Chapter Eighteen

2218 Words
Jacob’s P.O.V It has been a week, and it’s New Year’s Eve. Renesmee wanted me to keep my distance. Patrolling was slow, so I spent a few days with Embry and Quil at the beach. Embry and I perched on a tree branch as Quil splashed in the water. Embry gazed at me, worried. “Hey, what’s up? You’ve been down since Renesmee’s call,” he remarked. “I’m worried about her,” I responded. “Why don’t you go see her?” “I can’t see her. She won’t let me.” “Oh. Hum, how about we get in the water? It will make you forget Renesmee.” I nodded and said, “Alright.” We got into the water and swam. Mason’s P.O.V A couple of days later... Since I left Renesmee, I have been thinking about her. Since she is pregnant, I felt worse about leaving her like this. She wouldn’t accept an apology for what I did. I bet she hates me right now. I walked through the mansion and into the kitchen to hear my mom cooking. “Mom,” I said. “Yes,” Mom said. “I have to do something by myself.” “And is it?” “I have to see Renesmee and apologize.” Mom stopped and looked at me. She said, “Son, you’re not going back to Forks, and besides, I bet those Cullens saved her and took her home.” “Wait, the Cullens came to Italy?” “Yeah, I heard.” “Oh, so they’re back?” “Yeah.” “Then, I’m going back to Forks.” “No, you can’t. Plus, Renesmee won’t forgive us for what we did.” “I know. I still have to apologize.” “Then I’m going with you.” “No, mom, I messed this up. I should fix it by myself.” “Okay, fine.” “Thanks, mom.” “Welcome.” I walked out of the room and walked to my bedroom to pack clothes for when I leave tomorrow. Renesmee’s P.O.V A couple of more days later... It had been almost two weeks. My stomach looked more prominent. I have been pregnant for eight weeks. My body was making changes, and I was getting side effects daily. I have stretch marks all over me. My skin was darker in certain areas, especially my face, like the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip. My mom came in, and her face showed surprise. She asked, “Sweetie, do you notice how bad you look?” “Thanks, mom. It really lifts my spirits,” I quipped. “I didn’t expect you to have my appearance during pregnancy, but it’s not as if you would resemble me.” “I know, and I don’t know what’s happening to me. Is this supposed to happen?” “Yeah, but since you’re carrying a half-vampire baby, it grows faster than you think. You are likely at week thirteen by the end of the week.” “What? I cannot be that far. I still have not decided whether I want this baby.” “Well, sweetie, you need to decide soon because Carlisle won’t be able to take it out after you’re at a certain stage.” “Okay, I’ll think about it.” “Good, well, get some rest. Carlisle told me he needs to see you tomorrow about the baby.” “Okay.” Mom left the room, and I lay in bed and watched T.V. Jacob’s P.O.V A day later... I ran into the woods doing patrol when I smelled a scent I recognized before. The rest of my pack stopped behind me. “Do you smell that?” I asked. “Yeah, I recognize it from before, too,” Embry responded. The twig snapping caught my attention, and I turned to see someone emerging from behind a tree. I was in shock. Mason was here. What was he doing back here? The pack growled, and I turned to Embry and Quil. “I got it from here,” I said. They nodded and ran off. I glanced back at Mason and growled. “Hey, Jacob, is that you?” Mason inquired. I nodded my head. “Cool, hum, can we talk? It’s important?” Mason asked. I nodded, turned, and phased back behind the bush. After a minute, I emerged from behind the bush. I was wearing only jean shorts. Mason looked at me, and shock filled his face. He asked, “How?” “I hide them throughout the forest,” I responded. Mason nodded. “Why did you come back? Do you think Renesmee would welcome you?” I inquired. “No, I don’t blame her, so I returned to apologize to Renesmee,” Mason responded. “You want to apologize to her? Good luck with that. She wouldn’t take you back.” “I know it’s best to apologize, though, and if she doesn’t want to see me again, I’ll never return.” “Okay, well, she’s at home sick. She won’t tell me what’s happened to her.” “Wait, Renesmee didn’t tell you why?” “Tell me what?” “Oh, never mind, I better go.” Mason left, and I stood there, confused. Renesmee’s P.O.V Today, we were heading to the main house to see what the baby’s gender was, and I felt anxious but scared. My mom and dad helped me walk to where grandpa did the ultrasound. I was in constant pain all day, unable to stand or sit. I felt as big as a marshmallow. We went inside. Dad picked me up and took me upstairs to the nursing room. Dad put me down. Grandpa came in and smiled at me. He said, “Hey Renesmee, how are you feeling?” “I am well, except for the pain.” “Well, that’s normal, and it happens a lot since the baby grows faster than a normal baby.” “Are we seeing what the gender is?” “Yes.” I lifted my shirt, and grandpa put an ultrasound gel on my stomach. He then rubbed a transducer over my belly. I asked, “What does this do?” “Well, the sound of the waves is bouncing back,” Grandpa responded. “We use the sound waves to create images on a T.V. screen or computer monitor.” I looked up and saw something moving. I asked, “Is that my baby?” “Yes, and it looks like your baby is very healthy,” Grandpa responded. “What are the white