Chapter Four

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*** "Wait, Noah hasn't called you back either? That's weird. Could he really be having the time of his life in Fiji without us? That bastard." Ash's disgruntled expression would have been hilarious if that was truly what was happening. She was still oblivious to my sin. To my decision to approach the last person I should have to find out best friend. My irrational decision may have cost me my freedom and so soon after I had finally been set free. She is not going to be happy about this... The entire week had passed without incident or visit from the dark and dangerous man who was to be my husband. A small part of me hoped that he had changed his mind. That he had decided to change the mode of p*****t he required and yet a larger part of me knew that I was lying to myself. It was wishful thinking. Men like him did not second guess themselves. He knew what he wanted and I was the unfortunate and desperate soul that had come into his sights. I was paying the price for my irrationality. I have to amend this mistake. I have to make sure that he follows through with his end of the deal... I could tell he was a man of his word. He would not have survived in the shadows as long as he had and become the King he was without employing just a little bit of human decency. That's not to say I trusted him. I would not allow myself to get lost in his darkness, otherwise I would break even further if that was possible. I thought of his declaration of our wedding. According to him, we were to be married next weekend and yet I had heard nothing from him or his acquaintances. I had not been asked to pick placements or flower arrangements. There had been no form of communication and part of me was sure that the wedding would be a Courthouse wedding. Not that I minded. I had never been one of those women. I didn't have a Pinterest account dedicated to wedding ideas or fantasies of being a Princess growing up. The white picket fence ideal had never been something I was interested in and this was no different. This is Especially convenient. The wedding itself was not under normal circumstances...A normal setting would, therefore, make it a complete lie...It would make my sin even greater...And I can't involve my family in this clusterfuck... "Hello! Earth to Emilia! Jesus, girl! What are you thinking about that hard?!" Ash's voice broke through my reverie of thoughts and brought me back to the present and to our FaceTime call. She was in Philadelphia attending a work convention. Part of me wished that I could hug her. That she could tell me everything was going to be okay. I really need that right now if I'm going to face Soren Alexander again and say 'I do'... "Sorry. Just arranging my thoughts. Noah's going to be fine. I'm sure he'll reach out real soon." I responded, earning a satisfied nod from my best friend as she quit her inquiry into my mental state. First thing she had promised when we met was to never psycho-analyze either Noah or I. It was a promise she had kept to this day despite her urge to do so. Even now, I knew she wouldn't delve deep. If she did, she would be mortified by what she found... "Well, he better. I need to tell him all about my recent sexcapade! He's gonna be so freaking jealous when I tell him about my wild and kinky night with Diesel. I swear, Em, he has ruined me for every other guy. I'm gonna have to cleanse myself from him and the cute doctor who's been eyeing me since I got here seems perfect!" Her grin was devious as she flipped the camera to showcase the handsome doctor seated with his colleagues a distance away. True enough, he glanced back to look at my best friend, a small smile on his lips as he passed her a flirty wink. I chuckled at the exchange and Ash's silent celebration once he turned away from her. She had always been popular with guys and with good reason. She was stunning. And a free spirit who was never afraid to express her true feelings. I always envied that side of her. "Don't worry sweetie. I know a really hot doctor who would certainly take care of you too." Her suggestive wink made me blush hard but not as much as the deep voice that spoke up from my open office door. "That won't be necessary. She is already taken." Soren's voice was laced with calm finality that was not a reflection of the fire that burnt bright in his eyes. He was not pleased at all by the very prospect of any other man being near me. It was an exhilarating and intimidating find. I was frozen in place by his gaze, unable to move or respond to my friend who seemed confused by my sudden reaction and my future husband's words. It was almost as if I had conjured him up from my thoughts. And in my office, no less. Holy crap. "I'll take that whilst you two settle whatever this is." Diesel grabbed my phone from me, facing Ashley with a painfully handsome grin that seemed to also hide something else. Something dark. I had no strength to fight him, my eyes unable to breakaway from my painfully handsome husband to be who towered over me in his crisp three-piece suit and expensive oxfords. He was so f*****g handsome. His scent made my heart skip a beat. Cigarette smoke, expensive cologne and all man. He was every woman's fantasy and then some. I was enamored. Speechless. "You certainly haven't forgotten that I own you, now have you, baby girl?" His question was silent, beholding a threatening undertone as he took a step toward me. I forgot to breathe once he engulfed my space. I felt like a little lamb, facing off with a