Chapter 4

1835 Words
Elyssa's POV Was Loren really going to kiss me? "Ely, sweetie, are you okay?" my mom asked me. I haven't touched my food, which smelled delicious. "Yeah, Sorry, Mom. I'm, um, I'm not that hungry." I excused myself from the table and went into my room. Why did I just lie like that? I'm super hungry! I've been hungry since I bumped into Loren! Speaking of which: I wonder what's he doing right now. He's probably hanging out with his little sister. did I know he had a little sister? Loren hardly told me anything about himself! I'm weird. I need to stop thinking about him. (Which is nearly impossible!) I can't stop thinking about his body, his lips, his hair, the way he smiles and laughs, his eyes- Actually, coming to think of it, I haven't seen his eyes, well, technically not his eyes, but the ones I see in the dark. There were footsteps coming up the stairs. Then there was a light knock on the door. "Honey?" "Yes, Mom?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, Im fine." "Do you want to talk?" "Um, I'm kind of tired, I'm gonna hit the sack." I am really tired. "Okay, sweetie, good night." I sighed and changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Days passed, and it was Saturday. It was really hot, too! Mom suggested that we go to the beach. Dad went fishing with his friends. I put on my new green, pretty bikini. Then I put on a blue fitted tank top, blue jean short shorts, gold strap flip-flops, and some sun-glasses! Now, I'm ready. "Can I invite Clara?" I asked my Mom. "Sure." She put the picnic things in the trunk of the truck and strapped Andy in. We picked Clara up, and we were on our way to the beach. When we arrived, Clara and I walked side-by-side, and Mom set out the blanket and sat down. "Ely, how about you and Clara take Andy for a swim?" "Sure thing, Mom." When Mom was out of ear-shot, Clara said, "Look at all the hot guys here!" "I know," I laughed. We undressed and started walking to the water where people were splashing and other stuffs. Some where even playing volley ball in the water. Some of the boys whistled at us and Clara giggled and waved. I rolled my eyes and took Andy to the water. I put my feet into it, and it immediately felt good. But I stood there, looking down at my feet. I had a feeling someone was watching me. "Hey, baby!"A boy came up next to me. Clearly, he works out. He looks about 17 or 18. He had blond hair and green eyes. He smiled brightly at me. "Uh...hi," I said, kind of unsure because he called me 'baby'. "I'm Stanley." "I don't care," I said. "Ooh, beauty. I like," he said. "Whatever," I said, I really do not want to be bothered. Where is Andy, by the way? Oh, there he is. Nevermind. I was hoping I couldn't find him, so I could go look for him and ditch this asshole over here. "Wanna come back to my car?" he asked. "Oh my god, no." "What's wrong with me? You must think I'm hot? I'm great at working out, and that's not all I'm great at," he said smirking. Gross! "Sorry, not interested," I said, walking away. But he grabbed my hand and yanked me back. "Come on, babe," he whispered in my ear. "Get away!" I shoved out of his grip. "Damn, you're strong!" He was getting mad now. What, is he going to rape me? Before he could grab me again, someone called my name. "Elyssa?" I turned around. "Loren?" Loren came walking to my side. "What's going on here?" "Nothing man," Stanley, the asshole, said and walked away, mumbling. I turned back to Loren who was smiling at me. "Thanks." It's kind of awkward that he pops up sometimes. "You're welcome." "What are you doing here?" I asked. "It's 100 degrees out here, and you're asking me what I'm doing here?" he laughed. "I meant how did you find me?" "Oh. I was just walking around when I saw you. Then that dude grabbed your hand, so I came Over." "Oh." "What, you're not happy to see me?" he smirked. I'm always happy to see him. "Of course I am. If it weren't for you, he would have had me in his car by now." He shook his head and we got into the water. "I don't think so. I saw the way you pulled away from him. That was pretty damn strong," he said. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." I was bored, so I splashed him. It's not like he wasn't already wet. His eyebrow rose. "Are you challenging me?" "Maybe, maybe not," I said, splashing him. "Oh, it's on!" He just practically DUNKED me! What happened to SPLASHING! He actually dunked me! I tossed my hair from my face and looked at him. He was laughing so hard, if he had some of the water in his mouth, it would be coming out of his nose. "You....should...have...... seen....your....face when I!" he said, in between laughs. "That was so not fair. It was a splashing war, not a dunking war!" "You should know I play dirty by now," he was still giggling a little. I folded my arms. He smiled. "Aww, don't be mad!" I didn't