
Wrath's Genesis

contract marriage

He was the ruthless King of Sin, the man behind the myth whose very name made those in the criminal underworld and beyond shudder in absolute fear. Many called him a Daemon, a dark being who upheld his Empire from the shadows and he fed off of their terror. It fueled the darkness inside him. No one would dare defy him, lest they were faced with his sin, the very First of the Seven...He was a Destroyer but she made him her Protector...

I knew better than to go to him. Everyone warned me to stay away. To fear his very shadow. He was evil incarnate, they said. A daemon more than man. But his dominance bewitched me, his possessiveness burnt its way through to my very being. His was the Original Sin, one that terrified me to my core but also brought me comfort for I knew he would be the only one who could help me. It was too late for my soul for the King of Sin had me in his grasp. Woe unto those who dared covet what was his...

The First Book in the Kings of Sin series-Wrath's Genesis

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*** This was absolutely insane. My mind reeled with thoughts on my crazy actions. Every bit of my body was begging me to leave. To turn away from the painfully handsome stranger who seemed to corrupt my soul with simply his gaze. And yet I couldn't. Turning away was no longer an option for me. My drastic measures had brought me to the point I now was and my promise to never give up still rang clear in my mind. The cards had been dealt already and my bad hand had led me to the doorstep of one of the most infuriating yet handsome men I had ever had the privilege of meeting. Warning bells. Red flags, you name it. All of them had registered within me when I met Soren Alexander. Despite my best friend’s warning to stay away from a world that I did not belong to, I was now sitting right in the middle of the s**t storm and with the King of said world no less. But I’m doing all this for you, Noah...I don’t have a choice anymore… I knew he would chew my head off. God, I wish he was here to do just that. I would take his lectures on my inclination to making crazy decisions ANY DAY rather than have him completely gone. A man I had spent most of my childhood and adult years with had disappeared without a trace and I had not been handling it well. Clearly considering I am now seated in the office of one of the most mysterious yet dangerous men in the United States and beyond. The entire situation from the moment I realized his disappearance to this very moment felt surreal. I had been hanging on the literal edge, petrified of what could have possibly happened to one of the most important people in my life. The possibilities, gruesome and beyond, had kept me up all night, damaging my mental health and affecting my work-life balance. And what made it all the more worse? That no one believed me. No one, not even the third musketeer in our little friend group, would indulge my worry and frustration. Well, except this beautiful man who seems to be losing patience with me… “Miss Navarro, the only reason I agreed to grant you an audience is because you fascinated me. I am, however, beginning to regret my decision the more we sit here in silence so if you have something to say, I suggest you spill it before the interest I had in you dwindles into nothing.” Perfectly articulated words that matched his stunning features, he was a picture of power and sophistication in his black, designer three piece suit with matching oxfords to boot. He exudes dominance unlike anyone I had ever been around. His mere presence was off setting my usual calm and reminding me of my pathetic mortality. If it were possible, this man would be the incarnation of power… “I’m sorry, Mr. Alexander. I’m just a little...off. I’ve had a really long week and I guess being here with you has brought it all back full circle.” I didn’t know why I was so honest with him. Maybe because I’d wasted a full five minutes of his time contemplating my next words? He was right, though. Gaining an audience with him had not been easy but somehow, I had broken through the insane wall of security around him to grab his full attention. I can’t waste this opportunity. He’s my last option… “Take a deep breath, Emilia. Arrange your thoughts. Don’t get lost in the rabbit hole.” His choice of words were peculiar but they did not register with me the way the sound of my name on his lips did. It was not that he hadn’t used my first name before. It was the memories that came with it. An unforgettable night that had led me to this very moment… “I need your help. My best friend, Noah Basset, has been missing since last Friday. Now, I know this is a peculiar request and that you’ll tell me to go to the police but I’ve been there and they were not willing to help because Noah’s job insists that he’s on a work trip. I’ve tried calling the hotel they claim he’s at but they keep making excuses and haven’t connected me to him. I’m scared that something really bad has happened to him. He’s