Chapter Eleven

2709 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V As I got in the car, I could hear the engine’s purr and felt the smooth leather seats beneath me. Mason looked at me, his eyes crinkling with a warm smile. Then Mason’s hand traced a path up my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. I’ve never felt this way with anyone except Jacob. “Are you ready?” Mason asked. I took a breath and nodded. “Yes,” I responded. Mason pulled his hand away from my thigh and grabbed the steering wheel. He said, “Okay, let’s go.” Mason pulled out of the driveway and headed out of the woods. Ten minutes into the drive, silence and awkwardness filled the air. I needed a subject to talk about. Mason looked at me with concern and asked, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, thinking.” I lied. “About what?” “Hum.. I don’t know... I guess this date and stuff.” Mason parked in front of a house and gave me a curious look. He asked me, “What about that?” “Well, since I have never been on a date with anyone, I am nervous.” “You haven’t. I thought something was happening between you and that guy in the house. He’s very protective of you.” “No, I’m not even allowed to date him.” “Oh yeah, I forgot he’s too old for you.” Silence greeted us as he opened the door. He said, “We should leave now.” “Alright,” I said. As I reached for the door handle, Mason opened it. “Thanks,” I said, stepping out of the car. “You’re welcome, my lady,” Mason said. I laughed. The sound echoed in the room. Mason closed the door. I felt his warm hand holding mine. We walked to the house. I saw a group of young adults going inside. The house was full of energy. I stopped. I looked at Mason with curiosity. He looked worried and concerned. He asked, “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to come?” “Yeah, but now I’m rethinking this. I don’t think this is a good idea,” I responded. “Renesmee, it will be okay. I’ll be by your side the whole time. Don’t worry.” With successful hesitation, I nodded, unsure about this idea, and we went inside. Upon entering, the atmosphere did not resemble a Christmas party. It diverged. It looked like a typical movie party with drinks and other stuff. Horrifying things were happening, such as guys groping girls as they danced, which made me want to gag. I stared at Mason, my eyebrows furrowed with anger. “You said this was a Christmas party. Where are the Christmas trees and gifts?” I demanded. “Hum, I kind of lied to get your parents to let you go out with me,” Mason responded. My eyes widened in surprise as I exclaimed, “What?” “Did you think I would take you to a Christmas party?” “Well, yeah.” “I’m sorry; I wanted us to have some real fun. Now come on.” Mason’s grip tightened around my hand as he tugged me towards the dance floor, but I remained rooted. I would not dance with him because he lied to me. Mason noticed my reluctance to go with him. He encouraged, “Come on, it’ll be fun, and we have little time. I have to take you home in two hours.” I shook my head. Mason grinned and urged, “Come on, live a little.” I thought about it for a second. My parents have kept me confined to my house for a while. I do need to loosen up. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I gave in and nodded. Mason pulled me to the dance floor, and I followed him. The music softened as we danced, setting an intimate mood. Mason gazed into my eyes; I embraced him. His hands rested on my waist; I grinned. “This isn’t bad. Thanks for inviting me,” I told Mason. Mason smiled, showing his dimples. He said, “You’re welcome.” We danced. I lay my head on his neck, and Mason wrapped his arms around me. A sense of safety washed over me with him. “Renesmee,” Mason said. I looked at Mason and said, “Yes.” “I like you.” “You do?” “Yeah, since I first met, I have felt close to you, and I’m feeling something more.” “Really?” “Yeah, what about you?” “A little... but...” When Mason leaned in to kiss me, my body stiffened, unsure of how to proceed. I wanted to kiss him but didn’t know if I should. I leaned in to kiss him, but someone called out Mason’s name. We turned and saw two boys standing in front of us. “Hey, bro.” A boy said. “Hey,” Mason said, shaking his hand. “Hey, man.” Another boy said, patting Mason’s back. “Hey,” Mason said. “So, how are you, Mason? We haven’t talked to you for a while.” The first boy said. “I’m doing good,” Mason responded. “You