Chapter 18

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Loren's POV I woke up to loud ass music. I groaned and tried to stuff the pillow over my head, but I could still hear the music. 7 am, waking up in the morning. Gotta be fresh, going downstairs to have my bowl of cereal. Seeing everything, the time is going Ticking' on and on, everybody's rushing' Gotta get down to the bus stop Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends) Kicking' in the front seat Sitting' in the back seat Gotta make my mind up Which seat can I take? It's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody's looking' forward to the weekend, weekend Friday, Friday Getting' down on Friday Everybody's looking' forward to the weekend Partying', partying' (Yeah) Partying', partying' (Yeah) Fun, fun, fun, fun Looking' forward to the weekend I threw the pillow off of me, and sat up, rubbing my eyes. 7:45, we're driving' on the highway Cruising' so fast, I want time to fly Fun, fun, think about fun You know what it is I got this, you got this My friend is by my right I got this, you got this Now you know it Kicking' in the front seat Sitting' in the back seat Gotta make my mind up Which seat can I take? "How about you take no seat, and turn down the music?" I yelled. I don't know what happened just then, but the music was turned off. I rubbed my eyes again, and my eyes widened. Elyssa had a brush in her hand, using it as a microphone, and her mouth was wide open. "Um, did I wake you?" she asked, softly. I threw the covers off of me, and stood up, stretching. "Nah, I was already awake." Elyssa smiled and shrugged. I yawned. "Why were you listening to that song, anyway?" "Because I'm the bomb!" she pumped her fist, and turned back on the music. It was a different Song at least. I roll up I roll up I roll up Shawty I roll up I roll up I roll up I roll up I shook my head as Elyssa started to dance like a crazy person. I went over to my closet to find something to wear, while Elyssa was still dancing. She's not a terrific dancer, but she can still dance. She was shaking her hips, way off beat, shaking her head back and forth. Did I mention she had on PJ shorts and a tank? Its your anniversary isn't it And your man ain't acting right So you packing' your Domiar luggage up calling' my cell phone, try and catch a flight You know one thing straight, I'll be there girl whenever you call me When you at home that's your man, soon as you land you say that's all me But s**t ain't all g with him no more, you ain't entertained Since I meet you a couple months ago you ain't been the same Not saying I'm the richest man alive but I'm in the game' As long as you keep it 100 I'm gonna spend this change, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I came out, with a towel around my hips, she was still dancing! But she was dancing kind of wild. Her hair all over her face, her eyes were closed like she didn't care where she was. Maybe she was imagining herself in a concert or something. Now she's using the brush as a microphone. I got dressed. Whenever you need me Whenever want me, You know you can call me, I'll be there shortly Don't care what your friends say, cause they don't know me I can be your best friend, and you be my homie I ain't gonna flex, I'm not gonna front You know if I ball, then we all gonna stunt Send her my way, she ain't gotta hold up Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up Whenever you call baby I roll up, I roll up, I roll up Whenever you call baby I roll up I grabbed Elyssa's hand and tugged her over to me. We started dancing like we were crazy and wild, but we didn't care. We were having fun! The next song came on, Elyssa gasped, and really started to go Crazy. Alright, already the show goes on All night, till the morning we dream so long Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up Just remember when you come up The show goes on! Alright, already the show goes on All night, till the morning we dream so long Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up Just remember when you come The show goes on! Will the songs ever end? Jeez. Someone knocked on the door, and Elyssa turned the music down. My mom came in with a smile on her face. "Loren, Elyssa. Elyssa, your mom invited you all to go over for a movie night. It will just be you kids." She smiled again, and went back out. Elyssa turned to me, and she just realized that she still had her PJ's on, but I was dressed. "Uh, I'l just let you get dressed. When you're ready, we'll be downstairs," I told her. She nodded, and I went downstairs. Brady, Kenny, and Aaron were playing the game, again. "You guys are a bunch of game-head," I told them. "Oh, come on, Loren. You know you want to play Call Of Duty: Black Ops with us," Aaron smirked. I sighed, but snatched the remote off the floor, and started playing with them. Elyssa's POV Once I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself. I started humming tunelessly to myself. I opened the door, and went to my suitcase to find something to wear. I got my red lace bra, and the red matching panties. I closed the curtains so no pervert would see me. I slipped the towel off, and slipped on my undies and bra. Just as I was clipping my bra on, someone said, "Need some help?" I jumped, almost 2 feet in the air, and turned around. I almost screamed. "What the f**k?!"I whispered/yelled. Tristian smiled. "That's no way to speak to me," he turned me around. I thought he was going to do something I didn't want him to do, but he just clipped my bra. "Better?" "Why are you here?" I asked him. "Seriously? Can't