not the kind of person that just drops off the grid like that. No matter where he is or what he’s doing, he always keeps my other best friend Ash and I updated. But it's been radio silence since Friday. I have nowhere else to go. Please, Mr Alexander. You’re my last hope.” Desperation was clear in my voice as I pleaded for his help but I didn’t care. Not when Noah’s life was probably hanging in the balance. I had reached the point of no return. All my reservations were gone, replaced with the urgency and willingness to do anything to get my best friend home. Soren said nothing for a full minute, seeming to contemplate my words. Even whilst lost in his thoughts, he still resembled Adonis in every way. He was truly a male specimen crafted by the gods themselves. Heck, maybe he is one of them… “Now why would you think I would have the capacity to assist you with this kind of favor? All I am is a businessman, Miss Navarro.” He shrugged through his response, his poker face freaking remarkable as he held my gaze. Although I could not quite read his expressions, I could see everything I needed to in his killer blue gaze that spelt danger. According to Noah, many had made the mistake of underestimating him. They took his handsome features and dazzling blue eyes at face value but I could see the truth. I could see the monster that lurked in the shadows. “Yes, you are a businessman, but it's the kind of business you’re involved in that makes me certain that you can assist.” I met him head on, unafraid of the slight darkening in his eyes or the way he leaned forward, right into my personal space. “Careful, baby girl. You’re skirting around very dangerous territory and I doubt you can handle the consequences.” Although his tone was neutral, the threat was crystal clear as was the sinister smirk that spread across his lips. I willed my heart to slow down. Fear and Desire threatened to consume me as I remembered the nickname he so fondly used when we first met. I stuffed the memories to the deepest reaches of my subconscious as I willed myself to face him head on. He may be the King in this Universe but he will give me what I want… “I don’t care about the consequences. All I care about is finding my friend and I know well enough that the King of the Sins will be able to help. Tell me what I need to do to get your assistance. Whatever the price is, I will pay it. Just please, help me.” I was glad for the strength in my voice despite the wavering resolve within me as I watched Soren Alexander get to his feet and slowly make his way towards the floor to ceiling windows that showcased a grand view of the Upper East Side. I stared in awe as his six ft. three, lean muscled form turned and began to slowly approach me, his eyes never leaving my own. My heart beat continued to steadily rise with every step he took towards me. My body was acutely aware of him in every single way possible, most especially when he stopped right behind my chair. “You do not care about the consequences, huh? That is a very dangerous statement, Emilia. Especially when you plan to make a deal with the devil.” His hot breath leaves goosebumps on my neck as he whispers in a low, almost threatening tone. Shivers assail every single inch of my body at the feel of his lips so close to me as well as his words that I knew to be true. I was making the ultimate decision. One that would probably reshape my entire life. And with the silent warning in his words, I knew that our exchange would not be a simple one. The King of the Sins was rumored to be ruthless, A demon more than a man who was respected, revered and feared all around the criminal underground. Noah had not told me any more for fear of spiking my curiosity and scaring me but he’d had no idea that the deed had already been done. I was scared of him, yes, but also incredibly fascinated. I didn’t know whether it was the darkness inside me that seemed to resonate with him or whether I was simply too broken to care for my own self preservation but I wanted to know MORE about this dangerous man. I wished to understand the first King of Sin, one of the most mysterious figures in this day and age. My resolve gave me a burst of confidence that fueled my next actions. Getting to my feet, I turned to face him head on. The shimmering light of the setting sun made his blue eyes ethereal, a true wonder to gaze upon. He kept his emotions hidden well. His eyes equally revealed nothing, this time, as he stared down at me. Even in my work heels, he still towered over me and I could not help but wonder how I would compare to him when I removed them and stood at my full 5”2 height. “Well, the devil may not know me well but I never back down. Burn me. Destroy me. Take everything I have. I don’t care what the price is. I’m ready to pay it if it means protecting those I love. Nothing can break me more than I already am. So, are we going to make this deal or not?” Bravado flowed through my scorching veins, reminding me of exactly why I was doing this. I meant my words. Nothing would make