Chapter 5

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Loren's POV The next day, my pals spent the night at my house. Cqari was not happy about it, but I told her she can go 'Suck it,' and she hit me with a cup. But she stayed anyway, silently in her room on the phone. "So, where's Elyssa?" Aaron yawned. "I don't know. Can you clean up a little bit? I don't want to be embarrassed," I teased and he threw a pillow at me. "I'll go get her later. Right now, just clean up and we'll play video games or something," I said. Brady and Kenny yawned and started picking through their bags for things to wear. I got my phone and called Elyssa. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey, Elyssa, it's Loren." There was a long pause. "How did you get my number?" She managed to say. "I looked into the school's books. I'm sorry if it's creepy, but I was wondering, do you want to hang out? I mean if you're not doing anything...." " No. I mean, I'm not doing anything," she said in a hurry. "So, sure, I'll come over." I smiled. "Great, I'll pick you up later, just be ready." "Okay." In the meantime, I was searching through my closet, wearing a towel, when Cqari came into my room. "What do you want?" I asked. "I heard Elyssa's coming over." "Yeah, so?" "I want to help you get dressed." She folded her arms. "Yeah, right." "How do you know if she'll like the way you dress? I just want to pick out pants, shirt, and shoes. That's it." I sighed, deeply. "Fine. If you'll leave me alone." "Yes!" She pushed me out of the way of my own closet and started rummaging through it. I rolled my eyes and just went to dry my hair. When I came back from combing my hair, she had an outfit laid on the bed. I had to admit, it was pretty cool. I rolled my eyes. "You can thank me later," Cqari smiled and left out of the room, flipping her hair as if she was all that. I put on the outfit and thought I actually look good! I fixed my hair, and went into the living room where everyone was ready, and Aaron had the remote controls in his hands. "Dude, nice outfit!" Kenny high-fived me. "Thanks." "Ready for me to beat you in 2K16?!" Aaron said to Brady. "It's on!" Elyssa's POV Loren's coming to pick me up in a few minutes! Good thing I was already ready. I actually didn't have time to do my hair, so I put it up in a clip. Since it's super hot today also, I had on a green spaghetti top, with a bow in the middle under my breast, white short shorts, green low converse, and to top it off, I painted my nails white. Not actually white; a milky color. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I ran downstairs and opened the door to a half-smirking Loren. He looked at me up and down, before grabbing the clip in my hair and letting my hair flow around my shoulders. "What was that for?!" "The clip was in the way. You look better like this anyway," he smiled. "Oh...thanks. Mom, I'l be back by dinner!" I yelled. "Okay!" she yelled back. I closed the door and walked by Loren's side "So, what are we going to do today?" I asked. "Well, what do you think? Want to go to a park?" he asked. I hesitated, thinking about those green eyes I saw last time. "Sure." He smiled. I'm just now realizing what he's wearing. "Nice outfit," I smiled. Actually he looks sexy in it! "Well, thanks." We reached his house, which was not really a long walk. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. As soon as I entered his house, my mouth dropped. There were two cute boys on the sofa, eating chips, playing 2K16. I know I'm a game freak. I know what type of game they're playing. When they saw me, they smiled. I smiled back. Then another boy appeared from the kitchen. I'm guessing he's related to Loren because he kind of looks like him. "Okay, how many cute boys do you have in your house?" I asked Loren. Everyone laughed and Loren rolled his eyes. "just 3. Aaron and Brady on the couch are my friends. And Kenny here is my cousin," he smiled. I was right. He's related to Loren. "Loren, who's the hot babe?" Kenny mumbled under his breath. I smiled. "She can hear you, and this is Elyssa." Everyone's eyes widened. "That's Elyssa?!" They yelled together. "Yes, the one I was talking about," Loren said, through his teeth. Everyone moaned and