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I got speechless, tears came to my eyes, Udaya passed me the mob, I didn’t look at the marks, 'see it' Punkuj told me, but I wasn’t in the condition to do that. Just look at it, ‘Pass in all subjects’ He passed in all subjects with a 2.5 GPA. I was overwhelmed with happiness they just put on the show to mock me. Despite being utterly happy I pretended to be angry and get out of the class. They were all laughing at me, Asif was the one to laugh the most. How stupid of me I assumed things without even looking at the results. I went toward Upisa, they didn’t seem to be okay, ‘What happened?’ I look toward Mahma she was crying, I went toward her, she hugged me ‘I got 4 f’s’ she said She was going to repeat the year, and that wasn’t the end of bad news, Nimi also got 5 f’s. We were losing 2 of our close friends, I didn’t think so many of the students in the class have to repeat due to this system. In our department out 20, 5 of them got more than 3 f’s and in environment out of 30 10 had to repeat. It was a huge loss for them. All the environment was in agony. Some students were crying and some were celebrating. I became topper in my department and got the scholarship as I wished, and Asif got passed in every subject, it was a moment of celebration my two of the wish got granted but knowing Mahma and Nimi won’t be there with us was killing us inside. Seeing them cry brought tears in my eyes too, I went to them hugged, it was emotional very emotional situation. Now we were 15 in our department, The class felt empty without the rest of them. We all went home with a heavy heart. ‘Are you okay’, Asif texted me when I was about to sleep ‘ I am still angry with you’ ‘why?’ ‘all of you made fun of me today pretending to get more F’s’ ‘Oh! I just wanted to see your reaction, I made them do that for me’ ‘How can you do that, I was so devastated’ ‘I am sorry, but I have to say I liked the way you reacted’ I remembered shedding teardrops at that condn, I again went inside Horror What must they had thought when they saw me cry. ‘It’s not okay, you shouldn’t have done that’ ‘tell me what I have to do to earn your apology’ I wasn’t angry, I don’t think I can ever be angry with him. ‘I don’t know, think yourself’, I said smiling. The next day when I went to college, he came to me with a big chocolate. ‘Will this buy me an apology’, he said handing me that. ‘I expected you to sing for me, but this is okay’ I chuckled ‘That’s not gonna happen, until your birthday and on the top of that your birthday is near I guess’ ‘You have made me wait for more than 3 months you should meet my expectation on that’ ‘I will try, princess’ As I wrote in my diary, we were getting closure day by day. Now we were just 3 on our group, and Asif became one of us. He used to be with us most of the time like in the cafeteria, persuading him Punkuj also became one of us. In front of our eyes, we were seeing Angi and Punkuj growth toward each other. And in front of our eyes, they became lovers, and there we were Asif and me still confused about what were we. On the weekend I got a call from Asif one early morning ‘Where are you?’, he said ‘Home’ ‘Can you come to the point where I picked you up that day?’ ‘You are here’ I was still on the nightdress, I hurried and wore my joggers and without mending my hair run toward him. I was confused, he hadn’t said anything to me the previous day, being able to see him at the weekend just made me happy. As usual, our eyes met from far, and as I persuade both of our smile increased. ‘I was worried, what happened?’, I said looking at him ‘Tomorrow is your birthday, I know your friends won’t let me spend more time with you, so I came today to celebrate’ ‘What are you saying?’ ‘Are you busy today?’ no, I wasn’t busy for him. I was just too happy to react, it was the most romantic thing I had ever heard. ‘I am not, especially for you’, I replied. But I had to ask for my mom’s permission. I called her there was no option than lying. I lied to her telling I was going to a nearby friend. She isn't the one to buy that easily, but as my past record was clear she wasn't going to ask for proof. ‘oh my god, before uni I didn’t even know how to lie, but now I am being expert in that field’ ‘I am sorry, because of me you had to lie’ said Asif I didn’t regret lying. From childhood, I have been confined to school home, home highschool. I wanted to push myself. Do things out of my restriction. I wanted to explore. After getting Uni I have felt many things for the first time. And the thing that was happening was my wish. ‘It’s not your fault, trust me’. I get into his bike. ‘You are mine for the whole day, today no phone calls no distraction just you and me’ I wanted to say, I was always his but I controlled. He took me to a cafe, I was the one to live in Kathmandu but I didn’t ever saw that cafe there, It was very classic and nicely decorated. He ordered a prestry. Circular one decorated like a cake. He handed me a knife, ‘now cut it’ I was shy, there were many other people in the cafe and we were just two prepared to cut prestry. I cut it. ‘happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kusum happy birthday to you’ he was singing it aloud. Most of the people in the cafe were looking at us. ‘Lower your voice Asif, they are looking at us’, I told Asif feeling awkward ‘Why