Chapter Eight

2833 Words
Jacob’s P.O.V God, I was so close to kissing her. If only her parents wouldn’t have those stupid rules. As I ran through the woods, I heard my pack howling from afar. I ran toward them and stood in front of them as an alpha would do. “What’s happening? You interrupted my time with someone important,” I remarked. “And let me guess, Renesmee,” Quil said. “Yes. What frustrates me is that I was about to kiss Nessie, but her parents’ deal and rules ruined the moment.” “What are their rules?” “Renesmee can’t date me until she’s old enough, yet she can date other people.” “Wow, that seems stupid.” I rolled my eyes. “Tell me about it. Anyway, what’s so important?” I asked, “Is it the leeches?” “Yes, we saw the leeches, and they almost crossed our land, so we pushed them into the water,” Embry responded. “What was their reason for crossing our land?” Quil responded, “They didn’t know about the treaty, so they didn’t mean to cross our land.” I nodded and inquired about the whereabouts of the bloodsuckers. “They were on Cullen’s property, but now I don’t know their whereabouts. We scared them away.” Quil responded. “Well, we have got to find them, because if we don’t, I won’t be able to protect Renesmee.” “Jacob, do you think they will hurt Renesmee? They want to meet her and nothing else.” “Yes, I don’t trust those leeches, and I won’t until I find out what they want.” “We can look for them later. I doubt they’ll show up tonight,” Embry suggested. “Okay, time to go,” I announced. We transformed into wolves with a burst of energy. Then, we started our journey across the border. We ran through the thick woods. Our paws touched the ground. We smelled something familiar. I growled. “They’re here.” We transformed into human form, grabbed our pants, went behind a bush, and slipped those on. “We need to hide and eavesdrop on their conversation,” I whispered. We gathered behind a bush and listened. “We should head back to Italy, Mom. We won’t find Cullen’s house,” the boy suggested. “Don’t worry, son. We’ll find them,” the mother reassured. “No, we won’t, and I won’t get to meet her and ask her out.” My wolf wanted to take control and rip their heads off. I said, “I won’t let them get close to her. I won’t allow it.” “Then, get with Renesmee before he does,” Embry whispered. “I would love to, but we can’t be together.” “Oh, right, that sucks! Good luck with keeping him away from Renesmee, then.” I rolled my eyes and said, “Thanks, you’re so helpful.” Embry patted my back, saying, “You’re welcome, bro.” I shook my head, then glanced back at the family. “Should we stay or move?” Embry inquired. I stayed quiet, then nodded and went towards the family. I yelled, “Hey!” They both turned toward us. “What’s that awful smell?” the mother asked, wrinkling her nose. Embry and Quil walked out from behind and stood next to me. “We’re werewolves,” I responded with a smirk. “That explains the werewolves that pushed us into the water,” the young boy said. The mother walked toward us. She asked, “Why did you guys push us into the water?” “You were in our territory,” I responded. The boy walked to his mother’s side and asked, “Whose territory?” “The Cullens and ours. I have a treaty where half of the land across the river is ours, and you guys crossed it.” I responded. The mother and boy shared a gaze. They then looked at us. “You guys know the Cullens?” The young boy asked. “Yeah, and I know the girl you’ve been looking for,” I responded. The mother walked closer to us. She asked, “You do? Where do the Cullens live?” “Why would I tell you guys if I didn’t know who you were?” I asked. “Fine, he’s Mason, and I’m Scarlett Creighton,” Scarlett responded. “Well, nice to meet you, Mason and Scarlett. Unfortunately, they don’t have an address, but here’s the number of my friend who lives there. You can call them, and they can give you directions if they choose to.” “Alright.” I handed the paper to Scarlett, and we ran back into the forest. “I have to go back to Renesmee. I’ll catch up with you all later,” I mentioned. “Okay.” The two said. I transformed into my wolf and ran as fast as possible to get to Cullen’s house. Renesmee’s P.O.V Mom and dad returned, prompting us to assemble the Christmas tree as December arrived. We got ornaments when dad and Uncle Emmett were looking for a tree. When they returned with the Christmas tree, I noticed its height. It reaches the same height as a house. I raised an eyebrow. “Guys, don’t you think the Christmas tree is too big for the house?” I asked. “No.” Uncle Emmett responded. “How will you get the tree topper on the top without falling?” “I’ll figure out a way.” “Ah, huh, I want to see you try.” Emmett