Chapter Seven

2077 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V The following day, I felt trapped once more, suffocated by the weight of confinement. The new vampires arrived, and my choices were hunting or staying in the cottage or the main house. I felt bored, so I spent most of my time sitting on the couch, watching T.V. I heard the door open. I turned and saw my mom’s worried face coming closer to me. She asked, “Why are you alone?” “I have no other obligations, so I enjoy leisure time alone,” I responded. My mom came over and sat next to me on the bed. I could feel her love and concern. “Honey, you shouldn’t be here alone. Jacob told you to stay indoors, but we didn’t mean hanging in your room alone. Esme and I are making sugar cookies for Christmas, and you could help,” she said. I looked at my mother, puzzled. “You never eat cookies,” I remarked. “I know, but you and Jacob do.” I nodded my head. As my mom stood up from the bed, I could hear the creaking of the mattress springs. She said, “Let’s go.” “Alright,” I said. I got up, and we headed to the main house. Jacob’s P.O.V I discovered our packs in the kitchen at Emily’s place. Sam asked if they had contacted me. “No, but I keep getting their scent everywhere. So every morning I’m out,” I responded. “They are likely hunting during the night before we wake up.” My eyes met Embry’s and Quil’s, their expressions mirroring my curiosity. I asked them, “Will you both come with me?” “Sure.” They both said. I stepped outside, sensing their presence. I faced Embry and Quil. “We’re on the night shift to hunt vampires,” I stated. “Alright.” They both said. “Can you tell Seth and Leah when you see them? I need to check on Renesmee at the Cullens.” “Alright.” “Thanks. Well, I got to go. Bye,” “Bye.” As they went back inside, I revved up my motorcycle and set off towards Cullen’s house. Renesmee’s P.O.V While Esme hunted with the rest of the family, I assisted mom with baking the cookies. I felt terrible that my mom had to stay there to watch me. She should go. “Mom, I got this. You can leave now. I’ll be okay,” I reassured her. “Are you sure?” inquired Mom. “Yeah.” “Alright.” My mom washed her hands with warm water and dried them with a towel, ensuring each finger was dry. Then she walked over to me and kissed my head. She said, “I’ll see you later.” “Alright,” I said. After my mom left the kitchen, I cleaned the dishes and baked the cookies. While doing this, I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I hesitated to turn around because of uncertainty about the person present. I felt a faint breath against my neck, which surprised me and made me shiver. I then heard that familiar voice whisper in my ear. “Guess who it is?” Jacob whispered. I smiled and guessed. “My best friend,” I responded. “Lucky guess.” I turned and stood inches away from Jacob, his presence towering over me. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a patrol?” I asked. “I changed my plans because I learned those vampires hunt at night. I’ll search for them tonight,” Jacob responded. “So, does that mean you’re hanging out with me today?” “No, I came to check on you to ensure you’re okay.” “Oh.” “But if you want me here, I can stay?” “I want you here. I always do.” The silence was palpable as Jacob’s smile met my gaze, creating a moment of connection between us. I ran my fingers over his chest, marveling at the sculpted muscles beneath my touch. I had never taken the time to appreciate how fit and attractive he was. Jacob moved away from me, creating a widening gap between us. He strolled around the kitchen counter and spoke. “What have you been cooking today? It smells delicious.” I approached the counter with Jacob on the other side. “I made sugar cookies, and they are baking in the oven,” I responded. Jacob smiled. His eyes twinkled with anticipation. “They will taste delicious once they’re done,” he said. “We made these for Christmas, but they’ll disappear before then,” I remarked. Jacob nodded and continued to smile at me. He asked, “Do you want to watch something while we wait for the cookies?” “Sure,” We walked to the couch, its soft cushions beneath us, as Jacob and I settled beside him. I grabbed the remote. Jacob put his arm on the back of the couch behind him. I felt uncomfortable, but I ignored the feeling. I flipped through channels until I found a show called ‘Vampire Diaries’ airing on C.W. “Do you know what this show is?” I asked. Jacob grabbed the remote from my hand and changed the channel. He spoke with dislike, saying, “Yes, I don’t like it.” Jacob dislikes this, as more vampires are falling for humans. I laid back on the couch while he changed the channel to sports. I wouldn’t say I liked sports, but I said nothing. He leaned back and glanced at the T.V. I watched a little, but I dozed off. Fifteen minutes later, the oven went off, and I got the cookies out. I set the pan on the stove, and a minute later, Jacob walked in. Jacob reached for a cookie. He smelled its delicious aroma. “Can I have one?” he asked. I swatted Jacob’s hand as he reached for the cookies. “No, they need to cool first,” I responded. Jacob gave a cute pouty face and spoke. “Oh, right?” I laughed and shook my head. “You’re always so eager,” I said. Jacob