Episode 3: The begining

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I slowly move away from vamp with my heartbeat racing. I can't decipher what just happened. A step brother who is a vampire and also could read thoughts. I turn away from him, walking to the window where I took a deep breath. " You are king Alaric second son " I mutters and he nodded. " I can't say who was born first because my brother and I were born on the same day and time " He replied smoothly with a shrug then look away to stare at my mother who just entered. " You both don't need to pack anything. My dad would send an escort soon and am afraid you won't be having your freedom as before once you entered the castle. I only come here to give you an heads-up " Locked up in a castle without my freedom? I clenched my jaw tightly as I look away. " I won't be going mother. You should leave since you are the bride " Upon hearing my words Vamp turn to stare at me for sometime without saying anything. At last a smile appears on his face and he chuckled. " Ahh... I see. Just like my brother. You do not want your mother to remarry " " Is that too strange or too selfish to wish for? " " Azure! " My mother scolded and I gulped. " Where are your manners?, we have a guest " For some minutes no one speaks. I know I was being rude but I can't just help it. Anytime I tried to understand my mother, my late dad would just keep appearing in my mind. It's selfish for her to move on after just three weeks. " Azure " I heard vamp repeated, pulling me back to reality. I turn to see him smiling sheepishly. " That's a fine name. Well I will have to take my leave now. Will you see me off to my car? " It's a simple request but I do not want to comply. I look up to him ready to say no but then his handsome face caught the voice in my throat and alter it to a whispers. I would be telling a white lie if I claim I know what just happened. Does this man have any effect on me? Oh common Azure, it's so sudden. " Yes,of course " I replied abruptly and he turn at once. he offered my mother a smile and said. " We would meet at the ceremony " Vamp headed out and I follow him gently. The cloud has given way to the sun, making the star at the centre of the solar system to shines brightly. " I thought vampires can't walk under the sun " " Some does, like me. We got our special lotion that prevents the sunlight from burning us " I followed him to his car in silence as I struggled to keep my thoughts and gaze together. I can't help but notice how fair and smooth his skin is. His white hair which was stopping at his neckline makes his appearance so perfect. Finally we get to his car and he sigh before turning around to stare at my face, compelling me with his blue perfect eyes. " Give your mom a break. Let her get married again if that's what she wanted " I bite my lower lips after I heard Vamp's words. Maybe I have been too harsh on mother. I lowered my eyelids while I spread my arms. " It's... It's fine. There's nothing an Omega like me could do to stop the king anyway " " Just look at the situation from the bright side " " Bright side? " " Yes. You will be out of here and lives in the castle. You will have many maids at your beck and calls. You will have two capable step brothers and a king as father " I couldn't speak for some time. He is right. I can have the world if I want it as a princess. ' An omega becoming a princess? Isn't that too good to be real? ' " Stop belittling yourself. I hate it " He said firmly as he read my thoughts again. I look up to see him frowning but then his face gives way to a brilliant smile and he sigh. " I will see you at the castle when you come by and be careful. Not everyone will welcome you, especially my brother. He won't welcome you at all " With those words Vamp smile at me before going into his car at once. Before my eyes, I saw him drives out and disappear from my sight later on. My brother won't welcome you at all. The word repeated itself in my ears and I gulped. Who is he, this brother? My thoughts was interrupted by two cars which cruise in minutes later. I look up at once to see the king's men alighting. They are four. Handsome and capable. One of them approached me while the other stayed back to the car. I was surprised and lost. Why is everything happening so suddenly? The man get to me and bow slightly before me. I was stunned totally by what just happened but I didn't have anytime to express my awe. " You will be going with us to the castle " He said with a tight smile that makes me feel so uncomfortable. " This is sudden. I can't... " " Tell that to king Alaric when you get to the castle " He cut in gently. With a small movement, he pull me towards the car and I was forced into the car in a polite way that I also couldn't resist. The man walks into the house and return with my mother as well. I feel unsafe and unsure about all that is going on. It seem like we have been kidnap. my mother was ushered into the other car and at once the engine ignite moment later and it cruise out of the house I have lived almost all my life in. I couldn't breath or muster any words. I know my world would never be the same after this. After a long quiet drive under the clear sunlight, I arrived at the grandiose castle of King Alaric for the first time ever in my life. Nothing could be so jaw dropping and elegant as it is. The car which my mother was in took another turn as soon as we arrived and I worry. " Do not panicked. Your mother will be the king's new wife so you won't be staying with her anymore. Your quarter would be far away from hers " The man beside me said and I gulped down hard. He must have noticed my uneasiness. Finally the car skidded to a stop and I alighted to see a lady waiting for me. She bow slightly before ushering me into a long tidy hall. I didn't protest to her touch or anything when she pull me into a grandiose lovely room. Two comfortable brown settee and a centre table was set in the living room. It was very beautiful and i would have been very Happy about it assuming i wasn't in deep sorrow. I made my way to the window, to peer out. i could look across the garden to the back of the house from where i stood. There, my gaze