Chapter Two

1797 Words
** “Exceptional hottie approaching from 9 o’ clock. He seems perfect, doesn’t he?” Ash urgently whisper-shouted over to us, her inability to give up on finding me a one night stand nor surprising me at all. She was stubborn as hell in all aspects of her life and then some. “He would have been had he not been eyeing you the ENTIRE night from the VIP lounge and the bar...I’ve been watching him and his cute friends for most of the night. So they decided to approach, huh?” Noah mused silently, turning to meet them with an indecipherable expression as they stopped in front of us. True enough, the guy leading the three guys stared at Ash, his eyes taking her in from head to toe and clearly liking what he saw as a grin stretched across his lips. How Noah manages to read people so well is beyond me...Must be a by-product of his job… I mused silently, my gaze fixating on the man standing beside him whose gaze slowly assessed my own body, seeming just as pleased by what he was seeing. I knew I should be flattered, especially considering how handsome the guy was but I just couldn’t find it in me. There’s also about this guy. Or maybe I’m being paranoid?... I’d been second guessing myself the entire night, an unfortunate outcome from never being single for most of my teen and young adult life… Get your s**t together, Emilia...Tonight is NOT the night to freeze up...Tonight, you’re ridding yourself of all your inhibitions… “Hey. We could not help but notice your stunning presence from across the room. If you’ll allow us, we would LOVE to get to know each and every single one of you over a dance and some drinks?” The third member of the group of three spoke up, his smile warm and inviting as he stared right at Noah who couldn’t help the slight flush that engulfed his features as he returned his intent gaze. Chemistry charged between them despite my best friend’s hesitation as he glanced back at Ash and I for our opinions. "Oh, don't mind if I do." Ash was quick to let the guy who had been eyeing her lead her deeper into the dancefloor, leaving Noah and I staring after her in amusement. It was not a startling reaction from our best friend. Her wild personality was a great contrast to her profession as a Therapist. Noah turned to me, silently asking the question I was quick to understand. I could see his longing to dance with the cute guy who patiently waited for us to finish our silent conversation. I loved how much he cared for me. I knew he was hesitating because of the fact that they had promised to stay beside me for the night. "Go. I'll be fine." I reassured him, allowing him to pull me into a quick hug before he disappeared into the dancefloor with his partner, leaving me with the guy who had been eyeing me. Choosing to put my inhibitions aside, I gave the guy a small smile that he returned before we began to move to the beat of the music. It, however, didn't take long until his hands began to wander, confirming all of my suspicions of him. Disgusted by his actions, I pulled away instantly from his tight hold, shaking my head in response to his actions. He probably thinks I'm too drunk to realize what he's doing... "Sorry but I am Not interested anymore." I declared firmly at his questioning gaze before heading off towards the ladies washroom. The urge to wash his touch off of me was strong. His actions threatened to submerge me in the sea of depressing emotions of my past, emotions I could not let get a hold of me in the setting I was in. A panic attack would be less desirable in a club, let alone when your friends are having so much fun... The thought of interrupting their enjoyment was not welcome, motivating me to reign in my emotions as I always did. "I just need to splash some water on my face and I'll be just fine." I muttered to myself as I entered the bathroom which was, surprisingly empty, despite the club setting. Making a beeline for the sink, I was quick to turn on the faucet and splash some water on my face. I was too engrossed in my actions to register the entrance of a new individual in the washroom, one who did not belong in the Lady's Washroom. "I swear the f*****g nerve of women these days. You come in here, dressed like a w***e and expect not to be treated like one?! You must be an exceptionally dumb b***h!" All the cute points he had earned were instantly gone as his handsome face distorted into an ugly sneer as he slowly approached me. Backing away from his approach, I sobered up somewhat as adrenaline pumped through my veins. The knocks on the door alerted me instantly to the fact that he had locked it. Shit. That means no one's coming...They probably think we're having s*x or something so they won't disturb us or try knocking the door down... The thought disgusted me to no end as I glared at the bastard before me who clearly