ferocious wolf who beheld the most dazzling countenance. One of his hands wrapped around my ponytail twice while the other engulfed my waist and pulled me flush to him. My core tightened in response, my panties soaked from the incredibly possessive action. No one had ever held me like that. No one had ever made my p*ssy spasm just from a few simple moves. It scared me just how much control he had over me.... "Answer me, Emilia." His tone was threatening, his hand tightening around my ponytail before he pulled it back and leveraged my head such that I was now staring up, right at him. A small gasp escaped me, the pain drowned out from the pleasure of his lips on my throat as he planted a hot kiss right at my pulsing vein. "No. I haven't forgotten." It was a breathless response that made my fiancé grin against my neck, seemingly pleased and satisfied. Putting distance between us was a thought that flittered through my mind but I never entertained it again. Not when the hand that was around my waist was teetering very close to my ass. Why in the world do I want him to touch me there? Especially after the vow I made to myself earlier...I can't let him own me without receiving my end of the deal. "You have to keep your end of the deal...You have to show me that you're looking for Noah. Only then will I marry you. If I'm going to sell my soul to you, I should get assurance that it is not all for nothing." It took everything within me to shove him away, let alone tell him exactly what was on my mind. He was frozen, momentarily before he ran his tongue across his teeth that were in full display once a wide grin took over. He took the remaining steps towards me whilst I backed away. When my back hit my floor to ceiling windows, I knew I was trapped. Cornered. There was nowhere else to go and the predator before me released a small hum, pleased by the development. His heavy presence slowed my breaths, his scorching gaze never leaving mine as his hand brushed a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. Oh God, why did this man smell so good?! The empty ache between my legs pulsed. "I may be the devil incarnate, Emilia, but I am a man of my word." I don't know whether it was the conviction behind his words or the way his eyes burnt through all my reservations, but I knew he was being completely truthful. I wanted to pinch myself for the bereft feeling that engulfed me once he took a step back and gestured towards the door. He didn't need to say anything for me to know that we would be leaving, no matter what I said. Grabbing my coat and bag with weakened hands, I made my way towards the door as I begged my legs to keep me standing and rooted. "Oh, Emmy! I was actually bringing you the report you needed for the Kingsmay Campaign..." I turned to Brad Vaughn, the new Account Executive who had taken my promotion because the company was filled by a bunch of misogynistic assholes who couldn't let a strong woman succeed and advance through the organization. He was also a disgusting Adulterer and walking s****l harassment case. I hated his entitlement and the way he always leered and undressed me with his eyes. And today was no exception as his eyes traveled up from my blue Louboutin stilettos up to my nude stockings that were cinched to my black garters that matched my black pencil skirt and silk blue blouse. His gaze, however, seemed to shift to surprise once it latched onto the man who had just emerged from within my office and was levelling him with a gaze that spelt absolute danger. I could sense it on my fiancé. Heck, the entire office seemed fixated on the exchange as they stared at the three of us. I hate Brad and have occasionally hoped he fell into a ditch somewhere but I can't let my fantasies become a reality. He has the power to make them all come true... "Its alright. I'll review it on Monday. Thanks Brad." My reply was swift and clear, pulling my work mate's gaze to my own and away from Soren who seemed unmoved by my attempt to salvage the situation. "Please...let's just go." I don't know whether it was the desperation in my voice or my tight grip on his arm but he actually listened and turned towards the elevators. His hand settled on the small of my back as we walked out of the office, all eyes on us the entire way. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get used to the attention from now on... ** The restaurant was high end and probably not my first choice for an eatery. Although, when I looked at him, seated across from me in his crisp suit as he ordered after me, I could see it. He belonged right here, in this high end atmosphere. Being here reminded me that he was actually a billionaire. He was as dangerous as he was sophisticated. It was a lethal combination. "The wedding is next week Saturday. I suggest you tell your friend before then. I'm guessing you would want her to be in attendance?" I was not stunned by the conversation but by the fact that he would allow me to have Ashley beside me. Judging by the fact that I had learnt barely nothing from googling him, he was an extremely private person. He kept to the shadows and ruled like the dark, ruthless King he was. I probably would have found out more if I used other...illegal channels... "Yes. Thank you for letting her come." Contrary to my own reservations, I had been raised right and knew well enough that he was not one to grant favors so easily. I was paying the insane price of one of his favors and I knew that others paid even greater prices... "Diesel has a fascination for her. He advocated for her to