Chapter 13

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Ady's POV Mel and I were in my room. All the lights were off downstairs, and we were looking out the window, watching everything, every movement, and every little sound. When we saw the guys come out from the woods, Mel and I opened the window for them to climb in. "Well?" "Feewh!" Brady said and laid out on my bed as if he was exhausted. "That was horrible!" I think I know what he means. I can smell it. Something horrible. And apparently they led it into my room. It smelled like dirt, and vinegar or something mixed with milk. I don't know, but it stinks. "What happened? Did you find the wolf?" "Oh, we found the wolf, alright," Kenny said, doing the same as Brady. "You did?" Loren nodded and grabbed my hand, twining my fingers with his. "Elyssa, we almost had a fight. Well, those three stooges challenged him to a fight." He nodded his head toward them. "Hey!" Aaron yelled in defense. "We could have totally taken that guy and you know it!" Loren rolled his eyes. "Anyway, he didn't talk much, but before all that, we followed his horrible smell. He was eating a raccoon." "And....?" I urged him on. "And...he attacked us, saying, I'll bite you're heads off!' and other crap. But, there was one thing that really f*****g ticked me off," Loren growled to himself and looked out the window. "What, Loren? Tell me," I said. He looked at me with his beautiful green eyes. "He said something about you. He wasn't, or isn't, after Andy. He wants you, and he was going to kill anyone that got into his way, meaning Andy and us. But he said, The girl belongs to me, and I will kill everyone if I don't get her!" "Whatever the hell that means," Kenny mumbled. "So, he isn't after Andy," I said, softly. Loren nodded, even though it wasn't a question. He's after me. Why does he want me? I'm nothing. Nothing special at least. I'm a teenage girl who didn't know her whole family, plus herself, are werewolves. What would he do with me if he had gotten me? Rape me? Use me? Kill me? If he wanted to kill me, he probably would have done it already. At least he's not after Andy, but he said he would kill anyone who would get in his way of me. And that meant my family and Loren. I couldn't let Loren die, even though I kind of just met him, and he suddenly knew I was a werewolf. I really like Loren, and I really don't want him or his friends to get hurt. What would happen if a werewolf got hurt? Do they back off? Do they heal fast? How the hell am I supposed to know? I have never really gotten hurt. A few paper-cuts, and I ignored them, not bothered if they would heal or not. And what about my parents? What will they do? Will they help, or will they come comfort me like all parents do? I love them the most, and I couldn't stand if they got hurt. I'd be lost without them. Do they even know about the other wolf? Do they know what attacked Andy? I glanced at the clock on my dresser. 3:48. I yawned. "Elyssa, let's get you into bed," Loren said. "No, I don't want to sleep."I think I do because I let Loren pick me up bridal style. He kicked Brady and Kenny off my bed and tucked me in. "Well, you should. Besides, we wouldn't want you going crazy about the wolf thing if you didn't sleep." He kissed me lightly on my forehead. "We'll see you tomorrow, okay?" "Mhm," I mumbled and let sleep take over me. "So, uh, Andy," Loren asked as we all walked on the red brick road, on our way to a different park. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Andy thought for a moment, and he just looked so cute. Not to mention, he was in the middle of Loren and I. He had both of our hands and we were swinging him. "An astronaut!" We laughed, but some of the others snorted. "Lame...." I heard Brady say. I shot him a glare. "Don't you want to be something when you grow up?" "Of course I do! We all do!" he said, throwing his arms in the air. "What do you want to be when you grow up, Loren?" Andy asked, smiling up at him. Loren smiled back down, and it looks so adorable. "I, actually, want to be an artist." Andy gasped. "You like to draw?!" Loren smiled again. "Yep." Well, I didn't know that, maybe he could draw me a picture Sometimes. Andy gasped again. "Can you draw me a picture one day?" "Sure, thing, buddy." "What do you want to be, Ely?" Andy asked me. "A veterinarian," I answered, easily. Everyone's mouth dropped open, except for Andy's. I shrugged at them. What's wrong with taking care of animals ? I love animals, not to hide the fact that I am one. Oh! I think now I get why they were so shocked. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but when I grow up, I just want to be married, have kids and live on a farm," Mel shrugged, and smiled. "Like you do now?" "But I'm not married or got kids." "I want to be a race car driver," Aaron exclaimed. "Figured," we all chorused. Aaron laughed. "Ya know what I wanna be?" Kenny asked. "What?" we said in sarcasm. "I wanna be a technician." We all started laughing. "What?!" he yelled. Seriously, Kenny, a technician? Yeah, I cannot imagine him like that. We all noticed that Brady was the only one who hasn't said what he wants to be. We stared him down. "Okay, look. Don't laugh at me, but..." he put his head down. "I want to be a rapper." We stared at him. "Really?" He nodded. "I'll wrap someone's song for you," he said. Yeah, we can't wait to hear this. "Cause I feel like I'm running And I'm feeling like I gotta get away, get away, get away Better know that I don't and I won't ever stop cause You know I gotta win everyday day, goo See they don't really wanna pop me Just know that you will never flop me And I know that I can be a little cocky, no You ain't never gonna stop me Every time I come a n-gga gotta set it then I got it going Then I gotta get it, than I gotta blow, than I shut it any little thing That a n-gga think he be doing cause it doesn't matter cause I'm gonna dead it Then I'm gonna murder every thing and anything a badaboom a badabing I gotta do a lot of things, and make it clearer to a couple n-ggas That I'm always winning and I gotta get it again and again and again And I be doing it to death and now I move a little foul A n-gga better call a ref, everybody know my style And n-gga's know that I'm the best When I come to doing this and I be banging on my chest And I bang in the east and I bang in the west And I come to give you more and I never give you less You will hear it in the street or you can read it in the press Do you really wanna know what's next, lets go See the way we on, we be all up in the race and you know We gotta go, don't try to keep up with the pace We struggling and hustling and sending in and getting in And alWays gotta take it to another place Gotta taste it and I gotta grab it And I gotta cut all through this traffic Just to be at the top of the throne Better know I gotta have it!" We all stared at him. Did he really just rap that? Jeez! That was the fastest rap I've ever heard in my life! "Okay, what Song is that?" "It's called Look At Me Now by Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes, and Lil Wayne." Oh, I know that song! "I think, you will be a great rapper, Brady!" Andy said. Brady smiled. "Thanks, Andy!" they high-fived, and we rolled our eyes. The park that we arrived at looked way different than the park we went to. But only because this is a real park. Swings, slides, monkey bars. The first I went to get on is the swings. I sat down on it, and Loren got behind me to push me. "Are you okay from yesterday?" he whispered into my ear before pushing me. I sighed. "A little, I just hope nothing that bad happens," I chuckled nervously. He stopped pushing me, to whisper in my ear again. "Trust me, Elyssa, nothing bad going to happen while I'm around," he chuckled before pushing me again. "Hey, Loren, heads up!" someone yelled. Loren looked up, and reflexively, caught a football. "Loren?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah," he said, his cheeks turning a little pink. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and went to go play football with the guys, and some other random guys they made. I joined Mel on the steps. She nudged me. " and Loren, huh?" "Yeah," I smiled. "Excuse me," some random guy came up to me and smiled. He looked so familiar. "Do I know you?" "Uh...I don't know.." I said. His head tilted. "Aren't you that girl who came to the beach with your friend and your little brother?" My eyes widened. "Ken Kris?" "It's just Kris," he smiled. " have you been?" "Um...I've" I spotted Loren looking at me, with a questioning face, and when he saw Kris he started to come over to us. "I'm good." "Uh, hi," Mel smiled at him. He looked at Mel, and I saw something flash in his eyes. Hmm, does he like her? He smiled back. "Hi," he laughed nervously. I mean, he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't all that cute either. He looked maybe 20 or 21 at least with light brown hair and brown eyes. "Something wrong?" Loren came over, and apparently Kenny came, too. "No, Loren, nothing's wrong," I said, looking at Kenny, who was glaring at Kris. I almost gasped when it hit me. Does Kenny like Mel? I wanted to smile my ass off. " I interrupting something? Are these your....?" Kris looked nervous as if he might get beat up or something. "Yes," Loren and Kenny both answered. "These are our girlfriends." Kris waved. "Sorry." Then, just like that, he left. Loren and Kenny laughed and sat by us. "What was that about?" "Guy from the beach," I said. Loren narrowed his eyes. "The one that grabbed you?