Chapter 15

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Elyssa's POV Everyone, maybe not everyone, knows that you're supposed to wear white when going bowling. So when the lights got dark and neon, all of our shirts were glowing and our teeth! Other people that had blue and purple or pink and stuff, the only things on them that were glowing were their eyes and teeth. "Let's do a challenge," Loren suggested. He always wants a challenge. I rolled my eyes. "But who would want to go against us, though?" "We'll give it a try.." someone said. I turned around, Loren smirked, and I had a smiled on my face. "Peter!" I ran into his arms. "Hey, Ely.." he chuckled. "What are you doing here? What happened? How come you haven't been at school?" "I was sick, didn't Clara tell you?" "Yeah, she did." What, did he have a disease or something crazy? "I'll catch up with you later." "Okay." When I went back to Loren, he put his arms around me. "Was that Peter?" he asked. "Yeah," I mumbled. "He said he was 'sick" He snorted. "Yeah, right." I laughed, and looked around. I spotted Darren alone. I squiggled out of Loren's hold, but he seemed to be holding on tighter. "Loren..." I warned. "What?" he smirked. "Let go me go for a minute. I'm just going to go talk to someone." He sighed, heavily, before loosening his grip. I was just about to pull away, until he grabbed hold of my wrist, spun me around, and pressed his mouth against mine. I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck. "Now who's the one that doesn't want to let go?" he said, against my lips. "Still you," I said, spinning out of his grip. I laughed at him, as his jaw was hanging open. He folded his arms, shook his head, and went to get some bowling shoes. I caught up with Darren. "Hey, what's wrong? You look glum," I teased. "Nothing" he replied, not looking at me. "Uh, yes there is. I know there is." I can sense it. "Ely, nothing is wrong, okay?" He looked at me this time with his brown eyes. "Tell ya what," I said, ignoring what he wanted. "Since I definitely know there is something wrong, when if we win against them," I pointed over my shoulder at Peter and his team. Who were they by the way? "You'll tell me what's wrong, deal?" He waited for a moment before half-smiling. "Deal." "Great, because the game has started." Darren's POV I forced myself not to watch Elyssa for a long time, as she laughed, talked and bowled. It's a shame we broke up. We broke up because Elyssa was moving and she didn't like long distance relationships, and I don't blame her either. Besides, she looks happy with Loren. But, who is this Loren guy, anyway? He just waked up into her life, and brushed me away. I bet Elyssa totally forgot about me, or us, when she met him. There's really nothing I can do about it anyway. I can't break them up. Elyssa would know it was me. Unless I get someone else to do it. But why would it matter? She's probably got some other dude on speed dial, so how would I know if she'd come back to me? "Darren," Elyssa's voice interrupted my thoughts. "It's your turn." I grabbed a ball. Swung. Strike. I bowed as if I were a king as Elyssa clapped. I looked at my competition, and my jaw dropped. She winked at me before swinging. Strike. She went to put the score in, to where I was at. She was gorgeous, even compared to Elyssa. She had curly blond hair that bounced as she walked. Speaking of walking, I looked below her back...... She had big, beautiful, light, brown eyes, a perfect chest, and pink full lips. "Where'd you learn to bowl?" she asked me. I'm surprised she's talking to me. "I watched my dad when I was a kid, and he taught me when I got older," I replied, sure as hell happy I didn't stumble over my words. "What about you?" "I taught myself how to bowl, Sweetie," she smiled. I raised my eyebrows. "What's your name?" "Darren." "I'm Malia," she held out her hand to shake. I shook it. "Nice to meet you." "Pleasures all mine," I smirked. It was Elyssa's turned. I watched as she made a perfect strike. She smirked at her competition. "Man, she killed me!" her competition whined. After 3 minutes, it was our turn again. "Good luck." We both said. I swung and knocked down eight. I swung again. Spare. Malia swung and knocked down eight as well. I snorted. She Swung again. Knocked down one. We both went to put the score in, and when our hands touched, we didn't seem to notice. The game ended. We won. I didn't really want to win, because I don't want to tell Elyssa what was wrong with me. But speak of the devil... "So...?" she begged at me. "Uh...I was just thinking about Malia." I lied. "Who's Malia?" she asked. "One of the girls on the other team. The one I was going up against. Yeah," I nodded. "She's pretty hot." Elyssa smiled. "Well, I'm happy you've found someone else." Then she left to go talk to Loren. I breathed out a sigh. "Hey," Malia came next to me. Speak of the other devil. "Oh, uh, hey." "Everything okay?" she smirked. "You seem nervous, especially when you get around me." "Okay, first of all, you came over to me just now so you must like me," I teased, if that was hardly a tease anyway. Her face got cocky. "Maybe I don't like you," she pressed her body against me, and I stayed really still. "Maybe I do." She got off of me and smiled. "See you around, Darren." "Yeah...uh.." She left. That was so hot. I can't geta hold of myself right now. I wiped a hand through my hair, and met up with everyone. Everyone snickered at me. I groaned. Please tell me they didn't see