you see I'm getting dressed?" Tristian smirked, and it kind of looked hot. Wait, what am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking this stuff. Tristian's smirk got bigger. "Wait a minute. You're telling me, that you saw me get butt naked to put on my underwear?" Tristian smiled now. "I didn't tell you anything, but you're Correct." "You sick bastard!" I brung my hand up and slapped him, as hard as I could. It just came to my mind, so I just slapped him.... His eyes got dark, and he put his hand on his jaw. And he smiled an evil smile that I've seen a lot of times. He came closer to me, but I backed up until I fell onto the bed. I backed up against the dash board, but there was no way out of this. Tristian came closer and closer to me, until he was close enough to kiss me. Not this again! But he didn't kiss me. He brought his hand up, and put it tightly around my neck. I clawed at his hand, but the more I clawed, the more tight his hand got. I felt my face get hot, and my vision got blurry. I was sure he was going to kill me or choke me to death. The last thing I saw was the door opening, and Loren came in, mouth dropped and eyes dark. Tristian let me go. I choked, and coughed, and cried. Tristian hopped out of the window, but not before Loren threw something at him. I cried some more. Loren came by my side. "Hey, hey, hey," he tried to smooth me. "It's okay. He's gone." Not forever, he's not. "Why didn't you scream or something?" he asked me. I shook my head, not bothered talking. "How did you know he was up here?" I choked out. "I didn't. Aaron said my face was getting red, and I started choking. So, I came up here and found out he was choking you. You should have said something. I would have heard you." I shook my head again. "Why did he choke you?" he asked me. "I slapped him." Loren smirked, apparently happy that I did something to him. "Why?" "Because he's a sick pervert. He saw me changing when I got out of the shower." Loren looked down at me, and I realized that I was still in my undergarments. Loren's eyes got dark again. "He saw you naked?" he said through his teeth. I nodded, and breathed through my nose. Loren kissed me on my forehead. "Don't worry. Just get dressed so we can go." I nodded again. "What movie do you want to see?" I asked everyone as I bring the popcorn and hot sauce into the living room. "You eat popcorn with hot sauce?" Aaron asked. "Hell yeah!" I yelled. "It's the bomb!" Brady agreed with me. We high-hived. "You're missing out, dude." He rolled his eyes. "You know what movie I haven't seen in years?" he asked. "What?" "Catwoman." "Oh yeah!" we agreed. "We have it if you want to put it on," I grabbed it from the third row. It was right in the front like it was waiting for us to pick it out. "Okay." We settled on watching Catwoman for a while. Kenny sat next to Mel. I sat next to Loren. The other guys just sat sloppily on the floor or on the couch. "I could definitely relate to Patience Phillips," I blurted. "How? Your a werewolf, related to dogs, and she's a cat. Dogs are supposed to hate cats," Brady said. Pi whined beside me. "You hurt Pepsi's feelings. Bright has a cat friend, thank you very much," I patted her head. "Sorry, Bright. And, actually Catwoman is pretty hot," Brady said. "Halle Berry is her real name," Loren picked at the popcorn. Brady shrugged. "So? She's still hot." Mel and I rolled our eyes. Mel snuggled deeper into Kenny's arms. How cute? I smiled at them. Kenny caught me smiling at them and he rolled his eyes. When the movie was over, we watched another movie. Step Up 3 Every time Moose came on, I sighed. Moose is so cute! He grew up so fast since Step Up 2 The Streets! He still got his curly brown hair. He's just so cute. Loren rolled his eyes. He knew what I meant when I was sighing. "Don't worry, Loren. You're hotter than him," I touched his nose. It was at least 8:09 when that movie was over, and we didn't want to watch movies. "Let's go outside," I suggested. I haven't been outside at night since I was like 14 or 15. It was fun, and it was in the summer, so it was pretty hot anyways. "Sure, let's go," Mel smiled. "Elyssa remember when we were 15, we walked around the streets, looking in the windows of the clubs?" we laughed. Those were good times. And it's a long story. "You guys went to a club at age 15?" Darren asked once we stepped outside. I shook my head. "No, Darren. We happened to walk by a club, and we just so happened to look inside from the windows. We were 14 and 15, we didn't really know what we were doing." "Oh, okay. Just making sure. Didn't want them thinking you were over-age. They could have payed you to be strippers, thinking you were like 18 or something." Mel and I snorted. "We did look 18, but you could still tell we were 17. When I was 12, people used to say I looked 14 or 15." "That's how Cqari looks," Loren shrugged. "Some 19 year old dude tried to talk to her. He thought she was 18. But she's only 16." I smiled. "Well, it's nice to know that you're looking after your little sister." Loren rolled his eyes. "That's how I am. I'm cool like that." "That's how I am with my little sister," Darren spoke. "Sophia misses you, Elyssa. We all do." "Aww, how is she?" "She's good. Her birthday passed. She's 10 now." I gasped. "Double digits!" "What's so good about turning into your double digits?" Aaron asked. "Double digits is like being a teenager, Aaron," Mel spoke for me. "Yeah, you get all bossy-like, and tough, and you get close to puberty" Brady said. Kenny snorted. "You would know. Brady, when you turned 10, you pushed me