Chapter 14

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Loren's POV I knocked on Elyssa's door the next day. She opened the door smiling. "Mom, I'm off to school!" "Okay, honey!" her Mom yelled from upstairs, then she said, "Take care of her, Loren!" "I will!"I said. I offered my arm to Elyssa, and she gladly took it. "So, what's on the agenda today?" she asked me. "Well, I was thinking of a double date if you don't mind me asking." "Of course not, but with who?" I smiled down at her. "Duh, Kenny and Mel, You and I..." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, fine with me. Just make sure you fix Kenny up a little bit, alright?" she teased. "Yeah, yeah..." I was sitting in Mrs. Webb class, not really paying attention, when all of a sudden, I heard something ruffling, and a disgusting familiar smell hits me. I looked around, and everyone is listening to the teacher. "Othello: Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them," she quoted out of the book. I looked out the window and squinted into the darkness. I saw brown fur tinted with beige, and I saw brown eyes. The wolf. What the hell is it doing here? Is he stalking Elyssa, or me? I sat up in my seat and looked at Elyssa. She was drawing, not really paying any attention to teacher that much. I raised my hand. "Yes, Mr. Lexington?" "May I please use the bathroom? It's an emergency." "Go ahead. Now Othello was quite a-" I didn't listen to her talk. I went out the door. No one was in the hallway. Good, because I'm gonna ditch. I went outside, and into the woods, where the wolf was just laying down. I was just about to form, until he started to change into a human. His tail disappeared, and he was on two feet, not paws. His nose shortened, and his ears turned human. His fur was gone that showed tanned skin. He was standing completely naked in front of me right now. "What the hell do you want?" I growled at it. "Not you.." he said, dusting himself off. I snorted. Clearly. "Why are you here then?" He looked at me with his dark brown eyes. "It's pretty obvious that I'm here for Elyssa," he smiled and evil smile at me. Boy, did I want to smack that smile right off his face. I snorted again. "Oh, please, you really think you'll get pass me to her? Try again, buddy." He tilted his head as if he was reading me. "Little Alpha," he smiled, and I glared at him. "I was an alpha once." He started pacing. "She might be your mate, but once she sees me, she'll be crawling." I really growled this time. "She will never..." Does this guy really think he could take Elyssa away from me? "She wouldn't leave me. " "Really?" he smiled again, showing pointy teeth. "Think about it. Has she said those three words yet? Huh? Have you told her that she's-" "Enough!" I said, charging at him. I thought it would have him caught off guard, but he moved out of the way as I was about to tackle him to the ground. "You really think you can defeat me?" Jeez, I hate when people say that crap. "No, I just want to kick your ass." He laughed then, as if I just told a good joke. "Good luck..." he turned into a wolf, and dove off into the forest. Man, I was so ready to hurt him. I went back into the school, I looked around but didn't see Elyssa. When I found her, she was walking by herself and coming towards me. I found a nearby janitor's closet, and when she was right next to it, I pulled her in, but just to get a blow in the face. "s**t!" I cursed. "Loren? Loren what the hell?" She clicked on the light-bulb above out heads and looked at me with a sad face. "Where were you? When you asked to use the restroom, and you didn't come back, I got worried." "I know, Elyssa, and I'm sorry. I was just taking care of things." I lied. "What things? Did you see the wolf?" "Well..I found the scent again, but I didn't follow it." I can't let her get involved than she already really is. If she hears about what the wolf-guy said to me, she'll freak out, and I don't want her to freak out. She'll start jumping to conclusions about how to be safe, and stuff. "Good, I didn't want you by yourself," she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes, and I forced myself not to tell her about my encounter with the wolf. "Yeah..." I said. She smiled, pecked me on the cheek, and opened the janitors door. She looked back and forth to make sure no one was watching. When it was clear, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out. After school, she ordered me, seriously she ordered me to take her to the woods, and I seriously couldn't say no. But I had a bad feeling, and I can sense the wolf was here. "Maybe we should leave...." I suggested. "What are you talking about? We just got here, Loren." There was a shuffle in the leaves and Elyssa clutched to me. I had to say, I kind of liked where and how she was clutching. Wait, did I just think that? Uggh, I better not say that out loud or she'll think I'm a pervert.. "She's right, Loren," someone said, and I straightened up, pulling Elyssa behind me. "You just got here." I know that damn voice. He came at the wrong time and the wrong place and started messing with the wrong people- Yeah, yeah, yeah, you all get what I mean. He showed himself, same as before but he was clothed. Oh, sure, he gets butt naked in front of me but puts clothes on in front of Elyssa. Okay, whatever, dude. "What do you want?" I growled. "You already know what I want, Loren." He looked straight at Elyssa's. "Her." Elyssa's POV "Her." The guy said, in a smooth slow voice. Loren growled again. There was some weird some building up inside me, but I wouldn't stop. The guy started coming towards us, when he realized the sound I was making. "Are you.." he looked at me. "Growling at me? How dare you!" That's what I was doing? I was growling? Well, hell! "I don't know who the hell you are," I said to him. "But you better stay the hell away from us." He laughed, and I just had to say, it was the most adorable, sexiest laugh ever. But not really anything compared to Lorens'. I just noticed him. He looked older than us. Maybe late-twenties? It's hard to tell how old werewolves are. He was well tanned, tall and broad. Brown hair that dangled not half-way over his brown eyes. He had on a black shirt, with blue jeans. That's it, no shoes. He actually kind of looked like Loren, but in my defense, Loren looks