what happened. "So." Mel said. "We saw you and that girl," she raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, her name is Malia, and we weren't doing anything," I waved her off. "Oh!" she gasped. "So you know her name?" "And I bet you wanted to do something with her, huh?" Brady tapped me on my shoulder. Elyssa's POV I told everyone that I would meet them in the lobby downstairs, I just wanted to grab my phone to see if I have any missed calls. When I entered my room, it was dark. The curtains were open before, so it wasn't even dark in here. Now the curtains were closed. That's strange. I clicked on the light, thinking I would see someone in here. No one was in here. I must be watching too many movies. I opened the curtains, and started looking for my phone. I could not find it! I thought I left it right on the dresser by the lamp. I searched under the bed, in the bathroom, in the bags we brought, but I just couldn't find it! Then, something scared the crap out of me. "Looking for something?" a voice sounded. I jumped probably like 3 feet in the air, my heart pounding so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. When I turned around to the voice, my eyes widened, and I think I was just about ready to jump out of the window. "Hello, my dear, long time no see." "Tristian?" my voice came out in a whisper. "Surprised? I'm not. This is actually a nice cell-phone. Where did you buy this?" he asked me, giving me an almost death look. "Downtown," I answered. I mean, why not answer? I don't know why he's here, what he's doing. While he smiled, and checked out my phone, which was rude, I was looking at him up and down. He was the same the last time I saw him, but he had on a white collard shirt, black jeans, and for once, some shoes. "Like what you see, my dear?" he chuckled. "I am not your 'dear'" I lifted my head up. "What do you want, and why are you in my room?" He tossed my phone to me, which I easily caught. "I am here for you, my dear." "Why? I am nothing special." "Ah," he smiled. "But you are," he started walking closer to me, and I backed up into the window. "Has Loren told you?" "Loren?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "What about Loren?" He chuckled. "Wouldn't you just love to hear about your soul-mate," he mumbled to him-self. I'm sorry, did I hear him correctly? Did he say soul-mate?! "What the hell are you talking about?" Tristian smiled, stepped closer to me, and whispered in my face, "Why, my dear, you have so much to learn." His hand started to caress my face, and my breathing stopped. Then, he did something I was not expecting him to do ever in my life. He leaned in and kissed me. I was very disgusted, and I was about to push him away, but something changed. I closed my eyes, and sighed, my mouth started moving with his. Why am I liking this? Shouldn't I supposed to be pushing him away, yelling at him, throwing things at him? What is Wrong with me? It's almost like I'm being forced. Or am I being compelled? Oh, sorry, I guess I watch too much Vampire Diaries. I brought my hands up, and put them on his chest. His skin was warm and hot, through his shirt, and I could feel his heart beating. Tristian, moaned a little, caressed my face, and smiled. "Why, my dear, you have such soft lips." I, then, pushed him away. I wanted to throw something at him, I wanted to throw my damn cellphone. But he'll just take it and use it, for all I know. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, and glared at his hot body. "I shall see you again, my love," then he disappeared. How does he do that? Seconds later, Loren came into the room, smiling at me. When I didn't say anything he stopped smiling. "Is everything alright?" And just to hear him say that, and look at his beautiful face, I started to cry. Loren rushed over to me, threw his arms around me, and let me cry on his shoulder. "Elyssa, what happened?" he asked me, in a straight voice. Honestly, I don't know what happened. 'Tristian came into my room. He almost took my cell-phone. He said something about soul-mates. Then he kissed me, and I was kissing him back. I pushed him away after he said I had soft lips, and he disappeared saying he'll see me again.' Yeah, not going to happen. I would never say anything like that. Especially not the kissing part. "Can you get Mel for me?" Loren looked at me. He nodded, sat me on the bed, and left. Mel, right now, is the only person I can talk to and tell what happened. She's a girl, I'm a girl. She would know what to do, besides we're blood cousins. She'll know exactly what to do. Mel came in a hurry. "Ely, what happened?" "'s bad and it's kind of good." She sat next to me and waited for me to go on. "Is anyone outside of the door?