answer. "Please?" Still, no answer. I was just glaring at him. Then he came over to me and put his big muscular arms around me. I have to say, I was surprised at first, but then I was enjoying the feeling, I could hear and feel his heartbeat. "Please, Elyssa. I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" How can I not forgive him? "Okay, fine." I could feel his chest rumble as he laughed. I laughed too. "Elyssa?" We both looked up. It was Clara, and she had Andy with her. I moved away from Loren. Clara had that 'OMG LOREN'S HUGGING YOU!' look. Then he started to look me up and down, like he's just now seeing what I have on. Then, Clara had that 'OMG He's looking you up and down!' smile on her face. Andy was also smiling. "Um.." Clara said, but it came out in a squeak. "Oh, um, I guess I should go," Loren said. I didn't want him to go. "Bye Clara. Bye Elyssa." He gave me one last look before he got out of the water and walked away. "Okay, what happened?" Clara asked me. "I don't know. What happened with you?" "Oh, nothing much. Just met a couple of boys," she turned and waved at a group of boys drinking beer. "But you know how I am." I nodded. I did. She gets a boy, uses him, then dumps him. Like Kleenex. You get one, use it, then throw it in the trash. "Ely, can we go buy some chips? Mommy gave me the money," Andy said, hugging my leg. I smiled and messed his hair. "Sure." We walked over to the food stand. When everyone else was in line, the man serving the things looked at me a couple of times. Clara nudged me. "Dude is checking you out," she giggled. When it was our turn in line, he practically stared at me before saying, "What can I do for you, Sweetheart?" I smiled, and looked at Andy. "What do you want, Andy?" He put his index finger on his chin, to make it look like he was a big boy, making a hard decision. It was so cute. "Ruffles!" He finally answered. "Ruffles it is," I looked back at the guy. "Sure thing, gorgeous." While he searched in a box full of chips for Ruffles, I was kind of checking him out. His name tag said, 'Hi, my name is Ken Kris!" "Here you go," he smiled at me, handing Andy the chips. "Thank you!" Andy said. "Anything else you would like?" Ken Kris tried to look sexy at smirking, but he failed. "No, thanks." "See you around?" "Um...sure," I smiled. What a lie. "See ya!" He waved. When we were already back to my Mom, Clara whispered to me. "You're not going to see him around, are ya?" "Nope." We laughed. "You girls had fun?" Mom asked us. "We sure did, Mrs. Sean! I had a great and amazing time. Thanks," Clara said. My mom smiled. "Any time. Well, we should be going. I'm pretty sure I got a tan, and your father will be home any time soon, so let's make him lunch." "Okay." We helped Mom pack up. Before I got in the car, I looked around and spotted Loren. He was looking at me. He smiled and waved, and I did the same back then got in the car. Loren's POV As I watched Elyssa's truck pull away, I turned back to my friends. "What are you looking at?" Brady asked, throwing the football to me. "Nothing," I said, throwing it back. "He's probably dazed," Aaron said. "About what?" "All the hot girls here! I mean look at them!" I shook my head. "Nah, I got my eye on someone else." Brady threw the football. "Oh, right," Kenny chimed in. "Elyssa." Everyone said together. "How are we supposed to know if she's hot or not?" Brady asked. He and Aaron laughed. I threw the football at Brady, and he ducked out the way onto the ground, growling playfully. "Once you see her, you'll see. How about I make a bet? If she's hot, all of you owe me 20 bucks. If she's not hot to you all, I'l give each of you 20 bucks," I said. They exchanged glances. "Oh, you're on!" I rolled my eyes. I guess I'll be having 60 bucks tomorrow! I actually wanted to see her again today, but I'll wait to see the look on their faces. "Ya know, she was here today at the beach. I was just talking to her," I said. They stopped throwing footballs. "What?" asked Brady. "She was?" said Aaron. "Dude! There's like a million hot girls here! How are we supposed to know?!" Kenny yelled. "I want out of the bet." Aaron raise his hand. "Nope! If we're still in it, so are you! Besides, she might not be so hot," Kenny said, and threw the football. Whaaaaatever. "Anyways, how about you guys come over tomorrow, and I'l bring her," I said, catching the football. "How do you know if she'll come?" Brady asked, and I threw the football to him. I snorted. "Dude, come on. I mean, look at me. You really think she'll turn me," I gestured to myself. "Down?" They actually looked at me. Then they laughed. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." I will be expecting them to bring their wallets. "Whatever, Loren," Aaron still laughed and Kenny threw the football at his crotch. Then we laughed.
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