look good.” “Yeah, thanks.” “What’s up with you? It’s been ages since we saw you,” the second boy exclaimed. I looked at Mason, curious about what he would say since he became a vampire two years ago. “I went out of town and never returned until now,” Mason responded. Two boys looked at me. “Who’s this girl?” the first boy inquired. “This is my girlfriend, Renesmee,” Mason said, winking at me. Girlfriend... I’m not his girlfriend. When did I ever agree to be his girlfriend? “Girlfriend, when did you get a girlfriend?” The first boy asked. Mason put his arm around me. He said, “Now. We’re on our first date.” The boys looked at me and smirked. “It’s great meeting you, Renesmee,” the boy greeted me. “Nice to meet you, too,” I said. They walked away. I crossed my arms and glared at Mason. I asked, “When did I become your girlfriend?” “Never. I had to tell my friends something.” “You could say we were friends. Also, they don’t know you’re a vampire, right?” “Yeah, but it’d be better if I didn’t tell them.” I nodded, my brows furrowed, and my lips pressed into a thin line, still upset about the conversation. Mason asked, “Want something to drink?” “Sure, but no alcohol,” I responded. “Okay.” Mason left me on the dance floor and went to get drinks. I discovered a comfortable chair and observed people walking and talking. Soon, two young women approached and joined me. One of them, with dark brown eyes and hair, asked, “Hey, are you alone? Who did you come with?” “I’m with my date. Mason went to get us drinks,” I responded. The girl nodded and asked, “Oh, well, can we sit while you wait?” “Alright,” I responded. “We should introduce ourselves. I’m Jessica Stanley,” said Jessica. “And this is Angela Weber.” I looked at Angela, and she was pretty. She had brownish-black hair and brown eyes. “So, what’s your name?” Jessica inquired. “My name is Renesmee Cullen,” I responded. “Nice to meet you, Renesmee.” “Wait, you said your last name was Cullen?” Angela asked. I observed her, questioning the purpose behind her words. I said. “Yeah,” Angela mentioned, “I know the Cullens.” “You do?” I asked. “Yeah, they went to our high school. Their kids did.” “What were their kids’ names?” “Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Edward, and our best friend, Bella,” Angela responded. “Yeah, she’s married now. Haven’t seen her in years,” Jessica explained. “You know my mom?” I asked. “Yeah, we went to her wedding when she married at eighteen.” “Oh.” “So you’re Bella’s daughter.” “Yes.” Jessica nodded and said, “That explains it.” “Explains what?” I asked. “Your eyes and your hair.” “What about my eyes and my hair?” “You look a lot like Bella.” “Yeah, I get that a lot.” “Wow, I don’t get why she never told us she had a child.” “Me too; we’re her friends. Why wouldn’t she share?” Angela inquired. “Yeah... do you know why?” Jessica inquired. “Yeah, she wanted no one to know except her father,” I responded. “Oh well, I want to see Bella.” “Me too. When can we visit Bella?” Angela inquired. “I don’t know, but that’s not a radical idea,” I responded. “Why not?” Jessica asked. “I don’t know,” I responded. “Hum..” My mind went blank, leaving me unsure of how to respond. My mom had undergone a negative change, posing a safety risk for them to reconnect with her. “Let’s go please, it’s been years since we saw her,” Angela urged. “Fine, but call her first,” I insisted. “Alright.” They both said. Mason walked over with our drinks. “I apologize for taking so long,” he said, his voice laced with guilt. “It’s fine. I chatted with a couple of friends,” I explained. Angela and Jessica got up and waved goodbye. Mason then handed me my drink. “So here’s some punch. No alcohol for me; I had to drive,” he explained. “Thanks, I appreciate you doing that,” I said. “You’re welcome.” With our drinks finished, we hit the dance floor once again. I could feel my energy levels skyrocketing as we danced. Mason held my hand and spun me around. He caught me, and I laughed. The music eased into a slower tempo, and I felt tired. Mason looked worried and asked, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m getting tired and ready to go,” I responded. “Alright, it’s almost nine. Shall we grab a bite before going back to your house?” We exited and made our way to the car. “I’m not craving food; I’m searching for something to please my thirst,” I responded. “What do you mean?” Mason asked. “You had drinks.” I glared