

lucky dog
another world

Elyssa Mara Sean, has been plagued by a fear of the darkness for as long as she can remember. The haunting, green, glowing eyes seem to follow her every move, lurking in the shadows. But was kept under the dark about her real identity by her family. Andrew!, Elyssa's younger brother and the only son of the Sean's Family with the same blue eyes, and mesmerizing looks as Elyssa. Clara was Elyssa's best friend at school that supports and follows Elyssa like a caring friend would do. But she kind of have feeling for Peter, and Peter was Elyssa's boyfriend in school, not until Loren Lexington an Alpha, with a  mesmerizing green eyes, a black curly, shiny hair, well built and attracting but with a hidden identity, arrives at Elyssa's school, then everything changed. A mysterious connection spark between them.  Loren Lexington was every girls dream, and love in school, girls yawning to be with him, and can't take their eyes off just at the sight of him. But Loren's heart belongs to Elyssa Sean!, with fortunately turns out to be his Soul-Mate he has waited and guided for years, right from kid. At first sight of them, they became mischievous by teasing themselves, making silly funny jokes, bumping each other. Until their heartbeats started feeling something different, the feeling was inresistable that they can't control themselves around each other. But try as she might but can't unravel the enigma shrouding their connection. Elyssa's friend's and Cousin came over from there home-town to visit her and stay with her for a while. Elyssa felt really good seeing them, and there stay was really kind of fun. Elyssa introduces Loren and his friends to them, and on the other hand introduces them to Loren and his friends. Until the unexpected truth blew open In the air, that he is a Werewolf!" and they are Soul-Mate. Their love grew stronger, Everything was moving well, both hanging out with their friends and family's. They were all having fun living their life's, cracking jokes and others. Until an unexpected Rival appeared out of the blue." Tristian his name, also an Alpha!, with a mesmerizing looks, mistook Elyssa to be his Soul-Mate that was killed." But unfortunately for Elyssa she turned out to look more like her, which made Tristian assume Jacinta was still alive!." Doing everything possible to take Elyssa away from Loren," following Elyssa's every move. But the love Elyssa and Loren had shared has grown too strong to path ways, Tristian couldn't bear it, so he poured out his anger on Elyssa's family, which took the life of Andrew! Elyssa's little brother and the only son of the Sean's family. Which made Elyssa angry and joined forces with Loren and his pack, Aaron, Kenny and Brady. Going to confront Tristian, Sparkling a fight between them. That made Tristian spill out the truth in anger about his dead Soul-Mate by calling Elyssa, Jacinta!, Which made them wonder who Jacinta was, and why Tristian would call Elyssa, Jacinta. Questions where running through their heads, but Loren couldn't bear it, so they left leaving Tristian by himself. The thought of losing Elyssa keeps racking on Loren head." Tristian on the other hand couldn't stand seeing his assumed Soul-Mate in the arms of another. So he did something Loren wasn't expecting from him, by kidnapping Elyssa!" Loren's Soul-Mate. Torturing her, but each time Tristian tortures Elyssa, Loren will always feel the pain just as if him and Elyssa shares the same body and soul. Loren couldn't stand it, so he tried communicating by heart with Elyssa!." Fortunately it walked out. Their hearts collided together and they both communicated!" Elyssa telling Loren her where-about, which seems confusing to him. So his pack helped him out by identifying the place. Loren reaching out to the place with his pack Aaron, Kenny, and Brady. A fight sparkled between them, which made them aggressive and dislikes one another's sight. The fight was so aggressive that they picked up and use any object their hands could ever touch at the moment." Unfortunately for Loren Tristian picked up a knife and stabbed it at him, three times right at the side of his stomach!." Elyssa crumbled and screamed at the sight of it and tried to intervene, but was chained up by Tristian. Loren fell on the ground in pain, holding cling to where he was stabbed. But before Loren fell knees on the ground, he bite and reap off Tristian's skin right on his neck. Then Elyssa passed him a piece of stick from the object they crashed at each other. Loren due to his fast reflexes grabs the stick and pierce it right into Tristian heart. Then Tristian fell and died, Loren's pack ran in after handling Tristian's boys, and was shocked at the sight of what happened. Loren confirmed dead but Elyssa couldn't accept it. Fortunately Loren didn't die, but lost consciousness due to lost of blood. He was rushed to a hospital where he was treated and discharged. They all celebrated New Year happily with the families! Happy After.