be present. And it seemed appropriate enough since my own family will be in attendance. Will you need your mother to fly down from Aspen? I can arrange that." I was not surprised that he knew all about me and my family. Heck, I had tried to do the same kind of research on him, although it had turned up jack s**t. His resources were more extensive and he knew exactly where to look. I thought about my overprotective mother. A romantic at heart, my mother had been married thrice and was currently on her fourth marriage that seemed to also be steadily heading down the same path of demise like the other three. It was not that the men did not love my gorgeous, Hispanic mother. She was a dazzling beauty with a personality to match. Everyone who met her was entranced by her lively conversations and brimming charisma. She was a people person. Well, when she isn't popping pills and falling for every Tom, d**k and Harry that comes along... Contrary to her faults, my mother had tried her very best to raise me and take care of me as a single mother struggling with depression and drug abuse. Her overprotectiveness stemmed from something in her past. Something that made her as broken as she was and I struggled to understand her. To rationalize her behavior and forgive all those moments she hadn't been there for me the way I needed her to be. She'll make this difficult. I can't let her know or she'll stop me and I can't let that happen...Not if I want to save Noah... "No, thank you. I'll tell her after we're married." She would not be happy but I didn't have a choice. It was the only way. Soren said nothing, choosing instead to level me with a silent, assessing gaze before he returned to his meal as I did mine. He would be my husband, yes, but I would not explain myself to him. I am not going to show him the parts of me that he can use to destroy and break me. I cannot forget who he truly is. The First King of Sin himself. "As for your dress, you can shop for it next week. I'll have someone accompany you and pay for all the purchases. Everything else has already been prepared by the event planners. You will sleep in my penthouse on Friday and be brought to the venue on Saturday." He was so clinical as he listed down every single detail I had been curious about. I didn't know whether to be angry or glad that he had handled everything. It was what I wanted. A wedding that I was completely detached from because it didn't really mean anything to me. So why is there a burning in my chest? Why am I somewhat disappointed? "I want to sleep in my own house. It will be my last night there. Please." I needed a modicum of control over myself, even if just a little. I needed that before I became his property and had all my moves decided by him. He was silent, his head leaning slightly to the side. It was almost as if he was trying to comprehend my small rebellion and request. He may own me but I have an inkling of dignity left. You owe me so much, Noah Basset... "Alright. But no funny business, Miss Navarro. Try and skip out on our deal and your friend will remain lost forever." He didn't need to remind me to know that he was my last and only hope. With a small sigh, I nodded and turned to the TV screen that was mounted beside the bar once we settled into a kind of comfortable silence. It was meant to be a way to arrange my thoughts. To ask for an update on the efforts to find Noah. Instead, when the word 'murder' had passed through the pretty Newscaster's lips, everything inside me had grown alert as the word resounded within my mind. My throat tightened as I listened to the report, my full attention on the details despite my unsettled stomach. "...his mutilated body was found floating in the Manhattan river. He seems to have received a gruesome beating that disfigured his face too much for an ID. The police conducted a DNA test and revealed his identity to be Jonathan Lorenzo, an Accountant with a record for s****l harassment and assault. The police believe he may have been murdered by the criminal underground due to the execution style gun shot wound that seems to have been a post mortem injury..." My eyes slowly turned to my husband to be once the picture of the man was displayed on the screen. Although I had been drunk. Although I didn't know his name, I remembered the man who had tried to assault me in the bathroom. I could never forget his face. And now he's dead and it may have been my fault. My eyes did not need to meet his to know that he was looking at me. No, my eyes settled on the one sign of evidence that would confirm my worst fears. Fading bruises were matted all over his knuckles. It seemed to be commonplace in his line of work but I knew the origin of these particular ones. "I asked you to get him the right kind of punishment. Not murder him." I muttered, unable to look up into the dark eyes of my husband to be. I was too scared of what I'd see. "You beat him half to death and then shot him? Jesucristo, Soren..." I was sick. All the pasta I had consumed threatened to come back out at the very thought of his ruthlessness. I was mortified, deathly scared of what I had gotten myself into. I knew he was dangerous. It is exactly why I approached him. I guess I just never knew how f*****g dangerous he really was... "An easy f*****g death if you ask me. He got what he deserved, Emilia. End of discussion." And that was it. That was all I was going to get from my husband to be who ate his meal as if he hadn't just confessed to murdering a man. ***
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