Chapter 17

1625 Words
Elyssa's POV "I'm sorry, did I hear you, correctly? Did you say 'soul-mates'? What is with that word? That's exactly what Tristian was talking about. He said, 'Ask Loren about it, and "Tell your soul-mate to mind his own business', and all that crap. Why isn't anyone telling me this stuff? Aren't I'm supposed to know? I'm new to this, I should be able to know everything there is about were-" Before I could finish, I was interrupted with a kiss. Loren had smashed his lips against mine, and his hands were on either side of my face. I sighed and kissed him back. How long has it been since we kissed? Um, I don't really know, but I don't care right now. I'm in his arms, and we're kissing passionately. We were unaware of the Arab women glaring at us. Then we parted. "Elyssa, you talk too much," Loren smiled. I smiled too, and he grabbed my hands. "I'll explain every thing when we get back home, okay? I promise." I nodded and we went out the door, but we had to rush back in because Mel and the others ran in the door. It was thundering, and it was raining hard. "What is all this?" "I don't know!" Kenny said. "It just started raining all of a sudden! How the hell are we going to get home now? Jeez." Aaron mumbled. "Whose phone is working?" I asked. "None of ours is. All of our phones died." "Whose got some money? I'll call my dad at the phone booth so he could come get us," Loren asked. We each gave him a couple of quarters and dimes. He grabbed my hand and told me to come with him to call his dad. I don't know why, but he told me to come. Maybe he doesn't want to let me out of his sight..? He dialed the number. "Hello? Dad? It's Loren. Yes, we're alright. No. Well..the truck blew up." Pause. "Just listen. That's what I said! Look, we need a ride home." Pause. Loren's face changed. "Someone drove us up here, that's how. I don't know who he is, and I don't want to know." Pause. He's talking about Tristian. "Duh! That's what I just said! Now, come pick us up. Thanks. I know she's waiting. Tell her if she touches my things, she will get tackled when I come back." I laughed. "Okay, thanks." He hung up. "What the hell was that about?" "My dad is mad because we got stuck in the middle of nowhere. Then Cqari keeps going in my room, and none of us knows what she's doing. She better not be bringing her little boyfriend in there." I gasped. "Cqari has a boyfriend? I am shocked!" "Well, I mean, she looks like me, and I'm hot, right?" he teased. "Yes, Loren, you are," I fluttered my eyelashes. He smiled. "Yeah. His name is Randy. For some reason, Cqari likes to show him my room..I'm getting tired of it though," he looked at me. Loren's POV (2 hours ago) My dad showed up two hours later, right when the gas station was closing. Not the gas part, but when you go in and buy stuff. "What the hell took you so long?"" I snapped as soon as we got into his truck. "Don't get so snappy with me, Loren. Your mother was so worried I had to stay and calm her down." For two hours? That was a lame excuse but I just ignored it. I felt Elyssa squeeze my hand. I hope she doesn't freak out for what I'm going to tell her. It will be a lot, so I hope she's ready for it. We arrived at my home at like 11:58 P.M. Elyssa wanted to stay with me. Mel, Darren, and R.Jay all walked home. Elyssa and I went into the house. My mom, as usual, crushed us against her. "Oh! Are you alright? Loren? Elyssa? Oh!" She didn't even give us time to speak, for crying out loud. I took Elyssa to my room. When she went in, I went in after her and shut the door. She faced me and crossed her arms. I stood still, confused on why she's glaring at me in a she-wants-to-kill-me look. "What?" "I want to know." I acted dumb. "Know what?" She narrowed her eyes and I think I was stupid for acting dumb. "About what the hell you told me. I want to know everything there is about werewolves and mates. I want to know how they are mated, why, and everything else! So don't give me any of that bullshit," she snapped at me. Well, there is no turning back now, is there? I sighed, walked closer to her, and put my hand on her shoulder. She neatly shook it off. "Loren," she warned. I rolled my eyes. "Can you at least sit down and let me go through this smoothly?" "I'll stand." "Whatever," I sat