Chapter Twenty

1507 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V It has been three months and thirty-four weeks since I became pregnant and kept the baby. Jacob and I decided we would raise this child together, whether we were together. March had arrived, and my due date was approaching. I had gotten more prominent. Walking, sitting, or even getting up alone made it hard. I had Jacob by my side to help me. But when he wasn’t around, all I had was my family. Yet, I found myself alone without him. He was always by my side. He only left in case of an emergency with his pack. My grandpa told me I would be due in two weeks, but it didn’t feel like that. It felt like I was getting ready to pop. I sprang from the bed and experienced excruciating pain. It was much worse than the other painful times I had. I screamed, and since I was in the cottage alone, no one was around to help me. As the baby kicked the life out of me, it got worse. Why does she have to be stronger than I am? Anyway, the pain had become unbearable, and I reached a breaking point. I fell against the wall and slid down, landing on my bottom. I cried more in pain and screamed for Jacob and my parents, but they did not respond. Jacob’s P.O.V I saw Renesmee at the cottage after the patrol. Seth was behind me. I asked Seth, “Why are you following me?” “No idea. I need someone to hang out with now since I’m bored,” Seth responded. “Why can’t you spend time with your sister or the others?” “They are all with their mates now, and Leah and Embry are busy. But, of course, you don’t know that since you’ve been hanging around Renesmee for months.” I rolled my eyes and kept walking. When we returned to the cottage, I sensed that something was wrong. Worried, I turned to look at Seth. “Sorry, I have to...” I said before a scream interrupted me. The scream was from inside. I ran inside the cottage, with Seth following me from behind. I headed down the hall and into Renesmee’s bedroom. I couldn’t spot her as I glanced over at the bed, and confusion washed over me. Her voice then echoed once more. “Jacob,” Renesmee cried. I looked in her direction and saw her huddled against the wall. She had pulled her legs up over her stomach. I approached her and saw sweat streaming down her face and body. I knelt before her and asked, “Nessie, what’s wrong?” “I’m in so much pain. The baby wants out, I presume. She keeps kicking me.” I looked down at her stomach, and her hands were on it. Unfortunately, I didn’t see her water break, either. Looking up at her, she was taking deep breaths. “Your water hasn’t broken yet,” I reassured her. “I know, but the baby’s growing so fast. She’s eager to come out,” I remarked. I nodded. “Feel this. The baby won’t stop kicking.” Renesmee said. Renesmee lifted her shirt, and my eyes widened when I saw her stomach. Her stomach appeared quite bruised. I placed my hand on her stomach and felt her tense up under my touch. I smiled at the effect I had on her. With my hand on her belly, I felt plenty of powerful kicks that wouldn’t stop. The baby seemed uncontrollable. I glanced at Renesmee with concern before shifting my attention to Seth. “Seth, go get Carlisle right away,” I ordered in my Alpha voice. Seth nodded before exiting the bedroom. I glanced back at Renesmee and caressed her face with my fingertips. I felt her face nuzzle into my hand, a gentle gesture that spoke volumes. “Hey Renesmee, don’t worry. Carlisle’s coming soon. Let’s get you to bed.” I reassured her. Renesmee nodded, and I took her hand. She tried to stand up but screamed in pain again, falling to the floor. “Nessie,” I said in a concerned tone. “I can’t get up.” “Let me pick you up.” Renesmee nodded, and I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bed. I laid her down on her back, taking care to move her hair away from her face. Then I kissed her forehead, still glistening with sweat. Carlisle walked in with Seth, Bella, and Edward. Mom appeared worried. She asked, “Are you alright, sweetie?” Renesmee nodded. “What’s happening?” Carlisle asked. “I’m in pain, and it won’t go away because the baby won’t stop kicking. She wants out.” Renesmee responded. “Okay, well, I must get you to my office. Jacob, will you carry her for me, please?” I nodded and walked over to Renesmee, and as I lifted her in my arms again, I felt her small hand wrap around my neck. We left her bedroom and the house, feeling the sun’s warmth on our faces as we made our way to the main house. As we reached the main house, we ascended the stairs. Then, we proceeded down the hallway to Carlisle’s office. I put Renesmee on the bed as we got to the office. Renesmee asked, “What’s your plan?” “I’ll check the baby on the machine,” Carlisle said, “to see what’s happening.” I shifted to the opposite side of the bed. I took Renesmee’s hand and rubbed my thumbs on her palm. “Nessie, everything will be okay,” I assured her. Renesmee nodded with a little smile. Carlisle lifted Renesmee’s shirt. His eyebrows furrowed in concern as he saw her exposed stomach. Worried, I turned to Carlisle. “What’s wrong?” I inquired. Carlisle looked at her stomach and felt concerned. He asked, “What happened?” “We’ve told you the baby is bruising her stomach by kicking her too much. She’s too strong.” I responded. “Okay, I better see what the baby wants.” Carlisle rubbed the ultrasound gel on Renesmee’s stomach. Then, he used the transducer on her stomach. The machine displayed a picture of the baby. Renesmee’s P.O.V I couldn’t help but tear up seeing my beautiful baby girl inside me again. She has gotten so big. “I can see the baby is fine,” Grandpa observed. “But she’s kicking me. Look,” I pointed out, wincing. Grandpa looked at the screen, and he saw the baby moving. I then felt a pain in my side, and I groaned. Jacob squeezed my hand in concern and looked up at Grandpa. “Carlisle, you have to do something!” Jacob yelled. “I must remove the baby from your stomach. This will stop more problems,” explained Grandpa. I groaned in pain as I spoke. “No, it hasn’t been two weeks.” “Renesmee, it’s time. The baby has reached the size for delivery. Any second, your water could break by how much she’s kicking. We must remove her. There is no alternative.” Grandpa said. I nodded and asked, “Will the baby be okay?” “Yes, the baby is healthy,” Grandpa responded. I nodded again. My mom and dad walked in, their faces filled with worry. “What’s happening?” Mom asked. “We are taking the baby out before she breaks her ribs,” Grandpa responded. “Hurry!” Dad yelled. I felt a more decisive kick and screamed. I don’t know how much I can hold myself with my vampire strength. “Hurry, get the baby out, please!” I screamed. Grandpa grabbed the scalpel and walked over to me. Grandpa aimed the scalpel on the top of my bruised stomach. He went for it and sliced it across my stomach, causing me to scream. Jacob’s P.O.V As Carlisle finished with the scalpel, I heard the baby crying. He opened her stomach and grabbed the baby. He picked the baby up and smiled. “It’s a girl,” Carlisle said. Edward helped by cutting the umbilical cord, and Carlisle gave the baby to Bella. She left to clean the baby. Carlisle then stitched Renesmee back up. Ten minutes later, Renesmee is all stitched up and resting with the baby in her arms. Rosalie entered to see the baby and walked over to us. She pulled her arms out, and Renesmee put the baby in her arms. Rosalie then left with the baby. Renesmee then fell asleep, and I stood and sat in the chair next to her, watching her sleep. While doing that, I heard her speak, “Sleep with me,” Without hesitation, I rose, climbed into bed, and settled beside her. Renesmee nestled against me, her head resting on my chest, as I pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her. She fell back asleep, and so did I.
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