Chapter 7

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Yikes! We got out of the movies and girls were dazed. I think I even saw some girls that have written 'Alex Pettyfer is Beastly!' on their arms with markers. They're obsessed! Elyssa almost talked me to death about the parts of him. I just nodded and 'Mhmm'ed. When she saw she was boring me to death, she stopped talking. "Am I...talking too much?" "Nope, not at all,"I shook my head. "Sorry, it's just....a lot of girls here are just in love with him," she sighed. "I wished you were in love with me," I mumbled so lightly so that she couldn't here exactly what I said. I think it's going to be time for Elyssa one of these days. That reminds me- I looked at the time: 8:30. Jeez, how long was the movie? I can't stay human for long, I'l have to phase or my ears, teeth, and fur will start to show. Not to mention my eyes were glowing yesterday. "Loren?" Elyssa's voice interrupted my thoughts. I could have sworn when we went outside, I heard a howl. Shit, I have to go. "Loren? Your ears," Elyssa said. I felt my ears. They were not regular. "Loren, sweetie, can I talk to you for a moment?" Rosy said. I nodded and followed her back inside. "You need to phase," she whispered to me. "I can't just leave you guys," I said. "It's okay. If you don't think Elyssa's ready yet, she'll never know, yet. Just go, I'll say your mom called me and said you had to go, but you really need to phase," she paused. "Your teeth are down, and your hair is sprouting on your neck. Go! And tell your Mom I said hi," she pushed me toward the other exit around the theater. I flipped my hood onto my head to avoid being seen. When I got out the other way, I heard Elyssa yelling. Damn, she's going to be mad as hell at me. "Elyssa, calm down. His mom called and he had to get home," Rosy said. "He just left?" Elyssa whispered. "You'll see him tomorrow at school, right?" I didn't listen to anymore what they had to say. I crossed the street, looked around my surroundings, and jumped into the woods. I took off my clothes, and threw them behind a tree. I let my bones and muscles move around my body as the familiar hair grew everywhere. My eyes sharpened against the night. My ears swiveled, and got pointy. My hearing got sharper and I could hear Brady, Aaron and Kenny around me somewhere. I was fully changed. Oh, and not to sound like a Twilight Freak', but us wolves can also hear each-other's thoughts. Except, we can block out some of our thoughts that we didn't want each-other to hear. So, how was the date with Elyssa? Kenny asked me. Good, I guess. But, thanks to you guys, we were interrupted and I had to leave. Who howled by the way? Brady, They all answered. It's just not my fault. We saw you talking, you were about to change anyway, so you can't say shit! Brady growled. Wanna bet? I growled back. Guys! Not to sound like a leader or anything, but, Loren, Elyssa is kind of mad at you. And we can sense that she's starting to figure you out. Because....she's seen your eyes glow, you got good hearing, and you're fast. We think she's starting to figure herself out, too, Aaron said. Yeah....we think it's time for her to know, Kenny said. I huffed. When? When you're ready. Alright. I'll think about it. Good. Kenny pushed me and knocked me to the ground. I was surely not expecting that! They all ran. Catch me, if you can! Oh, I can. Elyssa's POV Okay, I'm not super mad. So, Loren just left like that without saying good-bye? Even if he did had to leave straight away? He could have yelled it or something! I really didn't want him to leave. Now, it's not fair that we both hung out with each-other's families, I said bye when I hung out with him, and now he hung out with me he didn't even say goodbye bye to me. But it was awful strange that his ears were pointy, like an elves. I've never seen anything like that before, it looked creepy! But, before that, his eyes were glowing. And I don't think it was Sun....... Something's up. No s**t. I need to found out what, and how did his mom know my mom's number all of sudden. How did he know my number? I surely don't recall giving it to him. I sighed and started to change into my PJ's. It's also weird that since my dad was at work -or so I thought-, and he couldn't go to the movies, I didn't see Loren's dad when I went to his house. This is major stuff. I'm tired of people not telling me things! My mom isn't telling me anything, and now Loren?! I will find out. If I have to follow Loren like a puppy-dog, then I will. I crawled into bed, and let sleep take over me. I'm walking in the woods, looking for I-don't-know what. There are some tough winds, but I don't really feel them. It's like I have fur all over my body that's keeping me warm. As I'm walking, I can hear my own footsteps, crunching on leaves and twigs. But then I hear a howl close by. I jumped at the sound of it, and clamp a hand over my mouth to muffle my scream. I kept walking though. I'm stupid for doing it, but I kept walking. I don't even know where I'm going. Then I hear growling. Growling, really? I look behind me and I see those gleaming green eyes. They were moving, like coming forward to me. The eyes are coming forward, and I see they are getting higher and higher, like 10 feet tall. "Loren?" the name escaped my lips, and now I'm wondering how could I think of his name when I see these green eyes? The eyes come