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Chapter 1
I have a fear of the dark, right from childhood which may seem silly to some. Despite turning 17 and not a little kid anymore, I still find myself scared when surrounded by darkness. Standing at an average height of 6'6, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sprinkle of freckles across my face, I might appear confident and composed during the day. But don't let it be night time. Whether it's my imagination or not, I have been seeing green eyes in the dark since I was a kid. It freaked me out enough to sleep with a night light until this day. I'm Elyssa. My mom said she was going to name me Mara, but fortunately turned out to be my middle name, and Sean turned out to be my last name. "Ely, Mom said to come downstairs this instant, or she'll come up here and pour ice cold water down your back," my little younger brother, Andrew but we call him Andy giving him a Nick- name, came into my room and jumped up and down on my bed. Bright, our german shepard came in and hopped onto the bed next to me. "Okay, okay!" I hit Andy in the butt with a pillow. He giggled and ran out the room. I ran a hand through my long hair, making it tousled. Shaking my head, I went downstairs with my pajamas, yawning and stretching on my way down. "Hey, Nala!" My dad gave me a warm big hug, shaking me, trying to wake me up. My dad calls me Nala because he says I yawn like a big wolf or a lioness. "Hi, dad." I gave him a big squeeze. Then a delicious smell hit my nose. "Mom's making pancake?" "Yeah, she is. You'd better hurry and go eat them before Andy does finish everything. He's the one who woke us up for Mom to make them, " he said. I could tell he was serious. I tip-toed Into the kitchen, peeked behind the corner, and looked around; Mom had her back turned to me and Andy was sitting at the table, eating his first batch of pancakes and giving some of them to Bright. Andy saw me and his eyes went wide. I put my finger to my lips. I tip-toed over behind Mom, ready to pounce on her. I got her now, I thought. "Ely, can you please stop trying to sneak up on me? " She turned around, and her matching blue eyes narrowed at me. "Dammit!' How does she do that? I swear, it's like she has a sixth sense! She rolled her eyes, "Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast. It's Saturday, don't you want to hang out with Clara?" "Of course I do," I said, fixing myself a plate of pancakes. "Andy, can you pass me the syrup?" He tried to be cool and slide the bottle to me, but it went lopsided, and it almost flung off the table. Luckily for my fast reflexes, I caught it before it hit the ground. My mom gave me the look like she always does when there's something she's not telling me. I sighed and poured the syrup on my pancakes. "Mommy, can we go to the park?" Andy asked once we were done eating. "Sure. Maybe the Ice Cream Man will be there," she smiled. "Yay!" Andy jumped around. "Do you want to come with us, Ely?" She turned to me. "Sure. Mind if Clara comes, too?" "Of course. She's always welcome." I smiled and went upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower, wrapped a towel around me, and went to find something to wear. I looked through my closet and pick up a White ruffled shirt and black jean. When I went to look for my shoes, I only found one black flat. I grunted, knowing where the other one was. I stomped to Bright's bed where he lay guarding it. "Bright, how many times have I told you not to steal my shoes?" I said. He whined, gave me my ballet flat and whined again. I smiled at him and ruffled his head. His tail starts wagging again. I couldn't be mad at him. I put on my flat, and grabbed my cell phone, texting Clara. "Mommy, can we go to the park?" Andy asked once we were done eating. "Sure. Maybe the Ice Cream Man will be there," she smiled. "Yay!" Andy jumped around. "Do you want to come with us, Ely?" She turned to me. "Sure. Mind if Clara comes, too?" "Of course. She's always welcome." I smiled and went upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower, wrapped a towel around me, and went to find something to wear. I looked through my closet and pick up a White ruffled shirt and black jean. When I went to look for my shoes, I only found one black flat. I grunted, knowing where the other one was. I stomped to Bright's bed where he lay guarding it. "Bright, how many times have I told you not to steal my shoes?" I said. He whined, and gave me my ballet flat and whined again. I smiled at him and ruffled his head. His tail starts wagging again. I couldn't be mad at him. I put on my flat, and grabbed my cell phone, texting Clara. [Hey, wanna hang with me and my family at the park?] A little while later, she texts back: [Sure I'll be over in a few minutes.] Clara kept her promise, and in a few minutes later, I had a weird feeling that she was walking to the door-step this minute. I walked to the door, and there she was. "Hey!" She greeted me. "Hi!" I greeted her back. We were at the park now, which was a few miles away from my home. Clara and I were sitting at the swings, talking and laughing. When I felt a strange feeling of someone watching me. I turned my head to look in that direction and squinted my eyes, looking into the dark woods. I see the bright green eyes, looking at me, once again. "Elyssa?" Clara shook my shoulder. "Sorry, Clara. what did you say?" "Forget about what I said, are you alright? If you don't feel comfortable by the woods, we could move." "See, this is why we are best of friends. If we're talking, and one of us weren't listening because of something else, we don't move back into that conversation, we get curious and check what's wrong with each other, that's what best friends do. "I'm alright. It's just - do you see anything in the woods?" I pointed. "No, not really. Are you sure you're alright?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm good." She nodded, but I could tell she wasn't convinced. When the day breaks down, Clara got a call from her mom, saying she had to come home right away. So I let her go, saying, we'll see tomorrow. I tucked Andy into bed, and said a goodnight sleep to my parents. I went to my room and thought about something. I dragged Bright's bed into my room anyways. Bright could sleep with me tonight. I feel safer already. I changed into my pajamas. Plugged in my little lamp, and crawled into bed with Bright staying next to me. I closed my eyes, but I wasn't exhausted at all, I tossed and turned, but I just couldn't fall asleep. Then, somewhere in the forest, there was a howl. I sat up, looking around. Wait, a howl? Like a wolf? I never knew there were wolves in Wisconsin. Bright started to growl. "Bright?" He kept growling. Then he howled too. "Shh!" He howled one last time and stopped. There was another howl, and it sounded like, 'Elyssa.' Like it just whispered my name. You know what? I'm losing my mind. No wolf would howl my name. I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto my pillow. It's sunset already, I had to get ready for school, which I absolutely did not want to do. I just wanted to stay in bed all day long and relax my body. "Ely, I know what you're thinking, but you have to go to school. I'm watching you, making sure you get ready." My mom walked at the doorway and threw something at me. I caught it, reflexively, and smiled. It was my phone. I forgot about it yesterday I guess. Truth - is I didn't even realize it was gone. I groggily got up and make my way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower, then choosing an outfits to wear. I put on a plaid shirt and blue jeans, and thankfully, Bright, didn't steal my shoes today. I put my hair down, curling it, and leaving my bangs on the front. When I was done with everything that I was suppose to do, like get ready and eat and all, there was a honk outside. "That's Peter. See you later Mom! Bye Dad!" I yelled, grabbed my stuffs, and left. When I got in Peter's truck, he embraced me with a tight hug. "Hey, gorgeous." "Hey, buddy," I said. "What'cha been up to lately?" He asked once he let go of me. "Nothing, I went to the park and hung out with Clara." And saw those green eyes in the dark, again. We reached the school and got out of his truck, walking towards the double doors. He started to look me up and down, and his eyebrow raised. "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows as he gave me a strange look. "Have you grown in the past two days?" "No," I was taken back a little. I don't think I did. "I think you have! On Friday, you went to my chin. Now," he measured me. "You go to my eyes! I can't see the top of your head anymore!" "You were calling me short?" I challenged. He snorted. " Hell, no! You're taller than most girls here! 7'10? Well,you are probably like 7 feet now!" "Whatever!" I punched him. "Ow! Have you gotten stronger, too?" I rolled my eyes, and we split up, going to our classes. My first class was with Clara, so I wasn't surprised when there was a loud outburst, "Elyssa!" "Miss Love, please," our teacher said. Clara apologized, and I moved to my seat. Did I mention I was the only student without a partner in this class? Ms. Browny says there were not enough student in this class, so she put me by myself. Why me? I asked her, but she says that I'm a trouble-maker. I laughed. Me? A trouble-maker? Whatever! "Seems like someone won't be alone anymore," Ms. Browny said. What does she mean by that? "We have a new student class. Come in, darling," she