Chapter Three

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*** The city lights shimmered underneath the dusk sky as traffic slowly moved through the winding roads. The noise from the cars and the people walking below was muted by the sound proof glass that wrapped around my office. I kept my gaze trained on the City that belonged to me and only me. I was a King, ruthless and relentless. It was the curse of my Sin. So why is my unfeeling heart still acutely aware of the scent of cherry blossoms? She had left hours ago and yet her very essence still floated around my office and my f*****g mind. What really made her all that special from all the other women I had used and disposed of? I was not a man who fell in love. That was a foreign term in the world I lived in, A world of death, darkness, despair and blood. No one could manage to become what I was without having to destroy bits and pieces of themselves. My own proclivity to the darkness separated me from people you would consider ‘normal’. I had never known Love, understood it or wished to explore it. All I knew was the darkness. That’s not to say the innate cravings for a woman’s body were not present. I was a hot blooded male, after all. A man with wants, needs and depraved desires. That was the only time women really ever came to mind. It was the only time I allowed them in. So that they can please me and leave. There had been those who had been foolish enough to want more from me. Those who believed they could change me. It was a naïve thought. A fantasy that could never come to pass. I had ensured that they particularly never returned. No woman had ever been brought back to me twice. No one had ever left an impact enough. Not until the dark brown-haired bombshell had walked into my life like a f*****g hurricane. Usually, when something was overhyped, it was always a serious let down. When Christian had called me and asked me to drop by Wrath’s Playground for a ‘surprise’, I had been skeptical. Not that my cousin had bad taste. The man had bagged New York’s finest for years. Alexander blood coursed strongly through his veins. Going to the club had been a last minute decision with the promise of pain if it happened to be a stupid surprise. The joke had certainly been on me, though, because this was not one of those overhyped moments. He had not needed to point her out for me to know who he was talking about her. Every single f*****g man in that club was pulled in by her incredible beauty. I had vaguely heard of her praises being sang by my underlings but none of those idiotic bastards had done her any justice. Her body was every man’s wet dream, so perfectly curvy, it was f*****g ridiculous. Dark Brown hair, silky and long enough that I could wrap my entire fist around it thrice and leverage her to whatever position I wanted. The thought had flittered in my mind today as she begged me to save her friend through those plump and kissable lips. Fuck, Noah Basset better thank the gods that he bats for the other team. Otherwise, I would have probably broken my word and taken this woman as mine, no caveats or restrictions. Just me, her and raw-sheet clenching s*x. I found my fascination for her f*****g annoying. She unsettled me and that was a f*****g impossible thing to do in my domain. I was one of the most cautious beasts in my world and beyond. I knew exactly what the hell happened in the dark. I was prepared for all eventualities. I had learnt to guard my emotions perfectly. But she makes me want to break the perfectly crafted demeanor that I have been sharpening for years. And that pissed me the hell off. So why in the world did you pick her for the coveted position of Mrs. Alexander? I could try and rationalize it away. That my decision was solely based on making someone problematic regret their actions. But even that wasn't enough to sate my logical mind. Nothing could sate my darkness. I was great at dishing out ruthless punishments but none could compare to the f*****g irrational decision that this was. “Forgive my interruption of your brooding session but we need to get across town for the meeting with Vitaly. f**k, Soren, if I’d known you would make such a crazy f*****g decision, I would have worn something less expensive.” Christian ran a hand down his black blazer that he had paired with a red pull neck, black pants and matching oxfords. The guy was always stylish as hell, making perfect use of his millions on the best designer outfits that were kept crisp clean and well pressed. His OCD tendencies were ironic considering the nature of our work. The copper smell of blood had tainted us all, regardless of the designer colognes we used. Blood needs to be shed to keep the Empire standing and it will paint the streets today. “But I can’t fault you for that. She is f*****g phenomenal, isn’t she? Worthy of being an Alexander, indeed. It is a pretty hefty punishment for our friend downtown, though.” Something about the way he grinned as he fantasized about Emilia pissed me the f**k off. It was an irrational reaction considering who was saying it. Christian Alexander had an opinion about every single f*****g woman in the world who was