smirked and said, “Well, I’m like those guys.” “Big hairy puppies, I know,” I remarked. Jacob raised his eyebrows. “Are you calling me a puppy?” He inquired. “Yeah, that’s what I said,” I responded. Jacob approached me with a playful smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief, trying to pick me up. In a fiery indignation, I exclaimed, “Oh hell no!” The intensity of my words hung heavy in the air, fueling my swift exit from the kitchen. Jacob chased me through the living room and library, laughter and squeals filling the air. I flailed and shouted, my voice echoing through the air. Jacob snatched me and hoisted me over his shoulder. I pleaded for him to put me down, but he ignored me. He carried me to the couch, dropping me on my back and getting on top of me. Jacob’s weight was on me, making it hard to breathe. I shouted as I pushed against his chest, “Get off me!” I yelled. Jacob smirked and grabbed my hands. He said, “Promise not to call me a puppy again.” I pouted in frustration and tried to free my hand, but he met my efforts with his unyielding strength. Stupid half-human strength. I stared at him, narrowing my eyes as I saw through his mischievous act. I told him, “You are a wicked pup.” Jacob’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He seemed startled. “Hey, what did you call me?” he inquired. I smirked and said, “You heard me.” “I’ll let you go if you promise not to call me that again,” Jacob said. I sighed in exasperation and said, “Fine.” Jacob then released his weight from being on top of me, and I rose from the couch. “You can be so tenacious sometimes,” I said. “Why do you think that?” Jacob inquired, seeking clarification. “You only compromise when you achieve your desires.” “That’s what I am.” I rolled my eyes and returned to the kitchen from the couch. Entering the kitchen, the smell of fresh cookies beckoned. I grabbed two plates, loaded them with cookies, and walked to Jacob on the couch. Handing him a plate, he devoured a cookie, speechless with crumbs. “Thanks,” Jacob mumbled. “Your eating habits are quite indulgent,” I stated while getting napkins. Jacob said nothing and continued to eat the cookies. Upon returning, Jacob had finished his meal since his plate was empty. Surprised, I exclaimed, “You must have been starving!” “Yeah, I ate a little this morning,” Jacob responded. As I approached Jacob, I nodded and wiped the crumbs off his face with the napkin. Jacob’s eyes locked onto mine, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he studied my face. We had a moment, and I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks grow warm. I removed the napkin from Jacob’s face, and he met my gaze, speaking, “You’re so beautiful.” I blushed again, and Jacob’s hand moved a strand of my hair from my face and placed it behind my ear. His thumb caressed my cheek as his gaze locked onto my eyes before shifting to my lips. Was he going to kiss me? Did I even want him to? I felt confused and unsure. I turned my head and moved away from him before he could kiss me. I said, “We can’t. It will cause trouble if we get caught.” Jacob’s desire was evident in his eyes as he moved closer to me. He expressed frustration, saying, “I am frustrated that you can go on dates but not with me.” Jacob’s face near mine quickened my heart. It was his usual impact on me. “Jacob...” I whispered. His gaze fixated on my lips. I could sense his hunger for me in his eyes. “I want to kiss you,” he whispered. I wanted to kiss him, but I held back to protect him. So, I spoke up and said, “We can’t.” Jacob sighed, avoiding my gaze. He tried to walk away, but I stopped him. “Hey, Jacob, I care for you, but we can’t be together,” I explained. Jacob didn’t believe me, and he wouldn’t look at me. So I lifted his chin. I wanted him to meet my gaze. “Jacob, listen to me. I want you. Believe me. I have feelings for you I don’t understand. I want to kiss you, but my parents won’t allow it. If they find out we kissed, I can’t see you again. You’re important to me,” I expressed. Jacob checked my eyes for honesty, then nodded in agreement. He embraced me, saying, “I get it. I don’t want to lose you.” I smiled and embraced Jacob, squeezing him with all my might. He pulled away and said, “Nessie, you’ve gotten so strong!” “I know; I’ve been drinking too much blood.” Jacob felt the small muscle I had built as he stroked my arm, sending tingles down my body. Jacob smirked and said, “You could be as strong as me someday.” I laughed and said, “You’re not as strong as me.” Jacob nudged me. He said, “Yeah, right.” I nudged him back, and we laughed together. Jacob then heard a distant howling sound. It interrupted our mirth. Jacob stood up, his voice echoing through the room as he declared, “That’s my cue. I should leave now.” “Wait, why so early? I thought patrols started this evening,” I asked. “I don’t know. It must be an emergency,” Jacob responded. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you later.” “You too.” We both rose from our seats, and he held me close in a warm hug. He pulled away from me, went downstairs, and left. I returned to the kitchen and finished putting the rest of the cookies I made on another plate.
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