me back down. Not even the slow, sinister smirk that spread across my only savior’s lips that spelt absolute danger. “And what if I don’t help you? What if I choose to turn you away? What will you do then? How far are you willing to go, baby girl?” He seemed genuinely intrigued, waiting with bated breath for my answer. There was a wild glint in his eyes, almost as if he was excited for my answer. Almost as if he was waiting for something extraordinary to happen. Ignoring the lurch in my stomach at the possibility of rejection, I keep my chin held high, never cutting off eye contact. “Then I’ll find someone else to sell my soul to. There must be many questionable men in this city who would be willing to help me at my stated price.” Silence reigned. Eyes darkened, he watches me with an indiscernible expression that completely unsettles me. Although I was not prepared for his weird reaction, I steeled my nerves and waited for his response. Soren takes a step forward and I find myself subconsciously retreating. I didn’t know whether it was the hollow look in his eyes or the volatile energy that surrounded him that pushed me to retreat but all my instincts pull me away from him. My butt makes contact with his office desk, caging me in as I stare up at his towering form. His chest is inches from mine and my bare skin comes alive with goosebumps. It was a sudden and foreign reaction that I could not comprehend. He places a hand near my thigh, slowly resting against the mahogany wood desk, and grabs my chin with his free one. My pulse roars in my ears at his touch that brought forth multiple memories of a moment just like this. When we first met. There was no running from him like I did then. I was trapped by his sheer presence and held prisoner by the dark depths of his blue eyes. I was drowning in his eyes, lost in a tsunami that threatened to submerge me. No one should be able to exude this much dominance and power and yet he oozed self control and calm assurance. He was a pillar of power and I was a little lamb, entrapped and waiting for slaughter. “This will be the one and only time I say this. Nobody in this f*****g city moves or f*****g breathes without me knowing it. No matter where you go or who you ask, I will be the ultimate decision maker. Whatever path you choose will lead you back to me, Emilia, for I am the ruthless King of Sin who rules from the shadows. This country is my throne. Everything you see is mine and so are you, from this day forward. I now own your soul, Emilia Navarro.” I wanted to ask what he meant. I had so many questions and yet his lethal presence had me tongue tied, unable to move or breathe properly. I was not one to be easily intimidated or doubt my decisions and yet his words had done just that. Taking my silence as understanding of his words, he let my chin go and retreated back to his office chair where he perched himself once more. I could finally breathe as I shakily returned to my seat, not willing to show him just how much his words had affected me. “So...does that mean you’ll help me look for Noah?” I hated the way my voice broke at first. I couldn’t help it. My best friend made me vulnerable. All I wanted was to know he was safe. Even if it meant that he did, indeed, now own my soul. “Yes but only if you agree to the p*****t I require from you.” He stated simply, almost as if contemplating his words and decision. Excitement bubbled up from within me. This was finally it! I had managed to get him to help me! Somehow, I had defied all the odds. “Anything! What do you need?!” I knew I should have thought through my words the minute I said them and Soren seemed to agree as he leaned forward with a wide, sinister smirk that sent chills of apprehension and fear through me. “My, aren’t you an obedient girl. Seems I won’t have to teach you after all. You will need discipline if you are to become Mrs. Alexander.” I gaped at his words, unable to register the meaning behind his statement. There was no way he could possibly mean what I think he means… “What...are you talking about?” I managed to string the sentence together, my reaction comical no doubt but I could not find it in me to mask my emotions. Not when he had given a method of p*****t I had not remotely thought of. “I don’t like to repeat myself but I guess since this is your first offense, I’ll let it pass. Your method of p*****t. The ‘anything I want’ is you, Emilia. We shall be getting married in two weeks' time.” In that moment, as I stared at the nonchalance on his face, I realized that all the warning signs had been there. My carelessness had brought me to this very moment. A declaration from the King of Sin that he now well and truly owned my soul. I just played myself, didn’t I?.... ***

Dreame-Editor's pick


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My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


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Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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