remotely hot. He was a man w***e with a candid personality that never knew when to shut itself off. Well, he better watch it now… “Christian?” I muttered dryly as I grabbed my coat, earning my dumbass cousin’s full attention. “Yeah?” “Shut the f**k up.” Christian’s laugh was loud as he slapped my shoulder hard enough to leave a small sting behind. I rolled my eyes at his overboard reaction but was glad for his silence as we took the elevator down to the basement where my driver was waiting outside the bullet proof Porsche Cayenne SUV. “We need to stop by Warehouse 11. I have some unfinished business with someone there.” The driver nodded and smoothly changed direction towards our new destination. Christian glanced at the mention of said Warehouse but said nothing, thankfully. So he isn’t all that dumb… I could feel the darkness creep into my soul, seep through the cracks that had been emptied by thoughts of her. It was a welcome shift, preparing me for the utter rage I was about to unleash upon my unlucky prisoner. I was out of the car as soon as it stopped in front of the warehouse, fists clenched and teeth gnashed. I was alive with deathly rage that could only be quelled by the sickening crunch of broken bones and feel of blood on my hands. I needed to let it all out before I destroyed something else. Something not worthy of my anger. Down the stairs and forward through the dimly lit hallway, no one spoke to me as I made my way to my destination. The scent of death hang heavy in the air and everyone knew better than to approach me when I was the Executioner. The consequences were life altering. Literally. Banging the metal door open, the hinges shook as it slammed against the wall behind it. My target flinched despite being in no state to do so. My Third in command, however, didn’t move a muscle. It took way more to elicit any kind of reaction from Diesel Hunter. “Ah s**t. I should have had more fun with you when I could. Now, you’re f*****g dead.” Diesel muttered as he walked to the side table where the torture instruments lay, bloody from their assault on the half conscious piece of s**t chained to the ceiling. Purple bruises marred his bare chest, thighs and face. Blood marked his disfigured face that was swollen from Diesel’s assault. To anyone else, it would seem that Diesel had gone above and beyond to make their prisoner’s life a living hell but I knew better. I knew that there was so much more the Sin of Greed could do. “He’s all yours, brother. He’s not my prey so I won’t argue with you on who gets to end his existence. But...please make it fun.” Diesel prompted, a wild grin on his lips as he leaned against the wall to watch what was to come. Our prisoner’s whimpers were weak, sounding throughout the room as he tried to get away from us. His efforts were futile and uncoordinated. A dark chuckle escaped my lips once I rid myself of my blazer. “Such a disgusting, whimpering, pathetic piece of s**t. Nothing you do will save you from me. I am going to destroy every sinew of muscle in your body. I will make you feel pain beyond your comprehension. Not even death can save you from me,” I leaned down, ignoring Diesel’s gaze on me as I focused solely on the pitiful eyes of my prey. He knew he was a dead man. I could see it in his eyes. There wasn’t an inkling of hope. Only fear and despair. I fed off of it with a satisfied and dark grin. “You should not have messed with MY Woman!” I gritted out before losing my mind, all rational thoughts replaced with the darkness that burst forth and guided my body to enact its rightful revenge. *** “You seem to be on edge, Alexander. I do hope I am not the source of your discomfort.” Vitaly Makarov stated with a small smile, the condescension burning bright in his eyes. I was not one to get triggered by any sort of cheap shots from opponents who were lesser than me in every single way. None of them could ever compare to me and they knew it. So they tried to cover their inadequacy by trying to swing their d***s around. It was a pathetic sight and one I never concerned myself with. But not tonight. No, tonight was different, especially after the vicious beating I had dished out recently. That level of violence usually settled my darkness, sated it somewhat but not this time. This time, I was more than ready to raze and destroy the Head of the f*****g Bratva in front of me. The man was a conceited piece of absolute trash who thought he was better and more powerful than everyone else. He was the lowest of the lowest scum even in their world and certainly not worthy of the position he held in Moscow. He had a right to be as f*****g cocky as he was when facing off with small fish but not with me. Not with a man who could erase his very existence through a simple phone call. My decision was not too brash, after all. I would NEVER have been able to stand this motherfucker. I took a deep drag of my cigarette, willing myself not to show my hand before it was time. I would not spoil the surprise and deprive myself of the chance to see this piece of garbage’s reaction. “Not even f*****g close, Vitaly. You have never been worth my fear or respect and you never will.” My