Chapter 6

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Loren's POV Holy -f*****g- s**t! I never knew that was going to happen! My Dad told me that might happen: "When you get with Elyssa, your eyes might glow." Well, s**t! I blinked, hoping they would stop glowing. Dammit! "What are you talking about? My eyes don't glow," I laughed. But laughing is not working. "I mean, is the sun-light reflecting through my eyes, probably," I said. "Maybe you're right. It is pretty sunny out here, and your eyes look totally amazing," she gushed. Feewh. But I still don't think she's giving in that quickly. I know Elyssa. "Thanks." "Loren, Elyssa! We found Brady and.." The people that were calling us, Kenny and Cqari, stopped short when they saw us. "Aaron." They cleared their throat and we both looked up. "Have fun?" Kenny asked. Elyssa looked at our closeness and scooted away blushing. Remind me to punch Kenny when the day is over. "So where did you find them?" Elyssa asked Kenny. "One of them was behind a trashcan, and one of them was......behind a pole?" Kenny asked. Clearly, that was so stupid. "Who did you find first?" Brady asked. Elyssa smirked. "Kenny." "What? Whoa, Kenny, she got you good!" Aaron said. "Okay, yeah yeah, it's my turn to count," Kenny said and started counting. Elyssa's POV Everyone ran. I didn't really know where to hide, so I let Loren take my hand, and I ran with him. "I always hide in here, and they never find me," Loren said and ducked into a tunnel. "Ready or not, here I come!" I heard Kenny yell. I ducked into the tunnel and squeezed in next to Loren's hot body. Man, it was kind of stuffy in here. Actually it was a little cold, but Loren's hot body is kind of warming me up a little. We heard leaves crunching and saw Kenny's feet. He stopped right in front of the tunnel. Then he walked away. I blew out the breath I didn't know I was holding and leaned my head back on the wall. "Found you, Brady!" Kenny yelled and we heard Brady grunting. We giggled. "Shh, you heard that?" Loren gasped and instinctively, I put my hand over his mouth. "I think it came from over there!" Holy crap. "Found you Cqari!" Feewh. "Where's Aaron, Loren, and Elyssa? We can't ever find Loren sometimes." "Let's look over there," Brady said and their footsteps faded. I realized my hand was still clamped over Loren's mouth, and I quickly removed my hand. It's kind of dark in here, but that didn't stop my night vision. "I think we should get out; I think they've suffered enough," Loren chuckled. "Good idea. But, quick question. How are we going to get out?" His eyes widened. "Here, I'll push you out." "Okay." We shoved and squeezed and squished and did everything we could. Then, finally we pushed out, and I landed softly on my back and Loren landed on top of me. We laughed and looked at each other, catching our breath. A piece of Loren's hair fell in his face, and I brushed it away with my hand. He smirked. But someone cleared their throat and we both looked up. My cheeks were burning hot. Everyone was looking at us with a smile on their face. "Are, interrupting something?" Yes. "No, not at all," we both said. He smiled and got off of me, helping me off the ground. He seemed to still be holding my hand. But I didn't really mind, as long as Kenny, Brady, Aaron and Cqari don't start giggling and making kissy noises at me. We silently started to walk back to Loren's house. Loren's hand was still in mine, and we bumped into each-other's arm once in a while, smiling. When we reached his house, I came in and sat down on the couch. I was starving! I have no idea why, but I was. "Oh, Elyssa, darling, would you like to stay for dinner?" his mom asked me. Oh, yes, please! I'm starving like hell! "Sorry, Lina, but my mom is making dinner," I said. Loren and his Mom had a hint of sadness in their eyes. "But, I would love to have dinner with you all next time," I smiled. They both smiled. "That would be lovely," she said. "Loren, would you mind walking Elyssa home?" "Sure," he half-smiled. I said my good-byes, receiving hugs from everyone, and stepped outside where Loren was waiting. "So, did you have a great time today?" he asked me. "Yes, I did. It was really fun," I smiled. "Oh, and just to be fair, how would you like to come to my house after school tomorrow and go watch some movies with my family and I?" He smiled brightly. "I'd love to Come." "Great!" We reached my porch and we stood there staring at each-other like we did before. It's been two times since he's almost kissed me and I wonder if he would try it again- "Thanks for the great time, Elyssa. My family enjoys you, and I'm sure my father will too, once you meet him," he rolled his eyes. "Thank you, too," I smiled before opening the door. "Oh, and by the way, when you meet my mom she might say you're as cute as Elyssa said you were," I said. His cheeks got pink and he smiled. "Bye, Elyssa." The next day, I had the perfect outfit for school and the movies. I'll get ready for school, just wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, then I'll come home and put on my rocking outfit. When I was done with my morning routine, I went downstairs to but my bagel in the toaster. "Hey, Mom. Do you mind if I bring a friend to the movies with us, today?" "No, of course you can bring a friend. May I ask whom?" "A friend from school. He thought it would be fair-" My mom turned around with a smirk on her face. "He?" I rolled my eyes and she smiled. My bagle popped out, and I started putting jelly on it. "Yes, Mom. I went to his house yesterday. His family loves me, especially his mom, Lina-" "Lina?" "Yeah, she hugged me like 8 times," I laughed. "I knew someone named Lina before. Does she have brown hair and green eyes?" "Yes, she does!" My Mom knew her? Since when? How long? "What