down and got comfortable. "I don't know how to say this. I don't want to freak you out, or make you think I'm lying, or make you run away from me...." "Just spit it out, Loren Lexington!" she yelled. Elyssa has never said my last name like that before. But the look on her face meant she wanted the truth, and she was serious about it. I sighed. "You are my mate." "What does that mean?" "It means we're soul-mates, almost." "Then why does Tristian keep saying I belong to him?" "I don't know! We belong together, not you two." Elyssa sighed and sat down by me. "What does it mean when you say we're soul-mates?" "Soul-mate isn't just some word regular teenagers say to each-other to make one another fall in love. It's serious. When you're soul-mates, you're really together forever. Unless you get it denied. But getting it removed would mean strength, blood, and it would hurt." "Why would anyone want it removed?" Elyssa asked. "Well, it's like a divorce but worse. You argue a lot, and you can't never seem to get along for once. You cheat on your mate, or you abuse them. Like a divorce." "That's sad," Elyssa said to herself. "And it's not good. I've known you my whole life, Elyssa." "How is that possible? I've never seen you." "But you have, remember?" She gasped. "Your eyes. I forgot, you are the one who watches me in the dark. So, you've been watching me since we were 10?" "Actually, I've watched you since we were 8, but you've noticed me watching since you were 10." "Why have you been watching me?" "To make sure you are safe and protected." "Why do I need to be safe and protected?" I sighed. "Okay, let me put it like this; You die, I die, and probably your family dies. You get hurt, I get hurt, and your family gets hurt. You get a disease, I get a disease-" "And my family get's a disease," she rolled her eyes and I smiled. "So, we're connected? Do we have the same blood?" "Er, no. That would mean we're siblings, and that would be Wrong. Yes, we're connected, but we don't have the same blood. We just have an undeniable attraction towards each other, but, no, we definitely do not have the same blood." "What if I didn't want to be with you forever?" she asked me. I looked at her, and her face was serious. I thought for sure she was joking. "I'm not saying that I don't want to be with you forever, Loren." I laughed nervously. Feewh. "Like I said, you can get us removed." "How?" "We'd have to exchanged our own blood back to each other. It would probably be a suicide mission though." "Wait," Elyssa held up her finger. "So you mean to tell me, to get our blood exchanged back together, they would have to cut us open and look for each others blood?" she cringed. "Yes, if you want to be physical," I chuckled. "Okay, that's just wrong. And how would they know whose blood is whose? Isn't our blood the same color and stuff?" "No, Elyssa," I shook my head. "My blood is darker than your blood." "Why? How?" "I'm a boy, you're a girl. Your blood has to be lighter than mine. Haven't you ever noticed Andy's blood was darker than yours?" "I guess, but he's my brother, we have the same blood, though, right?" "Right, but his blood is still darker than yours." She looked like she still didn't understand it, but she moved on. "How would we be able to stay together forever?" I smiled. I scooted over so that our bodies were touching, and I put my arm around her, slowly. "You tell me." She smiled and her cheeks turned pink. Then she yawned. I chuckled. "Alright, time to sleep." "I don't wanna," she whined like a child. "Yes, you do. It's 12:07," I pointed to the dash-board. I slipped my arm off her, so she could go dig in her suit-case for her pajamas. She put them on. I slipped off my pants and shirts. "Er, where do I sleep?" she asked. "Duh, in my bed," I hopped onto my bed. "With you?" "Yes, with me," I flipped over the covers, to make room for her. She smiled and hopped in with me. She sighed. "So, what happens if your soul-mate cheats?" My smile faded. I hope she's not referring to anything. "Then it's your soul-mate's decision to be removed or stay together," I said, slowly. "Oh." I put my arm around her. "Thanks, Loren," she said. "For what?" "Everything," she mumbled, and by then, she was asleep.
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