groaned, and dug into their pockets, pulling out their wallets. Then they gave Loren 20 bucks. " I missing something here?" I said. "Nope. It was just a silly bet," Loren said putting the cash into his back pocket. The boys groaned and pouted. "Loren, the bet was bogus and you know it," Brady groaned and winked at me. "Brady," Loren growled. Okay, did he really growl? Brady smiled. "Just rolling the dice, Loren. Just rolling the dice," he said. I looked at Loren with confusion on my face. Then a little girl, who also looks like Loren came into the room with a smile on her face. "Elyssa, this is Cqari. My little sister." I smiled and lift out my hand for her to shake. "Hi." But instead of taking my hand, she hugged me. I was a little confused and uncomfortable at first. But then for a little while,I felt safe like she'll protect me or something. So I hugged her back. "Loren has told me so much about you!" she said. "Really?" I looked at Loren, surprised that he would talk about me to his family. His cheeks got a little pink. "Okay. Time to go," Loren said, turning to the door. "Loren!" a woman yelled. Loren groaned. "Are you really going to leave without introducing me to our guest?!" Loren turned around and forced a smile onto his face. "Mom, this is-" "Elyssa!" His mom had her arms out-stretched to me. What's with everyone hugging? I mean, I don't blame them; that's how every family is supposed to be. I looked at his mom more closely. Everyone looks alike; lightly tanned, brown, shiny hair, and same glowing green eyes. His mom embraced me. She was very, incredibly warm and smelled like cookies, and bubblegum, just like how moms smell. Like my mom, she smells the exact same way. His mom let go of me, and cupped my face in her hands. "Look at you," she said, as if we've known each other and haven't seen each others in years. "You are gorgeous!" I heard Loren snort from beside me. "It's great to finally meet you, Elyssa! Oh, you're as cute as Loren said you were!" Everyone giggled. "Mom," Loren groaned. "NOT Cool!" "Oh, hush, Loren," I said. "It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Lexington." "oh, please, call me Lina!" "Sure thing," I smiled. She hugged me one more time before saying, "I'll let you kids go on now. Will I see you again any sooner, Elyssa?" "Of course you will," I smiled, again. She smiled and kissed Loren on the forehead. "Be careful, and look after Cqari; she's coming with you." Everyone groaned. We got out the house. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with Cqari," I said. "Thank you!" Cqari said. "You haven't been with her for almost your whole life," Brady mumbled. Cqari threw a rock at him. "What park are we going to?" I asked. "It's a park right around the corner," Brady said, and threw a rock back a Cqari, but she dodged it and stuck her tongue out at him. "I'll get you next time." When we reached the park, we sat on the benches and started talking about random stuff. "I don't think so," Brady said, shaking his head. "Of course you don't think so. You never think!" Kenny said. "That's not really nice," I said. "You're so mean," I pouted. Kenny groaned. "Sorry, Brady." Then he turned to me. "Happy?" "Yep." Loren and Cqari laughed. "You're lucky you're hot, people will listen to you," Kenny mumbled. Did he forget already that I could hear him? Oh, well. Then there was a quaking sound. "Hey, look, Geese!" Cqari pointed into the air. The sun was in my eyes, so I couldn't really see. Loren looked at me, then he put his cap on my head. "Can you see now?" he asked. "Yeah. Thanks." I smiled at him. It was a nice gesture. "No, problem. You look good in it," he said. When he realized what he just said, his cheeks turned pink. I laughed. Without the hat on his head, he looked incredibly cute with his hair blowing in his face from the wind. Brady picked up a rock, and threw it at Cqari, but I stopped it just in time, so it wouldn't hit her head. She wasn't even paying attention. "Brady," I half-growled. "Sorry." I smiled and threw the rock back at him and it hit his chest. Brady threw it back, but I dodged out of the way and it hit Loren. "Hey!" "Whoops! My bad!" Then everyone started ducking for cover. That gave me an idea. "Hey, let's play