at Mason in the car and clarified, “That’s not what I meant.” “What do you mean? Oh... you’re thirsty?” Mason asked. I nodded my head. Mason smirked and said, “There’s lots to enjoy here.” Mason saw my angry look, and his eyes got bigger. He raised his hands in surrender and said, “I’m kidding.” I uttered, “Ah huh, I hope so.” “How about grabbing some ice cream?” Mason suggested. “Alright.” Mason started the car, and the engine purred. He left the busy street, and we went to the ice cream restaurant. We stepped out of the car and made our way inside, and the sight of a couple standing in front of us in line greeted us. Standing behind them, I caught a whiff of their enticing, pleasing scent. My breathing quickened, and Mason’s eyes filled with concern as he embraced me. “Hold it together, Renesmee. Don’t forget, you’re part human,” Mason reminded me. I nodded and took a deep breath. I tried hard not to attack and kill that innocent couple. Mason looked at me with curiosity. “Have you ever been around humans before?” he asked. “Yeah, I’ve been around Jacob and a few others, but I’ve never been where I couldn’t control myself around humans.” Mason nodded. We approached the cash register and placed our order when our turn came. Having never tried ice cream before, I was still determining how to proceed. “What would you like today?” the cashier inquired. I glanced at Mason, my expression revealing my complete lack of understanding. “Go ahead, pick your ice cream from the window,” Mason suggested. I nodded and walked to the glass window. I saw many colorful ice creams, each more tempting than the last. Deciding which one to buy was difficult because they all looked enticing. When I decided, I said, “I will get the green ice cream.” With a swift stride, the cashier approached me, his hand reaching for an ice cream scooper. She asked. “You mean the mint chocolate chip?” “Oh, hum, yes, please,” I responded. The cashier scooped it up, put it in a bowl, and handed it to me with a spoon. I said thank you as she gave it to me. The cashier smiled and said, “You’re welcome.” Mason ordered the same thing, and he paid for our ice cream. After leaving, we found a bench and sat down. “This is nice, Mason. I’ve never had so much fun!” I declared. “You haven’t had fun. What about with Jacob?” Mason asked. “I do, but not like this... this is different.” “Let’s do this more often, then.” “Yeah... yeah, we should.” After we finished our ice cream, Mason escorted me home, and we ventured into the forest. “Hurry, Mason. I have a curfew,” I reminded him. “I’m doing my best, Renesmee,” Mason assured me. Mason drove to the main house, hearing the gravel crunch under his tires. “Hum, Mason, you don’t have to drop me off here,” I said. “Why? This is where you live, right?” Mason asked. “This is the main house where I often hang out, but I live in a cottage with my parents.” “Oh, should I take you there?” “No, it’s okay. We’re already here anyway, so some other time.” “Okay.” Mason emerged from the car, opening my door on the opposite side. I exited the vehicle, and he closed the door behind me. He grabbed my hand, and we walked up to the door. I smiled and said to him, “I had a successful time.” “Me too. We should do this again,” Mason suggested. “You mean another date?” “Yeah.” “Alright.” Mason smiled and pulled me closer. His muscular arms wrapped around my waist, comforting me. I then wrapped my arms around his neck. He gazed at me and kissed my lips, and I reciprocated. When we kissed, I didn’t have that same electrifying sensation I felt when I kissed Jacob. Instead of butterflies, the kiss gave me a sick feeling, yet it remained good. After a minute, we pulled away, our chests heaving as we gasped for air. I kissed Mason on the cheek. Then, I waved goodbye. I said, “Bye.” “Bye, Renesmee,” Mason said. I closed the door and watched him enter his car and drive away. A voice surprised me. I turned and saw my dad. “You scared me,” I said. “Sorry. Did you have fun?” Dad inquired. “Yeah, hum, dad, I’m tired. I will head home.” “Okay. Mom’s home, so she’ll let you in.” “Okay.” I got home, and Mom greeted me. “Hey, how was your date?” “It’s good, but can we discuss it tomorrow? I’m beat,” I mentioned. “Sure, go to bed.” I headed to my bedroom and closed the door behind me, creating a sense of privacy and solitude. I prepared to sleep and went to bed.
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