Chapter 16

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Loren's POV Yes, sadly, we're on our way back to Wisconsin, and once again, Elyssa is fidgeting around on my lap. The snake came out from the rocks, again. Kenny and Mel took turns driving, and I didn't know Kenny could drive! But that's when something bad happened. Of course, it just had to be Kenny that made something happen. Mel and Elyssa were giggling because Brady was rapping, and it was funny because Aaron tried to rap with him. It was so funny. I don't think he could be like Eminem if that's who he's trying to be. And here we have Mel and Kenny. They were flirting, and laughing, and it was gross to me. But Elyssa would smile every time Kenny made Mel laugh. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Kenny, once in a while, kept looking at Mel, and I was afraid he would crash into something. I guess I spoke way too soon. Kenny looked at Mel, and that's when she screamed. Kenny turned the wheel hard. The car flipped over, and rolled down a hill. I grabbed on to Elyssa's waist, so that she wouldn't get hurt. Everyone was screaming, then we blacked out. Minutes, probably hours, we all woke up. Everyone was groaning and pushing to get out of the car, that was upside down. It was going to blow up. "Elyssa!" I screamed for her name. "Loren! I'm right here." "Everyone, we need to get out of the car, now! It's going to blow up!" By the time most of us were out, Mel had gotten stuck. She had a piece of glass stuck in her arm. So, she couldn't crawl, and Kenny went back for her. We had time to get everyone's luggage. When Mel and Kenny made it, the truck was blown up. Elyssa started panicking. "My mom is gonna kill me!" she was pacing now. "Actually," Brady crossed his arms. "Your mom is gonna kill Kenny." Elyssa's POV Everyone looked at Kenny, and it looked like he was going to cry. I mean, I'm not mad at him, though he destroyed the car, and put us in the middle of complete nowhere. I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me. "I'm sorry, Elyssa," he said in a soft voice. Mel came and wrapped her arms around him. I smiled. The boys gagged and rolled their eyes. "You guys are just jealous," I said. "Jealous?" Aaron said. "He just put us in the middle of nowhere, and you think we'd be jealous? Unbelievable." "Does anyone have a phone?" I asked, and it was a stupid question because we all had phones, even me. But, last time Tristian played with my phone, I don't know if I have it on me, or he took it. Everyone pulled out their phones. "I can't get a connection." "I've got no bars." "Same here." We all sighed. Darren started to dig into his luggage, and he pulled out a jacket. We looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" "Nothing." Then, we remembered. R.Jay and Darren are humans. We are werewolves so we don't get that cold. "So, are we just gonna, like, stand here and wait for nothing?" I asked. Everyone mumbled something. "Fine, since it's too dark, we should at least build a fire." I went with Loren and Kenny to go get some wood, while the others stayed to make the fire. "Guys," Kenny started. "I'm really sorry. It's just....Mel is just so hot and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her." Loren and I joked. "I'm sure she was hot, Kenny. I'm sure she was." We came back with a pile of wood, and the fire had gotten started. Truth is, they even found some logs and giant rocks to sit on. We were all quiet, sitting around the camp fire. Then some of our stomach's growled. "What's to eat?" someone had the nerve to ask. I think Brady. "Wildlife. Squirrels, raccoons, if we get lucky, there might be chickens," Loren answered for us. I smiled. I'm glad he's smart, but I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean it in a he-would-know -where-to-find-us-food kind of way. "Well, it's too dark to hunt right now." "So, we'll sleep on an empty stomach?" R.Jay pulled out stacks of candy bars, and our mouths dropped. "What?" "How did you get loads of candy?" He shrugged. "I bought it when we were at one of the rest stops. Would do you guys want?" "I want a Payday!" Loren and I both shouted. We looked at each-other and smiled. R.Jay gave the bar to me. "Would you like a piece, Loren?" I teased. "Uh, yeah!" I rolled my eyes and gave him a piece. Mel got a Snicker, Kenny got Twix, Brady and Aaron both got M&M's. Darren had gotten Twizzlers, and R.Jay got Skittles. We were all eating happy, but soon afraid that we'd get sick. So when the morning came, it was time to look for some real food. The guys went to go hunt for some food. But, Loren and Kenny stayed with the girls. It was quiet for a moment. Too quiet. I sighed. "How are we gonna get back?" "I