words were cold, firm and straight to the point. It was no secret that I detested him. I had no patience to hide my true feelings, especially now that our ‘treaty’ was not going to proceed. But he doesn’t know that… A frown graced his lips, clearly triggered by my blatant disrespect but was smart enough not to say anything as he sipped on his vodka. “You should refine your etiquette, Alexander! Especially when speaking to your future father in law.” Yuri Makarov gritted out from beside his father as he glared at me. His hate for me was tangible in the very air. The next head of the Bratva did not like me at all but they needed me, of which they knew well enough. And so they played nice. Well, as nice as can f*****g be when they’re double dealing with my enemies… Fixing my gaze on the young man who seemed ready to jump over the desk and wring my very neck, I assumed a nonchalant expression as I delivered the news I knew would send him right over the edge. Please f*****g try...Give me a solid reason to punch your teeth down your throat. Christian and Diesel equally waited in anticipation for what was to come. The promise of a good enough fight was always an exciting incentive for all of my men. “Father in law, huh? Natalia must be a hot commodity if you are willing to w***e her out to anyone and everyone. That c*nt must be looser than your wife’s.” Nobody in our world did not know of the s****l escapades of Maryna Makarov. The woman was a w***e, through and through. She had offered herself to literally every Mafia Head, myself included. She was a hot piece of ass, though. It was the only reason Yuri still held onto her. My words elicited the intended reaction as Yuri stormed to his feet, his eyes wild with violence as he glared daggers at us. So f*****g predictable. “What is the meaning of this?!” Vitaly gritted out, seeming less than pleased by the jab at his precious daughter. With a small sigh, I sipped on my own whisky, too tired by their stupid act to engage them anymore. “We know about your little double deal with the Vipers. You thought you could have your cake and eat it too, didn’t you, you stupid motherfucker? You really thought we wouldn’t find out you were meeting with Kaien Cole and promising him your daughter’s hand in marriage as a way to embarrass our King? You shifted sides and made the dumbest f*****g decision you ever could. You will pay for it.” Diesel stated simply, each of us watching with great satisfaction as realization dawned on their features before they tried to hide it away. It was a futile attempt that made me genuinely amused. “You will not be able to get the support you need without us, Soren Alexander! You have lost the only leverage you could have possibly used to gain the help you needed! My daughter deserves to be with a strong leader, not with losers and monsters like you!” Vitaly exploded, his words confirming what they all already knew. He had f****d them over and shifted his allegiance to the Vipers. He will regret that decision very soon. Getting to my feet, I leveled my gaze with the asshole who had dared to come up against me. We were now enemies, destined to destroy each other and my blood roared with excitement at the prospect of ending his life. Finally. “It is funny that you think you actually held any sort of importance to me. You were simply a necessary waste that was disposable any f*****g moment I wished it so. You were useless to begin with and still would have been when you joined my ranks. Those f*****g Vipers aren’t getting anything of value. Now, predictable as you may be, I do hope you give me some sort of challenge. I hate assholes who die too easily. Get the f**k out of my sight before I change my mind and kill you right here.” Seething mad would be an understatement to describe their anger towards us. They were, however, smart enough to recognise just how outnumbered they truly were. Any wrong move and they would not make it out of the State alive. They were not in Russia. They were in my world. And so, with tight countenances, they left the room with their few guards and slammed the meeting room doors as they went. A bemused chuckle escaped Diesel’s lips. “I am going to enjoy dismembering that one first.” He stated simply before getting up to pour himself another drink. I knew it had taken everything within him not to kill the Russians and I was grateful for his restraint despite his sin. “Do you think she will marry you? It would be pretty crazy to do so. Especially considering the f*****g insane reason behind your choice.” Christian muttered, voicing the thoughts that had swirled within the confines of my mind. I remembered the desperation in her eyes and voice then. How f*****g hot she was pleading for help. And then I remembered her resolve. A fire so bright, I felt slighted in its wake. “She will. Contrary to how she may seem, she is just as f*****g crazy as the rest of us. Everything else is moot.” The wedding was in two weeks’ time. Whether she came to me or not. You poked the beast. You came to him and offered your soul. And now, you will never be able to get away from him. ***
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