a coincidence! Of course your friend can come over!" "Great." School was boring, such and such. Annoying teachers, stupid students. People making out. Blah, blah, blah. It was actually lunch time now in school and Loren and I were at the table. Peter didn't come to school today, because he was sick, and Clara was getting her tray. "So, Loren, my mom said it was okay for you to come over. She knows your mom." "Really? Is your mom named Rosy?" he asked. "Yep. So, I guess they do know each-other. That's weird," I said. "But, I'm looking forward to the movies tonight," I smiled. "Can't wait," he smiled too. Clara came to the table and sat down. "So, what's been going on?" she asked, in a cheery voice. "Nothing much. Have you heard from Peter?" "Nope. I texted him, but he never texted back. Oh, I hope he's okay," she said in a sad voice. I knew Clara. She's had a crush on Peter since our freshman year. She still does. But sometimes she goes with other guys just to make Peter jealous and he'll asked her out one day. Note to self; Hook Peter and Clara up. But first, see what's up with him. I was at home, and I just got out of the shower, and into my room. Did I mention our house was big? And that my closet was the size of my room? Basically, my closet is full of shoes. I actually don't know what shoes to pick from right now. I have tons of converse, (I'm a TOTAL Geek) and Blazers. I have always said I loved Blazers. I have TONS of flats, too. But, wow, once you see my closet, your mouth would be sucked dry because you held it open too long. I have all types of converse. Actually, I don't have much high top converse, only low top converse. You name it, I have from hearts to paint splattered, regular color to silver-ish color, camouflage to plaid, polka-dots to stars, graffiti to metalic, rainbow to stripes, denim to chevron, dip-dye to shimmer, I need to take a breath. Those are all the kinds of converse designs I have. Wooooooooow. So, and hopefully this outfit is amazing on me, I picked a dark blue fitted shirt, with a very colorful (and flowerly) skirt, that -of course- goes to the middle of my thighs. Under the shirt, I put on some dark blue tights/ leggings. To top things off, I put on a dark blue scale belt, that goes around my waist. Oh, by the way, the skirt is supposed to go to my waist, so I tucked my shirt in, then I put the belt on my waist to cover the opening. I also had on the cutest dark blue ballet flats. Putting my hair in curls at the bottom, with a dark blue head-band, I went down-stairs to meet up with Andy and Mom. When Mom saw me, she gushed. "Oh, sweetie, you look gorgeous!" I guess the outfit isn't so bad. Oh, who am I kidding, this outfit rocks! "Thanks, Mom!" I looked over at Andy and he looked so hand-some. The place we're going to, -the movies- is actually like a fancy place. So you can't just go in with a jeans and T-Shirt and watch a movie. Kind of stupid, but the tickets are kind of cheap so we just decided to go there. Andy looked so cute with his peach short-sleeved color button up shirt, and his dark-blue jeans. I have to admit, the color of the shirt brought out his eyes and his very curly blond hair. "So, where's your friend?" my mom asked me, trying to straighten out Andy's mess of curls. "He should be here any-" Knock, knock. "That's him," I smiled and danced to the door with a smile on my face. I opened the door, and I swear both of our eyes widened. He had on something similar to Andy's outfit. His exact same color button up shirt was dark blue -like mine, which is very coincidental, by the way- and the shirt seemed to bring out his eyes, also. We both smiled at each-other, and I had to admit, he looks so hot right now. "Come in, Loren," my mom showed up behind me, and invited Loren in. Loren's POV "Come in, Loren," Rosy smiled over Elyssa's shoulder. Boy, I can't wait to tell my mom that Rosy is Elyssa's mom. By the way, Elyssa looks super hot in that outfit of hers, and it's funny how we both decided to wear dark blue. "Thanks, Mrs. Sean," I smiled. She smiled back at me. There was something in her eyes, saying, 'He looks just like her.' or was her eyes actually saying, I know exactly what he is.' I'll have to speak to her alone one day...... "We were just getting ready to leave, but I have to do a quick run," she said and rushed up-stairs. Elyssa picked up Andy and carried him to the truck. "Nice of you to come," Elyssa teased while buckling Andy in. "What, you thought I wouldn't come?" I said, getting in. "Of course I knew you would come," she said. "Jeez, am I that predictable?" I said, and we laughed while her Mom got in the driver's seat. We reached the fancy theater and went to the ticket-master. "Hello, how may I help you?" the woman said. She looked not older than 20, and she fluttered her eye-lashes at me. "Hold on, one sec," Rosy said. Then she turned to us. "What would you all like to see?" Elyssa and I looked at each other. "Beastly," we answered at the same time. "Beastly, it is," she paid the lady. "Thank you, enjoy the movie," she winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Through half of the movie, Elyssa would sigh on the parts of Alex Pettyfer. Is that guy really that hot? I mean, almost half of the girls here were gushing over him. Even some of the Moms! Even when he got turned into a beast, and he had to learn to be nice, some of girls would be in awe. They be like, "Awwwww! How sweet!" I groaned and rolled my eyes. Even Elyssa would do it sometimes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've wanted to see this movie, but the girls here are making it boring and lame. Did they just come to see the movie to gush at Alex Pettyfer? I'll have to ask Elyssa why she choose the movie.
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