forward, and I see a big shape. Bigger than a bear, it looked like a bear, but furrier and bigger. Then it roared. I woke up to my stupid alarm clock. Oh, where's a click button when you need it? I groggily got up and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I did the routine and went downstairs to get some orange juice. I waited.....a.nd waited.......and waited for Someone to come get me, because I am definitely not walking by myself. Then there was a knock on the door. I grab my bookbag, and open the door to see...... "Loren?" "Hiya. Ready for school?" he asked me. "Um...sure," I said. "Mom, I'm heading out," I closed the door and we started walking. "Where's Peter and Clara?"I asked Loren. "They are already at school," Loren said with his head down. I sensed Loren had something on his mind, but he wouldn't say anything. "Spit it out, Loren," I mumbled. "Elyssa, I'm sorry for leaving yesterday. I was in a hurry. My mom said my dad was on his way to come pick me up, so I had to leave-" "It's okay," I smiled. "I forgive you." He sighed. "There's something else," I said, looking at him. He looked up at me. "I.....I wish I could tell you, Elyssa. But I just Can't-" "God, you sound like my mom," I said walking away. We reached the building and I dashed inside to my class. Why won't anyone tell me anything?! It's not that hard; just a couple of words and it would be Over with! I went to my locker right after lunch, when there was a note tapped to it. It was in Loren's hand-writing. I snatched it off, and read it. Elyssa, I'm sorry for not telling you things, please don't be mad at me. Meet me on Saturday by my house. We'll walk through the woods, and I'll tell you everything. Everything that your mom wouldn't tell you. Everything. -Loren Damn, he better tell me everything. I'm sick of waiting, but why tomorrow, why not now? I shook my head and started to walk out of the building. On my way home, I see a familiar car in the driveway. It couldn't be... I run into the house, but before I could open the door, I was jumped on. "Ely!" "Hey, guys! What on earth are you doing here?!" I screamed. Standing here, with goofy smiles on their face were my cousin and her friends, which one of them, I used to date. My cousin is Melina, but we call her Mel. She was supposed to be back at her farm, (she's a country girl), grooming horses, feeding hens, collect eggs, whatever farm people do these days! Her friends are both boys. One is gay, and one is well, straight. Darren, he has light brown hair, has bangs, light brown eyes to match his hair, and he still looks so cute and adorable. And, as you might have guessed, he's the one that I went out with. I went out with him when we used to live back in Nebraska. Which was like 4 or 5 years ago when I was in 9th grade. Roger Jackson, (but he wants everyone to call him R.Jay); he has black hair and hazel eyes. How adorable! He might be gay, but he's just so cute! He even once told me that there were some girls who tried to get his number and such, but he turned them down saying, "Sorry, gals, but I'm not for the ladies." At least he let them off easy, right? "We're on break! Don't you remember? Our break is early before yours! Luckily your break is tomorrow!" Mel screamed. I screamed too. We are such girly-girls. I looked over to R.Jay, and I cuffed my hands around his face like his mom would do. "Aren't you just so cute?!" I had to admit, I had a crush on him back when I didn't know he was gay. He blushed and laughed. I just had to hug him, so I did. Then I turned to Darren. "Save the best for last, right?" he asked, opening his arms for me. "Oh, Darren, you haven't changed a bit!" I said, hugging him, almost knocking him down. "Hey" Mel said. "Elyssa, did you get taller?" My eyes widened. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I rolled my eyes and they laughed. "It's true!" "Let's go inside." I took them upstairs to my room. "So, how long are you guys staying?" "As long as we want," Mel said. "Really?" "Really! We're sixteen and seventeen, not fourteen!" R.Jay said, rolling his eyes. "Well, go ahead and un-pack! And you guys do remember that I have an extra bed behind the wall, right?" I asked pointing to the little crack by my closet. I pulled it out and a bed, bout the size of my bed, pulled out with covers, pillows and everything. They 'ooh' and 'ahhhed'. "You can all un-pack in the closet actually. Remember how big it is?" "Yeah, we remember it was full of shoes," Darren rolled his eyes and I hit him lightly on his (still) muscular chest. When they were done talking, we all sat on the floor, in a circle. So, we were laid out on the white carpet. "Are there any hot guys here?" Mel asked, wiggling her eye-brows. "Oh, God, yes," I said. Darren rolled his eyes. "As a matter of fact. I'm friends with one of them." "Really?" R.Jay asked. Holy- I forgot he was gay. I mentally slapped my-self. "No way!" Mel said. "Yes way. I think he wants to be more than friends......" it?!" "I don't know. I'm meeting him, again, on Saturday, so you guys are going to have to do something without me, but not too fun," I teased. "Oh, please. You should have seen us when you left," R.Jay glanced over to Darren, who's eyes widened. "I missed her, okay?!" he yelled in self-defense. I laughed and patted his head. "I missed you, too," I said. "I missed all of you!"
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