gestured. Clara and I glanced at each other, waiting to see the new kid. When the student came in, my mouth dropped. I'm sure a thousand files would fly in my mouth now. The first thing that popped into my mind was that he was best-looking guy in this school possibly. I could tell he was very built, even with his leather jacket he had on. He was lightly tanned with dark brown hair - that looked very soft and shiny from where I'm sitting - and his eyes...... I gasped. His eyes were staring right directly towards me, but that's not the reason I gasped. He is hot too, but that's also not the reason why I gasped. His eyes were green - the green eyes I always see in the dark. He had those eyes! He was still looking at me. I quickly looked away, but then I couldn't control myself, so I looked back at him again to see him still looking at me! I'm pretty sure I was blushing right now. "What's your name, darling?" Ms. Browny asked. "The name's Loren Lexington." I swear, when he spoke, I heard the girls in this class sigh, and I saw some flutter their eyelashes, even my friend Clara. To tell you the truth, I think I sighed a little, too. Then, to make matters worse, Ms. Browny sat him right next to me. Oh, so that's What she meant about how I wouldn't be a problem anymore. When he sat next to me, I tried not to look at him or start drooling. I could feel the heat coming from his body. I mean, it's Spring, and he's the only one who's insanely warm. I took a glance at Clara who was looking at me with wide eyes. She mouthed to me, Talk to him!" I shook my head. Do something!' she mouthed again. I widened my eyes when Loren side-way glanced at me, and I smiled. "Hi." When he didn't say anything, I felt a little self conscious about myself. I looked back at Clara who shrugged her shoulders. I know what she was thinking - maybe he's not that interested. "Hi, Elyssa." I realized the voice came from Loren, and I starred at him. "How did you get to know my name?" "It's on your paper," he smirked pointing towards my paper. I mentally slapped myself. "It's okay, it happens all the time." I got totally confused about what he was talking about. "What?" "You're speechless. You think I'm so hot, and you can't make up what to say to me. I don't do conversations," he shook his head. I wanted to say, "Well, too bad because you're having one right now!" Instead, I said, "I don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy." That was the dumbest thing I've ever said! He turned towards me and starred at me with those green, gleaming eyes. "So you don't think I'm hot?" he smirked, and my cheeks burned. I was blushing. "From your blush, I can tell you do think I'm hot," he smiled. His smile was drop-dead gorgeous. "I, um, well... I-" I was stuttering! Oh my God! I'm making a fool of myself! Loren laughed, shook his head, and turned to the desk still smiling. God, he's self-important, incredibly hot, insufferable- The loud shriek of the bell interrupted my thoughts, and for that, I was happy to get away from Loren. I rolled my eyes when I got next to Clara who was smiling like a dork. "I saw you talking to him," she nudged me. "It was horrible. He's horrible!" I said. "He can't be that bad." "No, he's not. He's just so...smirky." "Smirky? Is that a word?" she laughed. "No, I just couldn't find a word to come up with," I shrugged. "Hot, sexy, bad-boy, delicious...basically just hot," she smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. We were off to our next class. Clara wasn't in my class, but I had a weird feeling I knew who was. "Loren, looks like you're in this class," Ms. Webb guided him to the back which was two seats from me. We worked by ourselves in this class. Ms. Webb is strict. We don't even do group or partner work. From the corner of my eye, I see a blonde pull her tight shirt down, making sure to show all of her cleavage. When Loren walked by, she flipped her hair back from her chest to show everything she had. I rolled my eyes, disgusted by her When I looked at Loren, he spotted me and smirked a little while he sat down. When he looked away from me, his eyes went to the blond who was trying to be very flirtatious with him. He winked at her and she giggled. I gagged. I just couldn't wait for this class to be over! Next was physical education. I hope he isn't in P.E. next. I would seriously be pissed about having almost all of my classes. When class was over I rushed past Loren and Blondie flirting together. I saw Loren sneak a glance at me, but I left out already. Clara had this class with me, and she was already in the locker room, changing into her workout clothes. I started to change into my clothes that consisted of a magenta colored tank-top, black boy shorts, and brown and magenta Nike Blazer