caught the loveliness of the castle. The cool breeze splash across my face soothingly and i smiles gently. Maybe I shouldn't be sad after all. Vamp had advise me to look at the situation from the bright side. Here is it. " I will help you bath now. Come on " the maid said behind me and I turn around to stare at her. Maid? Never even in my wildest dreams have I thought I would owned a waiting lady. I feel awkward so I said. " I will take care of myself. Do not worry " " The king would have my head if i fail to do my duty " " You did your duty. I will like to be alone now, please " The maid want to protest but she decided against it at the last moment when I offered her a smile. She step out of the room and I was left to breath and think. I turn around to enjoy the castle view from the window when I heard. " It isn't so bad , right? " A voice said behind me and I turn around to see Vamp leaning against the wall. His hands were thrusted inside his pocket and he looks more sexier than earlier. He was smiling at me and that sooth me. I let out a sigh as relief wash over me. It's so nice to see a familiar and friendly face. " I'm feeling awkward about all this. Omega becoming a princess is just so ridiculous " " You should stop being negative about yourself. Know your worth " He replied smoothly as he made his way to stand with me beside the window. His hair blowing backward by the wind. " Not everyone get to have your type of luck " " Yes. I guess so " I mutters as I stare out. " How do you cope? A vampire in the midst of werewolves? " To my question he smiles softly. Slowly he turn to me and I would have swore nothing is more beautiful than he was. " I'm a prince. The son of king Alaric. do you think anyone would be bold enough to pick on me? " He is right. Perfectly right. King Alaric is a sadistic man who is known well enough. No one will dare him unless the person seek death. I smile up at vamp but he had already turn his gaze away to the window where we both saw a car cruising into the castle's garage. " That's my brother, Canis " " Oh " I replied but then I stop abruptly with a sudden frown on my face. " Canis? I have heard that name this morning. I made a friend who... " " You must be mistaken. Canis would never be friend with anyone " Vamp pulled me towards the hall and I followed him earnestly. " Ever since his mother died, he had took towards the dark path. Maids flee when he is near. men cowered before him and ladies jaw drop at his presence " No. He can't be the Canis I met this morning. I gulped down hard to keep the friend I had made under the rain out of my mind. " Prince vamp " A maid called from behind, halting us. The prince turn around to see the small lady who had calm upon him. " King Alaric had call for you " " Uh... " Vamp turn around to stare at me. Feeling hesitant. " I have to go now " " Do you have to? " I asked him silently. The words falling out before I could stop it. I feel sad that he has to leave. I do not want him to. " I guess so. it's the king's call " He responded with a low chuckled. " Come here " His hands went to my shoulders, and pull me towards himself. I felt soft under his grip. My head fell back as my eyes met his. The sound of my breathing fanned the fires burning deep in the pit of his gut. lust suddenly flare up between us and I gulped down in confusion. His thumb found it's way to my chin, then ventured farther ,to the gentle slope of my lower lip. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I knew it was Time to decide. Tentatively his hand fanned out against my cheek, leaving his thumb to rest against my slightly parted lips. My breath was warm where it spilled over his hand. His eyes fixed on my mouth as my fantasies began to mingle with the reality of being so close to perfection. I shouldn't be doing this. Vamp is my step brother and... The thought was silence by his lips which he brought closer to mine, kissing me very slowly and tenderly. Lust and passion filled my heart and I was lost for the second time in a day. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around him, forgetting my manners and throwing caution up to the wind. Never have I felt so much better and relieved. I wish this could go on forever but it was interrupted by an incoming footsteps. I pulled away slowly, biting my lower lips and wondering what has come over me. I turned to stare at the newcomer when I get the wildest shock of my life. The man before me in silky smooth hair caught my attention and I hurriedly lowered my eyelids in confusion. " Oh. Here you are brother. Azure, meet Canis. The werewolf prince " Vamp introduce smoothly as though nothing had taken and at once I shuddered. My heart just want to burst from astonishment. He can't be. What? I need a way out, immediately. Suddenly I made to bypass Canis but he caught my wrist and ease me backward before him. This act alone makes me shivered in utter disbelief. I noticed his balsat jaw and broad shoulders under the dim lighted hallway. His Hazel eyes were orb round and darted constantly, gleaming with disdain and anger. " What was that? " He asked in a hard tone. " What are you talking ... about? " I stuttered stupidly, trying to feign nonchalant. In response his eyes left my face and fixed on the direction of vamp. " Do you just meet anyone on the street and kiss him? " To his question,my heart sank entirely. My breathe caught when he tightened his hold on me cruelly. " Answer the question " He demanded coldly. " Get your hands off her Canis. You are hurting her wrist " Vamp defended me at once. He pulled me away from Canis and tuck me to his side protectively. Canis didn't say a word. His only reaction to Vamp's movement was a slight tensing of the muscles near his jawline. He dropped his gaze on me and let out a low sigh. " Don't ever show your face before me again " He warned sternly. Nothing more could tear my heart like the disdain and rage I saw in his eyes. Canis turn away then, leaving me with Vamp. I really wish I could run after him but I Couldn't bring myself to leave vamp too. What's going on? Why do I feel my heart beating for this two princes? Is it right? Oh no!
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