to be nervous, let them know it’s your birthday. Don’t think about them just enjoy the moment as you enjoy live concerts’ It was another Asif I was with that day, the cheerful one, carefree one, and the one who was teaching me to live. I cut a small piece of cake and feed it to him he did the same. We were happy, other people looking at us most have thought us crazy in love, but they didn’t know what were we. ‘Thankyou it was just you and me but I had never felt this much satisfaction cutting the cake ever’, I said to him coming out of the cafe. ‘The party isn’t finished yet, wait a little longer and thank me at the end of the day’ ‘I am excited’ He took me to the bald hill, the one where we came on the last exam before vacation, the only difference was we were 5 that time, now we were 2 just me and him, my wish when I first went there. We went to the tower it was empty at that time too, I sat at a corner, he was still standing. ‘Promise me you won’t record anything’, he said ‘Why would I, what are you going to do’ ‘Just wait and watch’ He sat in front of me, looked at me in my eyes ‘I found a love for me… darling, just dive right in And follow my leads…...’ He was singing, was singing for me. Just for me no others, looking in my eyes making me feel the most special person. For the first time, I saw love in his eyes along with care. He slowly lifts up and gave me his hands. I stood up along with him, next second we were dancing. ‘Baby, I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, we’re listening to our favorite song’ We were close holding hands flowing with his voice in the air, feeling each other breaths, butterflies on the stomach, and excitation all over the body. The song ended we were still dancing staring into each other eyes, near enough for a kiss but we heard someone. We freed each other. I felt shy and awkward there were another couple behind us, they were facing another direction. We looked at each other and laughed at our stupidity. Now I was sure Maybe it wasn’t a love for him but the attraction was from both sides. I got my gift may be one of the most precious gift I would ever get. We went down giving another couple privacy. I was shy and nervous enough to look at him. He went for his bag and pulled out a small box wrapped with gift paper. Happy birthday, it is the last surprise for you today. I was overwhelmed with everything that was happening, I opened the box, a pair of beautiful earing were there, I never used to wear one. ‘I know you don’t wear earrings but try this one I swear you will look like a princess in those’ It was from him even if he would have given me ragged clothes I would had wore them, and at the top of that I was so beautiful. I tried to pierce it through my ears but couldn’t, he took that from me and took it to my ears. His fingertips were touching my neck and ears, every touch was generating a series of current in my body, heart said to grab him but mind said to control, I chose to control. ‘It’s far over my expectation’ said he going far from me. He was constantly looking at me. Why didn’t you wear earrings before you look awesome in it? I am afraid I will fall for you if I keep seeing these on you'. I pulled out my mobile and looked at my reflection on those. I liked what I saw, it was looking beautiful I wonder why I didn’t wear any of those till then, that was the first time I wore an earring and since then I never left my ears empty. We were sitting on the grasses, Asif went behind me and sat there. He began to play with my hair. ‘What are you doing’ ‘I want to make your hair’ I didn’t had combed it that day and it was loose. He began to collect my hair from my neck from my ear giving me goosebumps and finally ties it with a flower with loose steam. He then rested his head on my neck holding me from behind. It was sudden, it was warm, it was satisfying. Every hair of my body was erect. I was covering them up to avoid him seeing those. His breath was going through my neck and below my neck. His cheeks were touching mine creating tinkling feeling in that area. ‘I met you in the dark, you lit me up you made me feel as though I was enough we danced the night away, we drank too much I held your hair back when you were throwing up’ He was singing, holding me more firmly shaking me too and fro. The vibration of his throat was vibrating me. And I closed my eyes feeling every melody inside my body, flowing through my veins pumping as blood from the heart, exciting every organ of my body. I opened my eyes when I felt a sudden light kiss on my neck, it was Asif’s lips touching my neck when he was moving around. Was it intensional or was it just an accident? Anyway, I got electrified by that. It was already 4 hours since we were there. But it was gone like 4 minutes. He stood up and held my hands to help me stand too. ‘So now it is the time for you to speak do you like my surprises’ ‘Like will be too inferior to explain what I felt today’, I chuckled I was smiling constantly ‘You look beautiful when u smile, just keep on smiling’ I blushed, the thing that was happening was too satisfying to handle. I thought I will die of happiness. He gave me a ride to my home, Again there was no goodbye hug, no goodbye handshakes we just parted. After I was far enough I looked back, as usual, he was still there looking at me.
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