high-tops. I put my hair in a ponytail and waited for Clara to finish her changing. We came out of the locker room and started doing drills. The gym door opened, and I honestly couldn't believe who walked in. However, I wasn't all that surprised. He looked damn good, though. He had on a white Nike t-shirt on, which you can totally see his abs in, some black boy shorts, like mine, and also....some brown Nike blazer high-tops. When he saw me, he smiled. He came over to me and started stretching too. "Looks like someone is trying to steal my style," he teased. "Oh, please. This is what I always wear," I rolled my eyes. "Me too." I couldn't help but notice his abs. The way they stretched out as he stretched, making him look buff. When he noticed me looking at him, I quickly glanced away, hoping he didn't catch me. When I looked back at him, he was still looking at me, then he smiled. "Alright, 6 laps. Let's go!" Coach Hermah said. "Let's go, Elyssa!" Coach smiled at me. I'm the fastest on the team. I've beaten every past record at this school. I really don't know why, or how, but it's awesome. So when Coach blew the whistle, I was already behind the other runners. I was smiling to myself when I noticed how fast I was running. "Elyssa, you've gotten faster!" Coach yelled to me, checking his timer. I tried to wave, but he was too busy looking somewhere else. "Wow, new kid! You're as fast as Elyssa!" That made me stop. "What?" I muttered to myself. I looked around and Loren was running next to me. "Looks like you're not the only fast runner in school, huh?" he joked. I pushed him, which made him go off balance, and I laughed. He laughed with me. "Alright!" Coach said when we were done running. The other kids had their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breath. "Wow," Clara leaned on me. "You're not even breaking a sweat, Elyssa! Did you get faster?" I shrug and laugh a little, nudging her softly. When P.E. was over, it was nearly time for lunch. I took a quick shower and put on my clothes, braiding my wet hair. Clara and I walked to lunch together. Clara was still breathing hard. "You're still tired?" I asked. She nodded, and I let her lean on me to catch her breath on our way to lunch. "Elyssa!" Peter called out to me. "Hey, Peter! Coming to lunch?" "Yeah." He put his arm around my shoulder lightly because I already have Clara leaning on me. When we got there, I didn't want to eat, even though I was just a little hungry, but I stayed with Clara. "Okay, I'm good," she breathed. "Good," I smiled. "Hey, want to come sit over here?" I heard some girls say from across the room. Did I mention I have good hearing too? It must have gotten better. "No, thanks, girls." I realized the voice was Loren's. He came and sat at our two people only table, well, now three. "Hey, Loren," Clara and I said. "Who's this?" Peter said, eyeing Loren suspiciously. "Peter, this is Loren. Loren, this is Peter," Clara introduced before I could. "Sup, man." They shook hands. Loren looked at me before he sat down with a small bag in his hands. He pulled out a Subway sandwich. I think my mouth was starting to water, and my stomach growled. As if he heard it, Loren looked at me. "Would you like a piece?" "Sure." How could I say no when I'm starving? "How about you, Clara?" "Sure." Well, isn't he sweet? We finished eating, and Peter already had gotten him a tray, so he was done eating too. "Why would he sit over there by The Lames?" some girl said from across the room. Loren turned around and looked at her. She smiled and waved. I think he probably winked at her again. He turned back around. "I don't think you girls are lame," he said. "What?" Clara asked. "Wait, you heard that, too?" I asked him. "Heard what?" Peter ordered. "Those brunettes over there called us lames," I explained to him. "Yeah, I heard it," Loren said, finally answering my question. Clara gasped. "Your hearing is getting better, too?" She shook her head. "Are you sure you guys never met? I think you're related. I mean, you both are good-looking, both have cool, pretty eyes, both have incredibly fast speed, and you both have really good hearing. You guys must be!" "I think we'd know if we met," Loren laughed and so did I. "Loren, your eyes do look I got quiet. "I see them every night," I put my head down. Both Loren and I got really quiet. I'm sure he heard that. "I think I'm gonna head out now," Loren said. "See ya." He just got up and left. "What the f**k was that about?" Peter asked. "He started to be in friend mode. I guess he's still in the acquaintances mode." He shrugged, and I laughed. I have no idea. Was it what I said? Does he think I'm crazy? I won't ever know unless I talk to him again.

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