Chapter 2

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I don't get what's up with Loren. I don't care anymore. It's his problem, not mine. Apparently, nothing I do is going to make him better even though I didn't even try and see if he anything I do does make him better. But I don't want to be a bother and mess with him. When school was over, I needed a ride home. Peter was gone, Clara takes the bus, which was already gone. Some of these students here I hardly get along with. Then I spotted Loren coming out of the school. He had his hood on then he took his hood off and looked around. Then he started walking. "Loren!" I called out to him, he stopped walking. He slowly turned around, with a smirk on his face. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Loren," I muttered. His smirk got wider. "Well, look who it is," he said. I rolled my eyes. "I, um, I need a ride." "Well, too bad, because I don't have a car." Loren's POV! "Well, too bad, because I don't have a car." "You don't? How do you go home?" 'I shape-shift into a big bad wolf and roam the woods until I want to go home. I wasn't going to tell her that and freak the s**t out of her. Instead, I told her, "I walk, duh." Like a normal person would say if they don't have a car or ride the bus. "Well, since I know you probably live a couple of blocks away from me, do you think I could walk with you?" In my mind, I was smiling. She's getting better and better! She's getting faster, more hearing - probably smelling, too. And now she kind of knows where I live. She must be ready. "Sure," I half-smiled. She half-smiled too and began walking with me. It was quiet most of the way, and we were by the dark woods. I know what she's thinking right now, but she won't see those eyes.....not right now. She came a little closer to me. "Are you okay?" "What? Oh, yeah! I'm fine." She looked away from the woods. Then she shivered. "Are you cold?" "Yes." "Here." I took of my hoodie and gave it to her, and she quickly pulled it over her head and wrapped her arms around her-self. Then, she smiled. "Better?" "Much better now. But aren't you cold?" "Nope. In class, I bet you noticed how hot I was. All the heat coming off of me," I said. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I sensed it. "A lot of people use to tell me that." "Oh." She looked into the woods again, and squinted her eyes. She calmed down a little; I'm guessing she was alright about seeing those green eyes. I'm Loren Lexington, and I'm a f*****g bad-ass. Well, maybe. Okay, I'm not a total bad-ass, I'm sort of a gentleman, and I'm caring. Other than that, I'm a bad-ass. I'm also a werewolf. Not those weird looking things you see on T.V. What's those things? Lycanthropes. Disgusting. We don't eat other's flesh. We basically look like other wolfs. Except we're much, much bigger. How big? You may ask. Well, let's say we're about 8 to 10 feet. You might think that's not big, but it is. Try standing up to one. My wolf form color is black, white, and gray, like a cat color. Oh, by the way, I hate being called a dog. I was called that once by a friend. Once he called me that, he was limping for a year. Sorry, I couldn't help it. And if you're wondering how I know about Elyssa seeing green eyes in the dark, yeah, those are my eyes. I've known her since I, well both of us, were 10. We're both 17 now. I've been watching her, and waiting. I know that sounds creepy, but if you would have known me at young age, you might even think it's cute and romantic. I can't tell what I'm waiting for; it'd ruin everything. My parents, Lina and Robert, are werewolves, too. Both of them are. They're either out in wolf forms, or at home like a normal family. Whatever. Oh, and I also have a younger sister who is sixteen, Cqari but we call her Qari as nickname. She, too, is also a bad-ass, and a Werewolf. We have fun together like Elyssa has fun with Andy. Now, back to me and Elyssa walking, and she being cold, and I giving her my hoodie, and her calming down. "I was wondering...." I started. "Yeah?" she looked at me. "Do you ever feel like your mom isn't telling you anything?" I'm a total dumb-ass for asking her this. Of course she feels this way. Her mom is a were- Oops, not telling. "Yeah, I get that a lot," she smiled. "Do you?". "Yeah," I lied. My mom tells me everything. She told me I was werewolf when I was six! "What do you think your Mom isn't telling you?" We turned onto her block. "I don't know. Like, yesterday morning. My little brother, Andy, passed me a bottle of syrup, and it went lop-sided. I caught it before it hit the ground. I have very fast reflexes. But my Mom looked at me like there was something she wasn't exactly telling me," she said. I'm sure she feels okay or just a little uncomfortable telling me this. We reached her porch. She faced me, and looked into my eyes. She sighed. "Thank you, Loren, for walking me home." "You're welcome." Then I smirked. "What, no kiss good-bye?" She snorted. "Hardly!" I laughed. "See ya, tomorrow, Elyssa." She smiled and went inside, closing the door. I felt like doing a happy dance for making her smile. But people would see me and think, What the hell is a hot boy doing out there doing some weird s**t?" And actually, I had no need to change tonight. I'll just walk straight home. On the way home, my Mom and Dad were on the back porch. This should be great, I thought. "Loren! Where have you been?" my Mom almost roared in my face. Her ears were pointy, so were her teeth, and she had fur on the back of her hands. At least my Dad was calm. "I was walking a girl home." And just like that, my Mom was back to normal. "Elyssa?" "Yep," I popped my lips at the 'p' sound. "Oh, well, I'm sorry for yelling at you, but next time you better warn us," she said and walked into the house. Then my little sister, Cqari, comes out with her arms crossed. "What the hell do you want?"I asked. "Another race?" "No! The only reason you beat me was because you tried to trip me and I hurt my paw!" she yelled at me. I snorted. Whatever. She should know by now I play dirty. "I wanted to know if Elyssa is starting to like you. She is going to be my sister soon." "I have no idea yet," I shook my head. "Well, hurry up!" Cqari yelled. "Cqari!" my Mom yelled. I laughed at her, and she hit me in the chest with a rock. Man, she has good aim. Later at night, my parents changed and went to fetch the family some food. We get our meat from wild animals, really. If you open our freezer, all you see is meat. That's why we have a deep freezer also. "You suck, you know that?" Cqari said. "No, I really didn't know that," I said, sarcasm in my voice. "Drop the sarcasm. I'm serious!" "Yeah, I know."
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