hide-and-seek!" I know, I'm a geek. "What?" Aaron dropped all the rocks that he had in his arms. "Oh come on, it's not like we're gonna live forever!" "If only you knew," someone mumbled. I ignored that Comment. "Come on! I'll Seek!" "Sure," they agreed. "You'll never find Kenny; he's the bomb at it." "Oh, trust me, he'll be the first person I'll find," I said with a smirk on my face, and Kenny returned that smirk and lifted his eyebrow. I turned my back on him and started counting. When I counted to 50, I tried my best to look for Kenny. He just thinks he's a bad-ass. But I can sense him. My senses are telling me exactly where he is. It's like my mind had directions, and my feet were bringing me to where he is. Clearly, my feet brought me to a big tree. I looked up, and surely Kenny was leaning his back against one of the branches. "I found you Kenny!" I said. He jumped down, groaning. "Dammit! How did you do that?!" "I don't know. Lucky guess, I shrugged my shoulders. Then I sensed something else, and walked behind the tree that Kenny was in. I waved at Cqari. "I found you." She laughed and said. "Come on, I have a feeling I know where Brady and Aaron are!" "You guys go find them, I'l go find Loren," I said. They glanced at each other and smiled. I rolled my eyes and did what my senses told me to do. My senses brought me to a bench. I smirked and sat down. "Oh where, oh where, could my.....Prince Charming be?" I said out-loud, and sighed. "I Wonder......." "He couldn't possibly be behind this raggedy old bench. There's no telling what's behind it; all kinds of creepy crawlies. I just hope they don't bite him and turn him..non-hot," I smiled to my-self. "Well, I guess I'll just go to Kenny and tell him that I'm single and I'l go out with-" Loren sprained up from behind the bench, with a half-angry look on his face. "You're going to go out with Kenny?" he said through clenched teeth. "HA! I made you come out!" I laughed. His eyes widened, and he started to laugh. "Oh, you're good." "I know." Loren jumped over the bench and sat down next to me, very close; our bodies were even touching. "Oh, yeah. I believe you called me hot....and Prince Charming?" His eyebrow rose and he smirked. My face got hot. "I was just trying to get you to come out. End of story." The words came out fast, so that proves I'm guilty. "Sure, you were," Loren said with sarcasm in his voice. "Okay, fine," I sighed. "I admit, you're hot. I actually always thought you were hot, I mean who wouldn't think you're not. And for the Prince Charming part, it's basically the same thing, I'm calling you hot-" What the hell am I saying?! I shut my mouth, so nothing else stupid would come out of it. I risked a glance at Loren to see a smirk on his face. My face got even hotter. "I said too much, didn't I?" "Nope," Loren said. "You said just enough," he smiled. I smiled too, and leaned my head against his shoulder. I don't know why, but it just happened. I felt like I belonged with him, like we were meant to be together somehow. I just..... can't explain my feelings for him. Oh, and was he really going to get mad if I would go out with Kenny? Wow. I mean, there's nothing wrong with Kenny; it's just that he's Loren's cousin. And I don't really have feelings for Kenny. I'm not going to lie to my-self. I really like Loren. Plus his family seems cool. Oh, just wait until I meet his dad. Loren's POV She just called me hot! Bonus! "I think you're hot too, well, sexy, if I may say. Especially with the cap on, I'm trying not to-" I stopped. "Trying not to what?" she asked. "Nothing." Trying not to do you right here, right now. I did not want her to hear me say that. So embarrassing. She'll think I'm a rapist or something. "So we think each others hot, what now?" she asked, lifting her head up to look at me. God, she looks beautiful. "I have no idea," I said. I have to do it. I can't wait any longer. I bent my head down as my eyes went to her lips, and her eyes went to mine. She brings her head up also. We were just inches away from kissing, when she gasped and looked into my eyes. "What?" I asked. Her eyes were really wide. "Your eyes.......they're.........glowing," she said. Fuck!
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