rolled his eyes, and I laughed. “What’s going on here, guys?” Mom questioned as she entered the room. “I was telling Uncle Emmett that the tree is too tall. I wondered how he would get the tree topper up there without falling,” I responded. “Oh.” Mom also looked at the Christmas tree and found its height surprising. Mom smirked. “This tree is so tall! Emmett, how will you reach the tree topper?” Uncle Emmett rolled his eyes. He grabbed the tree topper and walked to the Christmas tree. “If you doubt me, watch,” he declared. “Alright.” Mom and I said, crossing our arms. What I liked about my mom was that we had similar personalities. As we sat and watched, I saw Uncle Emmett leap off the floor and reach the top of the tree. I widened my eyes and said, “Wow, that was cool.” My mom nodded. Uncle Emmett missed the tree’s top as we watched and returned to his feet. Mom grabbed a ladder. “Nice try, Emmett, but you’ll need this,” she chuckled. I laughed when Uncle Emmett turned around. He noticed me laughing at him and glared. He asked, “Are you laughing at me?” I giggled again and said, “No.” “Yep, I think you were,” Uncle Emmett noted. “Whatever,” I went to the piano room to determine which song to add. I tried many ideas but needed help to get them functioning. I was so livid that I hit the keys, and the piano shivered. My hands pained me, so I recognized I was still half-human. I went to the kitchen for ice to ease the pain. Jacob’s P.O.V I returned to the Cullen’s, phased back, and changed my clothes. I then walked towards Cullen’s house. I knocked on the door, and Edward answered. He looked calm and said, “Hey, Jacob.” “Hi,” I said. “How are you? Did you catch any clues about the vampires?” “Yes, and that’s one reason I’m here.” “What is the other reason?” “To see Renesmee.” “Oh.” I entered the house and went upstairs. Renesmee was in the kitchen holding a bag of ice. I hurried over to her and stood in front of her. I examined her hand and asked, “Renesmee, what have you done? What happened?” Renesmee shifted the ice to show me her hand. I held it, checking. “Seems like you’ve bruised your hand,” I remarked. Renesmee placed ice on her hand again. “It’s painful,” she mentioned. “How did you do it?” I asked. “I was stupid. I was trying to finish my song. I got so frustrated that I slammed my hand hard on the keys. I forgot I am half-human.” Chuckling, I looked at Renesmee’s hand, then back at her. “I see that. Be careful next time,” I advised. Renesmee nodded. Edward walked in. We all stared at him. He crossed his arms, curious. “Nessie, where’d you get that name?” he inquired. “I made it up,” I responded. Edward looked furious. He asked, “How long have you been calling her this?” “Since I was in her bedroom in her bed that night, Bella had to come and get me,” I responded. Edward nodded. “Bella will discover and become upset,” he stated. “Keep it quiet. She won’t know,” I whispered. “Oh, I won’t because I...” “Because you what?” “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I like you and Renesmee together.” My eyebrows rose. Edward accepted us being together now? “You do because I always thought you hated me? I asked. “I do, but ever since you imprinted on Renesmee, you have kept her safe all these years. I’m very thankful for that,” Edward responded. “And I’ll always will.” Jacob smiled and met my gaze. Then he glanced at the bag of ice in Renesmee’s hand. Edward noticed my focus and looked at what I was looking at. He saw the ice in my hand. He approached us and inquired, “What happened here?” “I hit my hand against the piano because I got frustrated,” Renesmee responded. Edward smirked and said, “So you took out all your anger on the piano.” “Yeah... yeah, I guess so,” Renesmee responded. Edward laughed and said, “We should find Carlisle. He will know what to do.” After Edward left, Renesmee followed. In the living room, Bella decorated the Christmas tree. Approaching her, she turned and smiled. Descending the ladder, Bella faced me. “Hey Jacob, what’s up?” she greeted. “I have two things,” I responded. “Okay, spit it out.” “I need to talk to your family about the vampires in town, and also, your daughter has a bruised hand.” “Okay, but first, what happened to my daughter?” “Why don’t you talk to her yourself?” Bella left the living room, and Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie walked in. “Hey Jacob, where’s everyone?” Esme inquired. “They are in the library because Renesmee bruised her hand,” I responded. “Why?” Emmett asked. “She said that she got so frustrated trying to finish her song that she hit her hand hard on the piano.” “Oh, why would she do that? I would think she would know that she’s also