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "No, calm down. I took Andy to buy some chips and you know, he was the one to get the chips." "Oh...." "And Kenny?" I looked at him. "Yeah?" he asked, nervously. "Can I talk to you in private?" He nodded. I took him behind a tree and hit him on his head. "Ow! What was that for?" "How come you didn't tell me you liked Mel?!" I whispered/ yelled. "What? Who said I liked her?!" I hit him again. "Ow! Okay, I like her! Jeez, now would you stop hitting me?" "How come you didn't tell me?!" I whispered/yelled again. "Because I didn't want you gushing like you are now, and hitting me!" he rubbed his head. "Sorry, but you should have told me. That's my cousin, and I think it's so darn cute that you like her!" I said, and Kenny rubbed his head. "Alright, I want you to try and get her on a date..." "WHAT?!" he yelled. I shushed him, hitting him again. He cringed, about to yell out, but he didn't yell because of the look I gave him. "Are you crazy? I was nervous when I sat down next to her, and now you want me to ask her out on a date?" I narrowed my eyes, playfully. "Do you want to go out with her Or not?" He growled. "Fine. But you owe me." "Oh, whatever!" I waved him off. "Tell me how it goes, and I want you to ask her in the next 24 hours," I smiled, an evil smile, and dragged him from behind the tree. "So, it's a good thing I'm outside, huh?" I asked Loren. Kenny and Loren were walking Mel and I home. Loren suggested it first, because of all the things that are going on, then I suggested Kenny should come, too. I gave him a mischievous smile and he narrowed his eyes at me when I bumped my hip into his to make him bump into Mel. "What do you mean?" Loren asked me, bumping his shoulder into mine. I looked at him. "I mean, if I was in the house the same thing would probably have happened at school, huh?" Loren laughed. "So, I guess you're lucky you have me pull you out the house. I'm your lucky charm," he teased. I smiled along with him, and he put his arm around me. Then I heard them talking behind us. "So...uh.Mel," Kenny asked. "Mm?" "I was wondering...would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?" Kenny asked, and I saw in his shadow, he put his hand on his neck, nervously. I heard the smile in Mel's voice. "Of course, I'd love to." And the surprise in Kenny's voice. "Really?" Mel nodded. "Great," Kenny said. Aww! Remind me to talk to Kenny later on. We reached my house, and to my surprise, I saw Mel give Kenny a quick peck on the cheek and heard them murmur goodbyes. Kenny's cheeks got really red. Loren and I laughed at him. I guess it's our turn. Inside of a little quick peck on cheeks and stuff, we pressed our lips together, and did some real action, as if it was goodbye forever, but we all know, it's not. Kenny and Mel sighed loudly and we parted, smiling. "See ya, tomorrow Elyssa." "Bye, Loren," I said and he smiled at the name. I grabbed Mel and we went inside the house, sighing. We changed into our pajamas and met the guys in our room. "Did you guys have fun?" R.Jay asked. "Yep," we answered at the same time. "How was Loren?" "He's perfect," I sighed. "Mel's going out with Kenny!" I clapped and screamed girly. Mel blushed. "Oh, hush. He asked and I couldn't say no." "You like him right?" she nodded. "He likes you. Perfect match!" "He likes me?" Mel gasped. "I had no idea. I thought he asked me out just because....I don't know...he had nothing better to do." I wanted to hit her liked I hit Kenny. "Did you not see his cheeks get fiery red when you kissed him on the cheek?" "Wait, wait, wait...." Darren held up his hands. "Who asked who out?" Oh, don't tell me this doofus likes Mel, too! I hope he doesn't. "Kenny, one of Loren's friends, asked Mel on a date. She said yes, so now their gonna go out...blah, blah, blah. Their gonna go out!!" I screamed!
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