don't know," Mel said. "Well, we need to get going after we eat, or we'll never make it back," Loren suggested. "Get going? For what?" Kenny asked. "Get going! Walking, moving, searching. We can't just sit here all day, or week. We would eventually die. It could start raining, and we have no shelter," Loren snapped. I looked around. Is he mad at Kenny or something? He sighed, and his voice quieted down. "Look, we can't turn into wolves, alright? R.Jay and Darren don't know s**t about us, and Elyssa and Mel haven't changed yet. It would take days for their bones to be in place." Mel and I cringed at the phrase 'Bones to be in place'. "Sorry," Loren told us. "But, we can't just sit here." Just then, the guys came back, with chickens, raccoons, squirrels and birds. Our stomachs growled at the sight of it. When we were done eating, Loren told everyone the same speech that he told us, but he skipped the whole wolf things. Although, Brady and Aaron already know about it. So, we changed our clothes in the bushes, and tried to get clean as possible. We packed up the left over food, grabbed our luggage, and started walking. We walked in pairs. I walked beside Loren, and we were the first ones to navigate. Then it was Kenny and Mel beside us. Mel was softly crying hoping we will make it. I wanted to cry too. But I knew it would be useless. Crying wouldn't make us magically appear home. We were walking for hours, and hours and hours. It was 6 o'clock already, when we finally found the road. "Jesus," Brady muttered. "Now all we have to do is either keep walking, or wait for a car to pass by." "I say we wait for a car," Mel said. "The sun is up, and it looks like we're in a desert or something." "Kenny!" Aaron whined. "You took us to a desert?" "No, you ass-wipe. We might have walked into a desert," Kenny snapped. Mel put her hand on his shoulder. "Guys, look!" R.Jay pointed. We all looked. There was a car, more like a van at least that could fit like eight people. "Hey!" we all started yelling. I dared to go on the road and wave in front of the car. But, the car stopped. "Guys," Loren growled. "What?" I asked, softly. "I think I know who this is-" The door opened, and out stepped a smiling Tristian. Loren's hands balled up into fists beside me. I forgot that I did tell Loren about Tristian, but I didn't tell him about the kissing thing. "Thank, goodness," Darren stepped out. "We need a ride," he went close up to Tristian. Tristian looked down on him. "Sure thing," he smiled. "Where would you like to go? I could take you back to my place if you Want-" "No!" we all chorused. R.Jay and Darren looked at us like we were stupid. "Well, then," R.Jay said. "Can you drop us off at Wisconsin?" "I was just heading there, too," Tristian said. "Let's go," he said in a polite way. R.Jay and Darren took all of our bags and threw them in the trunk of the van. "I don't like this," I whispered to Loren. His hands were still balled into fists, and he was giving Tridtya death glare. I know what he's thinking right now. He's thinking, 'I will kill you when I get the chance.' That reminds me, how did Tristian find us? Was he stalking us this whole entire time, and we were blind? "Well, what are you guys waiting for?" Darren hopped into the van. By the way, where did he get a van? And his clothes? This time he had on a black T-Shirt, blue jeans with a chain hanging from the belt hoops, and black Vans. We all hesitated. And when I say all, I mean all the werewolves. Darren shook his head. "We can trust this guy." If only he knew... Kenny took hold of Mel's hand, and slowly went into Tristian's van. Brady and Aaron climbed inside the van. "Loren," I said. "Loren, we have to. If not, R.Jay and Darren are going to think something. Loren, please." He looked at me, and looked back at Tristian who was smirking. Loren took hold on my hand and started walking to the van. He got in first. Now there were no more seats. Just the front seat, which was next to Tristian. Tristian shrugged. "I won't bite, my dear." I almost gasped to hear him call me that in front of everyone. I looked at Mel. She had a shocked look on her face. I only told her about Tristian kissing me. I looked at Loren. He was trembling, shaking like he was about to form. I mouthed to Mel, "Take care of Loren. I think he's about to change." Then I climbed into the passenger seat. "So, where are you headed to, stranger," Tristian teased, looking at me. "Keep your eyes on the road, Tristian," I snapped, low enough for Loren, Mel, Kenny, Brady and Aaron to hear. He smiled, but did as I said. Then I spoke louder so R.Jay and Darren could hear. "To the first gas station that you could find in Wisconsin."I forced myself to smile, but Tristian