half-human.” “I know, that’s what I thought.” Rosalie sat on the couch next to Emmett. She asked, “So why are you here?” Jasper and Alice occupied the far end of the couch. “I came because I have an announcement, and I need everybody together,” I responded. Rosalie nodded her head. I walked to the couch that looked like a chair and sat on it. Renesmee entered the room with an elasticized bandage wrapped around her hand. She smiled at me and came and sat down next to me. “Is your hand okay?” I asked. “Yeah, it needs to heal for a day,” Renesmee responded. I nodded, and Carlisle, Edward, and Bella walked in and sat down. “So, Jacob, what’s happening?” Bella inquired. “About the vampires. There’s a boy around Renesmee’s age and his mother,” I responded. “Can you provide the names of the mother and son?” Renesmee asked. “Mason and Scarlett Creighton,” I responded. “What do they want from Renesmee?” Bella inquired. “Mason wants to meet Renesmee,” I responded. “He wants to meet me. What’s so great about me? I’m quite boring,” Renesmee pondered. “You’re not boring. You’re perfect,” I said. When I took her unharmed hand, I felt stimulating sensations coursing through my body. I’d been getting them when we touched. I rubbed my thumb against her palm. “Yeah, right? You’re trying to cheer me up,” Renesmee remarked. “No, because it’s true. You’re beautiful, and I want you to know that,” I said. Renesmee blushed and looked down. Jasper broke the awkwardness by asking Jacob, “When are they coming?” I shifted my gaze from Renesmee to Jasper. “I don’t know,” I responded. “You don’t know?” Bella asked, looking puzzled. “Well, they might text you, Bella, because I kind of gave them your number,” I responded. “What? You gave them my number. Why would you do that?” “I had no choice. Besides, I didn’t tell the bloodsuckers where you live.” Bella sighed. She pulled out her phone, checked for messages, and exclaimed, “Guys, I got a message!” Edward asked, “What did they say?” “They want directions to this place,” Bella responded. “Then tell them. Knowing their desires is crucial,” Emmett emphasized. “Alright,” Bella responded. Bella texted them, and they texted her back. Then she sent another message. “They say they are coming tomorrow,” she said. “We need to protect Renesmee. I don’t trust them until we talk in person.” “Me too,” Edward said. I looked and noticed Renesmee’s frightened expression. I squeezed her hand and said, “Renesmee, don’t worry. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Renesmee nodded and leaned her head against my shoulder. I then wrapped my arms around her. Esme said, “Well, we should clean up, at least because they are guests.” “Yeah, me too.” Everyone else said. Everyone got up, leaving Renesmee and me alone in the living room. Renesmee’s P.O.V Now that everyone was gone, I was alone with Jacob again. “So,” I said. “So,” Jacob said. Jacob moved his hands down my back. He reached my waist and tickled me. I said, “Jacob, stop.” Jacob stopped and smiled. I gazed into his hazel eyes and inquired, “What was that for?” “To keep it from being awkward between us,” Jacob responded. “It’s not awkward.” “Are you sure? Every moment we share feels intense since we opened up about our feelings.” “Oh yeah, why don’t we make it less awkward?” I stood up and reached out for his hand. I put my hand in his and stood up. Alice noticed our hands intertwined and froze as we were leaving the room. I asked her, “Aunt Alice, what did you see?” “You and Jacob were together in high school,” “What do you mean, Jacob and me in high school?” “I’m not sure, but I saw you guys near the school.” “Why would Jacob be at school?” Jacob stood up and walked towards me. He asked, “Yeah, why would I be at school?” “I could be mistaken, but you could go back to school and attend school with Renesmee,” Aunt Alice responded. Why would Jacob go back to school? Is he doing this for my company? Turning to Jacob’s dark brown eyes, I exclaimed, “Great! Now I will already know someone at school.” “Wait, Renesmee; we don’t know when this is?” Alice asked. I shifted my gaze from Jacob to Alice. “Then I’ll pray that he goes to school with me the first year,” I said. Alice nodded and walked out of the living room. Jacob looked puzzled. I took his hand and asked, “What’s wrong, Jacob?” “Nothing, I’m confused. Never considered returning to school. Why would I desire to?” “I don’t know. There gotta be a reason for it.” Jacob smiled and took my hand. He said, “You might be right.” “I’m always right,” I declared. Jacob rolled his eyes and pulled me into a warm embrace, wrapping his arms around me. I could stay like this forever.
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