held ulterior motives as he leered at my body. I could not imagine I had let him close to me, let alone touch me. "Whatever that disgusting mind of yours is thinking of now, you better stop before you get hurt." My voice was firm despite my fear. I knew well enough how to defend myself but my drunkenness had dulled my movements and reaction time considerably. This would probably be a 50-50 situation at best and he seemed to know this as he let out a loud, sinister laugh. "You're going to hurt me? I don't think so! Now, be an obedient little b***h and give me what I want!" He shouted, lurching towards me. Muscle memory was quick to take over as I side stepped his advance before landing a hard punch on his jaw that sent him sprawling to the ground just as the bathroom door burst open to reveal one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. His blue eyes assessed the scene with equal parts anger, awe and what seemed to be pride as his eyes met mine. Pain radiated through my hand from the impact, the feel of it sobering me up all the more. "You f*****g asshole! Now I'm losing my buzz because of you!" I groaned as I kicked at his unconscious body just as two imposing, bulky men entered the room and grabbed him but not before apologizing for the inconvenience. "Just make sure he gets the appropriate punishment." I responded in kind, earning nods from the two men who dragged the unconscious predator out. "Oh, believe me, he will be aptly punished for his actions. Are you okay? Here is some ice for your bruise." The handsome stranger asked, his hand brushing a lose curl of my hair behind my ear once he stood before me. There was a silent threat in his words, almost as if he would dish out the punishment himself. That's ridiculous, Emilia.... The feel of his touch sent shivers through me. I longed for more. My body seemed to welcome the lustful feelings that engulfed me as I admired his handsome form. Jeez, Emilia, just how drunk are you? He's a stranger! Alarmed by my body's reaction to the man I barely knew, I grabbed the ice from the waiter before stepping away from his towering body. "I'm fine. Thanks for the save." I responded quickly before making a beeline for the dancefloor where I spotted Ash who seemed to be engaged in a very heated make out session with a new and very handsome guy that I did not recognise. Well, she works fast... Her eyes met mine from across the dancefloor once she disentangled from her kiss. She quickly made her way towards me, her excitement palpable as she pulled the incredibly handsome stranger with her as they approached me. Jeez, what is with me tonight and thinking everyone is hot?! I must be super wasted! "Hey! I was looking all over for you. Are you okay?" Ash asked, prompting me to nod. I didn't want to rain on her parade with the events from the bathroom, especially considering her excitement. "Yeah. I'm good. Where's Noah?" She shrugged, showing me a text from our best friend who had been called away urgently for work. "He's a workaholic, I swear! So, Diesel and I are heading to another club. You want to come with?" Although I would have loved to take over Noah's duties to watch over my bestfriend, my body was exhausted from the events of the night and the alcohol that was slowly lulling me towards unconsciousness. "I'd love to but I'm super tired. I'm just gonna call a cab and head home. You have fun." I tried to give her the most reassuring smile I could muster despite my exhaustion. She seemed to see through me, though, her hesitation clear as day. "I'll drop her home so don't worry. She's in safe hands." A familiar voice spoke up from beside me as the handsome stranger from earlier made his appearance. Ash didn't seem the least bit surprised by his appearance which alerted me to the fact that they had met. Well, seems a lot has happened since I was away... "Thanks, brother. See you later." Diesel stated, granting me a wide smile and wink before he led Ash away but not before she gave me a warm hug and made me promise to text her when I got home. Soon, it was just the handsome stranger and who led me through the throng of bodies, keeping everyone away from me as we walked towards the exit. A sleek, matte black Audi lie in wait with a driver who opened the back door for the both of us. "Oooh, fancy." I muttered once we both settled inside, my words met with a silent chuckle from the stranger who seemed wildly amused by my words. The ride was silent after that, so much so that I let the lull of sleep take over despite my surroundings. I didn't know why but I felt safe in his embrace. I felt protected. I remembered nothing, including the ghost of a smile on his lips as he carried me into my apartment and tucked me into my bed that I woke up in hours later, mortified... ***
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