Chapter 3

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Loren's POV Last night, I didn't go to see Elyssa. I didn't want to freak her out, knowing that I had those same green eyes as the ones in the dark. She might figure stuff in her head, and find out it's me, which I never wanted it to happen. I ran a hand through my hair and started walking to school. When I reached the building, I quickly saw Elyssa, and started walking over to her, but one of the blondes came over to me with a smile on her face. "Hi, Loren," she said, all flirty like. "Hey..... I'm sorry, what's you're name again?" Damn, I forgot her name! Her smile faded. "It's Love." "Right, I'll catch up with you later, Lovely," I winked. And she smiled, happily that I gave her a cute nick-name. I walked Over to Elyssa, and when she saw me, she half- smiled. "Hey, Loren." "Hey, Elyssa, Peter, Clara," I said. After we all greeted each other, we walked to our classrooms. It was first period and I was sitting next to Elyssa. She was quiet than usual. But I know there was something she wanted to say to me, but she couldn't find a way to say it. I can sense it. I'll just let her be and let her take her time. I don't want to rush her, knowing that she'll be my- "Loren?" She interrupted my thoughts by saying my name. "Yes?" "I-I have something to tell you. But please, don't freak out," she said. I looked down at her, and she looked up at me. "What is it?" "You have those eyes," she blurted out. Oh, I know where this is going. "What eyes?" "Green eyes." "Okay?" "I mean," she took a deep breath. "Loren, when I was 10, I started to be afraid of the dark. At night time, or in the dark woods, or any dark place, I would see green, gleaming, glowing eyes. seem to have those eyes." Dammit, what the hell am I going to say to her? "That's because I'm a werewolf. And I've been waiting for you Elyssa. You're one too, and you're my-' Nope. Not telling her that. "I do?" Instead I said. "Yes. They're exactly the same," she said. "Wait, so you're not freaked out about what I just told you?" "of course not." "You see green eyes too?!" her voice got loud, and people turned around and gave her weird looks. "No. I mean, it's okay to be afraid of the dark. The eyes you're seeing, they could be your imagination." I shrugged, knowing that was a God-damned lie. "Since I was 10, it's my imagination?" she questioned. "I guess so." She sighed and nodded. Our next period, the class where Elyssa is two seats away from me, was soooo boring. The Blondie next to me had on the sexiest outfit...and sluttiest. Once in a while she would glance at me, and lick her lips, or move her hair away from her boobs. Did I mention they were totally fake? In my mind, I was rolling my eyes. Doesn't everyone think I'm the hot new kid? I looked over at Elyssa and caught her looking at me, then she looked away. A small smirk appeared on my lips. She looked back at me and I smiled. She rolled her eyes and smiled too. I laughed. "Is there something funny, Mr. Lexington that you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Webb folded her arms. "No, ma'am." "Well, it must have been very funny for you to interrupt my class." The whole class turned to look at me. "Well, Elyssa here just told me that your shirt looks great." "And that's funny because.....?" "It's rather funny because I told her that that shirt would look better on someone else who is not flat-chested, not a total b***h, who doesn't have a huge zit on her chin which, by the way, doesn't have hair growing from it," I stopped. "Shall I go on?" The whole class laughed their asses off, even Elyssa giggled. Mrs. Webb blushed. "If you do not cut the crap, I will have you escorted to jail!" "Really? Jail? For treating you like that in front of the whole class? Wow, you're slower than I thought!" More laughing. Ms. Webb's face got really red, it's redder than her sandals. "Alright, Ms. Webb, I apologize for my behavior. Please continue with you're excellent teaching," I said. "That's more like it. Now class-" Whatever. I looked at Elyssa who was looking at me. She giggled and shook her head. It's fun making her laugh. She's already so beautiful. Long blonde hair, beautiful ocean blue eyes, full pink lips that I do plan on kissing someday- Wait, what? Never-mind that. Our next period was gym, where me and Elyssa technically had on the same outfit. I mean, hey, I love NIKE Blazers. They rock! And, boy, did Elyssa look sexy in the tank and boy sports shorts, or what? I sat next to her. "Looking forward to racing with you." She rolled her eyes. "As if. I am the fastest one in the this school. You might have a chance, considering Coach Hermah thinks you're as fast as me." "Don't press you're luck. It's bad to brag you know." Skip Half the race She was catching up to me! Damn, she get's faster and faster. I saw the finish line, and we both looked at each other. We smiled as we reached the finish line. "Sorry, hun, but I'm faster than you," I said, a little out of breath. She rolled her eyes. "But, damn, you are pretty fast." "Thanks." "Elyssa!" "Hey, Clara!" "Wow, you almost beat him! You were faster than I could blink!" Clara laughed. Then Peter came up to us. "Damn, Loren. You're really fast. Elyssa, I told you, you were getting stronger, taller, and f*****g faster." Elyssa and I smiled at each other. Elyssa's POV BAM! "Ow!" I yelled. "Sorry!" "Loren?" "Elyssa?" I looked around my surroundings, and at Loren who was kneeling over me. His face was awful close to mines, and I just had the urge to lean in and- Whoa! "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to get up. "On my way home. Here," he let me grip his arm, so I could get up. "How Come you were running?" "How come you didn't see me?" I put my hands on my hips. "How come you didn't see me? You were the one running, you should have seen me, and moved out of my way." He laughed. "OK. I was running because I was in a hurry to see my Dad. He told me to come home right away, and I didn't see you because, well, the wind was in my eyes, and my eyes were half-closed, so I really couldn't see anything." "Oh." "Your turn." "I didn't see you because I had earbud on my ear, and I was listening to some romantic music. That I was caught up on it, I closed my eyes, not minding what I was doing at the moment." He half-smiled. "Let me walk you home." "Doesn't your dad need you?" I didn't want him getting in trouble. "He can wait. He doesn't need me that bad," he smiled, and his hair fell in his eyes. He flipped it away. Why did he have to be so darn hot? "Fine," I pouted. He laughed. "You know you love me." "As if" I mumbled, but I'm pretty sure he heard me. It was quiet on the way. The only sound was our breathing- which I'm surprised I could hear- and the sound of our footsteps. We reached my house, and we stood on the porch, staring at each other. "Well, thanks again, Loren," I said, reaching for the door handle. But, his hand stopped mine. I looked back at him, and he leaned in. Holy- "Sorry," Loren said. "What?" "I have to go," he blinked, and walked away. What the hell was that about? I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him walk down the street. Was he really going to kiss me?
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