known Canis from the start. I doubt if my mother would have make an early exit like she had. " The graveyard for omegas " " It's unworthy " " But it's meant for us omegas. We are unworthy anyway. We have no say in our life. We get killed and get no justice. We get cheated and robbed but no one comes to our rescue. Where else would a dead lowly Omega will be laid on except an unworthy filthy ground " Canis could feel my anger. He could feel my disdain also. He knows there is more to my angry words and what laid underneath my sparkling fury eyes. I will get justice. I will find who murdered my mother and I will avenge her death. It might be later but definitely not now. I need to find myself again because I am lost. I am so lost in confusion. my heart won't stable for the prince is present. It won't stop thudding for what I couldn't pinpoint ever since I have met canis. " I will be back. Stay in door " Canis ordered me firmly. He didn't wait for my reply though before he turn around and walk out. I stood still after he disappear from my sight and I welcome the loneliness. I wonder when Vamp Lamia would return. He had left me unprotected. I wonder how he would react to the bitter news. After I have stood up for a long time, more than me, waiting for the werewolf prince my legs start throbbing. As a lowly daughter of a slave I have endured more than my system could accept. I closed my eyes as dizziness overwhelmed my weak Body. At last I flopped on the nearby couch while breathing shakily. ' Canis where are you? Where are you canis ' my inner voice asked in distress. He has been gone for a long time. Now I could see the stars from where I sat displaying their beautiful in the sky. I was still busy with my thoughts when I heard the incoming footsteps. Immediately I dashed up from the seat when I look up and see Canis walking in. His hands and Boots are muddy. I know what that means. Tears filled my eyes but I choked it back. Mother has been laid to rest. She has... I was stopped by the sob that broke out from my lips. I thought I could keep it in but no, I can't. The agonizing tears of being an orphan. The bittered tears of being Abandoned. My body shook uncontrollably and I let it all out. Canis is here this time. He console me again. Pulled me into his powerful arms where I rested on his chest. Nothing more could be so accomodating. I wrapped my hands around him too. Tightening my hold on him as regret digged deep in my heart. " I wouldn't have argue with her this morning assuming...I know this would happen. I ... would.. have agreed with her. Eat the breakfast with her and hug her all through " I pulled back to stare at canis's face. " I swear I didn't know today would be her last " " Hey.. stop taking all the blames. It's not your fault. Not at all. Come here, come here " Words couldn't be spoken anymore. Not when I am in canis's arms where I think of heaven and earth at the same time. In canis's arms where I find peace but at the same time I find restlessness. I tore myself away from him all of a sudden. By the confused expression on his face I know he hasn't been expecting that movement from me at all. He took a step forward to me but I stop him immediately with my words. " You will leave as well. You will make me fall for you and.. and then you will leave just like my father and mother did. I will be alone all over again. Clueless and miserable " I am crazy. Yes, I am definitely going insane. Frustration combining with hopelessness makes me start speaking nonsense. " Don't come any closer canis. Don't .. " The werewolf prince do not take order from anyone except his father, the king. He definitely didn't obey and abide to my warning. He only took a long stride to me and immediately kisses me so possessively. There is a lot of tongue thrusting in that kiss which of course makes me go breathless. It is a fierce intimacy that put both me and the powerful man before me in frenzy. I offered myself to him at once and before I could grasp anything else I felt myself being lifted off the floor. Canis headed towards where he only know and I takes the lead. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, positioning my p***y to his hard erected d**k. The world going into oblivion as I kissed canis's lips still. His tongue juicy and plumped. His hands over my buttocks, pushing me up a little and down so I could brush against his d**k for a while. The feelings so priceless and Farfetch. I was lost in lust for many minutes. Not knowing where I am except in canis's arms. He finally get to where he's heading. His bathroom,very large and beautiful. With me still in his arms canis turn on the shower and second later the water pours on like rain. Just like the morning when we have kisses under the rain, this time as well canis and I got carried away by passion and longing. My clothes go first and I appears naked before the prince in just a minute. For some moment we only allowed our lust to speak for us. Our Body getting familiar with one another. I help Canis get off his t-shirt and he accepted my help. With me before Canis naked with only underwear, my panties and bra while he himself only was clad in his trouser, we kissed each other. We grope each other. Finally I felt his fingers brushing over my panties, making me to shiver uncontrollably. I moan into his mouth weakly. I wriggle further into him, allowing him to go further. My p***y already wet with my cumming just with Canis little massage. " Azure.." I heard my name being called with the most beautiful voice but I ignores it. I want canis now or I will definitely explode. I want him so much. I want him to thrust into me. To pump into me like no one ever does. I would think about the consequences later,not now. " Azure! " He finally exclaimed, tearing away from me to breath. " Azure " " Yes? " I replied softly in the same manner. His eyes staring deep into mine. The shower pouring on us, giving me the time to be back to reality. " Do you want this? Do you want me? " He asked and I gulped. I would be telling a white lie if I said no. For the love of moon goddess who wouldn't want Canis lupus? The one and only werewolf prince. The son of king Alaric himself. " Yes " I replied softly. " I want you so much. Very much Canis " I move to him again, unable to endure the space between us anymore but he held my arm this time. " You will hate me for it tomorrow. Let's stop here today Azure. You are heartbroken right now and not in your right Sense. Take your bath here. I will use the other " With this words canis left my arms and wall out. Alone I scoff crazily. Did he just left me? Did he just.. reject my advances? ' Why won't he? He is the prince, the king's son and you are merely just an omega, the daughter of a slave ' I shuddered slightly at my inner voice. I bite my lower lips in self disgust. Canis has only help me out of his pure generous heart and what did I do? I flung myself on him shamelessly. My legs give way at this thought and I flopped into the marble tiles floor. Tears welled up this time and I let it flow. Life couldn't be more crueler than it has been. I just can't help it. After wallowing in self pity for a very long time I took my bath, shed off my remaining clothes and emerges. Now I could look around. I saw myself in his room. His bedroom actually. Canis's room. I can't believe it. The atmosphere itself is different. The scent of prosperity that hung up in the air couldn't be unnoticed. Too much of luxury packed up in a large comfy room. I saw the host. Canis himself sat on the King size bed. He was staring at me, Barefooted and shirtless. His wet hair and hazel eyes makes me look away. This princes, vamp and Canis isn't just anyone. Why would they be so beautiful and at the same time so alluring? " Take this " I heard his deep voice that pull me back to reality. I look up to see him standing before me extending a dress to me. My jaw dropped but I shut it immediately. I look pass canis to the dresser which was still open. The dresser filled to the brim with lady's clothes. This discovery makes my heart sank. I dropped my head and sagged my shoulder. I have forgotten Erica is there as canis's lady. How so stupid of me to have forgotten. I received the dress for him, mutters thank you and walk out from his room nakedly. I get to the living room and dressed up. The expensive tight dress makes me feel so weird. I sat on the couch trying to think of where to go now. How to continue my pathetic life when all of a sudden I felt the whoosh of air. I look up towards the entrance to see him. Vamp Lamia. My joy knew no bound at that moment. Relief, thousands of it rushes over me like never before. Immediately I rushes Into his arms. Vamp is here. Yes, he is.
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