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Aaron and Brady, please leave, right now. Don't make me come out there!" Mel shouted. We both heard them running off. I laughed, and continued. "Tristian was here." "Tristian?" her face got serious. "What happened? Did he hurt you?" "No," I grabbed some tissue and wiped my nose. "That's what I want to talk to you about. And only you, because you know how to solve boy problems, and crap and whatever type of stuff he said." "Boy problems?" she c****d a brow. "Oh grow up!" we laughed, and it felt good. "It's not like that. Tristian....he uh, said something about Loren, and when I asked him about it, he um...." "Spit it out!" "He kissed me." She gasped. "He kissed you?!" "Shh!" I looked around, as if anyone was supposed to be in here. "What happened when he kissed you?" I blew out a sigh. "Honestly, I started kissing him back...." She gasped again. "Loren won't like this," she shook her head. "That's why we won't tell him, duh." "Why not?" My eyes widened. "Do you want him to go crazy like a mad man? You know how protective he is over me, he could go kill any random person!" "Okay, but you're gonna be one of those girls who was the reason why her boyfriend broke up with her.." "What?" "I'm just saying. Some relationships don't last, all because the girl wouldn't come out and say, 'I kissed another guy'. The boyfriend has to find out for themselves, and then they get mad because the girl didn't come out and say it." I stared at her in complete shock. She watches too much T.V. "Elyssa, I want to talk to you," Loren said, with a serious look on his face. I looked at Mel, hoping she didn't say anything. She shrugged. I met up with Loren. His face was still serious, and he crossed his arms. "Tristian was here." "How did you-?" "I could smell him." I sighed. "Loren-" "Elyssa, why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't say anything to that. The look on his face, showed that he wanted the truth, and I had to give it to him. "Because I didn't want you going after him." "I wasn't going to go after him!" Loren said, and grabbed my hands in his. "Well, maybe I was, but Elyssa, I need to know these things. We tried to get away for a while, and he comes back? We know he wants you, and it's my job to make sure he doesn't get you." I looked down. "I know, Loren, and I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" I looked up to find his green eyes looking into my blue eyes. "Elyssa, I could never be mad at you. I really care about you." That got me thinking about what Tristian said about 'soul-mates.' Loren tilted his head at me, as if he knew what I was thinking. Hopefully he doesn't. "What did he say?" he asked, and it almost came out in a growl. When I didn't say anything, Loren squeezed my hands. So, I came out and asked him, "Loren, do you believe in soul-mates?" It was a good question right? But something in Loren's eyes sparkled when I said soul-mates. "Did he say anything about it?" he asked me. "Well, no. I mean, he mumbled something about it, but I was just don't have to answer," I shook my head at him. He sighed, and started to caress my cheek. Just like Tristian did it. "Yes, I do believe in soul-mates." I half-smiled, while Loren brought me back to the room, where everyone was watching T.V. "Guys," Loren said. "I'm afraid we can't stay here." He looked at R.Jay and Darren. "Elyssa's mom called and said we should be going back, because there's a harsh storm coming." Translation for Mel, Kenny, Brady and Aaron: "Tristian came. He found us, and now we must leave." And he wasn't lying. On the news, it says theres was going to be a big storm. "Okay, well, we'll get back to our room and start packing up." Loren turned and faced me. "Will you be okay?" "Yeah, I think I will," I smiled. He smiled too, before putting his hand on the back of my neck, and leaning down to kiss me softly on the lips. We parted, and everyone pretended to gag. "Goodnight, Elyssa." We both rolled our eyes, as Brady, Aaron and Kenny stood in the doorway. "Really, man? Really?" "Yes, really. You'd know you would be doing the same with Mel, Kenny, so close your mouth," Loren said, as they left and went down the hall. I turned to R.Jay, Darren, and Mel, and they started to get ready for bed. I went to sleep thinking about soul-mates. The next day, I went to sign us out, and check the truck that we came in. When everything was settled and some of them were still packing, I waited outside to get some fresh air before it started raining. I was walking, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I bumped into someone. "I'm so-"I looked up. "Sorry." "Leaving so soon?" Tristian smirked. "Yes, we are. What do you want?" "Do I get a good-bye?" "No. You're mean, selfish, and you're probably going to follow us again back to Wisconsin, so what's the point?" I crossed my arms. "Fair enough," he chuckled. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked him. He glared at me. "I believe you should ask yourself that question, my dear. Why did you kiss me?" he smirked again. "I didn't kiss you, you kissed me!" "You kissed me back," Tristian said. I narrowed my eyes. "Okay, seriously what do you want from me, Tristian? Why can't you just go on with your so-called life, and leave me the alone?" It seemed like his eyes got dark when I said that. He stepped closer to me like he did yesterday, but I didn't step back this time. "You belong to me, not Loren.' "Who said I belonged to Loren?" "Both of you." He did what Loren did yesterday when he placed his hand on the back of my neck. But Tristian, didn't do it so light. He did it firm and hard, and he brought his lips to mine, again. This time I had no desire to kiss him back. He pulled away, with an evil smile on his face. "I will see you later," he half-growled. I saw him run into the woods and transform. Everyone came out, and when Loren saw me looking into the woods, I looked away, but I guess he saw Tristian. "Did he bother you?" "Nope," I smiled. "He just stayed where he was. In the filthy woods where he damn belongs," I said. I grabbed Loren's hand as he laughed at what I said, and we all hopped into the truck, and drove off. In the same seating arrangements.
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