hotter. "Well, then, let me introduce myself," he said. "I rather you don't-" "My name is Tristian Sandrino," he said, interrupting completely what I had to say. His damn attitude makes him ugly. "And you, Elyssa Sean, belong to me." "I'm sorry, what? I didn't quite catch that." "Elyssa," Loren growled. "He's messing with your mind, don't listen to him." "Look at you," Tristian focused on Elyssa. "You think you're an hero, but your nothing just a little Alpha." Alpha? My brain echoed at the word Alpha, like I'm supposed to care about that word. Alpha....alpha....alpha..... "What is he talking about Loren?" "He's messing with my mind, trying to get me to change," Loren said eyes on him the whole time. Tristian snorted. "Well, I must be going now. Good luck with whatever you're doing." Then he looked straight at me. "We'll meet again Elyssa, my dear." He changed into a brown wolf, his clothes shattering, and he disappeared, leaving me shocked and Loren annoyed. After Loren and I told Brady, Kenny, Aaron and Mel about our encounter with the wolf in the forest, they freaked out. But someone smart, not saying any names, suggested that we go out, out as in like out of state, and sort these issues out. Well, mainly because we wouldn't want to really be bothered with damn Tristian Sandrino. So, after everyone was done packing, everyone as in, the werewolves, R.Jay and Darren. Andy or Cqari couldn't come, they stayed home with the grownups. We gathered our bags, and set them in the trunk of my Mom's truck. We had difficulties with the seating arrangements. Mel drove, and Kenny was in the passenger seat. Loren, Aaron, and Brady were in the back, and R.Jay and Brady were way in the back by the bags. And where was I? "Why don't you just sit on Loren's lap?" Brady suggested. "Yeah," Mel agreed. "I'm sure he'd like it," Mel winked at Loren while his cheeks got red. Loren's POV My cheeks got warm and red as Mel winked at me. I actually sure as hell would like it if she sat on my lap.... "Uh...alright," Elyssa said, a little unsure. She got in the car, and slowly put her butt on my thighs. But one little problem, she was sitting on my crotch. Everyone chuckled, but Mel started driving to Missouri. I almost moaned when Elyssa had to make herself comfortable by moving around on my lap. Brady tapped my shoulder, and when I looked at him, he snickered. I narrowed my eyes at him, and Elyssa shuffled around Some more. Jesus Christ this girl...... "Sorry, I'm done moving.." she smiled at me. I didn't want her to be done, my-perverted-self thought. I forced myself to smile back. I think I was sweating. Am I nervous? I shouldn't be. Is it because my sexy girlfriend is making me hard and I can't really do anything about it? Maybe that's why I'm sweating..... I can sense that she's gotten really comfortable, and she's thinking about the wolf. Man, I cannot keep myself down. And when I mean myself, I mean, my crotch is actually halfway sticking up... hope Elyssa doesn't feel that.... Elyssa's POV I thought Loren had something in his pocket, like a pen or something like that, and it's kind of poking me, so when I move my butt off his- OH! My god! I think I know what was sticking me.... kept moving around so much, and I'm kind of in between his legs....Jeez. We reached Missouri a few hours later. Yes, we were stuck like that in the exact position until we made our destination..... I hurriedly got out of the car, and looked up at the hotel. The sign read: Sheraton City Center Plaza Hotel. Loren came out behind me, slowly, and I couldn't tell, but I think he was hiding something over his mid-section. But anyways, we were just about to unload or things when a bellhop came. "Oh, no need for that, I will bring them in right away." "Thank you," Mel smiled at him, and Kenny looked a little upset at that. We went inside, and it immediately reminded me of 20 mansions put together. There was an elavator, a food court, everything there would be in a 5 Star Hotel. Brady said he'd pay for the rooms, and when he did, we were too excited to go see our rooms. The bellhop said the rooms take up to 4 people only. So, he payed for two rooms, for a whole week. Well, this skips school, completely. We figured it out. Mel, R.Jay, Darren and I will sleep in the same room while Kenny, Aaron, Brady and Loren will be in the same room. "It's like back at your room, Elyssa, all over again. We're all together again," R.Jay smiled. "Let's go see our rooms!" Room 489 was ours, and Room 490 was Loren and theirs. We put the key in, twisted it, and stepped in, gasping. We dropped our bags and went to explore the room, put up our things, and relax. After we were done exploring and stuff, we washed up and put on our swim suits and met Loren and others at the pool, which was incredible. As soon as I jumped into the pool, Loren swam over to me and started tickling me. We all started having pool fights and splashing each other. It kind of reminded me when I saw Loren at the beach and we started plashing each other. "Let's play Marco Polo!" Mel exclaimed. "I'm sorry, what?" Kenny asked. "You don't know what Marco Polo is?" "Of course he does," Loren said. "He's just shocked that you'd want to play." He smirked at Kenny. Kenny rolled his eyes. "Okay, smart-ass, I'll be Marco..." he got in the center of the pool, and got underwater. His head popped back up, his eyes were closed and he said, "Marco." "Polo." We all chorused. The first person he found is Mel....and she wasn't even the closet to him, Brady was. It was Loren's turn. Great.... He did the same as Kenny. "Marco." "Polo." He smiled underwater, and started making his way over to me. I tried to run in the water, but we all know how hard it is to run in the water. I felt his hand grab hold of my legs, as he pulled me underwater. He smiled at me, and I smiled back at him, before he kissed me. This is actually my first time kissing underwater. It felt good, as we swam around in circles, unaware of the people all playing. But then we realized we were running out of breath, so we had to go back up. "Okay, love birds, what to do next?" "There is seriously a lot of things in this hotel, and you don't know?"I asked Aaron. "Not really. What is there to do?" I smiled, and looked at Mel. She smiled back, and we chorused, "Bowling."
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