around like you were the boss of me, but I was older than you." We laughed, and Brady blushed. We reached the corner of the busy street, and started walking. Flashing lights, cars speeding by, music blasting. It is Friday today. "Why won't you guys get into a relationship?" I asked Brady, Aaron, R.Jay and Darren. "I don't know. I just turned back straight, so I wouldn't really remember where to begin," R.Jay shrugged. I smiled and patted his shoulder. Brady snorted. Aaron said, "We're too busy, that's why. Werewolves don't really-" he stopped short when Loren hit him on the back. "What the-?" Aaron yelled. Then his face straightened. "Oh, never-mind. I was going to say I'm not really looking for a girl right now." R.Jay and Darren didn't seem to notice that Aaron said anything about werewolves. "Why? There are a lot of honeys out here waiting to be poured onto biscuits," Darren said. We glared at him as if he was an alien. "Darren has his ways of talking," I sighed. "I like your words," Aaron smiled. We rolled our eyes. We passed by a club, Mel and I smiled at each-other. "Why don't we just go in?" Mel asked. "We're all just about 18, right?" Everyone looked at me. "I look 18, don't I? I'm only 17, but I'm as tall as the guys, so I could play it off for, like, 21." "True. But, I don't think we should go in," R.Jay stated. "I've got a weird feeling." R.Jay has never had a weird feeling, but we didn't go in anyway. Loren grabbed my hand, and we hung in the back of the pack. "Loren," I asked. "What did you throw at Tristian when he jumped out of the window?" "Oh," he rolled his eyes. "I threw whatever I could find. I didn't want him to get away unharmed." "And what did you find?" I raised an eyebrow. "A C.D," he looked at me. I gasped. "You threw a CD at him?" "Well, yeah. I think it cut him good, because there was a bit of blood left on your window-sill. I wasn't going to let him get away with choking you, I mean us." He smiled. I smiled back. Another few hours, it was like 10 o'clock. We walked so far, we reached the beach. We sat there, looking at the stars and moon in the sand. Loren bumped his hip against mine. I raised my eyebrow and bumped mines against his even harder. He almost toppled over. "Are you challenging me?" "Nope." He grabbed me by my waist, and took me down onto the sand, and he actually started tickling me. I don't like being tickled. I am very tickle-ish, so I squirmed and laughed and pleaded. I was laughing so hard, I was crying. Loren finally stopped tickling me. I looked at him. I gave him a deadly look. He started to back up like he was actually scared of me. "There's one thing you don't actually know about me, Loren," I crouched down, ready. He smirked. "I know everything about you, Elyssa. What would that be?" He put his hands on his hips. "I," I got into position. Loren's smirked faded and he looked utterly confused. "Pounce!" I jumped at him, tackled him to the ground, and looked at him. His eyes were wide, and he was breathing hard. I smiled, pecked him on the lips, and got off of him. He sat up, brushing himself off. "I am speechless." "Yeah, well," I brushed the sand off of my clothes as well. "Pay attention sometimes." "I had no idea that you could pounce like that. If I would have known, I would have used that against you," he smiled. I smiled back. "Remember that, okay?" "I sure will," he kissed me. I closed my eyes and threw my arms around his neck, and he put his arms tightly around my waist. Someone groaned. "Come on you two lovebirds! It's Friday! Let's skinny-dip!" Loren and I parted to see who was stupid enough to say that. It was Aaron, of course. Everyone questioned him. "Skinny-dip? What the hell?" "Why not? No one is around. Everybody's probably at clubs or in the house watching movies and stuff..." he started taking off his clothes. "Dude, at least keep your boxers on," Loren whined. He didn't want to see any other parts of Aaron as well as me. Aaron shrugged by kept his boxers on. Then he ran into the water like a wild dog. We rolled our eyes. "That's actually not a bad idea," Brady started taking off his clothes, kept his boxers on, and ran in with Aaron. "I'm up for it," Kenny did the same. "Me too," Loren said. Mel and I glanced at each other. The boys were in the water, splashing and dumping and laughing. We shrugged and started taking off our shorts and tank tops. As we walked to get in the water, the boys (Loren and Kenny) hooted and whistled. We laughed, and put our feet into the water. "Are you guys crazy? This water is freezing cold!" Loren and Kenny sighed, but got out of the water. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way." They winked at each other before diving at us. They picked both of us up while we squirmed and they threw us into the water. When I came back up to surface, I was shivering. "L-I-loren! I a-am f-f-ffff-freezing cold!" I started to walk out of the water, but Loren came and grabbed me. "Oh, no you don't. Are you warm now?" he had his arms tight around me, and I had to admit, I was kind of warm now. I wanted to sigh and lean back in his arms. Actually, I did. I leaned back in his arms and sighed. It was warm. He was warm.I was warm now, and I didn't want to actually let go of him. This was a good day...but now I'm starting to sweat because of the heat. I ducked down, and slid out of his grip. "Hey!" he yelled. I raised my eyebrow. Did he just yell at me? I splashed him. He rolled his eyes. "Not this again..." "Oh, yes. This again!" I yelled and we all started having a splashing war.
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