knew it was totally fake. "How did you, uh, end up on the road with all that luggage?" "Why are you doing this? What the hell do you want?" I whispered to him. "How many times have we gone over this discussion?" Tristian winked at me. I rolled my eyes, in a frustrated way. "We had an accident, the car blew up, but we got our things before it did." "Yeah," Darren said. "Someone wasn't paying attention, and we crashed." Tristian chuckled. "Oh, it couldn't have been that bad." "Tristian," I growled. "Yes, my dear?" "Why the hell are you here? What could you possibly want from me?" He sighed. "You have something that I need," he took one hand off the steering wheel.He put his hand on my thigh. By the way, I was wearing shorts. He started to caress my thigh, and I stood very still. I looked in the rear-view mirror, and saw Loren. His ears were pointy, and his eyes were dark. Mel tried to calm him down. I looked out the window as a tear fell from my face. "What could you possibly need from me, Tristian?" "I think you'll figure that out yourself, my dear," his hand inched up higher to my thigh. Loren started to growl. Mel hit him in his head. "Ow!" he yelled out. I giggled. It was actually funny that Mel all of a sudden hit him in the head. At the sound of my laughter, Loren sighed, and went back to normal. I flicked away Tristian's hand from my thigh. His eyes got dark, but he put his hand back on the steering wheel. "Can you drive fast, please?" Loren asked, and I was surprised. I'm surprised he's asking Tristian to do something. "Now, you're talking, Loren," Tristian mumbled, and sped up. We eventually made it to Wisconsin, at a gas station that I definitely remember. It's just called The G-Stat, and its ran by Arab women. "Now, would you leave us alone?" I said to Tristian while everyone else was out of the van. "My dear, I am only bothering you. And I won't leave you alone until I have you to myself," he flicked the dirt from his nails. "Well, you are getting on Loren's bad side, and I suggest you stop, and leave us the hell alone," I said, and I was about to get out of the van. "Tell you're soul-mate he could mind his own business." I got back in the van. "Excuse me?" "I meant to say mate, but it doesn't really matter." "What the hel..are you talking about? What is this about mates and soul-mates?" I asked him. I was serious now. No more games. He keeps saying shit about mates, and I want to know what the hell he's talking about. "It wasn't supposed to leave my lips. Ask Loren about it. Now," he looked at me with dark eyes. "Get out of my van." I glared at him, once more before getting out of the car. I made sure to slam the damn door. "Where is Loren?" I asked. "He's inside, he told us to tell you to meet him inside," Brady said. I went inside the G-Stat, and saw Loren at the phone booth. "Okay, Elyssa is right here," he was saying. "No. Yes. Nothing! I know. Good. I thought so. Go ahead. Tell her no, I'll be home later. Alright. Please do. I'm sorry. Look, it's not my fault! Not yet. I will. Bye." Then he rolled his eyes. "Love you, too." And he hung up. "Who was that?" "My mom." "Aw, you love her, too?" I teased. His cheeks got red. "Yeah, yeah." "You wanted to talk to me?" He grabbed my hand and led me to one of the tables by the window. "What happened in the van? What did Tristian say to you?" I sighed. "Loren..." Loren sighed too. "Elyssa, I have to know this-" "Why?" my voice got loud. "Why do you want to know this shit so badly?" People were starting to give me looks now, so I had to calm down sooner or later. Loren sat back in his seat, and looked at me with his green eyes. "I'm just being protective. I'm making sure nothing happens to you. We don't know what Tristian wants, he could be some psycho wolf" "Well, what if I knew what he wanted me for, huh? What if I knew?" "What if you got killed? What the hell am I supposed to do if you were killed?" "I don't know!" I yelled, and Loren blinked. "Move on, I guess." Loren spoke softly, "I'm just looking after you." "Well, maybe you need to back off a little bit and give me some goddamn space," I stood up, making sure the chair screeched against the floor as loud as it would go. "It won't be at easy," Loren looked away from me. "Why, Loren? Why wouldn't it be so easy?" He didn't answer me. He just sat still, arms crossed and he stared at the wall. So, I walked off from him. I don't have all damn day to be waiting for him. But as soon as I opened the door to head outside, Loren spoke, "Because we're soul-mates." I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around to face Loren. He looked absolutely serious....and pale. "What?" I breathed.
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