and gray areas in the images shown?” “Those show the bone and tissue while dark areas show liquid, such as the amniotic fluid around the baby.” Upon feeling a kick, I glanced up to observe the internal movement. “Check it out! Your baby’s on the move,” Grandpa exclaimed. “That’s amazing,” I said. As I watched the child, a tear of happiness trickled down my face, realizing my growing love for the baby. I rubbed my stomach with my hand. “So far, you’re doing well. A lot is happening now that you are thirteen weeks old. Your baby is growing muscle tissue, and the bones are forming now. Also, the skin is forming; the baby is making baby-sucking motions from what I see on the screen.” I nodded. “So, do I see if it is a boy or girl?” I asked. Grandpa asked, “Do you want your parents to see?” “Sure.” I responded. Grandpa walked out to get them, and I stared at my stomach with a smile. A minute later, my parents walked in and stared at me. They glanced at the screen and smiled. “A baby is in there,” Mom proclaimed. “What else would be in there?” I joked, raising an eyebrow. “Anyway, today, we get to see what it is. What are you hoping it is, Renesmee?” Dad asked, changing the subject. “I don’t care what the gender is. I want my baby healthy.” Dad nodded, smiled, and kissed my forehead. We all fell silent as grandpa glanced at the screen. “From what I’ve observed, I’m not sure if it’s a girl or a boy at the moment, but I am convinced it’s a girl,” stated Grandpa. I gazed at grandpa, thrilled. “A girl? I’ve always wished for a daughter,” I exclaimed. “Congratulations, Renesmee. I will leave you guys alone.” Grandpa exited the room, and I heard a noise outside. Mom and dad’s expressions changed. They had serious looks on their face. “What’s he doing here?” Mom asked, sounding ominous. “Is that Mason?” I asked. “Yes, Edward, will you go out there?” Dad nodded and said, “Sure.” Dad headed out of the room and headed downstairs. Mason’s P.O.V Renesmee’s father walked outside and approached me as I approached the house. “What are you doing here? You’re not allowed to see my daughter ever again.” Edward said in a murderous tone. “I know, but please, can I speak to her? I’ll apologize first, and if Renesmee doesn’t want me around, I won’t return.” I responded. “You promise?” “Promise.” “Alright, fine.” I walked past him and then headed upstairs. I didn’t see Renesmee anywhere, but then Carlisle walked toward me and said, “You again! Hum Renesmee’s in the nursing room.” “Thanks,” I walked into Renesmee’s room and saw her with her mom. Her mom saw me, got up, and walked past me with a furious look. I glanced back at Renesmee, her face expressionless. “What are you doing here?” she asked, rubbing her belly. “I came to apologize for what I have done to you,” I responded. Renesmee said nothing, so I continued. “I’m an asshole for what I’ve done, and ever since I left you, I have kept thinking about you. I care about you, Renesmee.” Renesmee’s eyes got bigger. Her voice cracked with surprise. She asked, “You care about me?” “Yes,” I responded. “And you felt bad?” “Yes, I always have and always will.” “Well, I’m glad to hear that, but I can’t forgive you for what you did. You manipulated me into going to Italy with you and then abandoned me. You never loved me, and I can’t be with someone who never loved me in return. And you know what?” “What?” “I never want to see you again.” “Renesmee, I’m sorry. I love you and aspire to be the baby’s father, even if it’s a girl or boy. I’m curious: is the baby a boy or a girl?” “No, I can’t let you be the father of my baby, and I’d rather have someone in my life who cares about me instead of using me.” “You’re excluding me from the baby and your life?” “Yes.” “I won’t be around for you or the baby if you want that. Yet, if I do something foolish, you’ll reconsider involving me.” I then walked away out the door and bumped Edward’s shoulder as he walked in. Renesmee’s P.O.V I was in disbelief. I regret meeting Mason, going out with him, and having s*x with him. I sighed as dad walked over to the bed and looked concerned. “Are you okay?” he asked. “No,” “Do you need me to do anything?” “I don’t need any action from you, but I have a particular wish.” “And is it?” “I made my decision. I want an abortion.” “Wait, what?” “I want nothing to do with Mason, since this baby is his. I want to get rid of it.” “Okay, I’ll go, get Carlisle.” Dad left, and I buried my head in my stomach. Jacob’s P.O.V Before I headed home, I heard the same noise I had heard before. I turned around and saw Mason. “How is she?” I inquired. “She’s fine, but I have to tell you something,” Mason responded. “What is it?” “You might react and lose control and rip my head off.” “No, I won’t.” “You would when you hear this, and you might be mad at Renesmee, too.” “You never know until you tell me.” “Well, hum, okay, Renesmee is pregnant.” Silence enveloped the room, and I widened my eyes as I absorbed the scene. Renesmee was pregnant. This can’t be happening. “She’s what?” I asked, shocked. “She’s pregnant. We had s*x, and I got her pregnant.” I responded. I couldn’t believe she was pregnant, and why didn’t she tell me? My body started getting hot, and I phased into my wolf. I sprinted through the woods, crossing the Canadian border to blow off steam.
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